Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 6: :set off!

The periphery of Xiao Diyu was already overcrowded at this time. Thousands of Heavenly Venerables came here to gather, waiting for Xiao Lang to appear.

There are two types of those who are strong.

The first is the old monsters who have lived for countless years. They have reached the heavenly realm a long time ago, and have stayed in this realm since then. If there is no special opportunity, their achievements in this life will be the same. This time, following Xiao Lang to make a break outside may be their last hope.

The second type is some cultivators, these people are very persistent in the pursuit of martial arts, but the opportunities in the chaos world are limited after all. After their strength reaches the heavenly realm, it is more and more difficult to go further, and they can only go to a larger world. possible.

In addition to the above two kinds of people, there are also some powerful people who do not intend to go out. Most of these people are relatives of the great gods. Some come here to see off, of course, some come to see the excitement, and there are some big ones. Scout of the forces.

After all, this is a major event related to the entire chaotic world. How could the major forces in the chaotic world not care?

In addition to the huge team of Heavenly Sovereigns, six Supreme Gods of the Chaos World also came.

They are the Supreme God of Shura and the Supreme God of Love Song of God's Domain, the Emperor of Demon Tiger, the Supreme God of Demon and the Supreme God of Dark Dragon.

Although the Emperor Zi Mei was here, he was drawn by Zi Mei'er, Xiao Lang was about to leave, Zi Mei'er wanted to send him off.

When everyone was there, Xiao Diyu opened a channel in a short time. After Xiao Lang handed over the control of Xiao Diyu to his own women and some of his immediate family members, he took Xiao Devil and Divine Poison Dragon. The four Wuhen Xiaodao came out.

"Everyone has been waiting."

Seeing the many powerhouses on the periphery of Xiao Diyu, Xiao Lang clasped his fists.

A group of powerful people returned their gifts. Xiao Lang glanced at everyone present and said: "Before leaving, I must remind everyone that everything is unknown when I leave the chaotic world this time, and any danger may happen if someone Those who want to quit, there is still time."

No one has withdrawn. Now that they are here, they are naturally prepared to withdraw easily.

"Okay! Now that everyone has decided, then I won't talk any more nonsense. If you need to say goodbye to family and friends, hurry up and leave in an hour!" Xiao Lang said.

Hearing that, the strong people present hurriedly rushed to bid farewell to their families.

Some acquaintances of Xiao Lang also came here to see off, such as Xuanyuan Zhizun, the ancestor of the Wanyan family, Madam Mei, Mulong Tianzun and others, while Xing Tian, ​​Liuhuo, Zhang Ge and others plan to follow Xiao Lang to go out early. Just waited beside Xiao Lang.

"Big Brother Xiao!"

A purple light flew quickly from the front and plunged into Xiao Lang's arms.

Xiao Lang sighed and hugged Zi Mei'er tightly.

"Big Brother Xiao, can you leave with Mei'er? Meier doesn't want to be separated from you." Zi Mei'er was full of tears, crying like a child, holding Xiao Lang tightly and refused to let go.

"Meier, it's not that Big Brother Xiao won't take you away, but that this journey is too risky. Big Brother Xiao can't take you away!" Xiao Lang sighed.

"Meier is not afraid of danger, Meier just wants to be with Brother Xiao." Zi Meier burst into tears, and the pear blossoms made people feel distressed.

Zi Meihuang and Ye Hou flew over, and Ye Hou said helplessly: "Mei'er, stop making trouble, your Big Brother Xiao is going to explore the unknown world, and your little strength will only become a burden to him."

Zi Mei'er refused to let go, and in desperation, she could only forcefully pull Zi Mei'er back after the night.

After calming down, Zi Mei'er also knew that following Xiao Lang would only become a burden to him, so she no longer insisted, but the purple eyes were still full of attachment and reluctance.

Although Xiao Lang was also very unwilling to give up, he waved his hand directly and three huge flying cloud disks appeared in the void.

This is an aircraft specially refined by Xiao Lang to cross the darkness of the chaotic world. Its speed is dozens of times faster than that of the Supreme God, and it only takes two hours to cross a chaotic world.

Finally, there were three flying cloud disks, one controlled by Xiao Lang, one controlled by the Supreme God of Shura, and one controlled by the Supreme God of the Demon Realm.

All the Tianzun powerhouses and Supreme Gods who were about to leave boarded their respective flying cloud disks according to their assignments. After an hour was over, Xiao Lang no longer hesitated, waved his hand and shouted, "Go!"

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The three flying cloud disks lit up at the same time, and disappeared into the void in front of them in a flash.

The new journey has officially begun!


The special flying cloud disk is extremely fast, and it took only half an hour to reach the edge of the chaotic world.

Xiao Lang waved his hand, and the chaotic ocean in front of him automatically broke through a passage, and then he directly controlled the flying cloud disk to fly over.

Soon, all the three flying cloud disks entered the void outside, looking at the incomparable darkness ahead, the powerhouses on the flying cloud disk shivered a little. It is said that Baihua Fairy flew in this darkness for ten thousand years. Without seeing the side, I really can't imagine the darkness here.

The speed of the flying cloud disk was very fast, and it didn't take long to leave the world of chaos and rush into the darkness.

Looking at the chaotic world that is getting smaller and smaller behind, a group of strong men are both excited and nervous. The chaotic world was born for hundreds of millions of years. They are the first people to leave, and they don't know what will happen in the future.

"Well, the area of ​​this dark world is so large that it will not fly out for hundreds or thousands of years. What should you do?"

Xiao Lang said loudly, after walking out of the chaotic world, these old monsters who had lived for countless years were so excited that he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

After all, Xiao Lang is always on guard. The outside of this chaotic world is pitch black. No one knows if there is any danger here. In case a monster pops out from somewhere and destroys them, he doesn't even cry. Where to cry.

Half a year later, Xiao Lang and the others had completely entered the depths of darkness, and they could not even see the chaotic world. The surroundings were all dark and silent.

After staying in such an environment for a long time, people are easy to go crazy, but fortunately, there are living fossils of old monsters, and the mind is tough, so Xiao Lang is not worried.

Twenty years later, Xiao Lang and the others had been flying the distance of ordinary supreme gods for hundreds of years, but the surrounding area was still pitch black, there was nothing, and even the energy was gradually decreasing, moving towards a vacuum.

In order to maintain stamina, the powerful Tianzun cherishes their energy and do not use it easily. Xiao Lang and the five supreme gods don’t have to worry about it. They have a self-contained energy world in their bodies, and Xiao Lang has a constant heart for the world. Derive energy without worrying about energy exhaustion.

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