Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 106: : The trial begins

"Boom boom boom!"

On the cloud platform, the earth-shattering battle occurred immediately, and the horrible energy fluctuations were like raging waves, sweeping across this space.

Thousands of world-level powerhouses fought at the same time, and the power that erupted can be imagined to be terrifying. Thanks to this three-star tower, which is an era artifact, the internal space is extremely solid and will not be defeated by the war. A world artifact, I am afraid it has already collapsed.

When everyone was fighting, Xiao Lang and others would naturally be no exception, but they are now in a late position, so there are not too many people attacking them yet.

However, as Xiao Lang and the others gradually approached Dengyuntai, the hostility of the people around them became more and more obvious. After all, no one wanted to let others surpass themselves.

"The ants in the middle stage of the two worlds dared to come here. They really do not know how to live or die, and they will not return!"

A young man said indifferently, seeing Xiao Lang and the others flying over, he directly patted Xiao Lang and the others.

The strength of this young man is probably what he looked like when he first entered the late stage of the world realm, not so powerful, but it was more than enough to deal with two general middle stages of the world realm.

It is a pity that Xiao Lang is not an ordinary mid-world realm. His combat strength is far stronger than this young man.

Therefore, when the young man slapped them horizontally, Xiao Lang also gave a cold snort, and then shot out with a palm.


The palms of the two collided in the void, and the young man's expression immediately changed, because he discovered that he could not repel Xiao Lang even at all.

"how is this possible!"

The young man blurted out a word and felt unbelievable. He was also in the late world stage, so he couldn't shake a guy in the middle world stage?

Thinking about this, the young man's heart was extremely angry. The fight just now made him feel very embarrassed. In the late stage of the world, he can't shake the middle stage of the world. Where should he say to put his face?

Therefore, the young man immediately launched a second attack, this time he even performed a world magical skill, a hurricane swept across Xiao Lang and others like a mad dragon.

"act recklessly!"

Seeing this young man's reluctance, Xiao Lang was also a little angry, and saw him cry out, and a world magical skill blasted past.

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

Following Xiao Lang's move, the violent palm wind was extremely violent, and directly blasted the hurricane away, hitting the young man.


The young man's face suddenly turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his whole body was knocked out. He was seriously injured and could no longer continue fighting.

This scene happened to fall in the eyes of the surrounding trialists, and all of them were suddenly a little frightened, and the eyes looking at Xiao Lang were full of vigilance.

One move made a strong man in the late world stage lose his combat effectiveness. Is this guy really in the middle world stage?

A question mark appeared in the hearts of all the people around. Such a terrifying combat power is not something that the average mid-world realm can have. You must know that even some powerhouses at the peak of the late-world realm may not be able to do this.

In view of this, everyone around him gave Xiao Lang a dangerous label. It was definitely a dangerous person who was not easy to provoke if he used one move to kill the latter stage of the world realm.

Xiao Lang did not pay attention to what the people around him were thinking. After he retracted his palm, he stopped paying attention to the young man just now. He nodded to Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya in the rear, and then continued to fly towards the Dengyuntai. .

And because of Xiao Lang's great power just now, the surrounding trialists did not dare to intercept them, allowing them to surpass themselves.

There is no way, Xiao Lang's strength is there, no one will choose to fight Xiao Lang at this time, if Xiao Lang is beaten into a dead dog, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Without the interception of those nearby trialers, Xiao Lang and the others were much faster, and they soon arrived near the Dengyuntai.

The battle near the Dengyuntai is the most intense, because the people who climbed the Dengyuntai will guard around the Dengyuntai to prevent anyone from taking their place, while those who have not boarded the Dengyuntai will be desperate. He attacked the crowd on the cloud platform, trying to pull the people down, and then replaced them by himself.

Xiao Lang looked at the testers who were fighting fiercely ahead, and shook his head. Then he turned to Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya on the side and said, "We will find a place to rush up, you remember to follow me. Behind."

"it is good!"

Hearing that, Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya both nod their heads. They all know that the next time is the time to really test their strength. If they don't have enough strength and can't cooperate perfectly, it will be difficult for them to climb the cloud platform.


Xiao Lang was also talking nonsense, waved his hand directly, and then flew in one direction.

When Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya saw this, they quickly followed.

This time, Xiao Lang and the others did not use the previous triangle formation method, but used another formation method. Xiao Lang opened the way in front, and Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya broke behind.

This is because Liu Feiya’s strength is only in the early stage of the world. Such strength can protect herself in the future, but it is difficult to protect herself in the fierce competition around Dengyuntai. Liu Tianfeng joined hands with her, so that he would not be eliminated by those crazy testers.

Soon, Xiao Lang and his party have come to the edge of Dengyuntai. Their appearance has made many people look at them. There is no way. Almost all the strong people who can stand here are the powers of the late world stage, even if there is the middle world stage. And in the early days, it was also led by the strong to come here, no middle world realm tester can come here on their own strength alone, Xiao Lang and the others are still the first.

Xiao Lang ignored the weird gazes around him, and flew directly towards a prescription position on Deng Yuntai.

At this time, a fierce battle was taking place there. The four testers were frantically attacking the person on the cloud platform, and there was a tendency to pull the person from the cloud platform down.

Seeing Xiao Lang and the others flying towards this side, the brows of the four testers frowned. When will the mid-world realm guys also come here?

The strengths of these four trialers are the two mid-world realms and the two late-world realms. The overall lineup is pretty good. Naturally, they won’t put Xiao Lang and the likes of trialers in their eyes. Come, Xiao Lang and the others might have been lucky to come here.

"The third, fourth, you two go and solve those three guys."

One of the men in black gave a low shout and gave orders to the two men in the middle world stage.

"Understood, brother!"

Hearing the words, the two men in the middle stage of the world immediately promised, and then turned and flew towards Xiao Lang and the others.

"You guys stop for me, this is not a place for you to come, go back immediately!"

The two men in the mid-world realm immediately shouted, trying to use words to drink Tui Xiao Lang and the others.

"It's you who should go!"

Xiao Lang said coldly, he shot directly and slapped the two of them.

"So courageous!"

Seeing that Xiao Lang could not help but shoot directly, the two men in the middle world stage were also extremely angry, and immediately greeted him with a fist.


The result was obvious. In the two mid-world realms, it was impossible for Xiao Lang to be his opponent. He settled the two at hand.

Of course, Xiao Lang didn't kill people. Although this trial did not clearly stipulate that people could not be killed, he and the other party did not have any deep hatred. There was no need to kill innocent people indiscriminately, just let the other party lose their combat effectiveness.

Seeing Xiao Lang easily fought the two mid-world realms and lost their combat effectiveness. Some testers who had questioned him before couldn't help but their eyes brightened. It's no wonder Xiao Lang and the others can get here. This strength is already comparable The world is late.

At this time, the two black-clothed men who had previously asked the mid-world realm to intercept Xiao Lang also discovered the situation here. His eyes sank, and he temporarily gave up attacking the people on the platform and turned his head to look at Xiao Lang. Come here.

"Good boy, you dare to move my person, I think you are tired and crooked." The black man said coldly.

Xiao Lang ignored him. He didn't have time to talk to this guy here. It's better to get on the gimbal as soon as possible.

"court death!"

Seeing Xiao Lang daring to ignore him, the black-clothed man's face raised a look of anger, he took one step directly, and banged towards Xiao Lang with a punch.

The black-clothed man is a powerhouse at the peak of the late world stage, and his strength is much stronger than that of the young man just now. Although this punch is ordinary, it is powerful enough to kill an ordinary late world stage.

In the eyes of those around him, the trial of Xiao Lang and his party should be over here. After all, he was a strong man at the pinnacle of the late stage of the world. No matter how strong Xiao Lang's combat effectiveness, he could not be the opponent of the man in black.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lang didn't evade and greeted him again. This surprised everyone. Could it be that Xiao Lang still has a hole card?


In the next moment, Xiao Lang collided with the palm of the man in black, and then a scene that surprised everyone appeared. The man in black did not kill Xiao Lang in a second, but was repelled by Xiao Lang's palm seven or eight steps. Moreover, looking at Xiao Lang's appearance, it seemed that the confrontation just now was very easy for him, and it was not worth mentioning.

"How can this be?"

Everyone showed a look of astonishment. Xiao Lang had just repelled the two mid-world realm before, and even the powerhouse at the peak of the late-world realm was able to repel him. Is this guy really the mid-world realm?

Others found it unbelievable, and the man in black felt even more unbelievable. He was dignified at the pinnacle of the post-world stage, and he was only one step away from reaching the world-level perfection. He actually couldn't beat a mid-world stage?

This is simply unreasonable!

"Who are you!"

The black-clothed man couldn't help asking, he felt that Xiao Lang must have hidden his strength, otherwise it would be impossible to repel him.

"A lot of nonsense."

Xiao Lang ignored the latter, and saw him flying up and actively attacking the opponent.

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