Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 166: : Unlucky Hong Hu

"It has nothing to do with you," Yin Fei said coldly.

"It really has nothing to do with me." Xiao Lang didn't get angry, he said lightly: "If I hadn't been asked by a senior to take care of the Yin family, I wouldn't have come here."

"Who is the senior you are talking about?" Yin Fei asked when Xiao Lang always mentioned a senior.

"You don't need to know about this, let's go, take me to your Yin's house to see." Xiao Lang said.

"Sorry, the Yin family doesn't welcome people with unknown origins." Yin Fei was quite tough and directly refused Xiao Lang's request.

When Xiao Lang was about to say something, he suddenly raised his brows and a strange arc formed at the corner of his mouth, and stopped talking.

Yin Fei was puzzled. He didn't know what Xiao Lang was playing. He was about to ask. Suddenly, the cloth-clothed guards he brought with him suddenly pulled out long knives to protect him.

Then Yin Fei saw three people walking in from the two exits of the alley.

The clothes of those people were ordinary, but their eyes were very gloomy, and it was obvious that the people who came were not kind.

Yin Fei recognized one of them, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Hong Hu!"

Yin Fei stared at the visitor with an ugly face. This Hong Hulai was from the Hong family, and the Hong family was a hostile family against their Yin family.

Among the six people who came, the sturdy young man headed with a sneer on his face, stared at Yin Fei and said, "I didn't expect to meet the second son of the Yin family here."

Yin Fei shouted: "Hong Hu, this is Yin City, how did you get in here?"

Hong Hu smiled and said: "Your Yin family is now beaten up by the three big families like a tortoise with a head down. You hide in Yin city all day and dare not go out. There is no way, we have to come in and find you."

"Hmph, I'm so brave to come to Yincheng to find something, you guys don't put my Yin family in your eyes!" Yin Fei snorted coldly.

"Your Yin family is now closed, and the three of us have nothing to do with you, so I had to send me in to find out the situation. It just so happens that you are the second son of the Yin family. As long as you take you back, I won’t believe in Yin Guoyuan’s cunning. The fox can hide inside safely.” Hong Hu smiled.

"That depends on whether you have this ability!" Yin Fei yelled, and he guarded several commoner guards beside him: "Let's take action together, be sure to take down these thieves!"

"Yes!" The commoner guards all shouted, their voices were loud, and they shot out with knives.

"Just these trash fish want to catch me too?" A trace of disdain appeared in Hong Hu's eyes. He moved his body and took the initiative to meet those commoner guards.

call out!

A blade of light flashed past, and the commoner guards fell to the ground, and a **** mouth appeared in their throats.

At this time, Hong Hu had put away his long sword, and looked at Yin Fei with a smile but said, "How is it, Second Young Master Yin, do you have anything else to say?"

Yin Fei looked at the subordinate who had become a dead body, gritted his teeth with an ugly expression, saying that the Hong Hu of the Hong family was powerful, but he did not expect to be so powerful that he would kill four Tier 8 in just one face. The commoner guard of the Void True God, what strength is this Hong Hu?

On the contrary, Xiao Lang's gaze was indifferent. This Hong Hu was also the strength of the early world stage, which was nothing to him.

But Yin Fei did not ask him for help, and he was too lazy to help, after all, this kid had suspected him before.

"Flee!" At this time, Yin Fei didn't want to take care of Hong Hu's group. Although he is the ninth-order Void True God, this Hong Hu is obviously stronger than him, not to mention that the latter has five helper.

Once surrounded, it would really be a catching turtle in the urn.

"Don't struggle, do you think I will let you run today?" Hong Hu sneered, his eyes full of jokes when he looked at Yin Fei.

At this moment, his men had already taken action and intercepted Yin Fei in four directions.

"Get away!" Yin Fei shouted angrily, and slammed his fist.

Yin Fei is a ninth-order Void True God, and his strength is still very strong. Therefore, Hong Hu's subordinates did not dare to take it hard and could only hold him as far as possible.

"Yin Fei, grab it with your hands!" Hong Hu quickly chased him up, reaching out to grab Yin Fei's shoulder.

How fast was Hong Hu's speed, Yin Fei had no time to evade, so he was caught by Hong Hu.

"Let go of me!" Yin Fei scolded angrily, struggling hard. Unfortunately, Hong Hu's strength was much stronger than him. No matter how hard he struggles, it has no effect.

"Second Young Master Yin, you should be honest!" Hong Hu said lightly, directly using his divine power to seal Yin Fei's major meridians, making it impossible to resist.

After doing all this, Hong Hu waved his hand and greeted his men to leave.

This time he sneaked into Yin City and caught Yin Fei, the second son of the Yin family. It can be said that he has gained a lot, and it is time to go back for business.

However, before leaving, we must solve the last hidden danger.

This hidden danger is not someone else, it is Xiao Lang who has been standing there watching the show.

In Hong Hu's view, Xiao Lang should not belong to the Yin family. After all, Yin Fei was arrested by them, and Xiao Lang stood there unmoved.

However, for safety reasons, Hong Hu still felt that Xiao Lang should be dealt with. If the latter ran out of the alley and shouted, saying that there were several Hong family members here, they would not escape today.

"Boy, blame you for not staying with Yin Fei, I can only be sorry."

Hong Hu said indifferently, raising his hand and patted Xiao Lang's Tian Ling Gai.

Yin Fei closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look.

Although he didn't know the origin of Xiao Lang, the latter was not hostile to him before, and now he can't bear it when he sees that Xiao Lang is about to be brutally attacked by Hong Hu.


A bang suddenly came out, and Yin Fei sighed. You don't need to guess to know that Xiao Lang should have been killed.


But at this moment, there was another scream, Yin Fei raised his brows, he was familiar with that scream, it didn't seem to be Xiao Lang's?

So, Yin Fei quickly opened his eyes. Under this look, Yin Fei was startled.

I saw Hong Hu, who was still arrogant a moment ago, already kneeling in front of Xiao Lang, with one of his palms being stepped on by Xiao Lang, and he yelled in pain.

"What's the matter?" Yin Fei was surprised.

Originally thought that Xiao Lang might not be able to escape death today, how could he turn his eyes on the other way around?

"Brother Hu!" The few men Hong Hu brought were all anxious when seeing Hong Hu's tragic situation and were about to rescue Hong Hu.

"Whoever dares to take a step forward, I immediately abolished him!" Xiao Lang glanced at those Hong Hu's hands and said calmly.

"This..." In an instant, all of Hong Hu's men stopped, not daring to take a step forward.

There is no way, this Xiao Lang is too terrifying, Hong Hu in the early stage of the world was overthrown in front of him. Such strength must at least be in the late stage of the world, and their group of Void True Gods is not this person. Opponent.

After bluffing some of Hong Hu’s men, Xiao Lang looked at Hong Hu and said with a smile, "Hong Hu, blame you for not coming to Yin Fei at this time. If you come a little earlier, maybe There will be nothing wrong with me."

Hong Hu's complexion was very ugly. He hadn't seen how Xiao Lang made his move before, and he had already been knocked to the ground by Xiao Lang. This person's strength was a little too terrifying.

However, Hong Hu is very clear that now is not the time to be timid, because once he is captured by the Yin family, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Thinking of this, Hong Hu took the courage and shouted to Xiao Lang in a fierce manner: "I am a member of the Hong family. You'd better let me go. Don't think that this is Yincheng. You can do whatever you want. The Yin family is now controlled by our three powers. The siege is already a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and it is difficult to protect yourself, so I advise you, it is best..."


Hong Hu didn't say anything further, not because he didn't want to say it, but because Xiao Lang didn't give him a chance to speak anymore and kicked him fainted.

Xiao Lang didn't care if the Yin family was besieged by any of the three powers, even if it were, he wouldn't hesitate, because he came here to help the descendants of the Yin family.

This Hong Hu said in front of Xiao Lang that the Yin family could not protect themselves, how could Xiao Lang give him face?

The few Hong Hu's men looked at each other, then turned around and flew away with Yin. This Xiao Lang couldn't be dealt with. Isn't it just staying here to find death?

Not to mention, this is Yincheng, once their identity is revealed, they will undoubtedly die.

A cold light flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes. He was not interested in these miscellaneous fish, and he left when he left, but they actually wanted to take Yin Fei away, which was a bit of a shame on him.

call out!

Xiao Lang's figure was like electricity, and he immediately caught up with the few Hong Hu's men. With both palms out, he easily put them to the ground.

"Don't come over, or I will kill him immediately!" The Hong family who was holding Yin Fei threatened, holding a dagger against Yin Fei's throat.

Xiao Lang ignored it and strode towards him.

"Don't force me!" the man roared with madness.

But Xiao Lang still ignored him, the man was completely crazy, thinking that he would die anyway, but he was stubbornly stab at Yin Fei's throat.

But when the dagger was about to pierce Yin Fei's skin, a force suddenly appeared in the space, which firmly fixed the man's arm and couldn't move forward a bit.

Space power!

This is the power of the alien space that can only be displayed by the power above the mid-world stage!

The man's face was as gray as death, and with a thud, he knelt down, his nose and tears were all down, begging for mercy: "Mighty forgive me!"

Xiao Lang was expressionless, and fainted, then rescued Yin Fei.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang tapped Yin Fei's acupuncture points a few times to help him restore his previous strength.

However, at this moment Yin Fei's heart was both grateful and embarrassed.

Because just now, he suspected that Xiao Lang might be a spy sent by the enemy, but in a blink of an eye, the latter saved his life.

Had it not been for Xiao Lang's move, he would probably fall into the hands of the Hong family this time, and he would become a bargaining chip used by the Hong family to threaten his father.

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