Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 245: A star ball

Xiao Lang didn't care about the people who rushed up.

Not even the true gods.

Even if he stood still, these people could not break the golden armor on his body.


Xiao Lang looked at the crowd fleeing ahead. A seven or eight-year-old girl was dragged into the crowd and fleeing, but how could she, a weak girl, keep up with the steps of many adults around her? Even if no one shied away, she herself was so anxious that she accidentally stepped on the air and knelt on the ground.

The little girl's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and the severe pain was unbearable, but even so, she tried her best to get up from the ground, because she knew that once she stopped, the only thing waiting for her was death!

The fear of outsiders is a huge shadow left by the village from generation to generation!


Run quickly!

But at this moment, she didn't see it, just at the back of her head, a big foot was falling, and it was about to fall on the back of her head!

It's the one running from behind!

Can't stop it!

It is conceivable that if this foot is down-to-earth, it must be a tragedy of broken skulls and splashes of red and white serum!

However, the little girl didn't see it, Xiao Lang saw it, and frowned slightly.



Speaking is like speaking out the law.

As soon as Xiao Lang spoke, within a hundred li, everything was quiet and silent. The people who were running desperately just now seemed to have been touched on the anchoring charm, feeling the surrounding space shackles and could no longer move. .

this is……

Different space shackles!

A great supernatural power that only the mid-world realm strong can possess!

"He is not a true god! He is in the mid-world stage!!"

"It's over! It's all over! We are going to die, none of us can escape!"

The eyes of the fleeing people were full of fear, and their souls burst forth. Just stepping forward, everyone who wanted to stop Xiao Lang did the same. Where could there be any resistance in the eyes of the original fighting spirit?

They just felt the breath radiating from Xiao Lang's body to make a judgment. They thought Xiao Lang was just a true god, and they had the idea of ​​resistance in their hearts. Because in their view, if they unite, it is still possible to defeat the true god.

But the world...

Can't beat it!

Even if you blew up, you can't beat it!

"Are we going to die?"

Everyone was shocked, but when they were almost confessing their fate, they suddenly saw Xiao Lang walking down from a high altitude, passing by them, coming to the fleeing crowd, and coming to the little girl, who was frightened by the latter. He moved her out of the soles of her feet and helped her beat the dust on her body.

"Don't be so careless next time."

"It's like yours."

Xiao Lang's face was gentle, and the little girl was flattered, she was taken aback and nodded instinctively: "Yes, yes, but I..."

As soon as the little girl's voice came out, she was shocked again.

She can actually speak?

Everyone was shocked, and immediately discovered that they had already regained their freedom before they knew it. Xiao Lang took back the shackles of the different space! However, after regaining their freedom, they still didn't dare to move, staying where they were, never daring to escape.

Because I can't escape.

This outsider is at least in the middle of the world! This level of martial arts cultivation is completely enough to explain that the lives of everyone in their entire village are within the thought of this outsider!

Under such circumstances, who would dare to touch Xiao Lang's mold?

No one speaks.

No one answered.

Even the little girl didn't dare to speak any more, looking at Xiao Lang with a timid and curious expression. However, in the eyes of most people, including the little girl, the fear of Xiao Lang was much less.

"This person is not like a bad guy!"

Everyone is worried.

Although Xiao Lang didn't know the change in their mentality, he couldn't stay motionless. He raised his brows and said in a deep voice:

"Come out and take care of things."

Immediately, the crowd was in a commotion, just for a while, an old man with a withered face seemed to be half of his body buried in the loess came out from the crowd, watching Xiao Lang in awe, saluting deeply, not daring to make any rash moves, and said:

"Senior, the villain is the village chief here."

Xiao Lang glanced at him, frowned slightly, and then stretched out. Of course, he could tell from his eyesight that this old man was not only so miserable on the surface, he was really dying.

Is a dying person the head of a village?

This old man is, in all likelihood, a strategy and a victim of this group of villagers to deal with external dangers!

But Xiao Lang didn't care.

No matter who it is, just let him know what he wants to know.

"I ask you, where is this place?"

The old man was taken aback for a moment with a dazed expression, and subconsciously said: "If you go back to senior, this is a place without roots."

A place without roots?

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard the words, but he was puzzled, but when he suddenly remembered the dim world he had seen before, his heart froze, and he suddenly woke up and said coldly:

"What I asked was not the name of the place, but the name of this planet!"


The old man's face became even more dazed when he heard that, he looked around helplessly, as if looking for some help, until then, someone finally stood up again:

"Return to senior, this is the West Desert Star Sea, Longyang Star."

Longyang Star!

Xiao Lang's spiritual thought instantly sank into the sea of ​​knowledge, searching for memory. As a disciple of the Golden Armor of Tianfu Palace, the information that Xiao Lang could obtain was not even comparable to that of the Venerable of the Ordinary Era Realm. For example, the map of the four star regions in the entire Lihuo Great World, Tianfu Palace is free for Jin Jia disciples, and it is very detailed.

Of course, there are hundreds of millions of stars from the world of Huo, and the power of Tianfu Palace does not extend to every inch. Therefore, updating the map is also a very troublesome task. Generally speaking, except for very rare circumstances, the Tianfu Palace is from the world of Huo. The map of stars will only be updated once in a thousand to two thousand years.

Xiao Lang quickly found the location of Long Yangxing on the map based on his memory, but his brows wrinkled slightly.

"Just a star ball?"

Martial artists have levels, relics have levels, of course there are stars, but they are also limited to the tens of thousands of stars in the West Desert Star Sea. This is the specific evaluation standard of Tianfu Palace.

The planet is divided into five stars.

A star ball, the weakest! There is not even a strong person in the world.

As for the two stars, the highest level of martial arts cultivation is the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the world, and is also the master of this planet. The master of the three-star planet is Venerable Era Realm, as for four-star, five-star...

Only standards, no logo.

Legend has it that the planet where the second-class ruins appear will be listed as four stars. The so-called five-star, literally understood, is a huge threat to the powerhouse of the immortal monarch level!

However, there are very few such places.

Had it not been for such a star rating standard on the map of Lihuo Great World, Xiao Lang had never even heard of such an existence. As for the map he got, the highest rank was only the three-star planet, controlled by the Venerable Era Realm.

One star is completely trivial.

"Really far!"

"My luck is really bad."

Xiao Lang secretly shook his head, very helpless. At this time, deep in his mind, the general map of the entire West Desert Star Sea was manifesting. He found Longyang Star, but he was at the extreme edge of this map. I don’t know how far it is from the ancient proverb star, at least a hundred stars apart!

A planet without any hope.

Xiao Lang put such a label on Long Yangxing in his heart, and subconsciously asked:

"Do you know where the teleportation array on this planet is?"

As long as it is a star that has been discovered, there must be a teleportation array on it. Otherwise, how is the news of the existence of this planet spread?

Since Long Yang Xing was discovered and named, it must be the same!

Xiao Lang just wanted to use this method to leave quickly.

Teleportation array?

The old man was still confused when he heard the words, but this time, he obviously didn’t need to answer. The one who stood up just now was the village chief. Obviously, he knew that even if he had deceived Xiao Lang, he could not guarantee himself. To survive, if Xiao Lang wanted to kill, none of them would be able to run away. Therefore, he stood up, but also frowned and looked confused, and said:

"Senior, we don't know what Teleportation Array is. Could you please help explain?"

Don't even know the teleportation array?

Xiao Lang frowned when he heard this, and subconsciously thought that the person in front of him was lying to him, but the next moment, when Xiao Lang realized the martial arts cultivation of the person before him, his brows stretched.


Obviously, this village has not been hiding here for a day or two. I am afraid that the times are like this. Even the true gods have not been born. They must be the natives of Longyang Star. It is strange that they can know where the teleportation array is.


Xiao Lang sighed secretly.

Unexpectedly, I found someone this time, but couldn't ask for useful information.

Xiao Lang was about to leave.

It's impossible for the entire dragon star to know where the teleportation array is, right? It must be occupied by the forces ranked first on Longyang Star!

However, just as Xiao Lang was about to fly away, suddenly, he stopped again, looking at the people in front of him, frowning.


Something is wrong!

Since these people are natives on Longyang Star, how can they recognize that they are in the world? Do you even know the shackles of different spaces unique to the mid-world realm?

There are only two possibilities-

First, they are lying! They have been to other planets through the teleportation array, so they know the unique characteristics of the world!

Second, Longyang Star is not as simple as it is marked on the map burned by Tianfu Palace. On this planet, there are world-level powerhouses, and many more!

When Xiao Lang thought of this, his steps immediately stopped, his expression calm, and he said solemnly:

"Why do you hide here and dare not be born? Why were you so scared when you saw me before?"

The man was taken aback. Although he didn't know how Xiao Lang's thinking suddenly jumped in this direction, he still answered immediately:

"Returning to seniors, we are to avoid misfortune."

"I saw you before because we thought you were from the Hungu mining area and wanted to arrest us for mining, so..."

An embarrassed expression appeared on the man's face.

Xiao Lang's pupils lit up slightly.

He faintly felt that he seemed to be about to touch the secret on Longyang Star!

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