Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 60: interesting

Qinglong Mountain is not big. Xiao Lang's spiritual consciousness can easily cover the entire mountain. There are no relatives in the mountain, and none of them.

The Red Bean Xiao Devil God Ouyang Cuicui and others were all arrested, and there were nearly a thousand people in total. It would be impossible for so many people to hide in the mountains. Even though he understood that no one was on the mountain, he went up the mountain, and the dragon rider took his weakness, and he must go up the mountain to die.

He actually didn't plan to live when he came to Qinglong Mountain, but if he couldn't let his wife and children survive before he died, his death would be meaningless.

Dragon Knight did not remove the black cloth on his face, nor did he immediately let someone do it. He just nodded to a Tianzun. When that person waved his hand, many people lurking in the mountain quietly moved, and he looked at Xiao Lang coldly. Said: "Xiao Lang, you are still so crazy? How do you think I should kill you today? Robbing a woman with me? Robbing my cute bird has broken my big business again! Do you know that I am this time? How do you live? Do you know how excited I was when I learned that you were alive? I couldn't kill you with my own hands. How did I breathe? How could I get the idea?"

Long Qi's eyes were full of resentment, endless hatred, Xiao Lang could fully understand his mood. This kind of pride, they kill people, they harm people, and they play with people think it should be right. And once someone else robbed him of his things, played with his women, or even robbed him of the limelight, and lost his face, they would be furious, and would tear off the gentle disguise, showing their hideous fangs, and want to cut them. Kill it all.

His eyes were as calm as spring water, without the slightest anger. Instead, he looked at Dragon Knight a little bit pitifully, and sighed: "How to kill, please think about it! What I did before I came to Qinglong Mountain, you must be clear. The trouble is so great that countless families in God's Domain are watching, really don’t embarrass your Long Family. Now that I’m here, I’m dead or alive. Look at it, let the people go first, don’t Let me underestimate you, how do you say it is the first son of God's Domain?"


Longqi Yangtian laughed and laughed for a long time before he shouted: "Xiao Lang, don't worry, when you die, I will release all of your people. I still have this kind of demeanor. You see now that you are doing it yourself. Did I abolish you? Or did I let someone invalidate you?

"Your people do it, I have no habit of self-decision!"

Xiao Lang shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently. He glanced at the dozens of Celestial Venerables. He asked with some doubts: "Dragon Cavalry, I can understand that you can mobilize the Tiger Blade Legion. These Celestial Venerables are not from your Dragon Family, right? Curious about how you invited it? Can you make me understand?"

"It's very simple. I pledged 20 billion purple sacred stones to the Supreme Divine Soldier, and invited these twenty adults!"

Longqi didn't hide, but said proudly, as if he had done a great thing. Xiao Lang also secretly gave a thumbs up, sincerely admiring that the fact that the prodigal can be defeated to the dragon cavalry is considered an eternal anecdote, the supreme soldier can be...

Longqi was not talking nonsense anymore, his body slowly backed away, and he began to drink heavily: "Forming!"


The entire Qinglong Mountain is lit up, and the space of Qinglong Mountain is in all directions, and red lines resembling chains appear in the space of a hundred miles, criss-crossing like a sky and earth. Xiao Lang raised his brows and his face became solemn. Could it be that this is another horrible formation? He perceives it carefully, and it turns out that the space is slightly messy, constantly being shaken, obviously designed for his movement.

"Take hands, scrap him, leave a breath, I will kill myself!"

Dragon Knight slowly sank into the forest behind and was surrounded by a group of guards. Those guards were all the peaks of the ancestors, and they seemed to have formed a formation to prevent Xiao Lang from taking the Dragon Knight.

Twenty Tianzuns moved. They are not all Tianzuns in the Land of Thorn. They are everywhere. Longqi offered a sky-high price and each sent a Meixiang girl to this Qinglong Mountain to help kill someone.

This deal is very cost-effective, and given that it can sell Longqi a face, generally Tianzun will not refuse. Although Xiao Lang made a lot of noise in the Land of Destruction, it is said that he also got a Ling Meng Bird, who died and came back to life in the Evil Realm.

But everyone felt relieved when they saw that it was the instinct of God's abandonment of the body, and said that this matter was led by Dragon Knight, even if the people behind Xiao Lang wanted to settle the accounts, they would first find Dragon Knight! But if you want to settle accounts with Longqi, you have to get Long Ao first?

Of the twenty Tianzuns, one of them is the late Tianzun, seven are the middle Tianzun, and the rest are the early Tianzun. So many people deal with a divine body, isn't it as easy as killing chickens and cattle? Longqi also deployed a large formation to prevent Xiao Lang from escaping, and it seemed to them to make a fuss right now.

"call out!"

The twelve Tianzun moved in the early stage, and the seven strong ones in the middle and late stages did not move, obviously disdain to do it. The twelve people split into fans and rushed towards Xiao Lang, and each released their attacks. They were overwhelming and overwhelming. They were full of momentum and power.


Pieces of space were shattered, and the powerful pressure was like the eve of a storm, which made people breathless. The flashing red lines in the sky seemed to mock Xiao Lang silently.

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, and went straight back, with a trace of fierceness and madness in his eyes. Since Longqi said that he would let people go, he must not be messed up, so he must explain here today, and he won't pull a few backs before explaining, that is not his Xiao Lang's character!

He entered the state of soul travel for the first time, and everything around him became slow. While he backed up quickly, his hands kept hitting the palms of the prajna, shooting towards the energy attacks used in all directions.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Tianzun who released the attack was in the early stage of the Tianzun, and his energy attacks were equivalent, so the energy collided and burst in the air. Xiao Lang's body shuttled like a dragon on the edge of explosions, and his figure was strange and charming. Fox, it took everyone's eyes. Finally, after all the energy burst, although his shield burst, he did not receive much injury...

"Huh? It's really interesting. The energy control is so precise and the reaction speed is so fast? It's not an ordinary person to be able to make such a big movement in the Land of Destruction." The strongest Tianzun in the field brightened his eyes in the late stage. He spoke, the surprise in his tone was very obvious.

After a person suffered twenty attacks, he could judge the trajectory of the attack in such a short period of time, hit back in advance, and predicted the location of the explosion with great accuracy, and calculated the direction and strength of his body being blown up by the aftermath of the explosion. Make the most perfect escape route. Such a change of Tai's reaction ability and means, even he could not do it so perfectly.


[Author's digression]: Something went out this afternoon, and I rushed back to write a chapter. Four chapters guaranteed!


Let me inform you that the demon king will finish the book before the Spring Festival, so don’t worry, let the old demon write a good ending!

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