Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 146: : Shura World God

Venerable Wuxiang waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's okay, these things are not precious things, you hold them first, and you will try to participate in the Tianfu Conference in a hundred years."

Xiao Lang nodded. He also wanted to go to the Tianfu Palace headquarters. The rudder of the Eastern Region of Tianfu Palace was still too small after all.

Continue to stay in the Eastern Region sub-rudder, he can get limited things.

Only by going to the larger Tianfu Palace headquarters can he obtain more training resources and keep his strength growing rapidly.

In the end, Xiao Lang bid farewell to Venerable Wuxiang and Qin Wushuang, and then left the restaurant with Xiao Moshen and others.

The knife has been found, and the accounts that should be settled with Xuan Yu's family have been settled.

The group rushed to the Xuanyu City Teleportation Square, took the teleportation array, and returned to the Celadon World.

Eight days later, Xiao Lang and his group returned to Tianlong Mountain.

"finally come back!"

Xiao Dao sighed that the process of performing the mission this time could be said to be quite dangerous. He almost became the soul of the Xuan Yu family under the sword. Fortunately, Xiao Lang arrived in time to save him from death.

"You two, go and hand over the task first!" Xiao Lang smiled.

The knife nodded, and then went to the mission hall with the poisonous dragon to hand over the completed mission.

Xiao Lang returned to his residence. Now the knife has been recovered, and the poisonous dragon's injuries have been healed. The stone in his heart has finally fallen to the ground, and he can relax.

In the morning, Xiao Lang entered a training room and sat cross-legged to practice.

Three days later, Xiao Lang was awakened by an exclamation.

"Master Shura, you are back!"

The exclamation sound came from the knife, and the content seemed to be that the Supreme God of Asura had returned from experience.

Xiao Lang immediately finished his cultivation and hurried to the front yard to check the situation.

Soon, Xiao Lang saw the Supreme God of Asura standing in the courtyard.

The knife, Xiao Devil, Wuhen, and Dulong were all here.

Seeing Xiao Lang coming, the four of them waved to him immediately: "Big Brother, Lord Shura is back."

Xiao Lang nodded and smiled, and walked over.

"Xiao Lang!"

The Supreme God of Shura greeted him and greeted him with a smile.

Xiao Lang's eyes looked up and down on the Supreme God of Asura, and after a while, his eyes brightened.

"Master Shura, have you broken through the world?"

The aura on the supreme **** of Asura was obviously thicker than before. If you observe carefully, you can even find a breath of the world from him.

Obviously, the Supreme God of Asura went through this experience and successfully broke through the realm of the ninth-order Void True God and entered the early stage of the world realm.

"In the experience, I realized something, so I made a breakthrough."

Shura Supreme God smiled.


Xiao Lang was happy for the Supreme God of Asura, and smiled: "It seems that we can't be called the Supreme God of Asura in the future. We must be called the World God of Asura."

Hearing this, the Supreme God of Asura gave up again and again, and said with a wry smile: "Xiao Lang, don't make fun of me."

"Haha, how can this be a joke."

Wuhen walked over and clasped his fists to congratulate him: "Congratulations to the world **** Shura for successfully breaking through the world realm and improving his cultivation."

"Yes, Lord Shura, you have now entered the world realm and have the title of world god."

Xiaodao and Dulong also smiled on the side.

The supreme **** of Shura was not above them, so he could only shake his head and smile bitterly, but he changed his thoughts and felt that there was some truth. Now that he has entered the world realm, he can indeed afford the title of world god, so he doesn't need to be too humble.

Several people chatted again, and the world **** of Shura talked about the experience and knowledge of this experience, and when he talked about some wonderful places, he made the knife and the poisonous dragon exclaimed in surprise.

It turned out that the Asura World God went to the more remote Western Regions this time. The Blue Light World was divided into five regions, namely the Eastern Region, Southern Region, Northern Region, Western Region, Central Region and Western Region. Xiao Lang and the others were in the Eastern Region. There is an extremely long distance from the Western Regions.

Xiao Lang did not expect that the Asura World God had gone so far away.

When the Shura World God talked about the Western Regions, he talked about some of his experiences in the Western Regions. Xiao Lang and the others also heard them quite interesting.

"Oh, by the way, speaking of the Western Regions, I have one thing to tell you."

At this moment, Shura World God suddenly looked at Xiao Lang and said.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang suddenly became interested and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Shura World Divine Dao: "It's like this. I went to the Western Regions this time and heard a news. This news has something to do with you."

"Related to me?"

When Xiao Lang heard this, he was stunned. He hadn't been to the Qingguang Great World for a long time, and he hadn't been to the Western Regions. How could the things over there have something to do with him?


The God of Shura nodded, and immediately said: "Didn't you cultivate a magical skill called "Dragon Elephant Magic Technique"? The news I heard in the Western Regions is related to your magical skill."

"Longxiang magic?!"

Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed, and he quickly asked, "What's the matter? Come and listen?"

"That's it. When I was practicing in the Western Regions, I passed by a city called Jueyun City. There I learned that the dragon elephant magical technique you practiced was revealed from an ancient ruin in the southern Western Regions. The seal of the ruins was not completely opened, so it quickly healed. I heard that the seal of the ruins has recently been loosened again. It seems that it is about to be opened. Many people want to go there to see the situation."

Asura World God explained: "I originally wanted to see the situation, but it was in the critical period of breakthrough, so I didn't go, and I also plan to come back and tell you about this. Then we can go exploring together. "

"That's it."

Xiao Lang finally knew it. When he bought the Dragon Elephant Magic Art, the host of the Scarlet Cloud City Auction House said that the Dragon Elephant Magic Art was revealed from an ancient ruin.

He couldn't help but feel a little delighted. The Dragon Elephant Divine Art is a good world magical skill, but what he currently cultivates is only a small part, and there is still a part that has not been revealed. This also causes the level of the Dragon Elephant Divine Art to be restricted to the low-grade world. The category of magical skills.

But according to his speculation, the real dragon elephant magical skill is very likely to be a middle-grade world magical skill, or even a stronger high-grade world magical skill.

Therefore, if he can find the missing part in the ruins, then the dragon elephant magic technique will surely become his new method.

"Master Shura, thank you very much."

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang hugged his fist at the Asura World God, and sincerely thanked him. He was very grateful to the Asura World God for being able to come back and tell himself this important news.

"No need to be polite."

The Asura World God hurriedly waved his hand and said with a smile: "And if I really want to thank you, it should be me thanking you. If you hadn't taken me out of the chaotic world, maybe I am still a ninth-order Void True God. progress."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang also smiled, and immediately said, "By the way, when can the seal of that ancient ruin be opened?"

The Shura World God shook his head: "This is hard to say. When I came back, the seal of the ancient ruins had been loosened, but it had not been opened yet, but I guess it will be soon, because many monks have rushed there. I believe it will not be long before the seal of the ancient ruins will be completely opened."

Xiao Lang frowned, and said after a moment: "If this is the case, we have to rush over soon too!"

He thought for a while, and then said to the Shura World God: "Well, you go and hand over the task first. After you receive the points, let's set off directly to the southern part of the Western Region, how about?"

"no problem."

The Asura World God immediately agreed that he actually wanted to go to the ancient ruins very much. If it wasn't for telling Xiao Lang the news, he would have been there now.

At the moment, the Supreme God of Asura left immediately and went to the Tianlong Mountain Mission Hall to hand over the mission.

"Xiao Lang, do you want us to go?"

Wuhen walked over and asked in a low voice.

The knife and the poisonous dragon Xiao Moshen also looked over, with Qi Yi's gaze in their eyes.

Xiao Lang glanced at them, pondered for a while, and then said, "You can go, but there may be danger there. You have to prepare first."

"no problem."

Wuhen and the others smiled slightly. I don't know how much danger they have experienced, and where they are afraid of danger.

"That's it. Go and prepare. When Master Shura comes back, we will set off." Xiao Lang smiled.

The group left on the spot, each preparing to go.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Lang got up early and went to the courtyard to wait. Soon after, the Xiao Devil God Wuhen Xiaodao Dulong and the Shura World God were all present. Without a word, Xiao Lang led a group of people to leave the residence. , Go to the teleportation array under Tianlong Mountain.

It is a long distance from the Eastern Region to the Western Region, and needs to span the entire Middle Region. Therefore, even if it is a teleportation array, it will take a certain amount of time to reach the destination.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang and the others went quite smoothly along the way, and they didn't encounter any trouble. Therefore, after three days, Xiao Lang and the others finally arrived at Cloud City in the Western Regions.

The City of Absolute Cloud is a large city, and the lord of this city is Venerable Absolute Cloud, a strong man in the second-grade era.

After Xiao Lang and the others came here, they did not rush on their way, but first inquired about the ancient ruins in the city.

Before the Asura World God came back in a hurry to inform Xiao Lang, he didn't inquire very carefully. After Xiao Lang came, for the sake of safety, he thought it was better to inquire about the matter first.

Therefore, the group spent a whole day inquiring about all the information about ancient ruins in Cloud City.

It turned out that the ancient ruins they were looking for were located in the West Barren land in the southern part of the Western Regions. It was a barren no man’s land. Usually human ruins were rare, and the seals of the ancient ruins they were most concerned about had not been opened yet. Some people from big forces have already gone there, preparing to use brute force to forcibly open the seal of the ancient ruins. The time is set within a few days.

This means that if they want to explore the ancient ruins, they must rush over now. If they are late, I am afraid there will only be a pile of rubble waiting for them.

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