Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 64: Chaos Thunderstone

"Want to condense the remnant soul? Dreaming!"

Xiao Lang kept the remnant soul at the last moment, and instantly entered the space ring. His speed was very fast, and he had not concealed from the dragon knight, but did not hide the Tianzun late powerhouse behind the dragon knight.

This Tianzun late stage did not speak, letting the Dragon Cavalry chop Xiao Lang's body into pieces, chopped it into a pile of flesh, and completely vented the anger in his heart.

"Let you fight with my son for a woman, and you are worthy? Let you **** my cute bird and let you spoil my good deeds. You are a trash of a low-level warrior, dare to fight with my son? Don't talk about you, it's Xuanyuan blood jealous Not enough for this qualification!"

The dragon rider's sword kept cutting, the look on his face and the ferocious light in his eyes made the dragon eagle and the others chill on their backs.

The proud son of a generation has always been held in the palm of the hand by the elders of the Long family as a treasure, and regarded as the successor of the family by the people under the Long family. Longqi has received good family lessons since he was a child, and he is also well-behaved and sensible, gentle and personable. He has always treated his elders with respect and gentleness and courtesy to his descendants. At this moment, showing such a hideous face, naturally scared Dragon Eagle and others.


Xiao Lang's body had completely turned into a pile of fleshy mud. Longqi sat on the ground and exhaled. He closed his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth. All the hostility in his heart and all the magic barriers disappeared. For a moment he was silent in an inexplicable state, and the bottleneck that had been stuck for a period of time was broken.


In the later stage of Tianzun, Dragon Eagle and others, they felt the changes in Dragon Caval's body, and felt the chaos aura around them rushing towards Dragon Cavalry, and everyone looked at each other.

The Long Family insisted on letting Longqi go to the mess, and he did not hesitate to damage the reputation of the Long Family. Dragon Cavalry's talent was too defying, he actually vented his inner sullenness, and immediately broke through after his thoughts were mastered.

Thirty-year-old Tianzun!

After this incident spreads, the entire chaotic world will be shocked again!

This was not because Xiao Lang used the Kneeling Evil Divine Ability to make the strength comparable to the Heavenly Venerable, this was a real breakthrough. He broke through the Heavenly Sovereign at the age of thirty. Longqi has no accidents in his life, and his future achievements will definitely not be lower than that of Liuhuo and others. It is even possible to break through to the Supreme God!

The strong man in the late stage of Tianzun took a step forward and locked in Xiao Lang's space ring with his divine sense. At the critical moment when Dragon Knight was breaking through, he did not dare to disturb Xiao Lang's remnant soul, but his remnant soul dared to do bad things. Shocked immediately.

Xiao Lang's remnant soul did not come out, and Dragon Cavalry broke through smoothly. Only half an hour, Dragon Cavalry's eyes opened. The eyes of the tiger faintly shone with colorful rays, and the sharp eyes saw Longying and the others tremble, then all of them were overjoyed, and said: "Congratulations, son, your revenge has broken through Tianzun, now you can return The Long Family! I think the ancestors will be very pleased to learn that you have broken through."


Longqi stood up and laughed wildly up to the sky, dancing wildly in a black robe and black hair, with a terrifying aura, faintly looking over the world. He glanced at Xiao Lang's corpse, put away the saber in his hand, waved his hand and said, "Go, return to the Dragon Region."

The people of the Long Family once issued an order from Long Ao, saying that they would expel the Dragon Cavalry from the Long Family, and that they would not be able to return without breaking through the Tianzun. In this way, what Dragon Cavalry did has nothing to do with the Dragon Family, and after breaking through the Heavenly Venerable, the Dragon Cavalry can be taken back openly. Dragon Knight had just made a breakthrough, so naturally he wanted to go home as soon as possible to inform the whole family of the good news.

"and many more!"

In the later stage of Tianzun, he suddenly spoke. Under Longqi’s surprised gaze, he walked towards one of Xiao Lang’s severed hands, and said with a sneer: "Chopping the grass does not remove the roots. The spring breeze blows and regenerates. Xiao Lang slips away and hides in In the space ring, let me shake him away!"

"Remnant soul?"

After Dragon Knight broke through, he restored his original appearance, and he didn't do anything anymore, just secretly nodded.

"call out!"

In the later stage, Tianzun raised his hand and shot a pointed wind, shooting directly into the space and leaving.


The space ring burst instantly. Because there was a small space in the space ring, all the treasures in the space ring were immediately crushed, and the space near the space ring was slightly distorted.


A black spot of light suddenly lit up in the place where the space was distorted, and that black spot of light slowly became brighter and brighter, and a huge breath came from the spot of light.

At the moment that breath appeared, the space of Qinglong Mountain vibrated violently, as if the sky was about to collapse. And under that breath, everyone on the Qinglong Mountain couldn't move, and it was difficult to even stand upright, even if the body of the late nobleman was crushed to the ground that day.

"This, what is this?"

Long Qi had just recovered his indifferent expression and became frightened. He exclaimed loudly that Dragon Eagle and others were also terrified. With such a large breath, could it be that the Supreme God has come?

Tianzun's late stage also looked shocked and flustered. He stared at the black light spot and dignified his face and drank: "My son, immediately send a message to Lord Longyi, let him ask Longao Supreme God to do it. Hurry! Otherwise... All of us are going to die."

Dragon Knight could not move, but when his mind moved, a token in the space ring appeared immediately, a white light flashed in his eyes, and the token burst! This is the rescue order card given to him by the Long Family. As soon as this token bursts, the elders of their family and his father will know immediately, and will surely send it to Long Ao immediately.

"What is this? Mr. Meng! What the **** is this? How can it be so powerful? How do I feel a trace of Xiao Lang's breath? Why can't even you move?"

After the token burst, Dragon Knight cast his eyes on the late stage of Tianzun, his expression extremely hideous. In the late Tianzun period, Meng Lao also looked at the brighter and brighter light in mid-air with a face full of suspicion. His eyes were a bit unable to open. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who knows what it is? The stones merge, the black stone is definitely a treasure of the Chaos level..."

"Chaos level?"

Dragon Cavalry's heart was even more shocked. The Beast was at the chaos level, and the Purple Emperor Palace of the Purple Charm Emperor was also at the chaos level.

This is the most precious treasure that appeared when Chaos first opened. How could this kid Xiao Lang possess so many treasures? The remnant soul is fusing with the black stone? He felt a little bit in his heart, and there was a faint feeling!

"what is that?"

Not only Dragon Knight and others were surprised, but countless spies under the mountain, and many people who came here were shocked. This aura was so huge that even the people in Qinglong City thousands of miles away were alarmed, and countless people in the city shot towards here.

The people at the foot of the mountain felt the powerful aura from far away, and they couldn't even climb the mountain. Most people couldn't even detect the spiritual sense, but could see the black light on the top of Qinglong Mountain getting brighter and brighter, and the aura became more and more scary.

"No, Longqi is about to have an accident, so someone immediately informs his father to invite the ancestor."

To the north of Qinglong City, Qingli came with a group of people whizzing, watching the vision on the mountain, his face changed, and shouting at the heavenly master behind him. The importance of Dragon Knight to the Long Family Qingli is very clear. If Dragon Knight dies in the Qing family's territory, Long Ao will be scolded by Qing Xi if he is furious.

In fact, the people on Qinghuang Peak had long noticed that there was a rooftop on a towering palace, and a man in white clothes was standing on the rooftop, with deep eyes looking in the direction of Qinglong Mountain. He murmured thoughtfully: "No wonder Zimei Emperor, Shura, Wangchen, Love Song, and Xing Tian all looked at this kid with admiration. People who can merge Chaos Thunderstone are really not ordinary people! This kid has a deep blessing... "

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