Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 148: : Purple Thunder Fruit

The purple fruit on the stall was about the size of a fist, with an oval shape and a lavender skin, covered with a faint purple light, which looked crystal clear, like a piece of purple agate.

However, Xiao Lang didn't care about the appearance of the purple fruit. What he was concerned about was the core of the purple fruit-the purple thunder core.

It is precisely because of the existence of the core of this group of purple thunders that the identity of this purple fruit has become different.

As far as Xiao Lang knows, this purple fruit is a kind of magic medicine called "purple thunder fruit", and the core of the purple thunder fruit is the essence of this purple thunder fruit. The pure purple thunder energy has a great benefit to the monks with thunder attribute.

"I didn't expect to see something like Purple Thunder Fruit in such a small place."

Xiao Lang whispered to himself.

The number of purple thunder fruit is very scarce, because it is only born in places where the power of purple thunder is very strong. It is extremely difficult to pick. Generally speaking, purple thunder fruit can only be seen in some large auction houses or markets. The figure, such a small temporary market can be said to be unprecedented.

While Xiao Lang was looking at Zi Lei Guo, the middle-aged man in front of the stall also saw him. The middle-aged man immediately smiled and said, "What does this fellow Daoist need?"

Xiao Lang glanced at him, pointed at Purple Thunder Fruit and said, "How do you sell this purple Thunder Fruit?"

The middle-aged man raised his brows and said with a smile: "One hundred million Saint Quartz, or I can exchange the equivalent items I need."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang frowned and said in a low voice, "Is the 100 million sacred spar too expensive? You may not be able to get the price when you go to the auction house!"

The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled and said, "It's not expensive or expensive. Since fellow Taoists can recognize purple thunder fruit, they must also know its scarcity. Indeed, the purple thunder fruit at auction may not be able to sell 100 million. Saint Quartz, but most auction houses are out of stock all year round. How many people want to buy a purple thunder fruit but can’t? Therefore, we are not selling purple thunder fruit, but a chance to obtain purple thunder fruit."


Xiao Lang cursed secretly in his heart, this middle-aged man was really eloquent, able to speak well, and he was able to say something unreasonable, but he still had no way to refute it, because purple thunder fruits are indeed rare. You can't buy it if you have a sacred spar.

"How about it, do you want to buy it?"

The middle-aged man asked with a smile.

Xiao Lang frowned and thought for a while, then nodded, "Buy it!"

Although it is a bit expensive to buy a purple thunder fruit with a hundred million sacred spar, but he wants to cultivate the holy thunder body to the realm of great achievement, purple thunder fruit can give him a lot of help.

Since returning from Xuan Yuxing last time, Xiao Lang has determined a new direction for the future-to participate in the Tianfu Conference a hundred years later.

And if you want to participate in the Sky Floating Conference, it is best to have the strength of the World Realm Dzogchen, and the pass rate will be much higher.

Since Purple Thunder Fruit can help him on this, he will naturally not be stingy with himself. One hundred million Saint Quartz is a lot of money, but last time he obtained one billion Saint Quartz from the Xuanyu family. The compensation, so he can afford this sacred spar.

"Haha, fellow Taoist is really refreshing."

The middle-aged man laughed and was very happy. He pointed to the stall in front of him and smiled: "There are other good things in my stall besides Purple Thunder Fruit. Do you want to buy something else?"

Xiao Lang glanced around at the middle-aged man's booth, then retracted his gaze, shook his head and said, "No, you just wrap the purple thunder fruit for me."


The middle-aged man nodded, regretting that he could not squeeze an extra sacred spar on Xiao Lang, the golden master.

But he didn't care very much, Zi Lei Guo had helped him earn 100 million sacred spar, anyway, he would not lose money on this trip to Changfeng Valley.

"Haha, I didn't expect this young man to be so lucky to see Purple Thunder Fruit in such a place?"

Just as the middle-aged man was about to pack the purple thunder fruit, suddenly, an excited laugh came from the market.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man and Xiao Lang frowned and looked at the laughter.

I saw a young man wearing a brocade and white robe was walking towards this side excitedly, behind him, followed by a group of guards who also wore white robe.

"The thunder of the Lei family?"

Seeing the young man in a white robe, the middle-aged man frowned and his complexion became a little ugly.

This thunder is the second young master of the Lei family of Fenglei City, a complete dude. Although his cultivation is only in the middle of the world, he has only come to Changfeng Valley for a few days due to the power of the Lei family, without being defiant and aggressive. Offended many monks in Changfeng Valley.

Everyone dared not say anything about Lei Dong's deeds, because Lei Dong was not only the second master of the Lei Family of Feng Lei City, but also the younger brother of Lei Yun, the young master of the Lei Family of Feng Lei City.

Lei Dong is not to be afraid of, but Leiyun is different. This person has a good talent and has already cultivated to the world of Dzogchen at a young age. He is very powerful and is a young man in the southern part of the Western Region.

Most of the people who came to explore the ancient relics this time were ordinary world realms, and many of them were true gods of the void. The strength of Thunder Cloud can be said to be the top group in Long Wind Valley. Who dares to provoke?

Therefore, even if everyone is uncomfortable with Lei Dong's deeds, they can only open one eye and close one eye, and they will not see it.

Originally, the middle-aged man held a respectful attitude towards this thunderbolt. He didn't want the latter to actually stare at his purple thunder fruit, and his mood suddenly became depressed.

It's not that he is unwilling to sell Purple Thunder Fruit to Lei Dong, but because Lei Dong is a complete dude, who is not reasonable at all, and likes to bully others. He can sell Purple Thunder Fruit to Xiao Lang for a price of 100 million Saint Quartz, but he does not. He must be able to sell the Purple Thunder Fruit to Lei Dong at the same price. Maybe the latter would just send him some sacred spar, and he didn't have any reason.

At this time, Lei Dong had brought a group of Lei family guards to the middle-aged man’s booth. He directly ignored Xiao Lang on the side, pointed at the purple thunder fruit, and said to the middle-aged man: "The stall, this Purple Thunder Fruit is yours, right?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man bit his head and nodded, and said, "It's mine."

"Well, Ben Shao is interested in your purple thunder fruit, can you make a price?" Lei Dong said directly.


Hearing this, the middle-aged man showed embarrassment. He glanced at the silent Xiao Lang, and immediately smiled at Lei Dong with some embarrassment: "Master Lei Dong, I am really sorry, I have sold this purple thunder fruit to someone else. ."

He didn't want to sell the Purple Thunder Fruit to Lei Dong. Although Lei Dong asked him to quote the price, if he quoted a price of 100 million Saint Quartz, he would definitely be rejected by Lei Dong, and finally gave him some Saint Quartz and sent it away.

"Sold it to someone else?"

Hearing this, Lei Dong frowned. He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Lang who was aside, and then said to the middle-aged man: "You haven't completed the transaction yet? Since the transaction has not been completed, this young master can still participate in the competition! Well, how about I buy 30 million sacred spar and buy your purple thunder fruit?"

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said, "This fellow Taoist has produced 100 million sacred spars."

When Lei Dong heard the words, he glanced at Xiao Lang, and immediately said, "If you don’t brag, don’t you say that you can get one hundred million sacred crystals? I can take out 30 million sacred crystals now, Lei Guo pack me up!"

With that said, Lei Dong couldn't allow the middle-aged man to refute, and he was going to get the sacred spar to pay the bill.

At this moment, Xiao Lang flipped his palm, took out a piece of space jade pendant, handed it to the middle-aged man, and said faintly: "This is 100 million sacred crystals, you count."

The middle-aged man took the space jade pendant, used his mental power to sense it, and immediately said happily: "It is indeed a hundred million holy crystals."

Lei Dong's expression on the side suddenly became gloomy. He didn't expect that this person would dare to ignore him so much. Isn't that too much of him, the second youngest of the Lei family?

"What do you call your Excellency?"

However, even though Lei Dong was dull, he did not directly rob him, but first asked Xiao Lang's origin.

"Xiao Lang."

Xiao Lang said lightly.

"Xiao Lang?"

Hearing this, Lei Dong frowned. He remembered that there seemed to be no such person in the Western Regions, so he felt that Xiao Lang should be an ordinary casual cultivator, and he was not afraid.

Thinking about this, Lei Dong's courage grew, and he said faintly: "I am Lei Dong, the second master of the Lei family in Fenglei City, you should have heard of it?"

Xiao Lang glanced at him indifferently, then shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."


Lei Dong did not expect that Xiao Lang would not give him face so much, and suddenly became a little unhappy: "What an ignorant hillbilly, so let's give me this purple thunder fruit. I will act as the second young master of Lei Family in Fenglei City. If you initiate an invitation, my Lei family can give you a place of worship, how about?"

"Not interested in."

Xiao Lang refused directly, his vision was so high that he naturally looked down on the Lei Family of Feng Lei City.

With that said, he directly stretched out his hand to take the purple thunder fruit on the stall, he had already paid for the sacred spar, and this purple thunder fruit had already belonged to him.

Seeing Xiao Lang, he would take the purple thunder fruit away. Lei Dong felt anxious in his heart. He was a Lei Xiu, but because of his mediocre talent, he relied on all kinds of magical medicine to reach the point where he is today, and his elder brother Leiyun, He is already a strong man in the Great Perfection Realm of the World Realm. If he doesn't catch up quickly, he will only be pushed farther and farther in the future.

"court death!"

Therefore, Lei Dong gave a cold shout, stretched out and grabbed the purple thunder fruit. Since Xiao Lang refused to give in, he could only **** it.

"I think you are the one who is looking for death!"

Xiao Lang's complexion sank, and he said coldly, with a backhand shot, a powerful force surged out and rushed towards the thunder.


How powerful is Xiao Lang's strength, Lei Dong was hit by that tyrannical energy, and he snorted and retreated. Fortunately, his group of guards caught him in time to avoid the embarrassment of being lifted off.

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