Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 114: : The assessment begins

The most difficult thing to cultivate in Shenglei Zhenquan is the realm of Consummation. This is the most difficult to achieve. No matter how hard a cultivator is, if he does not have a superior understanding, he will not be able to successfully practice. Only those talented cultivators with high understanding can understand it. The upright.

According to the secret book, the perfect level Saint Thunder Real Fist is very powerful, comparable to those high-grade world magic skills, and Xiao Lang is very yearning for it.

Of course, Xiao Lang didn't forget about yearning and returning, he knew that this was not something that could be accomplished in a day or two.

What he needs to do now is to be down-to-earth, first practice Sheng Lei Zhenquan to the realm of Dacheng.

As a result, Xiao Lang concentrated his attention, carefully comprehending the know-how of Sheng Lei Zhenquan.

"Sheng Lei Zhenquan, itself is the root, Sheng Lei is the guide, the fist is the front..."

Lines of esoteric and obscure words kept flashing before Xiao Lang's eyes, and he quickly entered the state of impossible.

This is a skill he learned in the chaotic world. In the state of inability, he can more intently comprehend the magical skills, and he can completely do nothing about it.

Time passed, Xiao Lang continued to sit in the alien space, thinking about every obscure point of Shenglei Zhenquan day and night, and comprehending its skills and know-how.

Sometimes, when Xiao Lang found something new, he would stand up, and then put his posture on the spot to practice.

Since Xiao Lang was able to comprehend the secrets completely without distraction, it only took him three days to cultivate Sheng Lei Zhenquan to the point of being small.

His speed can be described as an evildoer. You must know that before this, other people who had practiced Saint Thunder True Fist took ten days at the earliest to reach the realm of Xiaocheng.

Xiao Lang put away his mind and continued to realize that the Xiaocheng realm of Shenglei Zhenquan alone was not enough to enhance his combat strength. He needed to cultivate the Holy Thunder Body to the Dacheng realm, because only the Shengleizhen of Dacheng realm Boxing truly possesses the power of the world's supernatural skills.

As time passed, Xiao Lang continued to comprehend his Sacred Thunder True Fist in the alien space. In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

At this time, there was only half a month left before the assessment of the Tianfu Palace sect, but Xiao Lang was still practicing.

As recorded in the Shenglei Zhenquan, it is easy to practice the Shenglei Zhenquan to the level of Xiaocheng, but it is very difficult to cultivate to the realm of Dacheng. Some cultivators may take decades or even hundreds of years of effort to have hope. At this level of cultivation, Xiao Lang has only cultivated for a month, and it is almost impossible to complete it.

However, Xiao Lang didn't care about this, he was still in a state of inability, trying to comprehend the profound meaning of Saint Thunder True Fist.

After trying and failing again and again, Xiao Lang's whole body was almost exhausted, and he still did not succeed.

Outside, Xiao Moshen and Wuhen were a little anxious, because now there were only three days left before the sect assessment began, and until now, Xiao Lang still disappeared, and there was no news of him.

During the period, Ning Fu'er also came twice, because she had no choice but to leave after learning that Xiao Lang had not returned from going out to practice.

They didn't know that Xiao Lang at this moment was at the most critical moment.


At this moment, around Xiao Lang, countless lightning power overflowed, forming an ocean of thunder and lightning. The huge amount of lightning power formed a terrifying lightning in the void, constantly hitting the surroundings of the alien space, and every lightning power was enough to destroy it. A big mountain.

Thanks also to the fact that the alien space created by Xiao Lang is hard enough, if it were replaced by the alien space constructed by other world realm cultivators, it would have been destroyed by those violent lightning.

"Hey, it's still impossible to gather all the lightning power!"

Xiao Lang looked at the thunder and lightning at his feet and the violent lightning around him, and he sighed helplessly. The situation in front of him was caused by his inability to perfectly control the amount of lightning and because of his lack of control. So it caused an energy spill.

According to the explanation in the cheat sheet, the cultivator needs to gather all the lightning power at one point on the front of the boxer. Only in this way can a powerful lethality burst out. If this step is not done, it will not be able to reach the realm of great success.

Obviously, the current Xiao Lang could not do this step yet.

At the moment, he could only helplessly shook his head, and then continued to try.

I don't know how many times he failed, until the last day before the sect assessment began, Xiao Lang finally realized that all the lightning energy in the entire alien space was gathered above the boxing front.

"Sheng Lei Zhenquan!"

Xiao Lang yelled and blasted his fist violently. In an instant, the thunder and lightning energy on the front of the fist gushed out, forming a thunder and lightning fist mark, and attacked frantically.


The thunder and lightning fist finally hit the barrier of the alien space in front, making a deafening noise.

The originally indestructible alien space was shattered in an instant, and the Tianlong Mountain and Shiwanda Mountain from the outside were immediately exposed.

Xiao Lang was shocked, and quickly waved away the thunder and lightning fist marks. There are many disciples of the Tianfu Palace living in these 100,000 mountains. If they disturb others, it might be another contradiction.

However, Xiao Lang was very happy in his heart, because he had already cultivated Sheng Lei Zhenquan to the realm of Dacheng.

This is very important to him, Sheng Lei Zhenquan has reached the realm of great success, he has another assassin, and he is more sure to get the first place in the silver armor disciple group.

Looking at the sky, Xiao Lang felt that the time was almost up, so he got up and left here and returned to his residence.

"Xiao Lang, you finally came back!"

Seeing Xiao Lang appear, Wuhen breathed a sigh of relief. They had been looking for Xiao Lang these days, but Xiao Lang stayed in the Alien Element Space. They couldn't find each other at all, so they could only be anxious at home.

Originally, they had to give up participating in this assessment, but on the last day, Xiao Lang appeared in time.

"Well, how are you all preparing?"

Xiao Lang didn't explain, he glanced at Wuhen and Demon Xiao, and laughed.

"Not bad, I hope to hit the top ten."

Devil Xiao said confidently.

Wuhen also showed a smile. The two of them got a bit of adventure when they went out to perform their tasks. Their strength grew rapidly, and they had reached the level of the highest **** of cultivation that year. This is also the source of their confidence.

"It's good to have confidence."

Xiao Lang also smiled, and he naturally could see that Demon God Xiao and Wuhen's confidence, calm and vigorous aura, indeed had a chance to compete for the top ten.

"By the way, didn't the Dulong guy get out?"

Xiao Lang asked again that the poisonous dragon was the first to enter the realm of the 9th-order Void True God. It stands to reason that he should have the strength to compete for the top ten, but he has not seen the poisonous dragon so far.

"I notified him, but he is currently in a mysterious state, so I didn't bother him." Wuhen said.

"Mystic state?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately said, "Take me to see."

Wuhen nodded, and then led Xiao Lang to the place where the dragon was retreating.

After a while, the group of people came to a cave mansion.

This cave mansion is located on the back mountain of their residence, and it looks unremarkable from the outside, but here is a powerful formation laid down by Xiao Lang himself to maintain the stability of this back mountain.

Xiao Lang waved his hand directly, opened the door of the cave mansion, and then strode in.

The poisonous dragon was sitting in the middle of the cave, his eyes closed slightly, his expression was a little free, as if he had entered a certain state.

In the void, energies seemed to be summoned, continuously being sucked into the body by the poisonous dragon, enhancing his strength.

Xiao Lang observed carefully for a while, and he found that Dulong's body seemed to have become a magnet, capable of actively attracting the energy in the void, and then incorporating it into his body to refine it.

"Curious and wonderful state!"

Xiao Lang was surprised to say that the current state of the poisonous dragon was somewhat similar to his state of inability. Not only could it absorb the energy between the heavens and the earth on its own, but the efficiency of refining energy was also very high.

However, if you look closely, the poisonous dragon's state is not incapable. Xiao Lang couldn't tell what it was.

In the end, Xiao Lang simply ignored it. In any case, such a state was good for Dulong. It could help him increase his strength, and as long as he could help Dulong grow his strength, that would be a good thing.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang checked the strength of the poisonous dragon again, and he was surprised to find that the current strength of the poisonous dragon had reached the peak realm of the 9th-order Void True God, and it was only one step away from the world realm.

"Brother, is Dulong okay?"

At this moment, Xiao Demon God, who was standing by, asked in a low voice, they could not understand the status of the poisonous dragon and could only ask Xiao Lang for advice.

"It's okay, the poison dragon is in a very good state now, let's go out first, don't disturb him."

Xiao Lang explained, and then walked out of the cave with Xiao Demon God and Wuhen.

The poisonous dragon is now in a critical period. If luck is good, there is hope to break into the world in the near future. Therefore, Xiao Lang feels that the poisonous dragon does not need to participate in the sect assessment. After all, the rewards are more important than the breakthrough. .

In order to prevent Xiao Demon and Wuhen from worrying, Xiao Lang told them about the current situation of the poisonous dragon. After the two listened to them, they were all envious. Such a wonderful state is impossible to meet, and the poisonous dragon can meet. , It shows that his fate is not shallow, of course, envious of envy, they are still happy for Dulong in their hearts.

After Xiao Lang watched the poisonous dragon, he went to see the knife again. He found that after the knife had passed the previous practice, it had already entered a critical period, so Xiao Lang did not bother him.

"Well, let the two of them continue to practice in the cave!"

Xiao Lang walked out of the cave and said with a smile.

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen nodded, and then left Houshan with Xiao Lang.

Time flickered, and another day passed.


As the first dawn appeared from the sky, a melodious bell came from Tianlong Mountain. Everyone knew that the triennial Tianfu Palace sect assessment was finally about to begin.

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