Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 62: Backlash

The cruel battle began. Xiao Lang continued to flash in the air with his love and space, and the rest of the warriors chased them all the way. Qinglong Mountain was too small, and Xiao Lang's strength was not enough to confront the Tianzun mid-term frontal confrontation, and the Tianzun early warriors cooperated in pairs. , He has no chance to sneak attack the hand.


He had just appeared in the sky above the forest, and a random attack hit him, his shield burst again, and his body was already dripping with blood. His body is strong enough, if he was replaced by any Tianzun, he would have been drinking tea with Friends Zhang at this moment.

"Okay, that's it, continue to attack! If you can't kill, don't kill!"

The noisy voice of the Dragon Cavalry continued to sound. Although Xiao Lang wanted to move over and destroy the Dragon Cavalry, he finally resisted it. When Longqi died, his relatives and clansmen would also die. Thinking of how he was dead, Xiao Lang wanted to give up struggling, so he had to die.

He cast his cold gaze towards the late Tianzun, thinking that it would be worthwhile to kill him today. However, the shield of the late Tianzun is too strong, even if he stands to kill him, I am afraid that it will not break his shield.

He turned his gaze and cast his gaze on the mid-term Tianzun. Since he was desperate, dragging a Tianzun to die together in the early stage was a bit uneconomical.

"It's him!"

He focused on a mid-term powerhouse who chased him the most ferocious, with a goat face, his body disappeared in a flash, and appeared behind the two early days of the goat-faced powerhouse not far away.


The moment he appeared, he immediately transformed hundreds of figures, each of which was shining with thunder, the black mist rolled, and the black light in his eyes was shining, and the slaying was released, looking extremely terrifying.

"Don't panic, attack with all your strength! Keep him desperate to die."

The two Tianzuns were instinctively startled early, and they were hesitating whether to flee or fight. The goat-faced Tianzun not far away burst out in mid-term, his body broke through the sky, and a silver long knife in his hand transformed hundreds of sword shadows, covering all of Xiao Lang's body.


The two Heavenly Sovereigns had also tried their best to release their attacks in the early stage. If Xiao Lang dared to continue the attack, no one could say whether he could take the life of one person, but he would definitely be killed.


The space trembled slightly, and hundreds of Xiao Lang's figures disappeared. The two Heavenly Sovereigns were relieved in the early stage, but the goat face was angry and immediately released their spiritual consciousness to explore.


Goat-faced mental consciousness looked around in the distance but became puzzled. He didn't find Xiao Lang's trace.

that moment!

He woke up suddenly, and when he turned around, he saw hundreds of hands of God Splitting Roaring, two black lights in front of him had already shot over, and there was a huge rotating love letter in the sky rolling down, Xiao Lang's body Love words are constantly pouring out, and the iron fist of emotion and anger is gathered.

"Luo Ye be careful!"

The elder in the late Tianzun stage sounded with a burst of surprise, Xiao Lang almost moved a long distance every time he moved, never within a hundred meters, but after this time he moved, he still appeared on the spot?

Anyone will have a misunderstanding in their thinking. To move is definitely to move elsewhere. How can it disappear and reappear in place?

At this moment, the two Tianzuns attached to the latter stage were all confused, and saw Xiao Lang's figure rushing towards the goat-faced powerhouse before they woke up and rushed towards Xiao Lang.


The slaying made the shield of the goat's face tremble violently, and the shield shook again, but the shield still remained unbroken.

"Malle Gobi!"

Xiao Lang cursed secretly, and the iron fist condensed from the anger on his body whizzed out, slamming on the body of this mid-term Tianzun, but he could only withstand the two early attacks of the next two Tianzun.

"Boom boom!"

Three explosions sounded, Xiao Lang and the goat's face were blown away at the same time, and the shields of both of them burst, but the goat's face was obviously not seriously injured, but Xiao Lang's back was in a mess.


Xiao Lang forcibly stabilised his body in the air and disappeared into the air. The next second he appeared behind the goat's face, and God Splitting grabbed him fiercely.


An alarm sounded inside the goat's face, and without any hesitation, the long knife in his hand slashed away. Xiao Lang's God Splitting Hand was too powerful, and it was too late for him to release the shield, so he could only fight to burn the jade and stone, and see if Xiao Lang dared to fight for his life.

Does Xiao Lang dare?

Even if he intends to find the goat's face to back his back this time, he will naturally not avoid it, and God of Fracture will grab the goat's face heavily. And the long knife with the black gleam of the goat's face slashed towards Xiao Lang's head heavily.


Flesh and flesh fly, and the goat's face has good physical strength. It took Xiao Lang two seconds to scratch his chest, and by the way, his heart was broken.

He twisted his head forcibly at the last moment, and the long knife slashed on his shoulder, almost shattering his entire left shoulder, half of his chest was split, and his left hand was completely abolished. That long knife also slashed towards Xiao Lang's heart all the way, only half a foot away, Xiao Lang's heart would be crushed.

Despite this, most of his internal organs were shattered, his body fell weakly downwards, and the veins of his left shoulder were crushed. It was almost difficult for him to run energy, and he could only wait to die.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out, Xiao Lang's hand was still grasping the chest of the goat's face, and the long knife on his left shoulder was still stuck in it. He looked at the bulging goat's face with a grin, and said with difficulty: " Sorry, buddy! Let you pay me on the road."

"call out!"

The bodies of the two fell quickly, and eventually fell together, but Xiao Lang quickly ejected. The long knife strained his body again, causing him pain to overflow with blood in his mouth, nose and eyes.


Countless figures shot, and that day the late-stage elder, a few finger winds shot out of his hand, and Xiao Lang immediately burst into large holes in his body, and his joints of hands and feet were shattered.

Despite this, Xiao Lang did not fall down, standing tremblingly, his eyes swept towards the Dragon Knight who came out in the distance, and said in a faint and inaudible voice, "Well, Dragon Knight, you can do what you wished. Finally abide by the agreement and let my people go!"


Longqi flashed a group of people quickly, and that group of people even hid the late Tianzun, protecting him in one step. Longqi tore off the black cloth on his face, revealing a handsome face with a grinning smile. He walked step by step, looking at Xiao Lang, with a wicked smile on his mouth. He did not speak until he was 100 meters away from Xiao Lang. Said: "Don't worry! Your clansmen, one by one...I will not let go, I will kill them myself, and I will *** your wife, hahahaha!"


There was a sudden gust of weather on Xiao Lang's body. His **** eyes were full of shocking anger. He said word by word: "Are you... sure... sure?"

All Tianzun was silent, and the elders of the later stage that day showed shameless mockery, obviously a little dissatisfied with Dragon Knight's behavior.

It's not a misfortune to the family, so let's just arrest the relatives of other people's clan members. Xiao Lang came to die alone. Now that he is about to die, he regrets killing his entire clan? With this filthy method, this narrow heart, is he really not going to return to Long's house?


Xiao Lang's body abruptly eliminated the calamity in midair, and once again acted forcefully and appeared in front of Longqi with love and space, and the hand of God Splitting that could hardly be lifted grabbed towards Longqi with shocking anger.

"call out!"

An iron fist shot out like lightning from behind Longqi, hit Xiao Lang's head with a punch, and flew him out with a heavy blow.

His body rolled dozens of times on the ground, and when his joints of hands and feet were completely shattered, he stood up with gritted teeth and trembling all over. He still stared at Dragon Cavalry, unwilling and furious.

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