Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 158: Battle of the Lords

Xiao Lang raised his brows when he heard the words, he clasped his fists and said, "I don't know what the Lord is going to borrow?"

Venerable Dragon Elephant smiled: "Your body."

"This..." Xiao Lang frowned, hesitated, how could he lend his body at will?

"Don't worry, I am just a ray of remnant soul now, and will not affect you."

Venerable Dragon Elephant smiled and said: "This demon head has taken over someone else's body, and its strength has increased a lot. I cannot defeat him with my current strength, so I need to borrow your body for a use."

"Furthermore, I found that you seem to have practiced my dragon elephant magic, but only a small part of it. I can take this opportunity to teach you the rest, and it is my dragon elephant to leave a bit of inheritance."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yaofei Leiyun Mo Huang and Fire Fighting both showed envy and jealousy.

In this exploration of the ancient ruins, in addition to looking for the five-color coriander flower magic medicine, there is also the inheritance of the dragon elephant.

As a result, Xiao Lang had taken these two things, how could they not envy them?

"This guy is lucky!"

Bai Yaofei cursed secretly, feeling very upset.

Lei Yun was even more jealous. Xiao Lang's luck made him envious, and he wanted to replace him.

It's a pity that he is poisoned now, and he can't move his whole body. He can only watch the good things fall into Xiao Lang's pocket.

Xiao Lang himself was relatively calm. He frowned and thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

"OK then!"

He is not a pedantic person. On the contrary, he is very clear about the current situation. If he does not make a little "sacrifice" at this time, no one can escape today.

Venerable Longxiang saw Xiao Lang agree to come down, and immediately flew towards Xiao Lang.


However, Venerable Poison Soul obviously would not let them fit together easily, and he immediately struck out with one move in an attempt to stop Venerable Dragon Elephant.

Venerable Dragon Elephant had long expected him to be like this. He turned around and easily avoided him, then dived again and came to Xiao Lang.

"Little guy, are you ready?"

Venerable Dragon Elephant asked.

Xiao Lang nodded, indicating that he could merge at any time.

Upon seeing this, Venerable Dragon Elephant didn't hesitate anymore, his body flashed, and it turned into a stream of light and entered Xiao Lang's forehead.

Xiao Lang immediately felt a burst of pain in his head, a splitting headache, as if he was about to explode.

"Hold your mind!"

At this time, the voice of Venerable Dragon Elephant resounded in Xiao Lang's mind.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang quickly held his mind and ignored the pain.

"Dragon Elephant, die!"

Venerable Poison Soul chased him, his palms came out, and the power of the endless soul surged, forming a storm, and attacked Xiao Lang.

At the critical moment, Venerable Dragon Elephant and Xiao Lang merged successfully.

Xiao Lang immediately felt that his strength soared rapidly, reaching an unprecedented height.

Era Realm!

"What a strong feeling!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang felt full of power, as if a planet could be crushed by a single palm.

"Next, let me take control of your body."

At this time, the voice of Venerable Dragon Elephant rang again.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang nodded immediately and did not hesitate. Venerable Dragon Elephant had merged with him. He could easily feel that the other party did not have the slightest maliciousness towards him, so he was relieved a lot.

He surrendered the control of the body, and the Venerable Dragon Elephant replaced it.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's temperament had undergone a noticeable change. His eyes were deeper and his temperament more calm, like an elder who had experienced vicissitudes of life.

He has changed his identity. Although it is Xiao Lang's body, he is dominated by the soul of Venerable Dragon Elephant.

And Xiao Lang became a bystander, watching the Dragon Elephant manipulating his body.

Venerable Dragon Elephant raised his head and looked at the Venerable Poison Soul who was approaching quickly. He couldn't help but snorted coldly, then shot out with a palm.

This palm was unremarkable and didn't have many skills, but the power of this palm far surpassed the previous Xiao Lang.

The terrifying palm wind roared out, showing a tendency of overwhelming, colliding with the soul storm of Venerable Poison Soul.


The sound of the impact came, and the soul storm that seemed unstoppable was easily resisted at this moment.

"So strong!"

Bai Yaofei, Leiyun, and Mo Huang were all staring at the fire, with shocking expressions on their faces.

After incorporating the remnant soul of Venerable Dragon Elephant, Xiao Lang's strength now far exceeds them.

Venerable Poison Soul's attack was blocked, and his figure couldn't help taking a few steps backwards.

"Damn it!"

His complexion was very ugly, and the last thing he wanted to see had happened.

"Poison Soul, today is your death date!"

The voice of Venerable Dragon Elephant came out, calm and deep.

"Dragon Elephant, don't be too happy too early! You want to kill me even with your body of the remnant soul?"

Venerable Poison Soul gave a cold snort and said disdainfully.

After Venerable Dragon Elephant merged with Xiao Lang, his strength has indeed increased a lot.

But he is not afraid!

Because his soul power is stronger than Dragon Elephant Venerable!

Venerable Dragon Elephant did not answer, so he flew out directly, killing Venerable Poison Soul.

"Emperor Dragon Hand!"

"Sacred Elephant Palm!"

Venerable Dragon Elephant drank low, and saw that his right hand was in the shape of a claw, and his left hand was in the shape of a palm.

"Boom! Boom!"

The divine power surged, overwhelming the sky, and the sound of vibration was endless.

In an instant, a paw print and a palm print appeared in the void, slamming directly at the Poison Soul Venerable.

"Small bugs!"

However, facing the attack of Venerable Dragon Elephant, Venerable Poison Soul was full of disdain.

As early as one hundred thousand years ago, he had fought with Lord Dragon Elephant and knew the tricks of Lord Dragon Elephant well.

This trick "Emperor Dragon Hand" sounds very domineering, but the actual power is very ordinary.

Venerable Poison Soul's seal changed, and endless soul power surged out, forming a phase of soul power vortex.

"Roar! Roar!"

The two soul cheetahs transformed by the power of the soul rushed out of the vortex of soul power.

"go with!"

Venerable Poison Soul stretched out his hand and shouted in a low voice.

The soul cheetah has a hideous face, knotted muscles, strong and strong.

Following the order from Venerable Poison Soul, the two soul cheetahs shot out immediately, like two meteors, rushing towards Venerable Poison Soul Dragon Elephant's two magical skills.

"Boom! Boom!"

With the sound of two huge impacts, the two sides have collided.

The soul cheetah was smashed to pieces for the first time, and dense cracks appeared on the hands of the emperor and the palm of the elephant, which were obviously severely damaged, and eventually fell apart with a bang.

Venerable Poison Soul flew out without blinking his eyes.

"Long Xiang, you and I have already fought to death one hundred thousand years ago, there is no need to use these little tricks to test me, just make the move!"

Venerable Poison Soul taunted.

"as you wish!"

Venerable Dragon Elephant obviously didn't want to test too much. The reason why he didn't make a direct shot just now was because he wanted to see how much Venerable Poison Soul's strength had recovered.

After passing the temptation just now, he already knew in his heart, so he didn't need to try again.

"Little guy, show off your body-refining skills, as much as you want."

The soul of Venerable Dragon Elephant communicated with the soul of Xiao Lang.

He already knew the strength of Poison Soul Venerable, and he might not be able to defeat the opponent alone, so Xiao Lang must cooperate.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang immediately agreed that he and Venerable Dragon Elephant are now in the state of one and two souls, so they can also perceive Venerable Poison Soul's strength, knowing that this is not the time to hesitate.

Venerable Dragon Elephant gave up half of his body control to Xiao Lang, who immediately displayed the "Holy Thunder Body" and "Dao Spirit Body".

"Oh? I didn't expect that you are actually the Dao Spirit Body."

Venerable Dragon Elephant was quite surprised.

Xiao Lang smiled, and then gave the body control to Venerable Dragon Elephant.

"Not bad!"

Venerable Dragon Elephant praised, "With the blessings of the body-refining magical skills and the great spirit body, the strength has increased a bit."

As he said, he looked at Xiao Lang and said, "I will use the Dragon Elephant Magic Technique in the next battle. You must be optimistic."


Xiao Lang nodded immediately.

Venerable Dragon Elephant immediately flew out after gaining control of his body, and slammed his palm towards Venerable Poison Soul.

"Poison Soul, today let's understand the grievances from 100,000 years ago!"

Venerable Poison Soul snorted coldly: "That's what I mean!"

After the two said, they collided in the sky.


There was a loud noise, and a terrible shock wave broke out.

Venerable Poison Soul's expression was stern, his fingers moved together, and mysterious seals appeared between his fingers.

"Sky Soul Claw!"

Venerable Poison Soul screamed, and saw endless black clouds rushing out, and between the black clouds, a black mark of four claws flew out from it.

"call out!"

I saw the jet black claw marks rushing out, and the sharp claws even tore four hideous cracks in the space passed along the way.

Bai Yaofei, Thunder Cloud, Mo Huang, and Fire Extinguished everyone present, this is the true power of Poison Soul Venerable!

If Venerable Poison Soul had used this power to deal with them, they would have died a long time ago and could no longer die.

Of course, Poison Soul Venerable would definitely not use such a powerful force to deal with Bai Yaofei and the others, because Bai Yaofei and their spirits were the food that Poison Soul Venerable had fancy, and if they were to be killed, their souls would be lost.

Venerable Dragon Elephant stretched out his arms, activating the dragon mark and the iconic mark on Xiao Lang's arm.

"Dragon Elephant Seal!"

With a low drink from Venerable Dragon Elephant, two light beams burst out together with the mark of the dragon and the icon of the god!


The two beams shot into the air and immediately merged with each other to form a dragon-like light print, carved dragon portrait, extremely mysterious.

The same is the dragon elephant seal, but the dragon elephant seal displayed by Venerable Dragon Elephant is more mysterious and more powerful than the dragon image seal displayed by Xiao Lang.

"The real dragon elephant magical skill is a genuine era magical skill. The one you practiced is actually a simplified version of the practice I gave to my disciples back then."

Venerable Dragon Elephant said to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was shocked in his heart. No wonder the dragon elephant seal displayed by Venerable Dragon Elephant was so much stronger than the one displayed by him. It turned out that what he was practicing was only a simplified version.

"Thank you for your guidance."

Xiao Lang immediately expressed his thanks.

"It's okay, you can be regarded as half of my heirs. Now that my deadline is approaching, I should pass on these things to you."

Venerable Dragon Elephant waved his hand.

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