Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 67: Kill or not?

Xiao Lang took the thunder and lightning back in his hand, but Longqi’s neck was pinched. He felt breathless. The coercion on Xiao Lang was terrifying, the black stone in the sky disappeared, and Xiao Lang’s body was completely formed. The slightest injury.

Longqi felt that everything was the same in his dream, changing too quickly, but the suffocation coming from his chest reminded him that everything is so real.

He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything. He just stared at Xiao Lang fiercely, wishing to eat him raw. He was inexplicably sad. Since childhood, he always thought that he was the proud child of heaven and the most beloved child of heaven. He did not expect that he was wrong, he was not, Xiao Lang was!

"Xiao Lang, stop, if you dare to kill the son, the ancestor will kill you at all costs! Let's stop today's matter, any conditions are easy to say."

Several Heavenly Venerables from the Long Family screamed and did not dare to approach, because Xiao Lang's aura was so strong that they all felt overwhelmed.

Long Qi smiled reluctantly when he heard the people from the Long family, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Okay, okay, okay! Xiao Lang! I'm so sorry, if you can let me live, what Conditions are easy to tell. Tell you the truth, I am a Chaos Spirit Body, and I am extremely important to the Long Family. If you kill me, my ancestors will kill you at all costs."

"Chaotic Spirit Body!"

Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed, as if weighing the pros and cons, a voice came from a distant night: "Xiao Lang, if you can't kill it, don't kill it. Chaos spirit body is hard to come out in a million years. The strength of the Supreme God is far better than If you imagine it to be strong, if Long Ao wants to kill you, I'm afraid the emperor will not be able to keep you! Even if you live in the Purple Emperor Palace, he can find a way to kill you!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun’s divine sense swept the sky over the battle between Zi Meihuang and Long Ao, and faintly detected the surging fluctuations in the sky, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Lang, forget it! You will go crazy if you kill Longqi and Longao. Yes, you can make the Purple Charm Emperor and Long Ao make three chapters, so that the well water will not violate the river water in the future."

Xiao Lang closed his eyes and became silent. The neighborhood was quiet. As the black stone disappeared, everyone's consciousness swept over, waiting for Xiao Lang's decision.

"Xiao Lang, if you dare to kill Dragon Cavalry, this emperor swears to kill you and will never give up if you die!"

A burst of shouts came from the chaotic space, and Long Ao's words were unusually firm. When he said it in public, it also showed his determination. If Xiao Lang dared to do it, he would be immortal.

Xiao Lang raised his head slightly, his eyes closed, and his white hair moved without wind, dancing wildly in the sky.

He pondered for a long time, and finally he cast his gaze on the foot of the mountain, and the divine sense locked Madam Mei and asked: "My people and relatives have been rescued? Sister Mei!"

A "Sister Mei" called Madame De May's heart turmoil, she nodded heavily and said: "It's all right, I have arranged in a safe place."

"You let them all follow Meier to the Purple Emperor Palace, and wait for me to find them!"

Xiao Lang transmitted the voice to Mrs. Mei again, and then the divine sense locked the night and transmitted the voice: "After the night, please take care of my family!"

Madam Mei and Ye Hou understood Xiao Lang's meaning in an instant, and the two of them trembled in their hearts and immediately spoke to Xiao Lang and said, "Xiao Lang! Don't do stupid things!"

Xiao Lang's eyes opened. The corners of his mouth were cold. He looked at Longqi and smiled. He breathed out a faint mouth: "Dongqi, you must kill me for the devil in your heart? And I am not at this moment. Killing you, I can't pass the hurdles in my heart either. If I am afraid and compromised this time, how happy is my life in this life? So... I'm sorry."


Xiao Lang's arm suddenly squeezed hard, and Dragon Knight's neck was immediately crushed, and at the same time two rays of lightning appeared in his eyes, shooting on the trace of the remnant soul that Dragon Knight escaped in horror.


The thunder and lightning smashed the remnant soul of the dragon knight and spread it on the dragon knight's body. His body was quickly destroyed by the thunder and lightning, and finally turned into dust in the sky, swaying in the air. Dragon Knight, die!

"Dragon Knight!"

Several Heavenly Venerates of the Long Family broke out and burst into a drink at the same time, but there was a dead silence under the mountain and the surrounding area. All people's heartbeats speeded up, and their spiritual consciousness locked on Xiao Lang standing on the top of the mountain. No matter what, at least at this moment, Xiao Lang's figure became taller. A person who dared to kill his favorite grandson in front of the Supreme God was worthy of admiration.

"There is a kind!"

A faint and ethereal voice rang from the Qinghuang Peak, and there is no concealment of Xiao Lang's praise in the Supreme God's Word.

Cing Ting knows very well how powerful the Supreme God is. Although the strength of the Supreme God is very different from each other, it is almost impossible for the Supreme God to kill the Supreme God. Therefore, it is impossible for Zimei Emperor to fight to the end for Xiao Lang and Long Ao, so... Xiao Lang's ending will be very unfavorable. And he knew Xiao Lang knew this too, he still dare to kill? This person is really not an ordinary person.

"Xiao Lang, can you escape Long Ao's pursuit?"

Standing on the rooftop, the Supreme God of Green Thorn sighed slightly, the chaotic thunderstone and Xiao Lang's remnant soul merged, helping him to condense the divine body, and there was the origin of thunder in his body. He was not surprised that he was able to kill Tianzun’s late-stage Qing Ting, but Qing Ting understood that Xiao Lang’s strength was at the peak of Tian Zun. Whether he could fight Liu Huo Xing Tian was unknown, and he was definitely killed by a spike against Shang Long Ao...

"Xiao Lang is dead!"

Several Heavenly Sovereigns of the Long Family ran away violently, and madly killed Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang destroyed their chaotic spirit body, which was tantamount to destroying a supreme god. If the Dragon Cavalry is allowed to grow, the Dragon Family will dominate the God Realm, and it may not even be possible to unify the chaotic space, but now everything is finished!

Xiao Lang's eyes turned, and his body shot away. Thunder and lightning gleamed outside his body and flew straight towards the five people.


Five shocking energy attacks roared in, Xiao Lang continued to rush forward without evading, the thunder and lightning outside his body surrounded like countless thunder dragons, and all nearby energy attacks were shaken away, and he seemed to become an invincible **** emperor. , Unbeatable.



The Long Family's Tianzun woke up from the rage. Just now, Meng Lao had burned his energy and attacked to death by Xiao Lang. They were still rushing over. Isn't that going to die?


It was too late for them to react, Xiao Lang's body came through the air, his hands shone with thunder and lightning, easily shattered the energy shield of a late-stage Tianzun martial artist, and then grabbed his body and tore it suddenly.


The Long Family's Tianzun body was torn apart alive, and the lightning in Xiao Lang's body shattered, shattering the two corpses, and he continued to chase and kill the other Tianzun martial artists.

"Ah, ah, ah! Zimei Emperor, you dare to pester this emperor, you and I will never die! Xiao Lang, do you dare to kill?"

Long Ao's furious voice resounded tens of thousands of miles away, and even the strong in Wangchen Land could vaguely hear it. Xiao Lang continued to slaughter as if he had not heard it!

His speed was too fast. Except for the one who was lucky enough to move away, the other three Heavenly Sovereigns were quickly torn apart by Xiao Lang. Everyone looked at Xiao Lang's figure in the sky and felt so strange and terrifying!

"Xiao Lang, what are you killing? Don't run away right away? I'm going to lose control of Long Ao! I will help you keep your clan members. Whether you can escape Long Ao's chase and kill depends on your own ability!"

A somewhat heavy voice sounded in Xiao Lang's mind. Xiao Lang happened to kill the fourth Tianzun of the Long Family. His eyes swept across the faces of Mrs. Xuanyuan Tianzun Mei Wanyan Ruo Shui Zi Mei'er and others. , The body slowly disappeared into the air.

"Xiao Lang, do you still want to escape? Even if you escape to the end of the world, this emperor will kill you!"

A violent voice came, and a powerful energy shot down from the sky, frightening everyone in the vicinity, and fleeing for the first time.


The entire Qinglong Mountain burst open and broke apart, and the Qinglong City in the distance shook. All the people escaping nearby were shaken out by the powerful energy, and many people were directly stunned to death...

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