Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 208: checkerboard

Xiao Lang quietly returned to the inn, walked to his door and stopped for a moment. He looked back at the bedroom where Ning Fuer was located, and saw that the door was closed and there was no sign of opening. Then he opened the door and walked in silently. Before sitting quietly for a while, the pupils of the eyes flickered, and the brightness was uncertain. For a long time, suddenly he took out the spirit paper and pen and ink from Xu Mi Jie and swiped it.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xiao Lang had finished writing. He walked to the window and opened the window lattice, and threw the spiritual paper folded into the shape of a crane with the wind. Watching it sway in the blue light and gradually disappear into the sky. This is finally relieved, Chang Shu With a sigh of relief, it seems that he has finally gained confidence.

"It should be safe this time."

Xiao Lang didn't say anything about it, and sat on the bed cross-legged again, regaining his spirit.

Although the previous battle with the demon was short, Xiao Lang's consumption was definitely not small. After all, the opponent is the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm. It seems that from the beginning of the battle, he has the absolute upper hand. Until the end, the demon failed to struggle for half a point, but in that moment, Xiao Lang almost exhausted all his martial arts. Divine skills contributed to such a miracle, which was even enough to make Lang Yunfeng mistakenly think that it was Venerable Era Realm.

The fact is also true.

Even if Venerable Era Realm made a shot, it was only as efficient as Xiao Lang.

The moment the battle broke out, Xiao Lang had already exerted his combat power to the extreme and peak! This also made him lose half of the power in his body. Fortunately, with the Great Dao Spirit Body, Xiao Lang's recovery speed was much faster than that of the same-level powerhouse, and one hour was enough.

as expected.

In just over an hour, Xiao Lang opened his eyes again, and his eyes flashed, and he was already full again, reaching the peak.

For the outsiders in Fengyu City, there was no trace of the previous battle. But for Xiao Lang, that was not the case. At this time, Xiao Lang was still in the state of adding a body to the Dao’s spirit body. His soul was rippling and he looked at himself inwardly. He was about to check the gaps and make up for the omissions, but suddenly found out--

"The power of luck in my body seems to be deeper?"

Xiao Lang's soul drifted away and looked at him, only to see a yellow halo covering his head. If it was said that it had only reached the deep yellow level before, the yellow is now more prominent, and even in its central area, a hint of green appears faintly.

Not an illusion!

It is his luck that has really increased!

"Killing the devil can actually enhance luck?!"

Xiao Lang was shocked. He never expected such a windfall. Before he wanted to attack the demon, his original intention was to take the path of suppressing the demon and to strengthen himself, but he did not expect that beheading the demon could also enhance his luck.

"Is it because I have a great spirit body, or if other people kill the demon?"

With a strange body, Xiao Lang couldn't help thinking more, and his heart shook faintly.

He may have found the fastest way to advance to the Era Realm!

And this road happened to be the same as the road he had chosen before. How did this make Xiao Lang not excited?

Kill the devil, seize his luck, and become the Lord!

Xiao Lang was excited for a while, and then suddenly thought of some of the secrets about the battle between the right and the demons that he had seen from many ancient books, and he had some insights:

"According to historical records, every time the battle between the real and the devil is opened, there will be a large number of talents around the world, and there are countless people who have been promoted to the era. Related. Other people beheading the devil, should also enhance luck!"

"No, maybe it's not only that! Every time the righteous demon fights, the demon way is also born with the aptitude and enchanting demon lord, can it be said that they also have such characteristics? The righteous way kills the devil, can enhance the luck, and vice versa?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's heart couldn't help but he couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at the sky above his head through the window lattice.

Heaven is ruthless!

Xiao Lang suddenly felt that his guess was very likely to be true, and the high-level executors of the Demon Dao and the Righteous Dao should all know this.

Suddenly, Xiao Lang also had a new level of understanding of the battle between Zheng and Devil——

The battle between the right and the devil is the battle of luck!

"What they are fighting for may not be as simple as winning or losing, they have different plans!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang suddenly felt depressed. It seemed that there was a pair of giant hands shrouded in the sky, manipulating everything, and the battle between the right and the devil was the battle between the chessboard, the black and white chess pieces, the battle between heaven and luck!

The martial artist of the world realm can be promoted to the epoch realm and become the sage. If the Venerable gets the power of massive air luck, his strength will surely soar! So, what about higher-level emperors, what does this battle of righteousness and devil, the struggle for heaven and luck, mean to them?

It must be meaningful!

Otherwise, they would certainly not sit idly by the outbreak of the Great Demon War, and countless people of the Li people were caught in the calamity of being displaced. The only explanation that can tell all of this is--

In this battle of right and devil, they can get more benefits!

It is precisely because of these huge benefits that they are desperate, regardless of the life and death of ordinary Lebanese people, and so determined to set off a battle between right and evil!


Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help taking a breath. This kind of conspiracy theory shocked him himself. The look was cloudy and uncertain, and it was difficult to calm down for a while.

"I hope I think about it."

"I can think of it, can it be that so many venerables in this world can't think of it? As venerables, they definitely don't want to be treated as chess pieces. If this is the case, they would have united to protest. Things should not be as I thought. That’s so bad. Perhaps, when I am promoted to the Era Realm and become a Venerable, I will know the truth."

Xiao Lang forcibly interrupted his random thoughts about the battle between righteous and demons, calmed his mind and returned to peace.

Thinking more is not helpful, it is better to focus on the present.

The present is today.

Xiao Lang cleared his distracting thoughts and turned his head to look out the window. The east was white, and the sun was lurking. It was about to dawn, and today, it was time to go home with Nymph.

Xiao Lang closed his eyes again, rested, and waited for Ning Fuer to knock on the door.

After a while, finally—

"Big Brother Xiao."

Nymph’s soft call came from outside the door. In fact, when Nymph walked out of the door, Xiao Lang, who had been hanging his mind outside the door, heard it. He had gotten out of bed and opened the door directly, only to see Nymph. Standing outside the door, he looked hesitant.

Ning Fuer obviously didn't expect Xiao Lang to open the door so quickly. The expression on her face still needs to be adjusted. Suddenly Xiao Lang said first:

"Let's go, I will accompany you home."

Saying that, without waiting for Nymph's answer, Xiao Lang had already walked outside the inn. Nymph was taken aback, blushing and perplexed appeared on her cheeky cheek: "Has Big Brother Xiao already guessed what I'm going to do?"

Ning Fu'er hurriedly followed, and rushed to the teleportation formation from Fengyu City to Magnolia City with Xiao Lang. Along the way, Ning Fu'er always wanted to say something first, but without exception, Xiao Lang took the lead. Nymph could not find a chance to speak for a while.

Until Xiao Lang handed over the spirit stone and stood in the teleportation array with white light floating, Ning Fuer, who was still standing outside the teleportation array, took a deep look at Xiao Lang and finally understood that she was right.

Xiao Lang did see her plan.


She hesitated.

After tossing around all night, Nymph was fantasizing about today's various, dozens of days of company, finally let her face her inner emotions squarely, and she felt very satisfied. But similarly, she also suddenly realized what it meant to Xiao Lang to let Xiao Lang accompany her to lie to her family this time.


Great danger!

It's not that Xiao Lang is a disciple of the Jin family in Tianfu Palace and no one dares to move. As the saying goes, a strong dragon can't beat a local snake! In Yanlangxing, the Lang Family and the Ning Family are real earth snakes! Would they really be afraid of Xiao Lang's identity? What's more, Lang Yunfeng probably knew what Xiao Lang had followed him for a long time, and also found out the details of Xiao Lang, a disciple of Tianfu Palace with no support behind it, and a deterrent family is enough. , But for the wolf family...

Far from enough!

In other words, Xiao Lang would probably die here!

So Nymph hesitated and hesitated. She didn't want to marry Lang Yunfeng, but she didn't want to see Xiao Lang die here because of herself!

At this moment, Ning Fu'er mustered up the courage, stood outside the teleportation array, and said: "Brother Xiao, you..."

But before she could finish her sentence, Xiao Lang raised the corners of her mouth, and a faint smile spread out, and immediately after her arm raised, Ning Fuer only felt vigorously coming from her body, and she could not help but step on her feet before she could resist. In the teleportation formation, Xiao Lang stared at Ning Fu'er with a pair of strange eyes, and said:

"Relax, everything has me."


Ning Fu'er suddenly felt weak, and the little deer slammed into her heart. For a while, she couldn't say anything. She only felt that her whole body was wrapped in the strong man's breath from Xiao Lang's body. She was addicted for a while, just like she was a child. He secretly drank the wine hidden by his ancestors, and during the sleepy night, he didn't even notice that the teleportation array outside his body had been activated.

Until the white light dissipated, there was a burst of noise outside——

"Little princess!"

"Miss Nine! Miss Nine is back!"

Ning Fu'er trembled and quickly pushed Xiao Lang away, only to see that the Magnolia City Teleportation Array was already crowded with people, looking curiously one by one.

They are all from the Ning family.

They recognized Nymph, and they were even more surprised when they saw Xiao Lang.

"This is Miss Nine's Taoist companion? Who said that Miss Nine is a lie? Didn't you see their attitude just now? What is it if it is not a Taoist companion!"

"The little princess is finally in charge!"

"This young man can be considered a long one, how many times better than that Lang Yunfeng!"

There was a burst of discussion, and Ning Fu'er heard it, thinking of the appearance that she had just hit Xiao Lang's arms, she couldn't help but her cheeks were flying, and they were almost red to the base of her neck, she couldn't help but glance at her chest Xiao Lang glared at him, but in this eye, there was no slightest anger, and some were just the shame of the young girl Huaichun.

And at this moment, just as Ning Fu'er was immersed in the girl's heart and couldn't extricate herself, Xiao Lang looked around, but couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Only this person?"

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