Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 25: Eyes and ears

Han Liu apparently made a mark all the way. He took the people around and rushed out of the mountain range in just half an hour. There is a wilderness in front of him. From a distance, you can see many warriors in the wilderness. Fight.

"go there!"

Han Liu body rushed to the left along the mountain range, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others didn't stop, Xiao Lang's divine sense discovered that there were hundreds of people fighting in front of him. It was the warriors of God and Demon who were fighting each other. There are actually some coyote wild beasts lurking in the mound of grass and thorns around, seeming to want to pick some cheap.

"Don't look, it's Fu's family! They can't die."

Xuanyuan Tianming sent a message, Xiao Lang frowned, he remembered that there was a Supreme God named Fu Yuqun? Is it a descendant of the Supreme God?

Xuanyuan Tianming turned his head and nodded, Xiao Lang didn't dare to look at it quickly. The descendants of the Supreme God are basically full of arrogance, don't be involved. If by any chance they ask for help, it is not good for you to help, nor is it good not to help...

Everyone made a detour, sneaked into a huge forest on the left, and walked deep into the forest, but they all became sad. There are countless coyote wild beasts in the forest. This coyote wild beast is not high in strength and only in the Divine Sovereign realm. It is small but bigger than the human head. There are too many problems! And it seems to have adapted to the gravity here, the speed is very fast.


Xuanyuan Tianxin slammed dozens of coyotes into the air with a single palm, and said to Hanliu, "Or? Get out! Get entangled with these beasts. If there is a military attack, it will be troublesome!"


The coyotes were knocked off one by one, and Han Liu also had a headache. A steady stream of coyotes rushed in the distance, and there were tens of thousands of coyotes casually explored by the divine sense. Who knows how many? If it keeps on killing it, it would be really troublesome to be attacked.

"No! Brother Tianxin, have you forgotten the way of heaven that I realized?"

Xiao Lang suddenly smiled, Xuanyuan Tianming slapped his head and exclaimed: "This kid has sentimentalism and can domesticate ten thousand beasts."

Xuanyuan Tianyu was the sentimental sentiment before, but after such a long time interval, everyone didn't think of it for a while. Xuanyuan Tianxin suddenly awakened, and immediately said overjoyed: "Quick, quick! Xiao Lang is quick to domesticate, this is countless eyes! With these coyotes, we will have a greater chance of finding the Ling Meng Bird."

Xiao Lang thought the same way. Numerous colorful love characters roared out of his body and flew into the coyote's head, and slices of coyotes were instantly domesticated.

"This is the love of the ten highest heavens in the legend? It's really peculiar." Everyone in the Han family sighed.

Xiao Lang's body shot forward, and the domesticated coyote immediately dispersed in all directions, becoming Xiao Lang's eyes and ears.

Running all the way, the coyotes are really endless. In half an hour, Xiao Lang domesticated millions of them, and there were countless coyotes rushing here in the depths of the jungle.

"Where is the Red Mountain Range?"

Xiao Lang turned his head and asked Han Liu, Han Liu pointed to the right front, and Xiao Lang led everyone to rush away from the front.

Soon everyone was out of the forest, but Xiao Lang did not go out into the wilderness, instead, he followed the edge of the forest and walked all the way forward, while the little coyotes scattered all around and began to explore.

"Detour, there is a strong demon lurking over there!"

After running for a while, Xiao Lang suddenly turned and walked towards the depths of the forest. At this moment, Xiao Lang seemed to be the leader of the team. His coyote can easily detect tens of thousands of miles in the distance, which is much better than God's Sense.

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang is good." Xuanyuan Tiangang was overjoyed. The possibility of Xiao Lang being in danger will be greatly reduced. Whose divine consciousness can explore tens of thousands of miles? Even if the soul reaches the peak of the **** ancestor, it can reach hundreds of thousands of meters, right?

Xiao Lang took everyone around in the deep forest, domesticated hundreds of thousands of coyotes again, and walked in the direction specified by Han Liu.

"That's it. The Red Mountain Range is over there. We were chased by the monster race just now. Be careful. There are many warriors over there. The Xiu Family and Zimeivine Clan are also over there. Is it by their hands?"

After running for half an hour again, Han Liu pointed to the distance and let out a deep cry. Xuanyuan Tianxin found a huge mountain range and the mud and rocks were actually red. No wonder Han Liu said the Red Mountain Range.

"There are indeed a lot of people, a lot of monster races and demon domain powerhouses."

Xiao Lang also sighed. His coyotes had already arrived near the Red Mountain Range, and many of them had already been killed. When everyone saw his eyes cast on him, he probed for a while and his eyes were full of brilliance, and he ran to the left, and he drew a deep drink: "There is only a small group of people here, they are monsters. Everyone is going to fight in."

Xiao Lang spoke, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others believed him very much, and immediately followed him to the front. The Han family hesitated for a while, and followed.

After running for a while, Xiao Lang suddenly accelerated, rushed out of the forest, and shot towards a hole in front of him.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang was in the air, a small colorful palm suddenly hit a hole in the far left, and at the same time he drank to Xuanyuan Tianxin, "Big Brother Tianxin, the attack collapsed this hole. There are dozens of demon domains inside. The warrior is coming out."

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin immediately greeted, and several people released energy attacks at the same time, smashing towards the left side of the cave, shaking the mountain, and the cave mouth immediately collapsed, blocking all the cave mouths to death.


Countless coyotes rushed into the cave early in front, Xiao Lang followed the coyotes in, and immediately controlled the coyotes to rush forward and scatter away. ,


When Xuanyuan Tianxin rushed in, the coyote in front of the cave was already at war with more than a dozen monsters, Xiao Lang's eyes coldly shouted: "Go and help, the coyote is killed, we have no eyesight."

Everyone hurriedly flew away and quickly arrived at the center of the battlefield. They all smiled when they swept away their consciousness. All the monster races were injured, and they were chased by hyenas at this moment...

This is actually a group of relatively advanced monster races, all of them are humanoids, and they have long horns on their heads, and almost all of their armor is broken, dripping with blood. The speed is also very slow, but the strength has basically reached the divine ancestor.

"call out!"

In such a battle, there was no human feelings and morals to say, Xiao Lang immediately released the slaying, and shot at a monster race.


Xuanyuan Tianxin and others also immediately started, more than a dozen **** ancestor peak powerhouses bombarded and killed thousands of coyotes, and almost all of the group of monsters were killed. There were only one or two monsters. The family is dying.

"Don't kill us, we know where the Ling Meng Bird is!"

The surviving Monster Race screamed when Xuanyuan Tianxin was about to do it again. Xuanyuan Tianxin stopped quickly, and the black light flashed in Zhi Xiao Lang's eyes, and at the same time he released his love, killing the two monster races directly.

"Needless to say, Ling Meng Bird should be right ahead, there is a large-scale melee over there, go!"

Xiao Lang burst into a drink, the coyote had already detected the situation there, so naturally he didn't need this monster clan nonsense. It's not good to keep them alive, in case they are retaliated later.

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