Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 168: Internal and external troubles

Yin Guoyuan marveled again and again, but never expected that Yin Yueru actually found a powerful and powerful lover back then. No wonder she had not been willing to find a Taoist companion for so many years, because she had already belonged to it.

"In that case, is the powerful person who asked you to come to Elder Yin Yueru?" Yin Guoyuan sighed.

Xiao Lang nodded, he thought about it, and then said: "This Yin Yueru has been away for so many years, has never contacted you?"

"No, Yin Yueru left, it was already 100,000 years ago. At that time, I had not reached the current position, so I don't know." Yin Guoyuan shook his head.

"Then can you still contact her?" Xiao Lang asked again.

"I guess it won't work." Yin Guoyuan frowned and thought for a while, and said: "My father took charge of the Yin family earlier than me, maybe he has a way."

"Oh?" Xiao Lang raised his brows, and immediately said, "I don't know where the Lord Master is now?"

Speaking of this, Yin Guoyuan smiled bitterly and said, "My father is old and is now lying in a hospital bed. I can help you ask his old man, maybe he can know something."

"Trouble." Xiao Lang clasped his fist and thanked him.

"You're welcome, if you don't have anything to do with Xiao Daoyou, just live in the mansion first, right?" Yin Guoyuan said.

Xiao Lang nodded his head, he also had this intention.

"Xiao Fei, you take Daoyou Xiao to the guest room to rest. Remember, you can't neglect others." Yin Guoyuan ordered.

"Okay, father." Yin Fei looked at Xiao Lang and said with a smile: "Master Xiao Lang, please come with me."

After speaking, he moved out of the lobby.

Xiao Lang clasped his fists and left with Yin Fei.

After the two left, Yin Guoyuan frowned and thought for a while, then turned and left.

He is going to his father Yin Zhengxiong to verify something.

Speaking of Xiao Lang, under the leadership of Yin Fei, came to a courtyard of Yin Mansion.

"Master Xiao Lang, are you satisfied with this place?" Yin Fei asked respectfully, pointing to the luxurious courtyard in front of him.

Xiao Lang didn't choose where to live, and nodded casually, "Yes."

"Haha, Master Xiao Lang is satisfied. This courtyard is specially used by our Yin family to receive distinguished guests. There are many rooms in it. Adults can live in any one they like." Yin Fei laughed.

"Okay." Xiao Lang walked into the courtyard, randomly selected a room to live in, patiently waiting for Yin Guoyuan's reply.

Yin Fei did not leave immediately, but stood in front of Xiao Lang, some hesitant to say: "That...Master Xiao Lang, what about our Yin family?"

Xiao Lang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, since I promised others, I will naturally assist you in the Yin family through the difficulties."

"Great." Yin Fei breathed a sigh of relief after receiving a positive reply from Xiao Lang, clasping his fist and said, "I will act on behalf of the Yin family, thank you for your kindness."

"Okay, don't take a mouthful of Master Xiao Lang, just call my name!" Xiao Lang smiled.

Yin Fei insisted on refusing to change his name. For some reason, he always had confidence in Xiao Lang, and felt that the crisis of their Yin family had to be solved by Xiao Lang.

As for the source of this confidence, he was a bit unclear. Perhaps Xiao Lang shocked him too much today!

After chatting with Xiao Lang again for a while, Yin Fei left the courtyard, and Xiao Lang also temporarily lived in the Yin family.

Let's talk about Yin Guoyuan, after leaving the lobby of Yin Mansion, he came to the courtyard of his father Yin Zhengxiong.


Seeing Yin Guoyuan's arrival, the servants who served Yin Zhengxiong got up and saluted.

Yin Guoyuan waved his hand and asked, "How is the old Patriarch now?"

"If you go home, the old Patriarch's condition has worsened." A servant replied.

Yin Guoyuan frowned and asked, "Where is the supernatural doctor Hao?"

"Mr. Hao said he was going to find some prescriptions, and he just left." The servant replied.

Yin Guoyuan nodded, gave a few more instructions, and walked into the room.

Soon, Yin Guoyuan saw Yin Zhengxiong lying on the hospital bed.

Yin Zhengxiong is an old man with a stubborn hair. He is very old and trembling, as if he might drive him west at any time.

Several servants were serving Yin Zhengxiong's daily life. Seeing Yin Guoyuan's arrival, they immediately saluted and stepped aside.

"Guoyuan, you are here." Yin Zhengxiong said when he saw Yin Guoyuan.

"Father, is your health better?" Yin Guoyuan asked with concern.

"Still the same." Yin Guoyuan shook his head: "I'm old, unlike your young people."

Yin Guoyuan was silent for a while, and then said: "Father, today an outsider from the Yin family came and said that he was looking for Elder Yin Yueru."

"Looking for Yin Yueru?" Yin Zhengxiong was taken aback, and asked, "What can he do with Yin Yueru?"

"It is said that a senior asked him to find it." Yin Zhengxiong said, and then truthfully told Yin Zhengxiong about Xiao Lang's intention.

Yin Zhengxiong coughed a few times, and Yin Guoyuan quickly walked over and helped him up.

Yin Zhengxiong thought about it and said, "It's no wonder that Yin Yueru wanted to leave back then, saying that he was going to find someone. That was the case.

"Father, do you now know where Elder Yueru is?" Yin Guoyuan asked.

"I don't know, I only know that she left Tianyun Continent back then, as if she went to the Blue Light World? It's been too long, and I don't remember it clearly." Yin Zhengxiong sighed.

Yin Guoyuan was a little helpless. He was happy when he learned that Xiao Lang intends to help the Yin family. But now he can't find Yin Yueru, and he doesn't know if Xiao Lang will regret it?

Their Yin family is now at the time of internal and external troubles, and finally a helper came. He didn't want this helper's buttocks to get up and leave.

With a lot of worry, Yin Guoyuan left Yin Zhengxiong's residence. He wanted to go back and make a plan. Now that they have Honghu's card in their hands, it should be able to help them delay time.


Thousands of miles outside Yincheng is a stretch of mountains.

At this moment, a few figures were standing on a high mountain peak.

The headed man has a handsome face, sharp eyes, and is wearing a blue gown. He is tall and well-proportioned. He is about thirty years old.

"Huzi has been there for so long, why haven't you seen him come back?"

At this moment, the young man spoke. He glanced at Yincheng thousands of miles away, then turned his head and asked the people around him: "Do you have any news about tigers?"

Several people around the young man glanced at each other, and then they all shook their heads, "Master, we have not heard from Young Master Hu."

It turned out that this young man was the eldest of the Hong family, Hong Tianlong.

Hong Tianlong's strength is very strong, and his cultivation is unfathomable. It is said that he has reached the late stage of the world, and he is a genius in Changfeng County and even the entire Tianyun Continent.

It was because of the emergence of the Hong Tianlong that the Hong family's status rose rapidly in recent years, and now it has a faint tendency to become the number one power in Changfeng County.

"Why didn't you stop him at that time! It was so mad!" Hong Tianlong's face became cold and he scolded.

The Hong family members all smiled bitterly and said, "Lord Young Master, we can't do anything about it. Master Hu has to sneak into Yin City, we can't stop it!"

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes, Grand Master, you are not ignorant of the temper of Master Hu, you will not listen to us at all."

"In fact, the eldest son doesn't have to worry too much. To protect the safety of Young Master Hu, I sent a few of the Hong's experts to follow. It should be fine."

"It's best to do this, otherwise you can't get rid of the relationship." Hong Tianlong snorted coldly.

Several people continued to wait in place. Not long after that, a figure quickly swept from the direction of Yin City, and the effort of a cup of tea came to Hong Tianlong and the others.

"My subordinates have seen the eldest son and several adults." The man was a spy from the Hong family. He saw Hong Tianlong and the others and immediately bowed and saluted.

"Where is Hong Hu?" Hong Tianlong asked directly.

"If you go back to Grand Master, Master Hu was captured by Master Yin Fei of the Yin family." The man answered truthfully.

"What!" Hearing this, not only Hong Tianlong, but everyone else was shocked.

Hong Tianlong frowned and asked, "As far as I know, Yin Fei of the Yin family hasn't even reached the world realm. How could it be Huzi's opponent?"

"This," the man quickly explained, telling Hong Tianlong about Xiao Lang's appearance and the details of Hong Hu's abduction.

"Defeat Hong Hu in one move?" After hearing that person's explanation, Hong Tianlong's brows suddenly wrinkled. Hong Hu's strength is only one step away from the mid-world stage, and his talent is also excellent, compared to him. Not much difference, will be defeated by a single move?

"As far as I know, there doesn't seem to be such a number one person in the Yin family?" a high-level Hong family whispered.

After the person described Xiao Lang's image, they all felt very puzzled. They had fought the Yin family for so many days and had never seen such a character.

"Is it the helper the Yin family got?" Someone put forward a hypothesis.

"It's not impossible." Hong Tianlong squinted his eyes and said, "The Yin family has been pushed too tightly by our three major families these days. It is impossible to guarantee that they will not go to help."

"I just don't know who is not afraid of death, and dare to help the Yin family. Doesn't he know that the three of us have already targeted the Yin family?"

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw a cold color in each other's eyes.

"Master, do you want me to go in and have a look?" A sturdy man walked over and proposed.

He is a strong man in the mid-world stage, much stronger than Hong Hu, and he is confident to go in and investigate the situation.

Hong Tianlong immediately rejected Dahan's proposal: "No, Hong Hu's whereabouts have been exposed, presumably the Yin family has already strengthened Yincheng's defenses. It is too dangerous for you to go in now."

"What about Hong Hu?" the big man asked.

"It's okay. The Yin family should know the seriousness of the matter and won't do anything to Huzi for the time being. Let's go back first and tell my father about this matter, so that the old man can decide himself." Hong Tianlong said.

"That's OK." The big man stopped insisting, nodded, and stepped back to the side.

"Call everyone and return to Hongcheng immediately." Hong Tianlong waved his big hand and flew directly into the sky, flying in the direction of Hongcheng.

When the other Hong family members saw this, they all rushed out, followed Hong Tianlong, and returned to Hongcheng.

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