Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 128: : True Dragon King

In the space, Xiao Lang imitated the movement of the black dragon, slowly twisting his body.

At the beginning, Xiao Lang's twisting was the same as Luo Tianqi's, his posture was ugly, and his behavior was weird. If anyone saw him, he might think he was crazy.

But with the passage of time, Xiao Lang comprehended the profound meaning hidden in this primitive twist over and over again, finally allowing him to find a little pattern.

Gradually, Xiao Lang's movements were the same as Luo Tianqi's, becoming more and more regular, no longer as awkward as they were at the beginning, but there was still a big gap between the real angry dragon fist.

Xiao Lang didn’t care about this. He just started to imitate the evil dragon’s movements. It’s good to be able to do this. After all, the angry dragon fist is not an ordinary magical skill, but a magical skill in the middle of the world. He wants to learn How could it be that easy.

Therefore, Xiao Lang did not rush, and continued to twist his body, like an angry dragon tossing about, possessing a magical rhythm.

After practicing for seven or eight days, Xiao Lang didn't stop for a quarter of an hour, but when he reached the ninth day of practice, his movements suddenly stopped, and he couldn't take a step forward.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's eyes showed a deep confusion. His cultivation was at a bottleneck. Although he could easily imitate the movements of the evil dragon, he did not know how to convert the movements of the evil dragon into Boxing.

"What should I do?"

Xiao Lang felt puzzled. He recalled the techniques of the angry dragon fist over and over in his mind, and watched the movements of the black dragon and Luo Tianqi over and over again, hoping to find the next breakthrough point from this.

But this was obviously not that easy. Xiao Lang thought about it for more than half a month, but still didn't have a clue.

Therefore, he simply stopped thinking, but stood up, sorted out his clothes, and then walked out of the alien space and led a leisure life to free his mind.

It was during this time that the knife and the poisonous dragon left the barrier.

After this period of cultivation, the knife has broken through to the realm of the 9th-order Void True God, and the strength of the poisonous dragon has advanced a step further, reaching a level comparable to Xiao Demon God and Wuhen.

Seeing that both of them had made progress, Xiao Lang was also happy for them. He held a celebration banquet for them that night. At the celebration banquet, Wuhen told Dulong and Xiaodao about some recent events. They talked about the mission hall and Wanbao hall related matters.

When Dulong and Xiaodao learned that Xiao Moshen and Wuhen had obtained generous rewards and opportunities by doing the task, they immediately decided to go out and explore.

Therefore, the two of them said goodbye to Xiao Lang in the morning of the next day, and got up together to the Mission Hall to find a suitable mission.

Xiao Lang didn't stop them. Not to mention that Dulong and Xiaodao hadn't completed any missions. They said that the generous rewards after completing the missions were also very good for them. So Xiao Lang was also happy to go out for training. The increase in strength is also beneficial.

At noon that day, Dulong and Xiaodao returned to their residence. They took on a level three mission, which was said to help a large family as bodyguards and went into the mountains to find elixir.

This task can get a reward of four thousand points. Although it is not much, the victory is relatively simple. It is considered good as the first task of training hands, so Xiao Lang also expressed support for them.

So Dulong and Xiaodao set off early the next morning and left Tianlong Mountain for their mission.

On the other hand, Xiao Lang continued to live a life of enlightenment, watching the changes of all things while comprehending the Wulong Fist Technique.

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

On this day, Xiao Lang was sitting cross-legged on a hillside practicing, and suddenly he opened his eyes, with a thoughtful expression in them.

Xiao Lang waved his arm, constructing an alien space, and he himself came into the alien space.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang took out the jade slip of the angry dragon boxing technique, activated the evil dragon illusion and Luo Tianqi's illusion in it, and continued to watch the battle between the two and the state of Luo Tianqi when he created the angry dragon boxing method.

Watching over and over again...

Finally on the third day, Xiao Lang's mind flashed, as if he had grasped one of the key points.

"It turns out that I was constrained by the movements of the evil dragon before. I don’t know that the essence of the angry dragon fist is not to imitate the movements of the evil dragon, but to transform it into a fist suitable for human practice. Transformation, these are two realms!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly enlightened, and the confusion in front of him was swept away, he found the direction of cultivating angry dragon fist.

Xiao Lang laughed and immediately spread his hands and feet, twisting his body, imitating the movements of the black dragon.

However, this time, Xiao Lang’s movements are somewhat different from those of the black dragon. The movements of the black dragon are still an instinctive behavior of the dragon beasts, but Xiao Lang has transformed it into suitable for human cultivation. Of boxing.

"It turns out that this is the transformation method of the angry dragon boxing technique, wonderful, really wonderful!"

Xiao Lang was in a good mood and admired the angry dragon boxing method. He admired Luo Tianqi quite in his heart. It is no wonder that the latter was able to become the master of the division rudder in the eastern part of the Tianfu Palace, only having a battle with the black dragon. To create such a boxing technique is indeed not comparable to ordinary characters.

Next, Xiao Lang began to follow the moves of the angry dragon boxing technique and continued to improve his understanding of the angry dragon boxing technique.

Because he had already reached the threshold, Xiao Lang's subsequent progress was also quite fast, and it didn't take long for him to become familiar with the major tricks of the angry dragon boxing technique.

In the Alien Element Space, Xiao Lang's body resembled a dragon, constantly tossing and turning, violent and powerful when punching, and occasionally even appeared with the dragon's howl.


In the alien space, Xiao Lang stomped the soles of his feet fiercely, and with a bang, he rushed out like a cannonball.

"True Dragon Power!"

Xiao Lang shouted, his right fist blasted forward, and with a bang, a powerful shock wave burst out.


The sound of dragon roar appeared in the void, and the powerful shock wave erupted with unparalleled power. The air flow broke and the space was distorted wherever it passed, and finally hit the space barrier of the alien space.


The barrier of the alien space was completely destroyed almost instantly, and a huge gap appeared.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang quickly dissipated the strength of the true dragon Jin, and the mountains in front of him were spared.

"It's worthy of being a mid-level world magical skill, this power is extraordinary."

Looking at the hole in the barrier of the alien space, Xiao Lang smiled slightly, quite satisfied with the power of the true dragon strength in the angry dragon boxing technique.

"Big Brother!"

Just when Xiao Lang was about to continue to try other tricks in the Anger Dragon Fist, Xiao Moshen's cry suddenly came from outside the alien space.


Hearing this, Xiao Lang frowned slightly, wondering why Xiao Devil God would come to him at this time.

Generally speaking, if Xiao Devil God has nothing important, it is impossible to come to him while he is practicing. If you find him during his exercises, it means that something important must have happened.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang immediately dispersed the dilapidated alien space and appeared in the outside world.

"Big Brother!"

When Xiao Moshen saw Xiao Lang appear, his expression was immediately happy, and he walked over quickly.

Xiao Lang looked at Demon God Xiao, and asked puzzledly: "Devil God, what's wrong?"

"Big Brother, something is wrong, Dulong and Xiaodao are in trouble!"

Devil Xiao said hurriedly.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang stared in his eyes and quickly asked, "What's the matter? What happened to the Dulong Xiaodao and the others?"

Xiao Moshen explained: "The poisonous dragon was injured after completing the mission from outside. I haven't had time to ask about the specific situation. Go back and have a look!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang didn't even think about it, and he walked out and walked towards his residence.

Xiao Demon God behind quickly followed.

The two of them flew all the way and soon returned to their residence. Xiao Lang immediately landed from the sky, and then walked towards a room.

"Xiao Lang, you are back."

In the room, Wuhen saw Xiao Lang coming in, and immediately greeted him.

Xiao Lang nodded, his eyes swept across the room, and he saw the poisonous dragon lying on the bed.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's anger suddenly rose, because he discovered that the poisonous dragon was indeed injured, and the injury was still very serious. There were a few hideous scars on his chest. The bones were deeply visible, and the internal organs could even be vaguely seen. .

Who is it that actually attacked the poisonous dragon? !

"Master, you are here."

At this time, Dulong also saw Xiao Lang's arrival, and immediately smiled at him. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured and his body was very weak. He was weak when speaking, and he coughed violently when he moved his body a little.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang didn't care about his anger, and hurried forward, using a trace of divine power to stabilize the blood churning in the poisonous dragon.

When the poisonous dragon slowly came over, Xiao Lang asked, "Poisonous dragon, what the **** is going on? Who hurt you like this? And, the knife? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Xiao Lang asked several questions, and Dulong smiled bitterly, and then said, "Master, this matter is a long story. It was like this at the time. Three days ago, Xiaodao and I had completed the sect mission. We were preparing to return to the Tianfu Palace for business, but on our way back, we suddenly encountered a group of people who attacked us. The opponent was crowded and powerful. There was also a master at the early stage of the world. I and Xiaodao desperately resisted. Finally escaped."

"But the group of people were reluctant and hunted us down, because I was injured in the resistance process, which caused the speed of both of us to escape a lot."

"In order to block those people, the knife took the initiative to lead them into a valley full of mist, and then lost the news. After I recovered some, I went to the misty valley to find the knife, but I found nothing. It’s very weird inside, and I can’t see through it with my strength. I have no choice but to come back and look for you."

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