Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 27: : Must be doubled back!

"Okay! Then thank Master Yunfeng."

Seeing Lang Yunfeng agreed to take the shot, Xuanyu Longbow immediately looked happy and quickly thanked him.

His strength is only in the early stage of the 9th-order Void True God, it is impossible to win Xiao Lang, but if Lang Yunfeng makes a move, it is different.

Lang Yunfeng is a silver armor disciple of Tianfu Palace, and his strength is far beyond what ordinary people can compare.

Being able to enter the Tianfu Palace itself is an expression of talent, not to mention that Lang Yunfeng is still a silver armor disciple, which represents the strength of Lang Yunfeng, at least in the early stage of the world.

Lang Yunfeng waved his hand, looked at Xiao Lang in the dark void ahead, and said lightly: "Is that Xiao Lang? I didn't expect that we would meet again."

At this time Xiao Lang had already abolished the World God of Mad Army, he took back the hand of God Splitting, and looked over indifferently.

"If I guessed correctly, you should also be the messenger behind this incident!"

Xiao Lang said indifferently.

Hearing this, Lang Yunfeng smiled and said, "What if you guessed it right, you abolished one of the guards of the Xuanyu family today, and killed hundreds of guards of the guards, and you are destined to die here. "

"What? Are you going to take action?" Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes and said.

"The Xuanyu family has always been good with my wolf family. Now that you are making trouble in Xuanyu City, you have also abolished the leader of Xuanyu City’s guard army and killed hundreds of guards of Xuanyu City. I naturally want I will arrest you." Lang Yunfeng smiled lightly, as if he was saying something for granted.

"Are you sure you can take me?"

Xiao Lang sneered. Although this Lang Yunfeng was a silver armor disciple of Tianfu Palace, it was not that easy to win him.

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Lang Yunfeng said lightly, and then he stopped talking nonsense, stepped directly out of the aircraft, and came to Xiao Lang.

"Sirius Claw!"

Lang Yunfeng's five fingers bent, and five sharp claw winds burst out from the fingertips, and he grabbed Xiao Lang's throat directly.

Xiao Lang frowned, this Lang Yunfeng was worthy of being a silver armor disciple of Tianfu Palace, and his speed was so fast.

At the moment, Xiao Lang didn't dare to neglect, and stretched out God's Hand to greet him.


In an instant, the attacks of the two collided, but Xiao Lang's expression changed and he quickly retreated hundreds of meters.


As soon as he retreated, there was a sharper claw wind falling from the sky, blasting at the location where he was just now.

Xiao Lang's heart was lingering, but fortunately, he retreated in time just now, otherwise the claw wind would fall on him.

"Your reaction is quite quick."

Lang Yunfeng smiled faintly, but didn't care, and then he stepped out again and caught up with Xiao Lang.

"Just now it was just two claw winds, now I will give you ten claw winds, can you stop it?"

Lang Yunfeng sneered, and saw his hands dancing together, ten sharp claw winds rushing out, each claw wind with amazing power, killing Xiao Lang from all angles.

"Kirin Phantom Claw!"

"Split God's Hand!"

In the face of Lang Yunfeng's five-fold attack, Xiao Lang did not dare to neglect, and used two magical skills one after another to block Lang Yunfeng's claws.

At the same time, Xiao Lang seized the opportunity, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and displayed the skills of the tenth level of the sentimental realm, sentiment fog!

Since Xiao Lang has realized the complete sentiment, the skills of the latter three levels of sentiment have also been developed by him.

They are the fog of the tenth level, the madness of the eleventh level, and the affection of the twelfth level!

The role of the mist is mainly to release the mist to confuse the enemy's sight.

The madness is the main attack power, can condense a love sword, the lethality is quite terrifying.

Emotion is the release of spiritual power, defeating the enemy's psychological defenses and causing them to fall into a sluggish state.

The combination of these three skills is extraordinary.

Xiao Lang didn't have a chance to release these skills before, but now facing tough opponents such as Lang Yunfeng, he finally used the fog of emotion skills.

Once the fog of love was displayed, the entire space instantly became smoky, and the visibility was less than five meters, even Lang Yunfeng couldn't see too far.

Xiao Lang seized the opportunity and immediately showed his love to Lang Yunfeng.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang did not hesitate to release the skills of the last two realms of emotion.



Love dominates the power of the soul. As soon as it appeared, Lang Yunfeng fell into a short period of sluggishness. Xiao Lang waved his big hand, holding the love sword transformed from madness, and directly pierced Lang Yunfeng's chest.


After all, Lang Yunfeng was powerful, and he was relieved from the sluggishness in an instant, but before he could react, the sword of love had already pierced his chest.


A metal-like collision sounded, and Lang Yunfeng was repelled by the power of the love sword seven or eight steps, but the love sword failed to penetrate Lang Yunfeng's heart.

Xiao Lang frowned. He found that a set of silver armor appeared on Lang Yunfeng's body. It was the silver armor that blocked the attack of Love Sword.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that he was hit by Xiao Lang unexpectedly, Lang Yunfeng's complexion was ashen. He originally thought that Xiao Lang was just an ordinary world realm and it was nothing to worry about, but Xiao Lang almost killed him.

Thinking of this, Lang Yunfeng's anger surged, and he disregarded the love sword on his chest, and directly used his Sirius claws, grabbed Xiao Lang's shoulder like lightning, and with a tear, he even tore off a piece of flesh and blood.


Xiao Lang was in pain, took a breath, and quickly withdrew his love sword and quickly retreated.

"Where to go!"

Lang Yunfeng shouted, striding to catch up.

"Get back!"

Xiao Lang also shouted, and threw the sword of love with his backhand, slashing towards Lang Yunfeng's head.

Lang Yunfeng's heart is protected by silver armor, but his head is not, so he can only avoid it.

Xiao Lang took advantage of this opportunity to flee far, and soon flew to the flying cloud disk.

He clutched the wound on his shoulder, looked at Lang Yunfeng in the distance with cold eyes, and said, "Lang Yunfeng, I have written down what happened today, Xiao Lang, if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely give it back twice! "

"There is also the Xuanyu Longbow, you also remember to me, today's affairs, we are endless!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lang moved into the Feiyun Disk, and then drove the Feiyun Disk away quickly.

Lang Yunfeng looked at the flying cloud disk that was quickly going away, his expression gloomy, he didn't care about Xiao Lang's cruel words before he left, but Xiao Lang just ran away under his nose like this, making him faceless.

"Damn Xiao Lang, let him escape!"

Xuan Yu Longbow drove the aircraft and chased him up, cursing. What Xiao Lang said just now, seemed to be hitting him?

Afterwards, Xuanyu Longbow flew in front of Lang Yunfeng and asked, "Master Yunfeng, are you okay?"

This sentence made Lang Yunfeng's complexion quite unsightly. He shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's go back. I want to go back to the Qingguang Great World immediately!"

Xuan Yu Longbow did not object either, leaving a part of the guard army to clean up the mess, and driving the aircraft, he returned to Xuan Yu Star with Lang Yunfeng.

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