Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 150: : Promise Thunder Hand


At the Changfeng Valley temporary market, a huge thunder and lightning storm swept here.

Numerous cultivators took the initiative to control the thunder and lightning storm and prevent it from wreaking havoc in the Long Wind Valley.

But at this time, the minds of the cultivators in Longfeng Valley did not pay attention to when the thunder and lightning storm stopped. All the attention of everyone was concentrated on the silver streamer.

The light on the silver streamer slowly dissipated, revealing a figure.

It was a young man who looked a bit similar to Lei Dong, but his facial profile was a bit more handsome than Lei Dong, especially the light and wisdom contained in those eyes, not least of the dude that Lei Dong had piled up with drugs. Comparable.

This is not a simple person!

Xiao Lang saw this person's first reaction.

Thinking about the words that this person said before, it is not difficult to infer that this person's identity should be Thunder's clan brother, that is, the character of the Changfeng Valley-"Leiyun".

Sure enough, when the light on the young man's body dissipated, the monks who were onlookers from afar exclaimed.

"It really is Thunder Cloud!"

"It seems that Xiao Lang's attack on Thunder has already angered Thunder Cloud!"

"Hey, I don't know where Xiao Lang is. He dares to attack the second young master of the Lei family. It's quite courageous. It's a pity to offend Lei Yun, I'm afraid it will hardly end well!"

"Yes! That young man's strength is only in the latter stage of the world realm, but Leiyun is a world realm complete, and the gap between the two is too big."

At this time, everyone's eyes gathered on the Lei Dong who was holding Leiyun's hand again, and then they all secretly smacked their tongues.

Because of the thunderous movement at this time, it can be described as miserable. Most of his body is pitch black, and his black hair is burnt to a bad shape. It emits a pungent burnt smell and looks very embarrassed.

Thanks to Lei Yun's timely action just now to rescue Lei Dong from the thunder and lightning storm, Lei Dong was not killed by the power of the Nine Thunder Beads.

However, seeing the tragic situation of thunder, everyone was even more certain that Leiyun would not let Xiao Lang go, and Xiao Lang was afraid that he would be in danger.


Seeing Leiyun appear, Lei Dong immediately cried his father and called his mother: "Brother! You want to avenge me!"

"what happened?"

Lei Yun let go of thunder, and asked lightly.

"That's it! I saw a purple thunder fruit in a stall, and I wondered if you are going to cultivate recently, so it was like buying that purple thunder fruit and giving it to you for cultivation.

Lei Dong pointed at Xiao Lang and said angrily: "But I didn't expect that this **** would also like the purple thunder fruit. I wanted to compete fairly with him, but I didn't expect that he would be stronger than me by virtue of his strength. Forcibly occupy that purple thunder fruit."

"I thought to myself, I am also a direct disciple of the Lei family, how can I cower outside? Therefore, I wanted to argue with him and argue with him, but I didn't expect this **** to be unreasonable at all and directly fight me. , Not only brought down all my guards, but also almost killed me."

Lei Dong became more angry as he spoke. He looked at Lei Yun with a look of excitement and said: "Brother! For the reputation of my Lei family, for the dignity of my Lei family, you must take action to teach this bastard!"

"So shameless!"

When many onlookers heard Lei Dong's words, they cursed secretly in their hearts, expressing their contempt for Lei Dong's behavior. After all, Lei Dong's actions just now, but many people saw it in their eyes.

It was obvious that he was unreasonable and wanted to suppress others as the second young master of the Lei family, and forcibly **** the purple thunder fruit, only to provoke Xiao Lang's revenge, but he turned into Xiao Lang's arrogant person instead.

However, no one dared to stand up and criticize Lei Dong. The people present were basically local people from all over the southern part of the Western Region. They were all within the scope of the Lei family's rights. How could they dare to offend the Lei family?

If they say it and make the Lei family unhappy, a bad one may be the end of family ruin.

Xiao Lang also frowned. He didn't expect Lei Dong to be so shameless that he turned black and white in public and bit him back.

But he didn't rush to explain, because he still doesn't know what kind of person Leiyun is, and he needs to observe and observe.

After Lei Dong finished accusing Xiao Lang, he kept begging Lei Yun to deal with Xiao Lang, but Lei Yun did not rush to answer him.

"Brother, this matter is related to the reputation of our Lei family, you can't be merciful!"

Lei Dong begged bitterly.

Leiyun's eyes flickered, he glanced at Lei Dong, and said after a moment: "I will take care of this matter."

After finishing speaking, he took out a space jade medal and directly collected those violent thunder and lightning storms, and the bazaar suddenly calmed down.

After doing all this, Lei Yun looked at Xiao Lang and said faintly: "Are you not going to give me an explanation?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang raised his brows and said, "What explanation do you want?"

"My brother is stubborn and stubborn. He may have offended you in his words. I don't care about it. But you openly attacked my Lei family and obviously didn't put my Lei family in your eyes. A moment?"

Lei Yun put away the space jade pendant, his voice calmly said.

As soon as Lei Yun said this, some onlookers in the distance looked at each other one after another.

Xiao Lang frowned. He didn't expect Lei Yun to turn his contradictions to this point. This made him very upset. His actions against the Lei Family were disrespectful to the Lei Family?

It's nonsense!

He directly said: "I wonder if you made a mistake. This time, it is clear that your Lei family is disrespectful to me first. They not only snatched the purple thunder fruit that I bought, but also launched an attack on me. The Lei family has done this to me, why should I respect you Lei family again?"

Lei Yun shook his head, and said, "I didn't make a mistake. I don't need to know about anything else. I only know that you took action against my Lei family just now, and although my brother is disrespectful to you, he is not guilty. To death, your move just now obviously wanted to kill him. As his brother, I naturally want to help him get justice."

Xiao Lang frowned and said coldly: "It's a good one to seek justice, I think you just want to embarrass me!"

Lei Yun glanced at him, then said: "Whatever you think!"

"Ha ha."

Xiao Lang sneered: "A person from a small local family who behaves so aggressively is really an eye-opener for me. Come on, what do you want?"

"Either hand over the purple thunder fruit, or cut off and apologize."

Lei Yun said lightly, completely ignoring the cynicism in Xiao Lang's words.

"Then what if I say no?" Xiao Lang said coldly.

Lei Yun said: "Then I have to do it myself."

Hearing that, Xiao Lang was so angry that he laughed back. He thought that Lei Yun should not be so unreasonable just now, but now he realized that he was thinking too much.

"Then you can try it!"

Xiao Lang said coldly.

"Brother, let's help you!"

At this time, Xiao Demon God and Wuhen both came over, standing behind Xiao Lang, glaring at the opposite Leiyun, what the latter did also made them very angry.

On the other side of Leiyun, many of the Lei family's guards also came, drew out their weapons one after another, staring at Xiao Lang with unkind looks.

"You don't need to do it yet."

Xiao Lang waved his hand and said, indicating to Devil Xiao and the others not to act rashly.

"Unexpectedly, you still have a few accomplices. If so, let's make amends for you together!"

Lei Yun glanced at Xiao Moshen, Wuhen and others, and said lightly, and immediately he moved and grabbed Xiao Lang with one hand.

Obviously, he wanted to suppress Xiao Lang by force.

"I'm afraid you are not qualified!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang also let out a cold snort, feeling very upset in his heart, raising his head and punching to greet him.


The attacks of the two quickly collided with each other, and a huge force spread out, which directly shook both of them out.

"Some abilities."

Lei Yun said calmly, just now he only used 20% of his power, and it was normal for Xiao Lang to shake him back.

Moreover, he only stepped back three steps, while Xiao Lang stepped back seven or eight steps. The huge gap between the two was self-evident.

After speaking, Leiyun launched a second attack.

"Promise Thunder Hand!"

I saw Leiyun cry in a low voice, and a slender electric arc shot out immediately on the palms of his hands, making his palms full of destructive power.


I saw Leiyun both palms coming out, angled sharply, and extremely fast, forming an afterimage in the void. Before everyone could react, Leiyun's attack had already hit Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang frowned, Lei Yun's palm technique was so extraordinary that he couldn't tolerate him to look down upon him.

Therefore, Xiao Lang also gave a cold snort, and the muscles under his skin were agitated, and a violent and violent breath radiated from him.

"Angry Dragon Fist!"

Xiao Lang's fists blasted out to meet Leiyun's tricky hands.


Lei Yun frowned slightly, because he found that Xiao Lang at this time looked like a human-shaped angry dragon, not a human.

"Some doorways."

Lei Yun secretly commented, but he is a powerful person in the Great Perfection of the World Realm, so naturally he would not be afraid of Xiao Lang's angry dragon fist, so his Promise Thunder hand quickly collided with Xiao Lang's fist.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, a deafening impact sounded, resounding throughout the Changfeng Valley Fair.

The cultivators looked at each other and stepped back a lot. There was a shock that could not be concealed in their eyes, because they had never expected that Xiao Lang would dare to fight Leiyun personally, and looking at the current situation, it seemed that Lei did not belong. cloud.

"Could it be that Leiyun is deliberately releasing water?"

Everyone speculated in their hearts that they couldn't believe that Xiao Lang in the latter stage of the world realm could fight personally with the thundercloud of the Dzogchen World Realm without losing the wind.

But they quickly rejected this inference, because they thought it was impossible. Lei Yun obviously wanted to get the purple thunder fruit from Xiao Lang, how could he release water?

At the moment, everyone's eyes turned to Xiao Lang, with an unbelievable and unbelievable look.

"Is this kid a freak?"

Everyone commented like this.

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