Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 132: : Don't acknowledge

In the sky, the black cloud directly waved his hand, and in an instant, endless black clouds rolled out, forming a huge black ghost hand in the void, with sharp claws on the five fingertips, which was very penetrating.

As a powerhouse in the late stage of the world, Hei Yun's strength is still good. Looking at this Silver Tiger City, he is also one of the best, but it is a pity that his opponent is Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was also in the late world stage, and his strength was much stronger than Black Cloud, and Black Cloud's attack had no deterrent effect on Xiao Lang.

Therefore, when the huge dark ghost hand pressed towards Xiao Lang, he did not avoid it at all, and directly blasted it with a punch.

Hearing a "bang", Xiao Lang's fist, a violent fist wind rushed out, and instantly hit the huge black ghost hand.

Although the black ghost hand looked domineering, it was nothing in front of Xiao Lang. After only hearing a loud noise, the black ghost hand directly turned into the air and dissipated.

"how is this possible!"

Hei Yun frowned. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to defuse his attack so easily. It was completely out of his expectation. Therefore, Hei Yun was a little hesitant for a while and didn't make any rash moves.

"Are you also in the late stage of the world?" Hei Yun frowned, asking somewhat uncertainly.

Xiao Lang did not deny, saying: "Yes."

Hearing that, Hei Yun's brows have deepened. No wonder Xiao Lang can break his attack with one move. It turns out that the opponent, like him, is also a cultivation base of the late world stage.

Thinking of this, Heiyun didn't have the mind to continue to do it, not to mention that it is difficult to win in a match at the same level, even if it can win, it will take a lot of energy, so if it is not necessary, it is better to avoid conflict.

So Heiyun asked, "What are you looking for about black pine?"

"You don't need to worry about this, you can call him over, and I will leave after I ask the matter." Xiao Lang said.

Hei Yun's face became angry. This person simply didn't put him in his eyes, but thinking about the strength of the opponent, he could only suppress the anger in his heart, then turned his head to look at a dark-skinned man behind him, and shouted. : "Black Pine, come here soon."

The dark-skinned man criticized by Heiyun was one of the two deputy heads of the Heiyun Gang, which was the black pine that Xiao Lang was looking for.

Hei Song flew over quickly, held a fist at Heiyun, and said, "Bang Master."

Hei Yun's complexion was not very good. He pointed to Xiao Lang and his party and asked, "Do you know these people?"

Hei Song looked calmly at Xiao Lang and the Xiao Demon God and the others behind him, then retracted his gaze, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Hei Yun didn't ask any more, but said to Xiao Lang: "This is Hei Song, just ask what you want!"

Xiao Lang glanced at Hei Song, and then said to the poisonous dragon on the side: "Poisonous dragon, I told you that there was a magical medicine in the Misty Valley. Was it this person?"

Dulong gritted his teeth and said: "It's him!"

Xiao Lang nodded, turned to look at the black pine, and said coldly: "Did you hear our conversation just now? Come on, why did you deliberately lead them to Misty Valley?"

Hei Song squinted his eyes, he glanced at Dulong, and said faintly: "Did you admit the wrong person? This little brother and I have never known each other, so how can I tell him that there is a miraculous medicine in Misty Valley? , If there is a magical medicine in Misty Valley, why should I tell him? Wouldn't it be better for me to find the magical medicine by myself?"

Seeing Heimatsu's denial of the previous incident, Dulong looked angry and scolded: "So shameless, you and I only met a few days ago, so you didn't admit it!"

"Huh, I'm sitting on the black pine well, why should I admit that there is nothing?"

Hei Song said coldly, as if he was not afraid of the shadow slanting, and refused to admit what had happened before.

Dulong was also very angry, but he was not good at words, and he refused to admit it in the face of the black pine. He didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Xiao Lang patted Poison Dragon on the shoulder and signaled him not to worry. Then he looked at the black pine and said coldly: "We have already asked about this matter from the shopkeeper Liu at Yuelai Inn. You think you are not. Admit it, can we just use you?"

"What about shopkeeper Liu's admission? Who knows if you used force to force him to submit?"

Hei Song coldly snorted: "You are so aggressive now, do you want to repeat the trick and force me to admit something that doesn't exist? If this is the case, then I can only say that you might be disappointed."

"Although your strength is very strong, this is the headquarters of my Black Cloud Gang. I used to trample on the dignity of my Black Cloud Gang headquarters. I have a large number of Master Black Cloud Gang, and they didn't care about you. Take an inch and a foot, this simply doesn't put my black cloud gang in your eyes. You really think that my black cloud gang can pinch soft persimmons as you want?!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang frowned. He didn't expect that this black pine was so cunning, and a few words turned the black cloud gang into his shield.

He glanced at the Heiyun on the side, and saw that the latter's face was getting more and more ugly. It was obviously that Hei Song's words stirred his emotions, and he became more and more unbearable about what they did.

However, this matter is related to the safety of the knife. Even if the entire Black Cloud Gang is to be wiped out today, he must also pry open Heisong's mouth.

Therefore, Xiao Lang also said coldly: "I'll give you one last chance, and immediately tell you what happened before, otherwise no one will be able to save you today!"


At this moment, Hei Yun could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and he yelled and stopped Xiao Lang's behavior.

He stared at Xiao Lang and shouted, "You have finished asking your question. Since Hei Song said that there is no such thing, it is not. Don't go too far!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang sighed. After all, this black cloud was used as a gun by Hei Song!

He raised his head, looked directly at the black cloud, and said, "If I can't ask the result of this matter, I won't stop."

"What a courage!"

Seeing Xiao Lang acting so stubbornly and completely ignoring the warning, Hei Yun was also furious. He shouted, "How did Hei Song say that he is also the deputy leader of my Hei Yun Gang. I gave you the opportunity to ask him before. It is already a face to you. You Don't make an inch!"

As he said, he waved his hand and shouted: "Where is the Black Cloud Gang disciple!"


As soon as these words came out, in an instant, thousands of Black Cloud Help disciples from behind flew over and stood behind the Black Cloud Black Pine and the others, looking at Xiao Lang fiercely.

This is all the members of the Black Cloud Gang, and Black Cloud summoned them all, obviously intending to fight Xiao Lang to the end.

Hei Songxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stared at Xiao Lang and his group with a sneer on the corners of his mouth. No matter how strong this person is, is it possible that he can resist the thousands of disciples of the Black Cloud Gang?

Hei Yun stared at Xiao Lang and shouted: "I will give you one last chance now to immediately exit the site of my Hei Yun Gang headquarters. Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang shook his head helplessly, sighed in his heart, and immediately he took a step forward, facing all the disciples of Heiyun's help, and said: "If you want to take action, let me go. I will not give up on this matter."

"Good good!"

Hei Yun was extremely angry, and even said three good words, and shouted: "All the disciples listened to the order, this person forcibly broke into the headquarters of my Hei Yun Gang, and did not put my Hei Yun Gang in his eyes. Today, no matter what He succeeded!"

He waved a big hand and shouted: "Everyone will follow me, and you must take all these people down!"


Thousands of Black Cloud Gang disciples heard the words, and immediately yelled their promises, and flew out one after another, surrounding Xiao Lang and his party.

"Devil God, Poison Dragon, Wuhen, you must be careful when you combine the three!"

Xiao Lang looked at Xiao Devil God Poison Dragon and Wuhen three behind him, and whispered.


Xiao Moshen and others nodded and gave Xiao Lang a relieved look. Then the three of them immediately changed their formations and formed a simple iron triangle formation, calmly facing the surrounding Black Cloud Gang disciples.

And Xiao Lang looked up at the black pine, and said coldly: "You are good at it. You actually used all of your Black Cloud Gang as your shield."

"Thank you." Hei Song sneered.

"However, don't think that you can sit back and relax. I just said that no matter who comes today, you can't be saved!"

After Xiao Lang finished speaking, he flew out, aiming at the black pine in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Hei Song's complexion changed, and his figure quickly backed away. He knew that he was not Xiao Lang's opponent, but he dared not let him approach him.

"Stop it for me!"

On the other side, Hei Yun yelled and slapped angrily towards Xiao Lang's figure.

Endless black clouds and mist gush out, just like before, those black clouds and mist condense into a huge pitch black ghost hand in the void, intercepting Xiao Lang's path.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang's eyes sank, he let out a cold snorted, and blasted his punch directly.


The huge pitch black ghost hand shattered at the sound, turned into air and dissipated, while Xiao Lang continued to chase the black pine.

"Magic Cloud Palm!"

However, before Xiao Lang had gone far, he heard Hei Yun yell, and unexpectedly killed him again.

And this time, Heiyun used the world's magic skills, and saw the endless black mist surging out from behind Heiyun, condensing a terrifying palmprint in the void. This palmprint exudes infinite power, and it is almost like the previous black ghost hand. It's not the same.

Xiao Lang frowned. This Black Cloud seemed to really intend to smash him to the end. In that case, he didn't need to be merciful.

Therefore, when that terrifying palm print came horizontally, a cold light flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes, and dark golden dragon scales covered his arms.

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

Xiao Lang only heard a low shout, a palm shot, and immediately a huge palm print swept out, colliding with that terrifying palm print.


There was a deafening impact, and Xiao Lang's split **** Prajna palm was so powerful that he directly shredded that terrifying palm print.

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