Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 153: Seal key

The center of the ancient ruins is a mountain!

Very huge mountain!

Towering into the sky, magnificent and magnificent, it is hundreds of thousands of meters high!

The monks who had just arrived all took a breath.

Such a huge mountain is rare in the outside world!

Who could have imagined that there is such a magnificent mountain hidden in this ancient ruins?

In addition, everyone also discovered that there was a light blue light curtain around the mountain, isolating the entire mountain from the outside world.

Needless to say, the light blue light curtain is the seal inside the ancient ruins circulating outside.

"It's such a powerful seal. It is estimated that everyone here will not be able to break the seal at all."

Someone exclaimed.

"Go! Go over and take a look!"

Some impatient monks couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts and flew directly towards the mountain.


However, before they were close, a huge pressure suddenly fell from the sky, directly pressing them down from the sky, and smashing them to the ground.

"Boom bang bang!"

A series of sound of landing came, and many deep holes were smashed into the ground.


"it hurts!"

The monks grinned in pain and screamed.

Several of their bones were broken, because the sudden pressure was so strong that the impact force that caused them to fall was much greater than usual, and even they could not completely resist it.

"what happened?"

Numerous monks in the back stared their eyes, and quickly stopped the figure that was about to catch up, with a look of astonishment.

"Hey, a bunch of fools!"

At this time, someone sneered: "Don't you ask for news before you come?"

When everyone heard the words, their faces were dumbfounded, and they looked at the speaker, only to find that it was the thunder of the Lei family, and they had to endure it.

The corner of Lei Dong’s mouth was sneered, and he continued: “That mountain is called Zhenmofeng, and there is a restriction set by the dragon elephant on it. Therefore, there is a strong gravity around Zhenmofeng. As long as ordinary people approach it, it will Being suppressed by that force of gravity, and the higher you fly, the greater the force of gravity. You dare to fly directly from the sky, it is really too long."

Hearing that, everyone knew it, no wonder those people suddenly fell from the sky in a good manner. This was the reason.

The monks who broke their bones stared at thunder in anger. This guy knew what was going on, but he didn't say anything. It was really sinister.

Lei Dong ignored the gazes of those people, turned his head after speaking, and ignored it.

At this time, Lei Yun of the Lei family said faintly: "Okay, let's all go down. If you go further, you will be suppressed by the gravity of Zhenmofeng. It is better to walk safely."

After speaking, Lei Yun took the lead and led a group of Lei's family to land.

On the other side, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, Fire Fighting and others also led their own troops and landed on the ground.

"Let's go down too."

Xiao Lang whispered, and then followed him with Xiao Demon God and others.

At this time, the first Thundercloud, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, Fire Fighting and others had already taken their men and horses and walked towards the foot of the mountain first.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang and others immediately followed suit.


Before they walked far, Xiao Lang and the others felt a wave of gravity descend on their bodies, making their bodies heavy.

Fortunately, they are walking on the ground, so this force of gravity is still acceptable, and will not affect their progress.

But if they fly into the sky, the force of gravity will grow stronger and stronger until it crushes them.

"Keep going."

Xiao Lang sensed it and determined that this force of gravity was safe, then made a forward gesture and continued to lead the way.

A group of people followed.

Soon after, Xiao Lang and others stopped in front of the four huge altars.

It's not that they can't walk anymore, but that there is no way to go, because further ahead is the sealed light curtain.

They must first open the sealed light curtain before they can move on.

At this time, the many monks behind also followed, and when they saw the seal blocking their way, they all looked at each other.

"How to open that seal?"

Someone issued a question.

"It is said that it takes four seal keys to open the seal, but I don't know where the four seals are? How can I obtain it?"

Everyone focused their eyes on the thundercloud at the front of the crowd, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang and Fire Fighting.

They are the strongest among all the monks, and they are all from the local powers. They have much wider information channels than ordinary people. They must know how to obtain the seal key.

However, to their disappointment, the four of Leiyun Bai Yaofei Mo Huang Fire Extinguished were also at a loss, obviously not knowing how to obtain the seal key.

"Even they don't know how to obtain the seal key? Are we all going back empty-handed?"

A group of monks were depressed and very depressed.

"If you want to obtain the seal key, you must send four powerful people to the four altars. After passing the assessment, you can obtain the seal key."

At this time, the mysterious person in the black gauze hat appeared again, he said in a deep voice.

"So that's it?"

When everyone heard the words, they were suddenly stunned.

They cast their eyes on the thundercloud, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, and the four people who put out the fire one after another, expecting them to board the altar and obtain the seal key.

But Leiyun Bai Yaofei Mo Huang is not a fool to put out the fire. They looked at the mysterious man in the black hat and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? How do you know how to obtain the seal key?"

The others also looked at the mysterious man in the black hat, with curiosity.

In fact, they had already noticed the mysterious man in the black gauze hat, but the latter never showed his face, so no one knew what he looked like.

However, he now said how to obtain the seal key, which immediately aroused their curiosity.

The man in the black gauze hat also seemed to know that everyone was very curious about him, so he took the black gauze hat off his head and revealed a slightly pale face. He was actually a young man in his thirties.

Of course, this is only his apparent age. To reach the realm of the Void True God and the World Realm, he would have to cultivate for hundreds of thousands of years. It is impossible to reach it in 20 to 30 years.

"Who is this person, why haven't you seen it?"

Everyone showed doubts.

"My fellow Shao Yuan."

The pale youth spoke.

"Shao Yuan? Is he the Shao Yuan who came here once in more than ten years?"

Everyone was shocked. Obviously, they didn't expect that this unremarkable young man was the Shao Yuan of the year.

No wonder he knows how to obtain the seal key. Since he is Shao Yuan, that makes sense.

"Are you really Shao Yuan?"

Bai Yaofei was more cautious, he couldn't help asking.

"Replacement as fake."

Shao Yuan said: "I was on the altar back then, but my strength was only in the world, and I couldn't pass the altar assessment, so I had to give up. Your strength is stronger than mine, and there should be hope of passing the assessment."

Hearing this, Bai Yaofei, Leiyun Mohuang Fire-extinguishing and others looked at each other, and they were all skeptical.

"Try it, there are so many people here, forgive him for not daring to lie."

Mo Huang said, he is the master of a sect, and it is often easier to make decisions at this time.

"Okay, then we have one altar each."

Lei Yun agreed.

After speaking, Lei Yun flew onto one of the altars as soon as he moved.

Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, and the firefighters saw this, they also flew out one after another and came to the other three altars.

"Put your divine power into the middle of the altar. After activating the altar, a puppet will appear. You only need to defeat that puppet to pass the test and obtain the seal key."

Shao Yuan introduced.

Leiyun Bai Yaofei Mo Huang walked to the middle of the altar after hearing the words, and injected a divine power into the middle of the altar according to the method Shao Yuan said.


In an instant, four figures appeared on the altar, which turned out to be four puppets.

The four puppets are made of very special materials. They are three feet tall and weigh one hundred and eight thousand jin. They are armed with weapons such as knives, guns and clubs. They exude a fierce aura.

When Leiyun, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, and the fire extinguishers saw the puppets appear, they immediately became vigilant. According to Shao Yuan, they need to defeat these four puppets to obtain the seal key.


Bai Yaofei was the most direct. With a loud shout, he took the lead to attack the puppet on his altar.

Leiyun, Mo Huang, and the firefighters did not hesitate, and they shot the other three puppets one after another.

"The intruder is dead!"

The eyes of the four puppets exuded a cold light, very cold. Seeing Bai Yaofei and the others were killed, they immediately let out a dull shout, holding a knife and axe and slashing towards them.


The huge impact sound rang out from the four altars almost simultaneously, loudly.

The violent shock wave erupted, causing the monks under the altar to retreat a lot.

"Boom bang bang!"

On the four altars, fierce fighting broke out instantly.

Leiyun, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, Fire Fighting and others used their best to attack the four puppets frantically.

The four puppets were not to be outdone, and the attacks carrying huge power continued to fall, shaking the sky, and the whole ground seemed to tremble.

"What a powerful force!"

Many monks secretly swallowed. Fortunately, there are four people here, Leiyun, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, and Mo Huang to put out the fire, otherwise they would not even be able to get the seal key.

Xiao Lang's eyes were calm, observing the fighting of the four of Thundercloud Bai Yaofei and Mo Huang to put out the fire, secretly writing down their fighting methods and methods.

Not long after, Leiyun Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang and Fire Fighting, defeated the four puppets with their powerful strength and skilled combat skills.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Four huge sounds came out, and all the four puppets fell to the ground, losing their combat effectiveness.

Immediately afterwards, four rays of light emerged from the four puppets, which were exactly the four sealing keys.

When Leiyun Bai Yaofei saw the fire, he swept out and grabbed the seal key on his altar into his hand.

"The seal key is finally here!"

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