Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 40: Chaos Blood Oath

"Where is this?"

Obscurely, Xiao Lang opened his eyes but saw the darkness, his body was torn like pain when he moved, and he just wanted to look inside, but his eyes went dark and fainted.

I don’t know how long it took, one day or one year?

Xiao Lang woke up again. When he woke up this time, his injuries were much better, and the surroundings were still pitch black. He looked at his body for the first time and made sure that there was no major problem with his body. Only then did he reach out and search around.

"Hmm... Am I still alive?"

He suddenly thought of a question, remembering what happened before he passed out. He remembered that he was involved in the black hole of space. At this moment, he came to a strange cave inexplicably? Still stranger all around?

It is not that the terrain is unfamiliar, but the breath is unfamiliar. God's realm is inhabited by humans, so it has the special aura of God's realm, and demon realm is a monster race and also has a special aura. He rolled his eyes and exclaimed: "Could it be that I am in the Demon Realm now?"

Xiao Lang was even more shocked in his heart, the more he felt like it, because there was a ghastly smell all around him, if he hadn't died in the Underworld Mansion, he might really be in the Demon Realm.

And he is very sure that he is still alive, this matter is evil!

How could he survive the distortion of space? And also from the center of the chaotic star sea, came directly to the Demon Realm? Could it be that he was brought here by the Supreme God of Demon Realm?

"its not right!"

Xiao Lang remembered clearly that at the last moment a supreme **** wanted to grab the soul orb, but gave up halfway. The Supreme God of God's Domain dared not enter, how could the Supreme God of Demon's Domain save him?

"Don't... think about it, it was this seat who used supernatural powers... to send you... here."

At this moment, a sound transmission sounded abruptly in Xiao Lang's mind, and he almost jumped in fright. His consciousness shot around like electricity, but he didn't notice any abnormality nearby. He suddenly felt that the voice was a little familiar, and exclaimed: "You, are you the remnant soul of that wild beast?"


The space above Xiao Lang's body trembled for a while, and a remnant soul appeared. It was the remnant soul of that sacred beast. The remnant soul on its body had become extremely weak, and it seemed that the energy was almost exhausted.

It stared at Xiao Lang with cold eyes and said, "Human...can you do something for this seat? If you can't...this seat's soul orb will...not be used for you."

Xiao Lang stood up and sat up with difficulty, and opened his dry lips and said, "Say it, you can save my life, even if I were to kill the Supreme God, I wouldn't blink!"

There are no mood swings in the four eyes of the Beast, and the ice is like ten thousand years of ice. The ghost face is very scary, and it has a vague voice: "How do you know...this seat wants you to kill the Supreme God? Hmm... What this seat wants you to do is to kill Long Ao. If... you can make the Chaos Blood Oath... kill Long Ao, this seat will give you the soul orb for refining..."


Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly opened, and he casually said, this scorpion beast actually asked him to kill the Supreme God?

What is the Supreme God?

That is the most powerful existence in the world, a fierce man who can resurrect the dead. He didn't know the specific strength of the Supreme God, but he knew that the Supreme God was invincible. At least the heavens and the earth had existed for so long before the 21 Supreme Gods were born, and now there is no one dead.

So don't talk about his current strength, even if he breaks through to become the supreme god, he can't kill Long Ao. Then this scorpion beast made him swear to kill Longao, isn't this a bullshit?

Seeing that Xiao Lang hadn't spoken for a while, the Beast Beast said again: " dare not?"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's not that I didn't dare. I can't kill him. I can't even beat Longqi to his great, great, great-grandson. Are you kidding? Can the Supreme God kill him?"

The Beast continued to say indifferently: "Can you kill it... That's your business, I don't care... You must make the Chaos Blood Oath, and you can't kill Longao within ten years... You will die, otherwise... Ben I would rather destroy the soul orb!"

"Damn! Is there a problem with this sacred beast?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help cursing secretly anymore, and asked him to kill a supreme **** within ten years. Is this ferocious beast mad? Is this what people said? Um... not right! Beasts are beasts, not humans. Obviously there is a problem with the IQ of this beast? Otherwise, the words are vague and obscure?

Soul orbs are good things, and Xiao Lang wants them very much, even though he doesn't know where they are. But for the sake of his life, he was prepared to refuse. He can survive, so naturally he doesn't want to die. Even if he is in the Demon Realm at this moment, he can find a way to sneak back to the God Realm, right?

Because this stubborn beast saved his life, he couldn't refuse directly, and said in silence: "My lord, why do you have to let me kill Long Ao in ten years? Does it have any special meaning?"

The Beast was stunned for a moment, and said, "In order to save used the original supernatural powers. Therefore, this seat can only survive for ten years...Long Ao killed this seat’s wife, and this seat wants to see you help before he died... This seat takes revenge! Humans...If you don’t agree to this will undoubtedly die...This is the center of the Demon Realm...There are Demon Lords can't get out of strength at all."

"The center of the Demon Realm?"

The corner of Xiao Lang's mouth twitched, and he looked at the Beast Beast with some doubts, did it deliberately bring itself here, the purpose is to force itself to agree to its conditions? But at this moment, he understood why this sacred beast would be furious after learning the name of the dragon knight, and would initiate a natural restraint and destroy everyone in the evil realm. The feeling is that Long Ao killed its wife. .

"Mozun? Tianzun of Demon Realm?"

Thinking of the horror of the Demon Martial Artist, and the unreasonable killings, Xiao Lang shuddered, afraid that he was discovered by the Demon Martial Artist, and he would definitely not die, right?

He smiled bitterly, and looked at the Beast Beast and said, "My lord, aren't you driving the duck to the shelves? Even if I refine your soul orbs, my strength will not increase much. I am the abandoned body of the gods. I don’t know if the refining is effective? Besides, I don’t know if I killed Long Ao in ten years, I don’t know if I can beat Tianzun in the early stage..."

The Suma Beast ignored Xiao Lang's spitting out bitter water, but said coldly, "Finally, I ask you, do you swear the chaotic blood oath? Don't swear... this seat will destroy the soul orb."


Xiao Lang was completely convinced, and thought for a moment that his current strength could barely reach the pinnacle of the ancestors, fearing that it would be really difficult to escape the demon realm, so why did he agree to the conditions of the monstrous beast? Can you live another ten years like this? If there is a chance to escape back, it would be a good thing to see Hongdou and the others.

"Okay, I swear! By the way... what is that chaotic blood oath you said? Just swear it like this?"

Xiao Lang went out and nodded and said, the remnant soul of the monstrous beast in the sky suddenly disappeared, a blood-red bead appeared in the air, and at the same time a clear breeze entered Xiao Lang's head and entered his soul.

Suddenly the remnant soul of the beast began to speak: "Don't resist, this seat will help you conclude the Chaos Blood Oath... As long as the blood oath is successfully concluded, if you don't kill Longao within ten years... I'm teaching you how to refine soul orbs!"

"Malle Gobi!"

Xiao Lang rolled his eyes, this ferocious beast was really insane, and he forcibly concluded a blood oath for him. This is to kill him...

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