Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 183: : Repel Hong Wanfeng

"I'll be with you anytime!" Xiao Lang's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't care about Hong Wanfeng's threat.

"Humph!" Hong Wanfeng snorted coldly. He already understood that Xiao Lang couldn't be persuaded by him. In that case, he didn't need to keep his hands.

Thinking about this, Hong Wanfeng flipped his palm and took out a long knife. With a clanging sound, the long knife came out of its sheath, and it was cold and cold.

Storm Sword!

This is the name of the long knife in Hong Wanfeng's hand. It is said to be a powerful world artifact. Although it is not comparable to Yin Guoyuan's God of War sword, it is also an artifact of the famous side. He has drunk the blood of many world-level experts.

Hong Wanfeng used to have a nickname called the Rainstorm Blade God. He once slaughtered the city, hunted the starry beasts, and became famous in the Tianyun Continent. This is the main reason why he can take charge of the Hong family.

When Hong Wanfeng took out the long knife, Xiao Lang also narrowed his eyes. Since Hong Wanfeng planned to use the Rainstorm Divine Knife, it seemed that he was going to make a real move.

"Xiao Lang, let you see my torrential rain knife technique next!" Hong Wanfeng said in a low voice.

While talking, Hong Wanfeng's movements did not slow down at all. He swept out with a knife, and suddenly countless lights of knives appeared, flying towards Xiao Lang like a storm.

"Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang stretched out his hands without hesitation, releasing the magical skill of the dragon elephant golden wheel.

Bang bang bang!

Countless blade lights hit the dragon elephant golden wheel like raindrops, making dense crashing sounds, but the dragon elephant golden wheel is a world magical skill after all, and it is to resist those blade lights.

Hong Wanfeng didn't seem to be surprised by this. He grinned and sneered, and the torrential rain sword cut out one after another, and shouted in his mouth: "The rain is pouring!"


In an instant, countless more powerful blade lights were released by him, like a squally rainstorm, madly killing the dragon elephant golden wheel.

Bang bang bang!

There was another series of violent noises. After all, the dragon elephant golden wheel could not withstand such a violent attack, and it broke completely with a bang.

Hong Wanfeng smashed the golden wheel of the dragon elephant, without hesitation, slashed out again with a knife.

"The water is flowing!"

This time, the light of thousands of knives was no longer scattered like before, but instead condensed into a torrent, like a flood, rushing towards the opposite Xiao Lang.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang looked awe-inspiring, Hong Wanfeng's strength was much stronger than that of Nie Wenshan before. He didn't dare to underestimate the enemy and dealt with it wholeheartedly.

"Dragon Elephant Seal!"

I saw Xiao Lang stretch out his arms, and two beams of light flew out, directly condensing a solid dragon elephant imprint in the void, and the sound of the dragon roar and elephant roar came and flew directly towards the torrent of sword light. Skimmed over.


The two collided quickly, and Long Xiangyin showed great power, smashed thousands of sword lights, and stopped the advancement of the flood of sword lights for a moment.

It is a pity that the Dragon Elephant Seal had insufficient stamina and could not fight for a long time. Therefore, it didn't take long for the Dragon Elephant Seal to be exhausted and was directly smashed by the sword light.

Xiao Lang's expression remained unchanged. He had anticipated this. Hong Wanfeng's rainstorm sword technique was very powerful. It was not the opponent's opponent to rely on the world's magical skill level Dragon Elephant Seal, unless he displayed the full version of the Dragon Elephant Seal. It might work.

It is a pity that the full version of the Dragon Elephant Seal consumes a lot, and it is not suitable for the use of that level of magical skills for the time being. Therefore, Xiao Lang decided to use other means to contain Hong Wanfeng's storm knife technique.

"Holy Thunder Body!"

Xiao Lang shouted in a low voice, activating the Holy Thunder physique in his body.

In an instant, thunder and lightning erupted from his body, and countless electric snakes surrounded Xiao Lang and wandered around, making him look like a Thunder God descending to the world, very mighty and domineering.

Activating the Saint Thunder Body, Xiao Lang didn't even think about it, and directly blasted towards the flood of sword light with a punch.

"Sheng Lei Zhenquan!"

With only a bang, the countless thunder and lightning around that were instantly attracted and gathered on Xiao Lang's fist.

Following Xiao Lang's punch, the thunder and lightning fist marks on his fist immediately flew out, and finally crashed into Hong Wanfeng's sword qi torrent.


The power of violent thunder and lightning broke out completely, and it turned out to be like a broken bamboo, easily destroying thousands of knives.

Hong Wanfeng was full of confidence at first, but when he saw that Xiao Lang's thunder and lightning fist was so terrifying, he panicked and hurriedly backed away to avoid it.

And that torrent of sword light was finally crushed by the Saint Thunder True Fist, as expected. At this point, Hong Wanfeng's water flow was completely broken like a knife.

Hong Wanfeng's expression was a bit ugly. This trick was a very powerful trick in the storm knife technique. He originally thought that this trick would be enough to make Xiao Lang suffer a great loss, but he never thought that the latter would be so. He broke his trick easily.

"Good boy, I really have some strength." Hong Wanfeng snorted coldly, and he continued to attack. The rainstorm sword kept waving, and the sharp light of the sword flew out, covering the world.

And Xiao Lang was also ready to fight with Hong Wanfeng.

The battle between the two quickly entered a fever pitch, becoming the most intense lap of the battle on the entire battlefield.

The fighting crowd below evaded one after another. They dared not get too close to Xiao Lang and Hong Wanfeng. There was no way. The fluctuations in the battle between the two were too terrifying. Most of the people are just Void True Gods. Facing the aftermath of this terrifying battle, they naturally want to stay away.

Fang Mingfeng's expression was a bit ugly. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so difficult that even Hong Wanfeng couldn't kill him.

No wonder Nie Wenshan and Nie Hongyuan were both defeated by Xiao Lang, this kid is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Fang Mingfeng thought this in his heart, and at the same time, he was fortunate that he ran fast that day. If he hesitated a little, Horror was now a prisoner of the Yin family, just like Nie Hongyuan.

"Fang Mingfeng, have you seen it? My Yin family has a geographical advantage and Xiao Daoyou helps out. Are you sure that your conspiracy and tricks can succeed?" Yin Guoyuan sneered again and again.

Fang Mingfeng's eyes flickered, glanced at the thousands of mountains outside the city, and calmly said: "Yin Guoyuan, don't be too happy about everything, the battle has just begun!"

"Well, then let's wait and see!" Yin Guoyuan said relaxedly.

At this time, Hong Wanfeng above Yin City had completely let go of his hands and feet, and fought Xiao Lang completely unscrupulously.

"The rain is pouring!"

"The water is flowing!"

"The water is long!"

"Flying down!"

The superb swordsmanship and magical skills of one move after another were displayed by Hong Wanfeng unscrupulously. With every knife cut, huge cracks appeared in the surrounding space, and the dark holes were hideous and scary.

What made Hong Wanfeng gritted his teeth was that no matter what kind of magical skill he displayed, no matter how powerful or weak the magical skill was, it would be completely resolved by Xiao Lang in the end, and he could not cause any harm to Xiao Lang at all.

"Patriarch Hong, did you have a great fight just now?" With a palm smashed a horrible light from Hong Wanfeng, Xiao Lang looked at Hong Wanfeng delicately, and said indifferently, "Is it time for me to fight now?"

After Xiao Lang finished speaking, his figure jumped out directly, and a sturdy and domineering aura burst out of him.

This is exactly the scene that will only appear after Xiao Lang has performed the angry dragon fist technique.

"Patriarch Hong, how about trying my true dragon power?" Xiao Lang said lightly, a dragon gas rushing towards the front of the fist along the meridian of his arm, and Xiao Lang did not hesitate and slammed it out.

With a bang, the dragon energy burst out directly and slammed against Hong Wanfeng in front.

Hong Wanfeng's complexion changed slightly, Xiao Lang's move was so powerful that it actually gave him a sense of sturdy beastly.

As if at this moment, an angry dragon really rushed towards him!

"What a tricky guy!"

Hong Wanfeng gritted his teeth bitterly, but he didn't dare to hesitate in his actions. He cut out several knives and used the water flow of the rainstorm knife technique to make the knives converge into a terrible torrent, and finally it was in a crash with that dragon. hit.

At this moment, Xiao Lang actually made another move. With a movement, he flew close to Hong Wanfeng.

At the same time, a mysterious gas appeared on Xiao Lang's arm, which was exactly a kind of pure Qi Qi that was automatically produced after the angry dragon fist technique became so powerful.

"Angry Dragon Break!"

Xiao Lang was expressionless, and when the pure qi on his arm reached its peak, he immediately roared without hesitation and slammed his punch.


A dragon roar that seemed to contain endless anger came out, and the pure qi on Xiao Lang's arm had undergone a drastic change at this moment, and it turned into a dragon shape. The appearance of that tooth dancing claw can be described as lifelike.

As soon as the dragon-shaped gang gas appeared, it flew directly towards Hong Wanfeng, as if to tear the latter into pieces.

Hong Wanfeng's expression changed, he did not expect Xiao Lang's ultimate move to be here.

At the moment, Hong Wanfeng immediately retreated, trying to widen the distance between the two sides.

At the same time, Hong Wanfeng frantically brandished the torrential rain sword, and even shouted: "Jade Dragon is going to the pool!"

Just hearing the sound of the brush, the light of the blade condensed together, as if it became a water dragon, actually fighting with the dragon-shaped qi.

Xiao Lang still had that expressionless appearance, he continued to fly out, this time he was even faster, and he came to Hong Wanfeng in one step.

Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, and immediately blasted a punch, hitting Hong Wanfeng's chest.

"This bastard!" Hong Wanfeng gritted his teeth, Xiao Lang's attacks were so intense that he almost couldn't breathe.

But in the face of Xiao Lang's offensive, Hong Wanfeng had to respond, and in a hurry, he also smashed it with a punch.


The palms of the two people collided fiercely, and there was a dull muffled noise. The violent power burst out, forming a terrifying shock wave, sweeping in all directions.

Hong Wanfeng's complexion changed suddenly, and he felt a terrifying force surge toward him, as if unstoppable.

In the end, Hong Wanfeng snorted, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out by him, and then the whole person flew upside down.

Obviously, in this battle, Xiao Lang finally gained the upper hand and successfully repelled Hong Wanfeng.

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