Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 42: Exposed

If you want to have devil qi in your body, you must practice the demon domain's exercises, and the demon domain's exercises almost always plunder other people's energy, or even eat them directly. The result of this practice is that people are not humans and ghosts. No ghost, there is no human being at all, and it is no different from beasts and demons.

Xiao Lang could actually catch one or two Demon Martial Artists alive, and then ask them to obtain the Demon Territory's techniques, and then practice to devour them all the way and kill the Demon Martial Artists all the way. If this happens, they will have demonic energy. Go all the way out of the Demon Realm.

It's just... Will Xiao Lang do this?

Obviously not!

When he was in Tianzhou, because the Ruthless Sword would become cold-blooded and ruthless, he would rather abandon that sword than practice Ruthless Heaven. So at this moment, let him become a beast and a demon-like demon warrior, he would rather die.

Then he has only one way out, and that is to work hard to improve his strength. Before the Demon Martial Artist discovers him, let his comprehensive strength reach Tianzun, so that he can have a one in ten thousand chance to get out of the Demon Realm all the way.

So after killing the Demon Martial Artist, he didn't dare to go out and continue to practice. The map of world evolution is still nothing, but the map of the avenue tree has some insights. This made him very excited. After all, after so long, he was finally going to see the blue sky through the clouds and mist, so he naturally felt more positively.

"Well, the several large formations in this map can probably be comprehended. Now it's up to see if they can be integrated and used. Although the human body meridian is much simpler than the avenue tree map, it can be used. The combat power can be increased several times."

Xiao Lang nodded, and once again entered the state of soul-traveling, and he was completely silent and contemplated. He realized several formations in the context map, several super-energy-gathering energy storage resonance formations. If these formations can be used in his body, the combat power will be terrifying.

A few days later, Xiao Lang’s cultivation was interrupted again, because seven or eight demon martial artists passed by, but they were all low-level. When the demon qi whizzed past, Xiao Lang was inevitably discovered and could only take action. Kill all that group of people.

Xiao Lang was very unlucky. Within a few days, one or two demon martial artists passed by. The demon martial artists seemed to wander around looking for prey like ghosts. Fortunately, the demon martial artists passing by during this period are not strong. The strongest is only in the early stage of the ancestor. Xiao Lang's soul is very strong at this moment, and the power of slaying is very powerful. Every time before the enemy does not react, he kills directly. Up.

After Xiao Lang was killed, he continued to practice, and he continued to comprehend the map without running around. After more than two months, he finally understood the formation completely, but he still didn't know how to operate on him.

The theory has been learned, and now it is left to practice. Many theories may be right, but they may be wrong if they are applied to themselves, and it is a big question whether they can learn and apply them flexibly.

"call out!"

Another demon martial artist flew in the distance, and Xiao Lang felt the monstrous demon energy before he even approached. His eyes opened suddenly, his face was extremely solemn, and his body was murderous.

This is a **** ancestor of the demon domain, or the late **** ancestor, this will be the strongest enemy encountered in the demon domain. In the later stage of the **** ancestor, he was sure to kill. The problem was that he was not sure to kill in seconds. If this demon martial artist escaped, it would lead to endless disasters.

He is not investigating his condensed breath and consciousness, he just enters the state of soul travel to sense the fluctuation of the space, and judge the distance of the demon martial artist away from him.

"call out!"

He burst out of the cave suddenly, because the opponent speeded up and flew toward this side, which shows that the opponent has found himself. In mid-air, his sense of consciousness had just locked the demon martial artist, but he saw countless black qi turning into tens of thousands of arrows and roaring, and the power seemed to want to smash all the nearby mountains.

"call out!"

Instead of attacking, he turned around and fled, but his speed started to slow down, and the energy outside his body formed a shield to resist the attack of the black air arrow.

"Boom boom!"

Countless air arrows flew and hit his shield. Xiao Lang was immediately surprised when he sensed it, because the air arrows could corrode his energy shield like the poisonous mist of the poisonous dragon, but fortunately they were not poisonous.

"Shenyu Martial Artist? Haha, do you still want to escape?"

The ancestor of the Demon Realm whizzed out like a goshawk, and his black energy shot out randomly, turning into thousands of air arrows to continuously shoot on Xiao Lang's body. Of course, there are many air arrows shot on the nearby mountains, small peaks burst one by one, and where the air arrows pass, the flowers and trees wither and wither, and their vitality disappears.

"Ten thousand meters, eight kilometers, five kilometers!"

Xiao Lang ran in a "worried" manner while calculating the distance. His shield was already weak as a straw paper and might burst at any time, but he still didn't fight back, and still ran away frantically.

"call out!"

After running for another 10,000 meters, the distance between the two sides was also 3,000 meters, and Xiao Lang's shield finally broke. At that moment, his body also flew up like a dragon, a love word whizzed out from behind, disappeared into the void, and appeared on the head of the demon ancestor in the next second.


He twisted his body in mid-air, evaded several air arrows, and immediately released the slaying kill. At the same time, the God Splitting Hand was released, and his body shot and turned back into a sky full of claws to kill the demon ancestor.


The demon ancestor was stunned, just now he thought that Xiao Lang's shield could be easily smashed. Did not expect such a fierce attack suddenly? Especially the two black lights slaying Sui Yu made him feel trembling deep in his soul.


A billowing black mist was suddenly released from his body, and layers of black mist solidified in the extracorporeal circulation, like layers of cocoons.


The slaying power is very powerful, and it is bursting out layer by layer above the black mist, but the defense of this demon martial artist is really good. When the energy was exhausted, the black mist's defense still didn't burst completely.


Xiao Lang's eyes were cold and murderous like a rainbow, and God Splitting's hand fiercely grabbed it through the black mist. When he thought that God Splitting Hand was so powerful, the defense almost burst at this moment, and this demon ancestor was bound to die.


All the defensive armor made from the black mist was shattered and burst into the air, but what shocked Xiao Lang was that there was no one inside, so the Demon Realm God Ancestor suddenly disappeared?

"Malle Gobi!"

He cursed inwardly, reacted immediately, and immediately entered the state of astral wandering, and at the same time, his divine consciousness scanned around.

"Want to escape?"

Sure enough, not surprisingly, the bursting black mist rushed toward the ground like lightning, quickly condensing a figure, and fleeing madly from the ground.

How could Xiao Lang let him go? If he escapes, it will cause endless and ruthless Demon Martial Artists to chase and kill him. He immediately shoots toward the bottom of the ground, and he is released for the first time.


Wherever Suan killed, the two straight lines of underground soil turned into nothingness, and they shot straight away at the demon ancestor.


The demon ancestor's body burst again, but turned into four black auras and fled in all directions. Xiao Lang was dumbfounded and could only stand dumbfounded on the spot, watching the four black auras disappear in the distance...


He paused, and his body immediately rushed towards the distance to explore the divine sense. He has been exposed, and now he can only escape as far as possible, otherwise there will be all demon martial artists in the vicinity within a long time.

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