Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 50: : Leng Xiong World God

"Haha, Shao Feng is really resourceful and resourceful, this kid really came to the trap."

As a laugh came from a distance, Xiao Lang discovered that a young man in Jinyi brought a large group of men and horses flying over a mountain in the distance.

"Xuanyu Longbow!"

Xiao Lang quickly recognized that Young Master Jin Yi was the Xuan Yu Longbow of the Xuan Yu family, and the people brought by the Xuan Yu Longbow were the Xuan Yu family's city guards.

Xuan Yu’s longbow flew to Lang Yunfeng’s side and stopped. He looked at Xiao Lang and sneered: "Xiao Lang, you killed two hundred guards of my Xuan Yu family and a guard commander. What will kill you."

Xiao Lang didn't answer, the Xuanyu Longbow was just a ninth-order Void True God, and it did not threaten him, but there was a burly man standing beside the Xuanyu Longbow, which made him a little jealous.

Because judging from the aura radiating from that burly man, the strength of the burly man may have reached the late stage of the world stage. Even he felt very troublesome with such strength.

Not to mention, there is a wolf Yunfeng next to him, and a group of wolf guards are watching.

"Xiao Lang, do you know how much thought I and Young Master Yun Feng spent to get you to take the initiative to deliver it to the door? My Xuan Yu family even revoked the reward order from Tianfu Palace, just because you are afraid you will know the news. After that, I was so scared that I didn't dare to show up, and now it seems that it is right to do so, and you really delivered it to the door." Xuanyu Longbow laughed.

"In order to get me out, you really took pains." Xiao Lang said indifferently. He now understands everything. The Xuanyu family will revoke the reward order. The cultivators of the Sky Floating Star Region will definitely not pay attention to them, even if someone recognizes them. After they are gone, I guess I won’t say anything.

Xuanyu Longbow grinned and said, "So, in order not to let this piece of painstaking effort go in vain, I will kill you anyway today."

"Then try it!"

Xiao Lang shook his head, and then he looked at Xiao Moshen and the others, and said, "Don't stay too far away from me in a while. Run out first."

Hearing that, Xiao Moshen and others were all depressed. They finally found Lang Yunfeng, but now they were not shameful, but were once again chased by Lang Yunfeng and Xuanyu Longbow into a bereavement dog. This made them feel Very frustrated.

However, they also know that there is a big gap between their strength on this side and the strength on Lang Yunfeng's side. Forced shots will only be counterproductive, and there is still a glimmer of hope when they escape. Therefore, although they are very reluctant in their hearts, they still have a point. Nodded.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Xiao Lang said, "Well, follow me!"

After speaking, Xiao Lang took the lead, rushing out in the other direction, preparing to escape.

When Xiao Moshen and others saw this, they also followed closely.

"I want to leave now, I'm afraid it's a bit late."

Lang Yunfeng smiled coldly, and saw that he stretched out a palm and pressed it in the void, and a huge formation immediately appeared in the surrounding space.

The large array was shining with a faint white light, and it unexpectedly formed a huge mask in the air, covering most of the Huangyan Valley.

"Xiao Lang, this is the Futian Formation I specially asked for from my wolf parents. It is enough to withstand the full blow of the late world stage. You can't escape today with your wings." Lang Yunfeng looked at Xiao Lang who was running away. Smiled faintly.

Xiao Lang's heart was even colder when he heard the words, but he did not stop, but flew to the edge of the Futian Formation with Xiao Demon God and others, and directly blasted the palm of the split **** Prajna.


A terrifying explosion sounded immediately, and the light shield in front of Xiao Lang fluctuated greatly, but no cracks appeared.

The Demon God Xiao, the Supreme God of Asura and others all shot one after another, attacking the surface of the mask, but the mask could not even be broken by Xiao Lang, let alone them.

After failing to open the mask several times in a row, Xiao Lang's mood completely sank to the bottom. It seems that it is impossible to break the formation directly and leave. The only way now is to let Lang Yunfeng personally hold the formation. Law to unlock.

This was the last method Xiao Lang didn't want to implement, because the Xuanyu family's guard army was there to look forward to it, and Lang Yunfeng also brought a large group of wolf family guards. It is not necessary to let Lang Yunfeng take the initiative to unlock the formation. Easy thing.

"Master Shura, the devil, and the knife, you guys don't separate later, I'll get Lang Yunfeng."

At the moment, Xiao Lang said to the Supreme God of Asura and Demon Xiao and others.

"This is too dangerous!"

The Supreme God of Shura frowned. There are five world realms around Lang Yunfeng, and the Xuanyu longbow brings a powerful late-world realm. In addition, Lang Yunfeng is also a silver armor disciple of Tianfu Palace, Xiao How can Lang alone deal with it?

"There is no other way."

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, now they are trapped in the Futian formation, what else can they do besides capturing Lang Yunfeng?

"Okay, you pay attention to safety."

The Supreme God of Shura sighed, and now it seems that this situation can only take risks like this.

Xiao Lang nodded, and then stopped talking nonsense, and turned to look at the slow catching Lang Yunfeng and Xuanyu Longbow, his eyes filled with chill.

"Hehe, why didn't you run away?"

Lang Yunfeng directly ignored Xiao Lang's murderous gaze, and said with a sneer: "Aren't you quite capable of running? On Mo Yuxing, even the leader of Canglin can't catch you, now you are running! "

Xuanyu Longbow also sneered. He said to the burly man next to him. The burly man nodded, drew out a cold iron knife, and looked at Xiao Lang indifferently: "Boy, you killed me so much. Subordinates, today is the time to settle this account with you."

This burly man is the commander of the Guardian Army of Xuanyu City, named Leng Xiong World God, and his strength has reached the late stage of the world, ranking first among the four leaders.

Xiao Lang ignored the words of Leng Xiong's World God. His goal was to catch Lang Yunfeng. As long as Lang Yunfeng fell into his hands, the Xuanyu family would not be afraid.

"What a crazy guy."

Leng Xiong's World God saw that Xiao Langli ignored him, and was a little angry. He waved his hand directly and shouted: "Give it to me. Be sure to catch all these gangsters."


Hundreds of city guards promised loudly, and then rushed out one after another, killing Xiao Lang, the Supreme God of Asura and others.

"Go away!"

Xiao Lang let out a deep cry, and casually slapped the oncoming Xuan Yu family guard troops into fleshy mud. Anyway, they had already forged an irresistible beam with the Xuan Yu family, and he didn't need to show mercy.

"Boy, you are so courageous!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's killing precepts on the city guards, Leng Xiong's World God shouted, and immediately rushed towards Xiao Lang.

"Look at the knife!"

Leng Xiong's world **** held the cold iron sword and cut his head down at Xiao Lang. The horrible light of the sword was extremely sharp, and even the space was cut into a deep scratch.

Xiao Lang was quite jealous of Leng Xiong's World God, so he didn't dare to insist, so he had to avoid it.

"Where to hide!"

Leng Xiong's world **** has gained power and is not forgiving. He displayed the world's magical skills, and the cold iron sword is a masterpiece, as if it can break the world, countless sword auras erupted, and only that sword aura made Xiao Lang feel chills in his back.

"What a terrifying sword spirit!"

Xiao Lang whispered in his heart, it was impossible for him to stop such a terrifying sword aura.

Both Lang Yunfeng and Xuanyu Longbow sneered in the distance. Leng Xiong's world **** is a great power in the latter stage of the world. No matter how powerful Xiao Lang is, there is only one dead end today.

"Boy, if you can die under my Heaven-Splitting Sword, you won't be in vain."

Leng Xiong's World God sneered, and then he chopped out the cold iron sword, the endless sword gas turned into a terrifying knife light, and killed Xiao Lang.


Xiao Lang gritted his teeth fiercely. At this time, he had no other way. Only by hard work could there be a glimmer of hope.

"Longxiang magic!"

At the moment, Xiao Lang stretched out his hands, a dragon mark appeared on his left arm, and an iconic mark appeared on his right arm. Following Xiao Lang's soft drink, the two marks on his arms immediately radiated dazzling light. Two lights and shadows flew out of it.

One of the lights and shadows is a dragon with teeth and claws, so majestic, the other is a huge holy elephant, roaring to the sky, extremely fierce.

"Give me a fit, Dragon Elephant Seal!"

When the two lights appeared, Xiao Lang shouted again, and the divine dragon light and the holy elephant light and shadow merged in the air instantly, and they actually condensed into a dragon-like light mark.

"go with!"

Xiao Lang shouted, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, the dragon-like light immediately shot out, and finally collided with the huge sword light that swept away.


A huge explosion sounded, and although Long Xiangyin offset most of the power of the knife light, it was still exploded and slashed on Xiao Lang's chest.


Xiao Lang was hit by the blade light, and the terrifying force directly knocked him down, smashing the ground into a huge hole.

"Big Brother!"

Seeing Xiao Lang being knocked into the air, Xiao Moshen and the others were all shocked, and quickly rushed over, dug Xiao Lang out of the pit.

I saw a very terrifying knife wound on Xiao Lang's chest, bones were visible, blood was pooled, and Xiao Lang's body was dyed red, making him look very miserable.

"Big Brother, are you okay?" Xiao Devil asked anxiously.

"It's okay." Xiao Lang shook his head. Although he looked miserable, he didn't hurt his internal organs because Long Xiangyin had offset most of the damage.

This made Xiao Lang quite happy. Originally, he thought that he could only save half his life this time, but he didn't expect that Long Xiangyin would actually offset the power of Leng Xiong's world **** by 70%, which was already a considerable value.

"Your kid's life is quite big."

At this time, Leng Xiong's World God had already surrounded him with a large group of guards. He looked at Xiao Lang without any mercy, and said indifferently: "Unfortunately, you are trapped here today, and you are doomed to die. "

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth. Indeed, this was the problem of his headache. He originally wanted to capture Lang Yunfeng, but now it seems that he has passed the Leng Xiong World God first.

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