Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 136: : Genba Tenkan

"It's there!"

Xiao Lang looked at the location of the Xuanyu longbow, which happened to be the center of the Xuanyu family's fortress. There seemed to be several good masters protecting him. Obviously, the Xuanyu family had already spotted him. , Protect the Xuanyu Longbow in advance.

But Xiao Lang didn't care about this. Today, he would take down the Xuanyu Longbow anyway, otherwise he would not know the whereabouts of the knife.

Thinking about this, Xiao Lang immediately set off and flew towards the fortress where the Xuanyu Longbow was.

"Xiao Lang, you are so courageous that you dare to come to my Xuan Yu's house to go wild. I think you are living impatiently!"

At this moment, an angry shout came from Xuan Yu's house, and then Xiao Lang saw that hundreds of figures flew out of the fortress in the center of Xuan Yu's house and stood in front of Xiao Lang.


Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang stopped because he found that Xuanyu Longbow was among those people, so he didn't need to look for it again.

"Xuanyu Longbow, are you finally willing to come out? I thought you would stay in this fortress forever!"

Xiao Lang looked at the Xuanyu Longbow standing in the crowd and sneered.

"Xiao Lang, what do you mean? This is the site of my Xuanyu family, not a place to make you mess around!"

After being mocked by Xiao Lang, Xuan Yu Longbow's face was also very ugly, he shouted.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Lang snorted coldly and said, "Xuanyu Longbow, don't you pretend to be stupid in front of me. Half a month ago, my two brothers were ambushed by a masked man near the Misty Valley in Linbei County of Qingguang Great World. Until now, I still have a brother missing. Don’t you plan to give me an explanation?"

"Your brother's life and death are unknown. What does it have to do with me?" Xuan Yu Longbow retorted, but although his mouth was very hard, he felt a little guilty in his heart. After all, he did this thing.

"Don't admit it yet?"

Xiao Lang said: "Don't think I don't know. You instructed the Black Cloud Gang to pretend to be passers-by, spread false news to my two brothers, lead them to the Misty Valley, and then attack them."

"There is no proof, do you have any evidence?"

Xuan Yu Longbow refused to admit it.

"I have searched the memory of Hei Song, the deputy head of the Black Cloud Gang, and witnessed the process of your conversation with my own eyes. Do you still want to quibble?" Xiao Lang said coldly.

Xuan Yu Longbow still wanted to quibble, but at this moment, a middle-aged man headed by the group of Xuan Yu family spoke.

"Xiao Lang, you came to my Xuan Yu's house to go wild, just for this matter?"

The middle-aged man said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang looked at the middle-aged man, and his eyes suddenly narrowed.

The middle-aged man has a cold face, wearing a blue robe, and his breath is full and strong, he has actually reached the realm of world perfection.

"You should be Xuan Yu Tianhan, the Patriarch of the Xuan Yu family, right? Your son Xuan Yu Longbow cheated my brother a few days ago near Misty Valley in Linbei County of Qingguang Great World. As a result, my brother's whereabouts are still unknown. Today you You must give me an explanation, otherwise don't blame me for making your Xuanyu family restless."

Xiao Lang said faintly, although he had never seen this middle-aged man, he could guess that this middle-aged man was the current Patriarch of the Xuan Yu family, "Xuan Yu Tianhan", and he also yelled angrily just now. That person.

"Only you?"

Xuan Yu Tianhan looked disdainful. He pointed to the group of people in the Xuan Yu family behind him and said, "You come and try?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang looked behind Xuan Yu Tianhan.

There are no less than a hundred of the Xuan Yu family who flew up this time. Most of these people are just Void True Gods, but there are also several world-level powerhouses. Among them, in addition to Xuan Yu Tianhan himself who is a world-level perfection, there are also Five early worlds, two middle worlds, and two late worlds.

Although such a lineup is not so powerful, if they are all together, it will still cause a certain amount of pressure on him. Not to mention, there are a large number of Xuanyu City Guards chasing soldiers in the rear, which is not to be underestimated. the power of.

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang, have you seen it? This is the gap between us! You immediately cut off your hands and feet now, and you will be arrested, otherwise I can't spare you today!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan laughed wildly. In his opinion, Xiao Lang was dead today.

"If I kill myself, you will spare me?"

Xiao Lang shook his head and said sarcastically, "Okay, let's talk less about these useless things. You can't see my brother today. Don't blame me for not saving you the Xuanyu family."

"What a big tone!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan shouted: "Don't say we don't know the whereabouts of your brother. Even if we did, we would have killed him long ago, waiting for you to rescue him?"

"So, you are not willing to compromise?"

Hearing that, Xiao Lang’s eyes flashed with a cold light. In fact, when he used his mental power to search the fortress of the Xuan Yu family, he did not find the whereabouts of the knife, but he felt that the knife should have been owned by the Xuan Yu family. The person is held in a special space, so he can't search the trace of the latter.


Xuan Yu Tianhan mocked: "Xiao Lang, you are really naive. The hatred between you and my Xuan Yu family has long been unsolvable. You think if we catch your brother, we will keep his life. now?"

Hearing that, Xiao Lang frowned, Xuan Yu Tianhan said it was not unreasonable, but if the knife wasn't here, where would he go?

"No matter what, if you want to prove your innocence, let me personally search the memory of Xuanyu Longbow, otherwise I won't stop today." Xiao Lang said firmly.

"Then you can try it!"

Xuan Yu's longbow stopped talking, and waved his hand directly, ordering all the Xuan Yu family to prepare for battle.

In fact, he already knew about Xuanyu Longbow's attack on Dulong and Mu Xiaodao.

However, it is impossible for him to give Xiao Lang an explanation. Their Xuanyu family and Xiao Lang are unending enemies—who would give an explanation to their enemies?

Xiao Lang looked at the eager Xuan Yu family members and couldn't help but shook his head. He turned his eyes to the Xuan Yu Longbow and said, "Xuan Yu Longbow, don't you plan to say a few words? You need to know what you did. , It is very likely to push your Xuan Yu family into a dangerous situation."

Xuan Yu Longbow sneered, and said disdainfully: "Xiao Lang, who do you think you are! It's still a dangerous situation... you should consider your own safety first!"


At this moment, outside of Xuan Yu's house, a group of guards flew over from behind, it turned out that chasing soldiers had arrived.

In addition, there were also dense figures on the ground. Those people came to watch the lively onlookers, and Xiao Lang directly chose to ignore it.

However, one of the guards chasing soldiers caught Xiao Lang's attention.

Wearing a mysterious iron armor, this person is tall and sturdy, looks like a King Kong Tower, with a strong oppressive force.

Xiao Lang had investigated the information of Xuan Yu's family before, and knew that this person was the commander of Xuan Yu City's guard army-Xuan Yu Tianxiong!

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang, have you seen it? This is the strength of my Xuanyu family. How can you fight the entire Xuanyu family with you?"

Seeing Xuanyu Tianxiong rushing over with the guard army, Xuanyu Longbow suddenly laughed wildly, as if in his opinion, Xiao Lang was dead today.

Xiao Lang ignored him, and his eyes were now on Xuanyu Tianxiong who had just arrived.

He discovered that the strength of this Xuanyu Tianxiong was the same as Xuanyu Tianhan, and he was also a world-level perfect powerhouse. It is said that this person had also competed with Xuanyu Tianhan for the position of Patriarch of the Xuanyu family, but because Xuanyu Tianhan received the support of most of the elders of the Xuanyu family, and Xuanyu Tianxiong was defeated in that competition.

After Xuanyu Tianhan came to power, in order to isolate Xuanyu Tianxiong from the power center of Xuanyu family, he appointed Xuanyu Tianxiong as the commander of the guard army of Xuanyu City. This position has a very high position in Xuanyu City. Status, but the right to speak in the Xuanyu family is not very high.

But no matter what, Xuan Yu Tianxiong is also a member of the Xuan Yu family, he still needs to pay attention to it, after all, the latter's world realm Xiao Perfect strength is enough to pose a threat to him.


After Xuanyu Tianxiong arrived, he ignored Xiao Lang, but first bowed to Xuanyu Tianhan.

"Well, Tianxiong is here!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan nodded, then pointed to Xiao Lang and said: "This son ignores the rules of my Xuan Yu City and comes to my Xuan Yu's house to behave nonsense. No matter what, today, you must bring him to justice and return my Xuan Yu. The people of Yucheng are at peace."

"Tianxiong understands!"

Xuanyu Tianxiong nodded, looked at the opposite Xiao Lang coldly, and said: "You are Xiao Lang, you killed so many brothers back then, I have never been to you to settle accounts, since you gave it today Come here, we can just take this opportunity to settle the accounts of the year."

"If it wasn't for your Xuanyu family who deliberately embarrassed me back then, how could I take action against your brother?" Xiao Lang coldly snorted.

"Needless to say these **** reasons, you should be very clear. The world is cruel, and the strong are respected. Only a fist is the last word. If you kill so many my brothers, I will help them get justice, which is like Xuan Yu's longbow shoots at your brother, and you will come to him for the same reason as asking someone." Xuan Yu Tianxiong interrupted Xiao Lang and said directly.

"A hard fist is the last word!"

Xiao Lang looked at Xuanyu Tianxiong and said, "Since you have said so, then I am too lazy to explain to you. If you want to do it, let me go. Let's see the truth below!"

Xuanyu Tianxiong drew out a cold iron long sword, and said with a grim face, "As you wish!"

With that said, Xuanyu Tianxiong slashed out directly. This knife seemed simple, but it contained terrifying power. The sword gleamed like a day, piercing the sky, and instantly assassinated Xiao Lang.

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