Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 138: : Capture Tianxiong alive


Above the sky, Xuanyu Tianxiong and Xiao Lang slapped face to face, and the powerful impact burst out instantly, causing both of them to step back a certain distance.

Although Xuanyu Tianxiong is a small perfect world, he did not have the upper hand in the confrontation just now.

"Damn, how could this guy's combat effectiveness be so abnormal?!"

Xuanyu Tianxiong relieved his strength, and his face showed an incredible expression.

Xiao Lang was only in the latter stage of the world, but his combat effectiveness was not lost to him at all, and he even faintly gained the upper hand sometimes.

This made him feel unacceptable. You must know that thirty years ago, Xiao Lang was just a hillbilly who had just entered the world, but today, thirty years later, the latter has grown to this point, which is simply incredible. At least in his Xuanyu Tianxiong's worldview, he had never seen a person who cultivated so fast.

The world realm is not an ordinary Void True God. At the level of the world realm, every breakthrough is based on ten thousand years, and very few people can make a big breakthrough within ten thousand years.

If there are, there are only two situations. The first situation is a great opportunity, and through the opportunity to obtain amazing treasures, so as to make a breakthrough and promotion; the second situation is those with extraordinary talents, these people are all human Zhonglongfeng, relying on his talent to break this unspoken rule forcibly, and enter a new realm with energy.

Obviously, Xiao Lang should be the second case.

Because people who are promoted through great opportunities are basically ordinary people, at best they can only show the combat effectiveness of the same realm, and it is even possible that the foundation is unstable because the promotion is too fast, and the combat effectiveness is lower than the same realm.

But Xiao Lang is different. In the battle just now, Xiao Lang demonstrated a very strong combat power, even he could not defeat the opponent. You know, he is a realm higher than Xiao Lang, and it stands to reason that Xiao Lang should be crushed. Lang is right, but the fact is that no matter how he fights, he can't beat the opponent.

"Xuanyu Tianxiong, what are you doing, don't hurry up and take down that thief!"

Seeing that Xuan Yu Tianxiong hadn't won Xiao Lang for so long, Xuan Yu Tianhan was also a little impatient, and hurriedly said.

Hearing this, Xuanyu Tianxiong gritted his teeth, he glanced at Xiao Lang, and immediately swiped his knife.

"Boy, die!"

Xuanyu Tianxiong's cold iron long knife burst out with a fiery light, and as he yelled, endless divine power emerged from him, and finally injected into the cold iron long knife.

After accepting the increase of divine power, the light on the cold iron long sword was even more intense than before. Gradually, the light of the sword turned into a black and yellow color, and a huge ferocious black tiger emerged from that blade of light.

"Ferocious Beast Sword, Black Tiger Howl!"

Xuanyu Tianxiong uttered a shout again. He raised the cold iron long knife in his hand high. The sharp blade pierced people's eyes. As Xuanyu Tianxiong slashed down, the huge and brutal black tiger immediately He rushed out and rushed towards Xiao Lang who was opposite.


The black tiger roared, and the roar shook the sky. Even Xuanyu City was trembling, and countless onlookers showed shocked faces.

"That is the strongest magical skill of the Great Commander Tianxiong. It is called the Fiery Beast Sword Technique. It has a terrifying power. It has repelled the enemies who have raided Profound Feather City several times."

"Unexpectedly, Grand Commander Tianxiong would even use this trick. It seems that Xiao Lang is more ill-fortuned this time!"

"That's not necessarily true. It is said that Xiao Lang joined Tianfu Palace a few years ago and became a silver armor disciple of Tianfu Palace. Xuanyu Tianxiong is very powerful, but he wants to defeat Xiao Lang. Easy thing."

"Now it's up to Xiao Lang whether he can take over the "Black Tiger Tianxiao" lore by the great leader of Tianxiong."

When everyone was talking, Xiao Lang also narrowed his eyes.

It seemed that Xuanyu Tianxiong was pressed by him, and even this powerful magical skill was displayed.

But Xiao Lang didn't have any fear, Xuanyu Tianxiong's magical skills were indeed very powerful, but his magical skills were not vegetarian.

Since Xuanyu Tianxiong wanted to use his magic skills, he would just accompany him.

Thinking about this, Xiao Lang took a deep breath, then let out a deep cry, stimulating the Holy Thunder Body to its extreme.


As soon as the Saint Thunder Body of the Xiaocheng realm was activated, Xiao Lang's body instantly burst out with endless terrifying lightning energy.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Xiao Lang's surroundings turned into a huge sea of ​​thunder.

"What a powerful body refining skill!"

On the ground, the crowd of onlookers screamed when they saw such a large amount of lightning energy burst out of Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang ignored them, and when the thunder sea formed, his eyes flashed with cold light, and his figure rushed out.

"Holy Thunder is the guide, the fist is the front!"

Xiao Lang had a word in his mouth, and the thunder and lightning energy in that thunder sea seemed to be summoned, all gathered frantically towards him, and finally gathered on his fist.

"Sheng Lei Zhenquan!"

When all the lightning energy was gathered on his fist by Xiao Lang, he uttered an angry shout, and then blasted his fist towards the violent black giant tiger.


In an instant, the violent thunder and lightning energy on the front of the fist sprayed out, forming an extremely solid thunder and lightning fist mark, and attacked frantically.

"call out!"

The thunder and lightning fist marks were dazzling, piercing the sky, and the target was directed at the black giant tiger opposite.

The black giant tiger also screamed from the sky, desperately rushing towards the thunder and lightning fist mark.

The next moment, the two collided!


There was a loud noise in the sky, and everyone's ears were temporarily deaf.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that an incomparably amazing energy erupted from the center of the collision of the two magical skills in a volcanic eruption posture.

"not good!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan’s expression changed. The two world magical skills were extremely terrifying to the power that erupted at the time of the explosion. If they were not controlled, the shock wave formed by this explosion would be enough to flatten the city of Xuan Yu. The Yu Family Base Camp is no exception.

Therefore, Xuan Yu Tianhan hurriedly flew down, and instantly activated Xuan Yu City's protective array, and only then did he withstand the terrifying shock wave.

"Everyone, run away!"

Those onlookers on the ground screamed in horror, for fear that they would be affected by the explosion. Most of them were weaker Void True Gods. Once they were affected, they would definitely die.

Fortunately, the great defense formation of Xuanyu City has been activated. When the shock wave came, a huge protective shield was transformed into the sky above Xuanyu City, blocking most of the shock wave, and this made the crowds onlookers free from being affected. Yucheng also survived because of this, and was not destroyed by the explosion.

At this moment, Xiao Lang, who was standing in the sky, turned blue and red, almost vomiting blood.

No way, the counter-shock caused by this level of anti-shock is very terrifying, and thanks to his holy thunder body protection, there is no serious injury, just the blood becomes impetuous.

"The real world realm of Xiaozhun is different, it is much stronger than those of the same realm in the Ten Thousand Star Tower."

Xiao Lang muttered to himself in a low voice, he forcibly suppressed the almost boiling blood in his body, carefully searching for it in the fire caused by the explosion in front of him.

"It's there!"

After a while, Xiao Lang whispered, and his figure quickly swept out and rushed directly into the sea of ​​flames.

When Xiao Lang came out of the fire, he was already carrying a person in his hand, and that person was Xuanyu Tianxiong.

After the confrontation just now, Xuanyu Tianxiong was hit hard, and he passed out directly. The armor on his body was shattered into a broken shape. The original vigorous aura became extremely weak at this time, and he clearly had no power to fight again. Up.

"Oh my God, Xiao Lang actually won!"

The crowd below exclaimed, feeling incredible that Xiao Lang could win the battle.

"This is amazing!"

Someone sighed that it took Xiao Lang thirty years to reach the current level from the beginning of the world, and it was even more enchanting than enchanting.

"Xiao Lang, let Tianxiong go!"

At this time, Xuan Yu Tianhan had already flown up from below. When he saw Xiao Lang actually grabbing Xuan Yu Tianxiong in his hand, his expression changed on the spot, and he quickly shouted.

"If you want me to let him go, just exchange your son for him."

Xiao Lang said indifferently, the qi and blood in his body had calmed down, and it was no different from usual at this time.

Hearing that, Xuan Yu Tianhan frowned. Naturally, he couldn't take the Xuan Yu longbow to exchange hostages with Xiao Lang, so he said in a deep voice, "Xiao Lang, don't know what is good or bad, you are catching me now. The chief of Xuan Yu City is also a direct child of my Xuan Yu family. If there is something wrong with him, my Xuan Yu family and you will really be immortal."

"Don't use this to threaten me. Even if I don't take Xuanyu Tianxiong, your Xuanyu family still wants to kill me?" Xiao Lang sneered.

"Then how exactly are you willing to release people?" Xuan Yu Tianhan said angrily.

"Didn't I say that, either trade your son, or wait until I find the knife!" Xiao Lang snorted coldly, with a very determined attitude.

Hearing this, Xuan Yu Tianhan was very angry, but at the same time he was helpless. Xiao Lang now holding Xuan Yu Tianxiong as a hostage, he really had no choice but to take Xiao Lang.

Although from a personal level, he was anxious that Xiao Lang would kill Xuanyu Tianxiong, so he also lost a potential competitor.

However, due to family considerations, he could not do this, because Xuanyu Tianxiong is a member of his Xuanyu family no matter what, and Xuanyu Tianxiong is still a strong person in the world. It was in the entire Xuan Yu family, and also the core combat power, if Xiao Lang killed them, then their Xuan Yu family would have suffered a great loss.

Therefore, no matter how angry Xuan Yu Tianhan was, he could only endure it.

"How about it, have you thought about it?"

Seeing Xuan Yu Tianhan with a bewildered look, Xiao Lang asked indifferently.

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