Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 50: Good means

Don't mix in the chaotic star sea!

How aggressive is this sentence? The demon domain Tianzun was all shocked, Xing Tian prepared to fight hundreds of them with the seven of them? Want to leave half? At the moment, Tianzun in the Demon Realm was all furious, and Xing Tian was so mad that he wanted to fight the entire Demon Realm alone!

Demon Tianzun was furious, and all the black mist nearby rolled over, covering a million miles of the sky. Yan Zun looked at Xing Tian and sneered: "Today the deity is about to move. This deity wants to see how you left half of us. ?"

Xing Tian smiled and waved, "Then you can take a look!"


As soon as Xing Tian's words were finished, the surrounding space fluctuated continuously, and a famous Tianzun kept appearing, all standing behind them seven, with murderous aura, only a few moments, the Tianzun had already exceeded a hundred!

The expressions of the demon's Tianzun have all changed. Xingtian's seven people are all at the peak of Tianzun and each have their own unique skills. Xingtian's strength can easily kill the peak of Tianzun. Now there are more than 100 Tianzuns. If you want to leave half of them People are really relaxed.

Xing Tian did not hesitate to mobilize all the heavens in the chaotic Xinghai for one person? More than a hundred people came, and almost all the leaders of the pirate army were called, right?


Yan Zun was about to say something, the sky in the distance trembled again, and a tall man with gray hair appeared. He saw Xiao Lang, who was still dying in the distance, breathed a sigh of relief, and saw Xing Tian confronting the warriors of the Demon Realm. A black Shura axe in his hand immediately appeared and roared: "Who dares to move Xiao Lang? I will be chased by the war demon. Killing him in the Demon Realm will even cut him a thousand times!"

War demon!

There is another invincible fierce under the Supreme God, and the Demon Domain Tianzun is completely embarrassed. Today's matter is no longer a matter of whether or not to kill Xiao Lang, it is a matter of the face of Demon Realm.

If Xiao Lang were to be let go, they would not be able to lift their heads when they returned to the Demon Realm, and their value in the eyes of the Supreme God would be low, so they would not dare to fight or kill? What is it for? Are you coming to shame yourself?

"All the people obey orders and kill me! Kill as many as you can, and then withdraw to the Demon Realm after the killing, to see who dares to pursue?

Yan Zun was angry and began to transmit his voice secretly, his eyes locked on Xiao Lang, and the black energy on his body suddenly rolled, and a big red palm was condensed again and he was about to shoot Xiao Lang.


At this moment, a loud shout came from the south, and the sound shook Yan Zun's eardrums like thunder, but he looked suspicious when he glanced over. It's Tianzun from the Demon Realm, what does this matter have to do with the Demon Realm?

"Purple Thousand Blades?"

Xuanyuan Tianzun was about to start killing. He was about to rush in to protect Xiao Lang. It turned out that Zi Qianblade and the others suddenly lit up, but he was very hesitant. Didn’t Zi Meihuang look at Xiao Lang too much? ? Why are you willing to help?

Purple Thousand Blade raised a purple token in his hand and said loudly: "This is the token of the Purple Charm Emperor, the original words of the Purple Charm Emperor, the demon heavens give the emperor a face, all retreat."

Countless gods swept over, locked the token, and sensed the aura in the token, and everyone bent over to salute the token. The token of the Supreme God is generally not easy to use. Once it appears, it represents the presence of the Supreme God. As the top 21 people in this world, the warriors of the Chaos World must give sufficient respect.

For the next thing, everything was a matter of course.

Xiao Lang passed out completely at this moment. With the token of the Purple Charm Emperor, the demon martial artist naturally wanted to save face. And they just took the opportunity to step down, and they won't laugh when they return to the Demon Realm. Most importantly, once the war starts, so many of them will never be able to return more than half, they are not stupid.

"The face of the Purple Charm Emperor will naturally be given. You will remember Xing Tian's affairs today. If you dare to set foot in the Demon Realm, the deity will promise you to come back alive without your life."

Yan Zun left a sentence and took all the Demon Realm Heavenly Sovereigns to fly towards the distant Demon Realm. As soon as Xing Tian waved a Heavenly Sovereign and flew over and carried Xiao Lang back, he and Xuanyuan Tianzun flew towards Zi Qianblade.

Zi Qianbeng and the two were polite for several times before looking at Xiao Lang who had passed out and said: "This kid's speed of progress has surprised my emperor. His current strength is barely able to reach the heavenly sovereign. This is still one thing. The Supreme God of the Demon Territory sent the message to the Purple Charm Emperor, otherwise things will be troublesome today! The Queen of the Night also brought a sentence to let Xiao Lang be all right, and went to the Purple Emperor Palace to stay for a while. miss him."

The words of Zi Qianbn surprised everyone, even Xing Tian was not very clear about Xiao Lang's affairs in the Demon Realm, only that he had escaped from the hinterland of the Demon Realm alone.

Didn't expect his strength to reach Heavenly Lord? But think about it, if Xiao Lang can escape under the siege of so many warriors in the Demon Territory, his strength must be greatly increased, and he also has supernatural powers against the sky.

Zi Qianren went back to his life, Xing Tian waved the crowd away, and flew towards Xingtian Palace with Xuanyuan Tianzun and the six star monarchs. Xiao Lang fainted at this moment, naturally it was not easy to move a lot, and flew all the way back with the strength of the people, and it only took a few days.

Xiao Lang suffered a very serious injury this time, and Yan Zun's attack not only hurt his body but also shocked his soul. In addition, he was injured in the back and was still fleeing forcibly.

After Xingtian and others flew back to Xingtian Palace, Xiao Lang hadn't woken up yet!

However, after Xuanyuan Tianzun received a report, his face changed drastically and Xing Tian confessed a few words, and he immediately moved towards God's Domain. When he left, his face was so bad and murderous that Xingtian Palace’s subordinates were shocked. Xiao Lang was still recovering from Xingtian Palace. Xuanyuan Tianzun left in such a hurry. Could it be that Xuanyuan Mountain had something serious?

There was indeed a major event in Xuanyuan Mountain, a major event that shocked the Land of Destruction.

Just now, a huge city in the west of Xuanyuan Mountain was attacked by a group of mysterious ancestors. When Xuanyuan Tianxin led the ancestor of Xuanyuan Mountain to rescue, the group of people evacuated.

When Xuanyuan Tianxin woke up and rushed to Tianzhou City for the first time, the city had already fallen. The people in the city were almost dead, the city was razed to the ground, and all of Xiao Lang's immediate family members disappeared out of thin air.

When Xuanyuan Tianxin sent the message to Liuhuo Tianzun for the first time, Liuhuo Tianzun happened to be not in the land of destruction, but Fengshanyi Tianzun was unable to rush over in retreat.

Xuanyuan Tianxin could only send a message to Xuanyuan Tianzun, and then went to Shura City and asked the people of the Xiu family to issue a hunting order, looking for the relatives of Xiao Lang's family and the group of attackers.


He was outside the Shura City Lord Fortress and waited for half an hour before he was received by Xiu Jian and Xiu Yuan!

He went to Xiu Luobao and unexpectedly discovered that Young Master Dragon Knight was a guest inside. When Xiu Jian issued an order and the entire Destruction Land began to investigate, the group of people in black had already fled to the West and soon left the Destruction Land. Sphere of influence...

After half a day, a letter was received in Xuanyuan City, and a legion that claimed to be "Tiger Blade" stated that it was responsible for the matter. He also notified Xuanyuan Tianxin and asked Xiao Lang to rush to Qinglong Mountain within three months, daring to take people there or be late, and kill all the arrested without leaving.

When I received the letter, Xuanyuan Tianxin was still in Shura City, and the opposite was Xiu Jian Xiu Yuan and Longqi. The faces of several people were very solemn and seemed to be very concerned about it. But in Xuanyuantian's mind, it looked like three beasts with hidden fangs, making him feel cold all over.

The only thought in his mind is, Longqi is a good method!

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