Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 54: The power of the gathering

"Only the last step, it will be done soon!"

The Supreme God of Asura gritted his teeth and almost tried his best to finally gather all the earth energy in the eight earth veins.

At this moment, above the supreme **** of Asura, the huge earth air condensed into a solid sphere the size of a mountain bag. It looked like a huge iron ball, and it looked extremely shocking. On the surface of the earth air sphere, there were masses of red and yellow. Flames keep coming out, that is the flames produced by the over-compressed energy of the fire attribute in the Qi of the Earth.


Seeing the sphere of Earth Qi successfully condensed, the Supreme God of Asura laughed, and he immediately shouted at Xiao Lang who was fighting hard, "Xiao Lang, the ground formation is successful, come here!"

In the distance, Xiao Lang also saw the energy sphere condensed above the Supreme God of Asura, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Supreme God of Asura had successfully condensed, and he no longer had to work hard to support it.

At the moment, Xiao Lang pushed back Lang Yunfeng and the two world gods of the wolf family with a palm. He immediately turned around without hesitation and flew towards the Supreme God of Asura.

"Where to go!"

Seeing this, Leng Xiong's World God immediately slashed a sharp knife light and slashed at Xiao Lang's back.


Xiao Lang, who was fleeing back, had no time to escape, so he was hit frontally by the light of the sword. The terrifying force directly destroyed his meridians, causing serious injuries to his viscera, and directly sprayed out blood.

Suffering from such a serious injury, Xiao Lang almost fell from mid-air. Fortunately, his will was extremely tough, and he was forced to hold it down.

He looked back at Leng Xiong's World God coldly, without saying a word, and then flew towards the Supreme God of Asura.

Seeing Xiao Lang escaped after all, Leng Xiong's World God also hated him, but he didn't know why, when he thought of Xiao Lang's cold eyes just now, he felt chills in his heart.

"This son, it is a disaster to keep it!"

Secretly cursed in his heart, Leng Xiong's World God once again swept out and pursued Xiao Lang.

At this time, Xiao Lang had already arrived in front of the Supreme God of Asura.

"Big brother, are you okay?"

Demon God Xiao and the others also flew back, and they asked worriedly when they saw the scary stab wound on Xiao Lang's back.

"It's okay, you can't die." Xiao Lang smiled bitterly at them, then looked at the Supreme God of Asura, and said: "Master Asura, let me control the gathering formation!"

"it is good!"

The Supreme God of Asura nodded, and immediately handed over the control of the gathering formation to Xiao Lang. He had reached the limit now. If Xiao Lang couldn't come, he probably couldn't hold it any longer.

Taking control of the formation pattern of the gathering formation, Xiao Lang suddenly felt his hands sink, and a terrifying pressure was pressing on him. After the gathering formation was massive, the mass produced was enough to crush the mountain. It was also Xiao Lang's strong physique. If he were replaced by someone else, he would have been overwhelmed by this terrifying pressure a long time ago with such a serious injury.

At this time, Lang Yunfeng and Leng Xiong World God and others had also caught up, but when they saw the huge energy sphere above Xiao Lang's head, they all stopped abruptly.

That energy sphere gave them a great sense of crisis, and they couldn't imagine what terrible consequences would be when an energy sphere of that quality exploded.

"This lunatic!"

At the moment, Lang Yunfeng and Leng Xiong World God both cursed secretly. From their point of view, Xiao Lang’s behavior was simply too crazy. It was simply hurting others and himself. You must know that the energy sphere contained extremely rich energy. The fire attribute energy of's is similar to an unstable bomb, and it may explode at any time. However, Xiao Lang and the others directly put that energy sphere on top of their heads, and if an explosion accidentally occurs, all of them will be broken into pieces.

"Hahaha, Lang Yunfeng, Leng Xiong, and Xuanyu Longbow, don't you guys really want to kill me? Come on! Come kill me now!"

Seeing Lang Yunfeng and the others being bluffed by the energy sphere above him, Xiao Lang suddenly laughed sarcastically.

Lang Yunfeng and Leng Xiong's World God both looked a little ugly when they heard the words, but they did not act. At this moment, they were still standing in the distance, looking at Xiao Lang with cold eyes.

Xiao Lang now holds a powerful energy sphere. They dare not make this bet. If Xiao Lang dog jumps over the wall and detonates the energy sphere desperately, they will all die here.

"Since you are not willing to come over, then I'm not welcome."

Xiao Lang sneered, and then he flew out, holding the huge sphere in his hand, and rushed away at Lang Yunfeng and Leng Xiong World God.

"Xiao Lang, don't mess around!"

Upon seeing this, Lang Yunfeng's complexion changed, and he immediately shouted, and at the same time his body quickly retreated, the sphere that Xiao Lang condensed was too powerful, he did not dare to approach.

Leng Xiong's World God and those world realms also ran wildly, not daring to let Xiao Lang get too close.

Seeing this group of people being bluffed by himself, Xiao Lang's mouth evoked a sneer smile, he pushed the huge energy sphere, and flew towards the mask of the Futian formation.

"No, this guy wants to break through the Futian Formation!"

Lang Yunfeng was shocked and immediately performed the Sirius Ghost Kill, trying to stop Xiao Lang.

"Do you have something to come and try?"

However, just when Lang Yunfeng was about to release the Sirius Ghost Killer, Xiao Lang turned his head and glanced at him coldly, then said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Lang Yunfeng's complexion became stiff, he looked at the energy sphere above Xiao Lang, and after all he did not dare to release the Sirius Ghost.

The fire attribute energy contained in that energy sphere was too terrifying, and he couldn't guarantee that before the energy sphere exploded, he could escape the scope of the explosion.

And once it is affected by that kind of explosion, even if it is him, it may end up either death or injury.

Out of consideration for his own safety, Lang Yunfeng finally chose to give in. There were many ways to kill Xiao Lang, and there was no need to bet with his own life.

Xiao Lang sneered, then he ignored Lang Yunfeng, turned his head to look at the huge mask in the void in front of him, gave a low cry, and directly pushed the terrifying energy sphere over.

"call out!"

The energy sphere is like a meteor, drawing a straight trajectory in the void, and finally hit the mask accurately.

Xiao Lang seized the opportunity, and at the moment the two collided, his five fingers suddenly squeezed and let out a low cry.


The energy sphere suddenly compressed again. When the compression reached its extreme, the energy inside finally couldn't bear the pressure and burst out completely.

At this moment, the whole world of Huangyan Valley dimmed, and a series of black lightning appeared on the balloon of the earth, and the energy inside was completely released.


There was a sound of explosion that shook the earth, and because the energy was too terrifying, the surrounding space was torn into hideous cracks.

Suffering such a severe impact, the mask of the Futian Formation also fluctuated violently, and I saw the light on the mask, which was as dazzling as the sun, and the energies of the two sides quickly mixed together, making it impossible to look directly.

At the first moment when the energy sphere was detonated, Lang Yunfeng, Leng Xiong World God and others quickly moved away from here, Xiao Lang also took Xiao Moshen and others to hide in the distance. There was no way, the explosive power of the energy sphere was too powerful. Strong, if it is affected, few people in it can survive.

At this moment, the huge energy of the energy sphere is still plundering between the sky and the earth, the vast space is torn into countless pieces, the mountains and rivers on the earth are all razed to the ground, the scene is very tragic.

This kind of scene lasted for several minutes before the energy between heaven and earth gradually ceased. Xiao Lang stared at the mask of the Futian formation. Whether they could escape or not depends on this time.

Finally, the energy between the heavens and the earth dissipated completely, and the mask of the Futian Formation was finally exposed. What made Xiao Lang excited is that the indestructible Futian Formation had already been torn into many cracks at this time, although not completely It broke, but it was obviously unable to stop them.

"Good opportunity, go!"

At the moment, Xiao Lang did not hesitate, and immediately led Xiao Demon God and a group of people to fly towards the cracks in the light shield.

"Stop it for me!"

Naturally, Lang Yunfeng and the others were not willing to let Xiao Lang and the others go just like that, so they also chased up immediately and prepared to intercept Xiao Lang.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang tried his best to perform a few magical skills and forced Lang Yunfeng to stop, while Xiao Lang took this opportunity to quickly come to the Futian formation.

After Xiao Devil and the Supreme God of Asura passed through those cracks, Xiao Lang turned his head to look at Lang Yunfeng and others who were chasing him, grinning and saying, "Lang Yunfeng, Leng Xiong, and Xuanyu Longbow, today I'll take note of the matter, uncle. If I don't return it to you ten times the next day, I won't be called Xiao Lang!"

Lang Yunfeng and Leng Xiong's world gods looked very ugly when they heard this. Xiao Lang was telling them blatantly that he would retaliate in the future!

"Master Leng Xiong, go and kill that kid!"

Xuanyu Longbow stomped in anxiously. He was the lowest in strength, so he didn't participate in the battle. However, he was threatened by Xiao Lang's name, and he also felt a little frustrated.

It's a pity that Leng Xiong's World God didn't pay attention to him at all. Xiao Lang had broken through the Futian formation, and even he couldn't help Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang ignored the ugly expressions of Lang Yunfeng and Leng Xiong's World God. After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran out of the gap between the Futian formation and ran away.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Xiao Lang and others leave, Lang Yunfeng cursed bitterly, he took out a formation plate and took the Futian formation back.

Seeing a few cracks in his hand, Lang Yunfeng felt bitterly hated. He finally asked for this Futian formation from a wolf ancestor. Now that it has been ruined, he also felt a pain. .

"Young Master Longbow, Leng Xiong World God, this matter, you Xuan Yu family shouldn't just let it go, right?"

Lang Yunfeng looked at the two of Xuanyu Longbow, and said with some uncomfortableness.

Leng Xiong World God said bitterly: "Naturally not. After I go back this time, I will ask the Patriarch to reissue the reward order, and I must catch Xiao Lang anyway!"

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