Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 188: :return

In the Accord, everyone looked at Yin Zhengxiong. In fact, not only Xiao Lang, but the people of the Yin family were also puzzled by Yin Zhengxiong’s concealment of the truth. However, the latter had a lofty status in the Yin family and no one dared to question him face to face. .

Yin Zhengxiong sighed when everyone was watching, and continued: "Oh, if the Yin family can be more upbeat, I won't be pretending to be sick."

Yin Zhengxiong's words made everyone look at each other, and even Xiao Lang was stunned for a moment, not knowing why.

Yin Zhengxiong continued: "Our Yin family looks prosperous on the surface, and the family is prosperous, but only we know that the Yin family is actually in a state of no successor. Although Guoyuan was good when he was young, it has potential now. It's already exhausted, and it's hard to go further in cultivation, and the generation of Yin Fei and Yin Li can't see half of them hopeful, so in my heart, I have always been worried about this."

"Later I observed and discovered that the main reason why the Yin family appeared in this state was that they were too comfortable in my shadow. They lost their blood and fighting spirit as a monk, so they were too lazy to practice. "

"Three years ago, I returned from poisoning and my strength declined. The Yin family felt nervous for the first time. Then I discovered that during the period of time when I was poisoned, the Yin family's condition was obviously better than before. Yin Fei That little guy even reached the level 9 Void True God Realm in just three years, which was beyond my expectation. Therefore, when I recovered, I chose to conceal the illness, just to let the Yin family feel the outside world. Let them know the cruelty of the cultivation world, don’t just know that they rely on me."

Xiao Lang's heart was touched, and his feelings towards the Yin family were completely dissipated. Although Yin Zhengxiong deceived him, the latter's good intentions are worthy of admiration.

And everyone in the Yin family was even more silent, with a face of shame and shamelessness, no one dared to look directly at the strongest person in the Yin family.

Yin Zhengxiong smiled bitterly, and immediately raised his wine glass and said to Xiao Lang, "So Friends Xiao Dao, please be able to forgive me for my painstaking efforts. This glass of wine should be my apologize to you."

With that, Yin Zhengxiong picked up the wine glass and drank it in one go.

"Father, it's my fault that the Yin family is relentless in cultivation." Yin Guoyuan was ashamed and authentic.

Yin Zhengxiong said: "Don't rush to blame yourself. After this incident, I will travel and I don't know when I will come back. So, if you don't want to be swallowed by the Hong family, then you can do it yourself."

Everyone was shocked as soon as they said this. They originally thought that Yin Zhengxiong returned strongly, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but as soon as the latter returned, they said to leave, which made them a little unacceptable for a while.

Yin Guoyuan waved his hand and said firmly with his expression: "Father rest assured that after this lesson, I will work hard to manage the family and will not allow any tribe to slack in practice."

"Well, with your words, I'm relieved." Yin Zhengxiong nodded.

This banquet finally ended with the Yin family reaching a consensus.

After the banquet was over, the senior Yin family present left one after another, but Xiao Lang was left behind by Yin Zhengxiong and Yin Guoyuan.

"Is there anything else the old Patriarch?" Xiao Lang looked at Yin Zhengxiong in the first seat and asked puzzledly.

Yin Zhengxiong smiled and said, "Nothing else, I'll keep Xiao Daoyou, just want to thank you again for your help to the Yin family."

Xiao Lang shook his head and said, "The old family master is too polite. I have already said that the reason why I came to help is actually entrusted by others."

Yin Zhengxiong asked curiously: "I don't know if Daoyou Xiao can reveal, who is the one who asked you to help the Yin family?"

Xiao Lang frowned and thought for a while, and then said after a moment: "That senior's name is Venerable Dragon Elephant. According to him, he has a marriage with a senior of the Yin family, but he failed that Yin back then. Senior, that’s why I wanted to do something for the Yin family before he died to make up for it."

"So that's it." Yin Zhengxiong nodded clearly.

After thinking for a while, Yin Zhengxiong asked again: "So, Daoyou Xiao is the disciple of Venerable Dragon Elephant?"

Xiao Lang nodded and said, "Is it a disciple."

Although he and Venerable Dragon Elephant do not have the truth of being a master or apprentice, Venerable Dragon Elephant gave him the inheritance, and logically he should call Venerable Dragon Elephant a master.

Yin Zhengxiong understood, and immediately he stopped asking about this matter. He said to Yin Guoyuan on the side: "Zhengxiong, take things up."

Yin Guoyuan nodded immediately, took out a ring-like space treasure, handed it to Xiao Lang, and said: "Friend Xiao Dao, you have great kindness to the Yin family. This is our little heart. Please accept it."

Xiao Lang was stunned, but he didn't expect Yin Guoyuan to give him a reward. He immediately waved his hand and said, "I don't have much effort, so I don't need to be so polite."

"You should accept Xiao Daoyou!"

Yin Zhengxiong smiled and said: "There are 100,000 sacred yuan stones in this spatial ring, and the two pots of golden sun holy water are all treasures that are of great benefit to cultivation. I think your aura is stable and your divine power does not fluctuate much. Maybe these things can help you break through the bottleneck at a critical moment."

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows, and he asked, "What is the Golden Sun Holy Water?"

Yin Zhengxiong said: "Jinyang holy water is a special treasure produced in the Jinyang Lake on the territory of the Hong family. It has very pure energy and is suitable for high-level world gods. This holy water is very scarce. It takes three thousand years to collect a pot of Jinyang holy water. If you were not there for Xiao Daoyou to help out this time, Hong Yuanzhen would not compensate us with Jinyang holy water."

"That's it." Xiao Lang relieved.

As he said, he took the space ring in Yin Zhengxiong's hand, and said, "Then I would be more respectful than fate."

Although he is not greedy of these things, Yin Zhengxiong is right. He does need some high-quality treasures to help him break through the bottleneck period.

There are only less than a hundred years left before the Sky Floating Conference, and he has just broken into the world realm of small perfection. He has no qualifications to participate in the Sky Floating Conference, so he must improve his strength as soon as possible , So that he can hope to enter the Tianfu Palace headquarters in the future.

"Haha, this is what Xiao Daoyou deserves." Seeing Xiao Lang accepted the gift, Yin Zhengxiong laughed.

The two talked again for a while, and Xiao Lang left.

Since the crisis in the Yin family has been resolved, Xiao Lang stayed in the Yin family for two days, then said goodbye to Yin Zhengxiong, left the Yin family, and embarked on his return journey.

He has been out for a while, and it's time to go back and take a look.

Through continuous teleportation, Xiao Lang finally returned to the Great World of Blue Light after ten days.

At the bottom of Tianlong Mountain, as soon as Xiao Lang returned to his residence, he saw the knife running quickly.

"Brother, you are back!" Xiaodao Da called out in surprise from afar.

Xiao Lang looked around and asked, "Where are the demon gods?"

"The Devil God and Wuhen went out on mission, and the Shura World God also went out. Only me and Dulong are at home." Xiaodao said.

"Nothing happened recently, right?" Xiao Lang asked again.

"Yes, during the time you left, Senior Sister Ning Fu'er came to look for you twice." Xiaodao said with great interest.

"Oh, she's back?" Xiao Lang was astonished. Ning Fu'er had left Tianlong Mountain for a long time because of family affairs, but she did not expect the latter to finally return.

The knife nodded and said, "Brother, do you want to go to her and ask what's the matter?"

Xiao Lang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it then."

Seeing that Xiao Lang didn't seem to have this idea, Xiaodao stopped talking, and the two walked into the house while talking.

Soon, Xiao Lang saw the poisonous dragon cultivating moves.

"Master, you're back!" Seeing Xiao Lang appear, Dulong stopped his practice and walked over with surprise.

Xiao Lang looked at the poisonous dragon, nodded and smiled after a moment: "It seems that your body is recovering well."

Before the poisonous dragon was attacked by Xuanyu's family in Misty Valley, he suffered a very serious injury. Although Xiao Lang later spent hundreds of thousands of points to exchange a lot of elixir in the Wanbao Hall to help the poisonous dragon recover his injuries, but because the poisonous dragon was injured When he reached the foundation, he had been in a half-weak state for a long time, and even his cultivation had become stagnant.

Although Xiao Lang was worried, he still couldn't think of a good way.

It was not until Xiao Lang found the five-color damask flower in the remains of the Dragon Elephant Venerable of the Western Regions, and after putting a portion of the poisonous dragon suit, the latter finally completely recovered his vitality, and the damaged foundation was repaired.

At least for now, the poisonous dragon is in very good condition.

"Looking at your situation, it seems that you are about to break through?" Xiao Lang suddenly raised his brows and said with a smile.

He found that the aura on the poisonous dragon was very strong, and it seemed that he had reached the peak realm of the ninth-order Void True God.

The poisonous dragon slapped his head honestly, and said, "Thanks to the five-color damask flower that you gave me, the master, my strength has been improved after refining, but I am still a little bit short of breaking through to the world, Xiao Both Demon God and Wuhen broke through directly."

"Oh?" Xiao Lang's eyes lit up again after hearing this. He didn't expect Xiao Demon God and Wuhen to break through the world.

"It's no wonder that those two guys rushed out to do the task, they turned out to be a breakthrough!" Xiao Lang smiled in his heart.

Later, Xiao Lang patted the poisonous dragon on the shoulder and smiled: "It's okay. You hurt your foundation in Misty Valley before. A part of the five-color genkwa's medicinal power is used to repair your foundation. Otherwise, you must be doing it now. Breakthrough."

Dulong smiled honestly, but the knife on the side was depressed. He was now the weakest among them.

Xiao Lang slapped him and said with a smile, "You kid, what's the urgency? I went out this time and brought some good things back. If you can refine it, you should be able to catch up."

"Really?" Xiaodao's eyes lit up suddenly.

"When did I lie to you, your brother?" Xiao Lang rolled his eyes and smiled.

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