Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 108: : Brother Xiong Kun

"Remember, as long as you are shot out of the cloud platform, you will be eliminated, so you have to pay attention."

As soon as Cao Xingde's words came out, all the cultivators on the cloud platform blinked, and they became wary of the people around them.

Because next, what they have to face is the people around them. If they relax their vigilance, people around them will attack them if they are not sure.

Xiao Lang immediately said to Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya: "You two should not be too far away from me. The next battle is estimated to be more intense."

"it is good!"

Both Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya nodded. They also knew that it would be dangerous next. After all, the people who could stand on the cloud platform, except for those who came up with the light of others, almost everyone else All of them are strong men above the post-world stage, and there are even some strong men in the world realm who are small and great. It can be said to be quite dangerous to compete with such a strong man. If you are not careful, you may change. As cannon fodder, even Xiao Lang couldn't save them.

"Okay, get ready!"

When everyone on the cloud platform was very vigilant, Cao Xingde, who was standing in the sky, spoke. He glanced at the people on the cloud platform, then waved his hand and said: "I declare, this time The second half of the trial officially begins!"

As soon as Cao Xingde said these words, the atmosphere on the cloud platform suddenly became tense, and everyone felt embarrassed on all sides.

Some small groups immediately gathered together at this time. After all, there are more than 5,000 people here. Once a war breaks out, it will be very chaotic. They must gather to exert their greatest strength.

The individual cultivators worked in their own way, looking around with vigilance, lest someone attack them.

Xiao Lang and the others also did not make a move. The three of them formed a simple triangle formation to guard against sneak attacks by others.

For a time, on the entire boarding platform, no one chose to shoot.

"This trial only lasts for two hours. After this time, everyone's qualifications will be cancelled and replaced by those who were eliminated before. You have to hurry up."

Seeing no one on Dengyuntai, Cao Xingde was not anxious and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the people on the cloud platform finally exploded. The reason why they didn’t shoot before was just that they would be targeted by the crowd. But in the face of this kind of rules, they had no choice because they didn’t take others Eliminated, all of them will be eliminated.

At the moment, the people on the cloud platform could no longer sit still. After an unknown slogan of "kill", everyone on the cloud platform chose to take action.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the sky-shaking energy burst out from the originally quiet Dingyuntai, and the deafening explosions continued to sound like firecrackers.

"Get out of here!"

"It was you who shot Lao Tzu just now, right? Now let Lao Tzu roll off!"

A shout came from the monks on the cloud platform, and the battle on the cloud platform became more and more intense.

Xiao Lang and the others were not spared, and a group of two people next to them attacked them.

This two-person group is a pair of brothers. The two people are tall and bearish, like two human-shaped explosive bears, and they are fierce.

"Do you three go down by yourself, or do you want our brothers to do it?" One of the big guys said with a sneer at Xiao Lang and his party.


Xiao Lang frowned and glanced at the big man. He knew these two people. During the first half of the trial, the two big men used their huge physical strength and tyrannical physical qualities to make those attempts to climb the cloud platform. All the people blocked, no one was able to break through their defenses and board them. They were two nasty guys. Xiao Lang did not expect that these two big guys would actually focus on them, which made him a little headache.

"Xiao Lang, what should I do?"

Liu Tianfeng asked in a low voice.

Xiao Lang shook his head and said, "There is no other way, let's hit it. Later, you will try to hold one person for me. After I solve one of them, I will help you again."

"it is good!"

Liu Tianfeng didn't hesitate. If he wanted to stay on the Deng Yuntai, he had to use some strength at least, and he couldn't rely on Xiao Lang alone.

In the end, Xiao Lang handed over that big man with strength in the late world stage to Liu Tianfeng, and he flew towards another big man with strength at the peak of the world stage.

"Good boy, dare to take the initiative!"

Seeing Xiao Lang flying directly towards him, the big man who had just spoken couldn't help but sneered. He turned his head and said to the younger brother beside him, "Xiong Jun, go and throw those two guys down the cloud platform. Leave this guy to me to deal with."

"Ok, brother!"

The man known as Xiong Jun nodded, and then he bypassed Xiao Lang and flew towards Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya.

After Xiong Jun left, the old man looked at Xiao Lang and sneered: "Boy, let you taste the greatness of your grandpa Xiong Kun!"

As he said, the big man who claimed to be Xiong Kun stepped out, the tyrannical force shook the ground of the cloud platform, and then he directly punched out.

This punch is purely physical strength, without any fancy, but its power is more powerful than the general post-world stage peak, and it almost reaches the level of the world realm.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes. This Xiong Kun cultivates the power of the flesh, which is the so-called physical cultivation. This kind of person is similar to a human-shaped monster. The physical strength is very terrifying, and it is most suitable for close combat. Said that the current situation is very favorable for Xiong Kun.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang immediately displayed the Holy Thunder Body, and he must have a strong physical fitness to fight at close range with a body of similar strength. Otherwise, he will lose in this battle, and the Holy Thunder Body just can. Provide him with a strong physical fitness.


The next moment, Xiao Lang's palm wind directly collided with Xiong Kun's fist. The physical strength of the two people was terrifying, and the shock wave that erupted from the collision affected even the surrounding monks.

Xiao Lang and Xiong Kun were also uncomfortable, and the terrifying force shook them both out, and they took a dozen steps back to stabilize.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have such a great physical fitness, but I underestimated you."

Xiong Kun looked at Xiao Lang in disbelief. He practiced physical magic all the year round, and his physique could be said to be quite abnormal, but he did not expect that this guy who seemed to have only mid-world strength could actually have physical strength. Match with him on top.

Xiao Lang shook his numb arm, smiled at Xiong Kun, and said, "You are also very good."

After finishing talking, Xiao Lang's figure swept out again and took the initiative to kill Xiong Kun. This Xiong Kun's strength is so strong, presumably his brother Xiong Jun's strength is not much worse, Liu Tianfeng and the others are afraid that they will not last long.

Therefore, he must solve Xiong Kun as soon as possible, otherwise Liu Tianfeng and the others would be in danger.

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

Xiao Lang let out a low cry, and dark golden scales emerged on his arms, and the tyrannical palm wind swept across Xiong Kun directly.

"Haha, good, good magical skill!"

In the face of Xiao Lang's split **** prajna palm, Xiong Kun laughed and said, "I also show you my magical skills."

With that, Xiong Kun took a big hand, and after a flash of brilliance, a huge black iron sword appeared in Xiong Kun's hand.

"Strong my sword!"

Xiong Kun screamed, the divine power in his body madly circulated above his arm, and he directly raised the long knife and slashed out angrily.


A huge blade of light appeared, directly slashing Xiao Lang's split **** Prajna palm, and what was even more terrifying was that the blade of light hadn't dissipated, but it continued to fly towards Xiao Lang.

"Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel!"

Xiao Lang's expression changed and he immediately displayed the dragon elephant golden wheel before intercepting the sword light.

"This guy's offensive power is too abnormal to go head-on with him."

Xiao Lang whispered, thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

At this moment, Xiong Kun rushed forward with a big sword.

"Hahaha, the kid did not recruit! Honestly take your two accomplices and roll down, uncle, I will spare you not to die!"

Xiong Kun laughed.

"You're too happy, you can beat me beforehand!"

Xiao Lang shook his head, and immediately his seal changed, and the power of madness was displayed by him.


Countless sharp love swords shot out at once, forming a trend of thousands of swords, sealing Xiong Kun's front, back, left, and right sides.

"Want to beat me with these broken things?"

However, in the face of the formation of ten thousand swords, Xiong Kun did not care, he said with disdain, and directly brandished the big knife, smashing the love sword bursting from the surrounding area one by one.


Just when Xiong Kun wrecked the sword of love, Xiao Lang suddenly let out a low cry, and huge spiritual power swept out, instantly engulfing Xiong Kun, causing him to fall into a state of sluggishness for a moment.

"It's now!"

Xiao Lang seized the opportunity, two slaying beams burst out of his eyes, passing through the sword of thousands of love, and directly came to Xiong Kun.


At this critical moment, Xiong Kun actually broke free from the shackles of affection. Seeing that the two stubborn killing beams were already close at hand, he slashed over with a knife.


A fierce killing beam was directly cut into two by Xiong Kun's sharp blade, but because of the tight time, Xiong Kun had no time to intercept another fierce killing beam and was hit by the latter.


The slaying has reached the level of the world's magical skills. Therefore, even if Xiong Kun's physical fitness is very abnormal, he can't completely block the attack of the shirking, and his left shoulder was shot with a deep blood hole by the slaying beam.


Xiong Kun couldn't help but breathe in the pain, and he quickly flew away to avoid being damaged by the slaying beam.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

After stopping, Xiong Kun was completely angry. He glared at Xiao Lang and roared furiously.

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