Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 162: : Xiao Lang's hole card

Xiao Lang stretched out his hand to take the jade medal handed by Venerable Dragon Elephant, placed it in his hand and looked at it, and immediately put it away.

"Venerable, rest assured, I will do my best to find your descendants." Xiao Lang said firmly with his fists.

"Hehe, speaking of it, you should also be a disciple of Tianfu Palace?" Venerable Longxiang asked with a smile.

Xiao Lang nodded and admitted, "At present, he is only a sub-rudder disciple."

"You have a good talent, and you are a great spirit body, and your future achievements will be limitless." Venerable Longxiang praised.

With a stroke of his palm, the huge town magic peak on the ground immediately rose from the ground, flew into the sky, shrank quickly, and finally became only the size of a palm.

Then, Zhen Mofeng turned into a black shadow and flew over and stopped on his palm.

"This town magic peak is an era artifact, made by me personally. It has a restraining effect on the moon worship demon clan, you should hold it first." The dragon elephant venerable handed the town magic peak to Xiao Lang.

"The Moon-Waiting Demon Race is the descendant of the ancient Demon Race. They always think about invading the Tianfu Star Territory. You are the disciple of the Tianfu Temple and my descendant. If the Moon-Waiting Demon Race again invades the Tianfu Star Territory one day , Please be sure to protect my people in the Sky Floating Star Territory." Venerable Dragon Elephant said solemnly.

Xiao Lang took Zhen Mofeng over with both hands, and said seriously: "Don't worry, my sire, I am also a member of the Sky Floating Star Territory. If one day the moon worshiping demons invade, I will definitely go to battle and kill the enemy. The demons stepped into my sky."

"With your words, I am relieved." Venerable Dragon Elephant nodded in relief.

As he said, he raised his head and looked at the sky, "This space of demons has existed for 100,000 years, and it is time to disappear."

As he said, he slowly raised his hand and cast a spell. This space suddenly began to collapse, and the wisps of space divine power turned into broken lights and drifted away.

And as the collapse of the space began, the body of Venerable Dragon Elephant became illusory, with a smile on his face, like relief.

"Send the Lord respectfully!"

Xiao Lang and Xiao Demon were in awe, and they clasped their fists to bid farewell.

Finally, the space was completely disintegrated, the remnant soul of the Dragon Elephant also completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth, and a generation of strong men came to an end.

Xiao Lang remained silent for a long time before he recovered from his heavy heart.

"Big Brother, are you okay?" Xiao Demon God walked over and said softly.

Xiao Lang shook his head. He was just a little emotional. He is as strong as the Dragon Elephant, and one day will eventually pass away.

"The matter is over, let's go back!" Xiao Lang said.

Everyone had no objection, and set off immediately to the nearest city.

However, before they had gone far, they saw a group of people chasing them.

"Huh? Lei Yun?" Xiao Lang recognized the identities of those people. The person headed was Lei Yun who had conflicts with him. Next to him were Lei Dong and other Lei family experts.

"What are these people doing?" There was an angry look on Xiaodao's face, and he had no affection for these people.

"It is estimated that the visitor is not good." Shura World God frowned.

A cold light flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes, and the Lei family's speed was so fast that he didn't bother to run away, just waiting for them to come over.

Soon, the Lei family came to them.

"Haha, Xiao Lang, are you not running?" Leiyun's laughter came.

"Lei Yun, what do you mean?" Xiao Lang glanced at Lei Yun and the Lei family around him, and asked in a deep voice.

Lei Yun didn't answer. He carefully observed Xiao Lang for a moment, and found that the remnant soul of the dragon elephant was no longer on Xiao Lang, and he could not help but secretly relieved.

Immediately, Leiyun showed a smile and said with a smile: "It's nothing, just want to come to discuss with you about the five-color damask flower."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang frowned and said coldly, "What do you want?"

Lei Yun didn't care about Xiao Lang's attitude. He raised his brows and said with a smile: "Xiao Lang, I won't be twiddled with you. That five-color damask flower is very important to me. I hope you can transfer it to me. Do you make a condition?"

Xiao Lang directly refused: "Sorry, the five-color coriander is equally important to me, so I don't need to talk about this matter."

"Are you sure you don't talk about it?" Seeing Xiao Lang's attitude so determined, Lei Yun couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Xiao Lang didn't bother to answer directly, he didn't have a good impression on Leiyun, even if he didn't use the five-color coriander, he would not exchange it with Leiyun.

"Xiao Lang, you have to think about it clearly. This is in the Western Regions. My Fenglei City is not very far away from here. Besides, now besides me looking for you, Bai Yaofei and Mo Huang are also looking for you. Once they are all If you find it, you may not be as polite as I am." Lei Yun said overcastly.

"You don't need to worry about this." Xiao Lang's expression was indifferent.

A trace of anger flashed across Leiyun's face, and he said coldly: "Well, since you insist on doing this, don't blame me."

After speaking, Leiyun raised his hand and shot a thunder light towards the sky. The thunder light turned into a meteor and soared into the sky. With a bang, it exploded in the sky. In an instant, the thunder and lightning rang, the sky and the earth shook, and it was noticeable within a radius of thousands of miles.

"you wanna die!"

Xiao Lang was angry. The **** actually confided in the news. He raised his hand and shot it out, and the violent divine power rushed out into the thundercloud.

Lei Yun displayed the Promise Thunder Hand, with all his strength to resist, while the rest of Lei's family were not idle, and they were assisting.

Without the help of Venerable Dragon Elephant, Xiao Lang had returned to his original level and could not be as vigorous as before, so he could not defeat the Lei family for a while.

Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang and the others, were in fact within a thousand li, and they rushed over immediately after receiving the signal from Thunder Cloud.

Bai Yaofei was the fastest, he soon discovered Xiao Lang, and he was happy now.

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang, now you don't have the help of Venerable Dragon Elephant, and your strength has returned to the original place, how about it, do you want to talk about the five-color coriander flower?" Bai Yaofei laughed.

Xiao Lang didn't speak, his face was calm, his eyes were calm, and while dealing with Lei Yun and Lei's family, he was wary of Bai Yaofei's hands.

"Bai Yaofei, this kid is not on the road, he has no intention of negotiating at all. Telling him this is a waste of tongue, and it is like shooting together, first take this kid and talk." Lei Yun said gloomily, he is facing Xiao Lang alone now , I felt a little strenuous and wanted to pull Bai Yaofei into the battle.

Bai Yaofei ignored Leiyun. He stared at Xiao Lang and continued: "Xiao Lang, as long as you give me the five-color damask flower, I can keep you absolutely safe, don't you think about it?"

Xiao Lang was still indifferent, the five-color damask flower was a magic medicine, how could he hand it over.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating, you have to eat fine wine!" Bai Yaofei also saw that Xiao Lang had no intention of negotiating, and shook his head regretfully.

His eyes became gloomy, and he said, "If that's the case, then I have to grab it myself."

After all, Bai Yaofei flew out, leading a few good players from Baigu County, attacking Xiao Lang from the side.

"Humph!" Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang let out a cold snort, and immediately allocated a part of his energy to deal with Bai Yaofei.

The Shura World God and Xiao Moshen Xiaodao also joined the battle and fought against the Lei family and the Bai family.

"Bai Yaofei, Leiyun, you two are not kind!"

At this moment, Mo Huang and Fire Fighting also rushed over. Seeing that Bai Yaofei and Leiyun had already taken action, they immediately said unhappy.

"This kid doesn't add oil and salt, and doesn't eat hard and soft, why waste his tongue?" Bai Yaofei said coldly.

Mo Huang looked at Xiao Lang, squinted his eyes and said, "Boy, don't you think about it?"

"There is so much nonsense." Xiao Lang replied with four words.

"Good boy, you have a kind, but I want to see how you deal with the four of us." Mo Huang was not angry, said with a sneer, and joined the battle.

On the other side, Fire Extinguished his lips and joined the battle.

For a time, Xiao Lang was embarrassed on all sides, and was besieged by the four powers of Dzogchen at the same time, and the pressure increased greatly.

"Xiao Lang, do you know you regret it now?" Lei Yun sneered, "If you promised me at the time, how could you have fallen so far?"

Lei Dong, who cooperated in the back, was even more gloating. He was humiliated by Xiao Lang in public, and he was very jealous of Xiao Lang. Now he is very happy to see Xiao Lang embarrassed on all sides.

Xiao Lang still did not answer, and concentrated on dealing with the siege of the four.

"Things that do not live or die, do you really think you are a human thing?" Lei Yun said uncomfortably.

After all, he stimulated his supernatural power, and shot out with both palms, and with a thunder, it was his masterful skill, Promise Shocking Thunder.

Xiao Lang frowned and released a dragon image to resist it.

After Venerable Dragon Elephant’s guidance, Xiao Lang's understanding of the Dragon Elephant magical skills has deepened a lot, and the Dragon Elephant Seal he displayed is more complicated and more powerful than before.

With only a bang, Thunder Cloud's complexion changed drastically, and he was shaken back ten steps by that dragon image, and the power of Promise Shocking Thunder Palm was completely disintegrated.

"How did this kid become so strong?" Lei Yun frowned. He had fought against Xiao Lang before and knew at what stage Xiao Lang's strength was. It stands to reason that the latter would not be able to repel him so easily.

Then there is only one reason, that is, Xiao Lang's strength has become stronger.

"Don't hide it. This kid seems to have grown in strength. Let's fight him together so as not to have any changes." Lei Yun shouted.

When the others heard this, they all glanced at each other, and their eyes revealed the meaning of approval. They all looked at the power that Xiao Lang had shown just now, knowing that Xiao Lang could already bring them some threats.

"Shoot together!" At the moment, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang and Fire Fighting, made moves one after another, no longer keeping their hands, and attacking Xiao Lang from three directions.

"Heavenly Desolate Palm!" What Mo Huang displayed was his signature magical skill, Tianhuang Palm, and saw him hit out with one palm. The endless divine power surging out, condensed into a huge palm print, with a wild aura, toward Xiao Lang blasted over.

"Bone Cracking Wind Claw!" On the other side, Bai Yaofei grabbed it with a big hand, and several sharp rays of light swept out. It was a sharp claw wind, which was Bai Yaofei's masterful skill, and it was very powerful.

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