Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 82: Reward and punishment hall

Facts have proved that it is obviously impossible for the men in black and others to catch up with Xiao Lang and the others.

Xiao Lang only wanted to escape. The black-clothed man and others couldn't catch up with the horse, and he was dumped out of sight after a while.

After taking a look at the back, Xiao Lang secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the black-clothed man and others had disappeared. Fortunately, there was no other ambush nearby, otherwise it would be impossible to run away so easily today.

"Xiao Lang, what should I do now?" Ning Fu'er was relieved to see that the black-clothed man and others had been thrown away, and she immediately looked at Xiao Lang and asked.

"From the current situation, Lang Yunfeng may have mastered our whereabouts. It is no longer safe to stay in Nanyuan County. Let's go back to Tianfu Palace quickly!" Xiao Lang said in a deep voice.

Ning Fu'er nodded and agreed, and then she said: "The closest big city is Liufeng City. Let's go there to take the teleportation array."

Xiao Lang naturally had no opinion on this, and after a little discussion between the two, they flew towards Liufeng City together.

Because they were worried that the black-clothed man and others would catch up, Xiao Lang and Ning Fuer still rushed to Liufeng City at the fastest speed.

Three days later, Xiao Lang and the two came to Floating Wind City. In order to prevent the wolf family from discovering that they did not stay too much in Floating Wind City, they went directly to the Teleportation Array Square to take the Teleportation Array and rushed to the Dragon. The rudder of the Tianfu Palace in Yangjun.

The two spent a total of more than ten days, passing through several large counties in the Eastern Region, and finally came to the foot of Tianlong Mountain.

Xiao Lang did not stay at the foot of the mountain, he directly climbed Tianlong Mountain with Ning Fuer and came to the mission hall of Tianfu Palace.

The Mission Hall is still the same as before. It is one of the most popular places in Tianfu Palace, and there are also many Tianfu Palace disciples who come here to take up quests.

Without squinting his eyes, Xiao Lang walked into the mission hall with Nymph.

"Where to deliver the task?"

Entering the mission hall, Xiao Lang looked at Ning Fu'er and asked in a low voice that it was the first time that he had completed the mission of Tianfu Palace, and it was reasonable not to know how to deliver the mission.

"Come with me!"

Ning Fu'er said with a smile, and then led Xiao Lang towards the mission hall.

Soon, under the leadership of Nymph, Xiao Lang came to a window inside the mission hall.

"Give me your Sky Floating Order." Ning Fuer stretched out her palm towards Xiao Lang and said.

Xiao Lang did not hesitate, and immediately took out the sky floating order and threw it to Nymph. After the latter took it, he placed the sky floating order in front of the window and said to an old man in the room: "Elder , We have to hand over the task."

The old man sitting in the room was about fifty years old. After listening to Nymph's words, the old man nodded blankly, and then took Xiao Lang's Tianfu Ling in.

"The task you are doing, but the one on the top of the eighth-level task list?"

After a while, the old man's slightly surprised voice came from the window.

"It's that one." Nymph nodded.

"Oh? Did you complete the task? You must have the blood evil corpse and the blood evil sect's suzerain token to complete the task." The old man in the window asked.

"Of course it's done." Nymph said.

Hearing this, the old man showed a hint of surprise. As the elder of the mission hall, he naturally knew how difficult the mission was.

Prior to this, several powerful silver armor disciples had taken over this task, but the final results all ended in failure. One can imagine how difficult it is to complete this task.

The sect has always felt a headache for this, and even once wanted to send the Golden Armored disciples to the Bloodwind Valley to kill the blood evil spirit, but because the sect’s Golden Armored disciples are preparing for an assessment shortly after the battle, they are all in retreat. The Jinjia disciples were willing to leave the customs to complete this task, so there was an embarrassing situation in which the other disciples of the East Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace were unable to complete this task.

The old man originally thought that this task could only be completed after the Golden Armor disciples had left the customs. He didn't want to be surprised if someone said that they had completed this task.

Soon, the old man walked out of the room. He was wearing a gray robe and looked unremarkable, but when Xiao Lang saw the old man, his eyes slightly shrank, because he couldn't see it. The strength of the humble old man has surpassed the realm of the world, and he is a powerful Era Venerable.

Xiao Lang not only sighed the power of Tianfu Palace, any elder of the mission hall could possess such strength, no wonder he could dominate a domain.

At this time, the old man had already arrived in front of Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er, his gaze swept in front of them, and then said: "Bring out the blood evil corpse and the blood evil sect master token to me Take a look."

Ning Fu'er nodded, then looked at Xiao Lang and said, "Xiao Lang, take it out!"

Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand, and immediately a brilliance flashed, and the **** evil son's body had appeared on the floor of the mission hall.

Seeing this, the old man looked at the blood evil spirit for a while, and gradually a hint of surprise appeared on his face: "It really is blood evil!"

Afterwards, the old man looked at Xiao Lang and said, "What about the Sect Master token of the Blood Fiend Sect?"

"it's here."

Xiao Lang smiled and opened his palm. After a flash of brilliance flashed by, the blood evil sect's sect master token appeared in his palm. This was after he killed the blood evil spirit before and followed the blood evil spirit. The searched ones can now be used to deliver tasks.

The old man took the Sect Master token of the Blood Fiend Sect and placed it in front of him to observe for a while. After a while, the old man showed a smile on his face and said, "Well, yes, it is indeed the Sect Master token of the Blood Fiend Sect. The task is completed. According to the rules of the task hall, anyone who completes this task will get a total of one million points. Have you discussed how to allocate these points?"

Ning Fuer took the lead and said: "Elder, we have already negotiated, and these points are all owned by Xiao Lang."

Xiao Lang opened his mouth, and finally gave a wry smile. He also wanted the elders to assign hundreds of thousands of points to Nymph. He didn't want to be preempted by Nymph.


The old man didn't have any opinion. How to distribute the points was not his business, he naturally wouldn't care about the distribution of Xiao Lang and Nymph.

At the moment, the old man took out a crystal ball the size of a palm and poured a trace of supernatural power into it. In an instant, a ray of light shone from the crystal ball to Xiao Lang's sky floating order.

After a while, the old man removed his supernatural power, collected the crystal ball, and then returned the sky floating order to Xiao Lang, saying: "Well, the value of one million points has been added to your sky floating order."

"Thank you elder."

Xiao Lang was not polite, and after receiving the order from the sky, he clasped his fist to thank the old man.

The old man waved his hand and said, "You are able to complete this task, which is also beyond my expectation. You deserve one million points."

As he said, he looked at Xiao Lang and said with a smile: "I don't think you don't have a silver armor suit on your body yet, I think you just joined Tianfu Palace not long ago!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang nodded.

The old man continued with a smile: "Your strength has reached the mid-world stage, and now you have accumulated a million points. You can already apply for the title of Silver Armor disciple. If you have time, go to the Reward and Punishment Hall for certification!"

"The disciple understands." Xiao Lang clasped his fist.

The old man nodded, he stopped talking nonsense, put away the blood evil corpse and the blood evil sect's sovereign token, and then returned to the room.

"Xiao Lang, congratulations, you will soon become a silver armor disciple." After the old man left, Ning Fuer turned to look at Xiao Lang and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled, and said: "It's a big thank you to give me the points. Otherwise, I guess I have to do one or two more tasks."

Ning Fu'er smiled sweetly, "It's okay, I have something to ask you for help in the future, so don't refuse."

"This is natural." Xiao Lang also smiled.

The two of them walked out of the mission hall talking and laughing. Xiao Lang didn't return to his residence because he was going to the Reward and Punishment Hall to verify the title of the Silver Armor disciple, while Ning Fuer left first because of something.

After separating from Nymph, Xiao Lang sighed. Nymph was the first person he met in the Sky Floating Star Territory. He originally thought that they were just passing by, but he didn't expect the two of them now to become so familiar. .

Speaking of Nymph, Xiao Lang thought of the family members far away. Now he has left the chaotic world for thousands of years, and he doesn't know how Dongfang Hongdou and the little demon are doing now?

Although he missed it, Xiao Lang also knew that it was not the time to take the Little Demon and the others, not to mention that he had not yet established himself in the Sky Floating Star Territory. Just talk about the family of Lang Yunfeng and Xuan Yu. It's giving him enough headaches.

He is also alone in his family now, and Lang Yunfeng and Xuan Yu's family have no other way to retaliate against him except to attack him.

But if the Little Demon and the others are taken over, Lang Yunfeng and Xuanyu's family is likely to transfer their hatred to them. At that time, the Little Demon and the others will definitely be implicated by him, and with his current strength, Unable to compete with the family of Xuan Yu and the wolf family behind Lang Yunfeng.

Therefore, even if he was homesick, Xiao Lang could only suppress this feeling, and he could not go back until he had a firm foothold in the Sky Floating Star Territory.

Between Xiao Lang's emotions, he had already arrived in front of the reward and punishment hall of Tianfu Palace.

The Tianfu Temple Reward and Punishment Hall is a department that specializes in the management of Tianfu Temple disciples. In addition to managing the daily norms of Tianfu Temple disciples, this department also holds the right to certify Xuanjia disciples, silver armor disciples, and golden armor disciples. If the Tianfu Temple disciple wants to advance, they must come to the Reward and Punishment Hall for authentication.

Originally, Xiao Lang didn’t care about these false names. In his eyes, it didn’t make any difference whether it was a disciple of the Golden Armor or the Disciple of the Silver Armor. The reason why he was in a hurry to come here to authenticate was the silver armoured disciple’s battle. clothes.

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