Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 252: Babao Dilian


Xiao Lang couldn't help swallowing, of course, he didn't let Mi Tong notice.

What a big mining area!

When Xiao Lang first heard about the Hungu mining area, he didn't really care much. In the Eastern Region, there are also many mining areas, ranging from large to small, but there are really few that can shock Xiao Lang.

But this Hungu mining area did it!

"How big is this mining area?"

Xiao Lang finally asked this question. The child naturally knows everything:

"The outer mining area is about three to five thousand miles in radius. The deep inner mining area is much larger than the outer mining area. The digging is deeper, and it should be seven to eight thousand miles long. The waste mining area is between them, and there are also About five to six thousand miles."

As he said, he pointed to the abandoned mines in front of him and introduced:

"Just like this kind of abandoned mine, there are about 30,000, I don't remember the specific number, because there are too many. There must be the smoky crystal that the owner needs!"

Fei Tong was asking for credit. He thought Xiao Lang's focus was still on Mojing, but what he didn't know was that Xiao Lang's attention had long been shifted to the entire mining area.

"It's really big!"

Xiao Lang's mind was shaken.

In the Eastern Region of Lihuo Great World, the largest mining area he knew was not half the size of Hungu mining area! As far as he knows, the largest mining area in the Eastern Region is controlled by several planets and dozens of families, among which Tianfu Palace also occupies a huge share.

And here, this mining area is actually controlled by a family!

The strength of the Mu family is evident!

Xiao Lang discovered that he seemed to have looked down upon Mu's house before.

"Maybe because they are afraid that their venerables will not show up all the year round and will attract the attention of others, so they have not stationed the powerful venerables here?"

Miscellaneous thoughts arose in Xiao Lang's heart, and then converged, his eyes flickering.

This is a huge mine!

"It seems that my luck is better than I thought!"

Xiao Lang curled up the corners of his mouth and looked at the abandoned mine ahead, feeling agitated. There must be smoky crystals in so many abandoned mines, right?

Of course, no matter how certain it is, it is just a guess. At the next moment, Xiao Lang was ready to arouse the power of the mark of the avenue and perceive the existence of Smoky Crystal.

But before that, with lessons learned, Xiao Lang did not act immediately, but turned his head to look at Wei Tong:

"you can go now."

"If there is something wrong, please contact me directly through soul blood. But if there is nothing wrong, don't bother me, I will retreat for a while."


Hearing this, Xiao Tong was stunned, even if he knew that once he went out, he would definitely have a conflict with Li Teng, and would even be embarrassed, but of course this could not be used as a reason for his disobedience to Xiao Lang's order, so he had to leave.

"Yes, master."

"If you have any needs, you must tell the villain, and the villain will arrange for you properly."

Leave without forgetting to flatter.

Seeing Xiao Tong leaving, Xiao Lang raised a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, and then receded again, staring at the abandoned mine in front of him with burning eyes. How big is Fu Yuan, it depends on now!

Of course Xiao Lang would not smash the abandoned mines a little bit to find it. That would be too slow, and Xiao Lang was not picking up rubbish. With a thought in his heart, Xiao Lang had already moved the mark of the avenue and moved towards the first abandoned mine in front of him.

"how many?"

The question Xiao Lang looked forward to was answered only after three breaths. As soon as the mark of the avenue came out, Xiao Lang immediately felt an unprecedented attraction pouring from the abandoned mine.

It is the influence of smoky quartz!

There was smoky quartz inside, and--

"Not a lot!"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up instantly, like stars in the night, excited.

"One, two...five...ten..."

Finally, the numbers have been superimposed to as many as thirty-four!

"So many!"

Xiao Lang exclaimed.

The search for smoky crystals went smoothly, and the number of smoky crystals found far exceeded his imagination! However, astonished to astonishment, Xiao Lang's movements will not stop at all. After relying on the mark of the avenue to determine the position of the smoky crystal, Xiao Lang immediately retracted the mark of the avenue, and then protruding out with divine power, pulling hard--


A full thirty-four smoky crystals appeared in pitch black and round, all of the same shape, even the same size, reflecting the excited eyes of Xiao Lang!


The harvest was so rich that Xiao Lang couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. If it weren't for not wanting to reveal his whereabouts, Xiao Lang would have laughed.

"Go on, next one!"

Xiao Lang did not immerse himself in ecstasy for too long, and immediately aimed at the second abandoned mine for the next search. After just a few breaths, Xiao Lang gained a lot again——


"Although not as many as the first time, it's not bad."

"It seems that this time I really want to post!"

There are about 30 smoky crystals in an abandoned mine. You know, there are tens of thousands of smoky crystals in the entire abandoned mine area. How many smoky crystals are there!


Just thinking about this number made Xiao Lang's scalp numb.

Horrible harvest!

"Even if you keep searching like this, it will probably take more than ten days."

Xiao Lang held his forehead, but there was an excited smile on his face. After all, who would think he has gained too much?

"Look again!"

Next, Xiao Lang fell into frequent rushes and began to search for the existence of Smoky Crystals among the abandoned mines, almost forgetting the loss of time.


However, at this moment, what Xiao Lang didn't know was that at the other end of the abandoned mine that was tens of thousands of miles away from him, there was a universe inside an abandoned mine.

This abandoned mine seems to have existed for too long. It is covered with dust, and almost has to be connected to the ground. If it is outside, if it is not for the rich wood attributes that it emits, you will even think it is just an ordinary hill. mound.

But the inside is empty.

It is a cave with hundreds of meters long and wide, and the green mist lingers in it. It is of wood attribute and supernatural power. It is abundant. Here, even if it is a person who has gone to half life and wanders between life and death, I am afraid that it will not take a long time. , You can restore your peak state!

Because the breath of life here is too strong!

How rich is it?

Turn the fog into water!

On the earth and stone ground, the same turquoise liquid gathered, like the source of life, the brilliance flowed, quite dazzling, forming a small puddle. And beside the small water puddle, there was a figure, a thin and thin figure, a pale middle-aged man with a face like gold paper. For some reason, he still looked so tired in such a place full of life. His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, motionless, I don't know how long I have maintained this posture, a pair of eyes stared at the center of the puddle in front of him, filled with fearful desire.

"It's ripe! It's ripe!"

"Why not mature yet?"

The middle-aged man murmured his lips quickly, the words were blurred, and these two sentences were turned over and over.

I saw that in the puddle formed by the condensation of the water of life, a strange plant the size of a palm was swaying with the flow of the liquid in the mist. Its appearance is quite peculiar, like a lotus but not a lotus, with its branches and leaves stretched out, and there are as many as seven pieces.

Do not!

More than seven tablets.

The eighth leaf has grown halfway, exposing sharp corners, and slowly stretched out, as if it was close to fully growing.

If Xiao Lang saw this plant here, he would be surprised.

Soul Dao Supreme Treasure, Eight Treasure Land Lotus!

This is a true holy medicine, but fleshy and boneless, living dead!

As long as its effect is aimed at the soul and true spirit, it is definitely of the most precious level. It is hard to find for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, there is one here!

"So slow!"

The middle-aged man seemed to be waiting anxiously. Because, he really waited for too long, in order to wait for this eight-treasure land lotus to mature, he has waited for six hundred years!

"For six hundred years, the family should have forgotten me?"

A gleam of light flashes through the tired eyes of the middle-aged man, sinking into the memory, suddenly, blood red blooms, a touch of murderous intent that does not know how many years has been hidden suddenly broke out, and it is breathtaking!

"Mu Rongjun, you **** thing! You'd better be dead. If you are still alive, when my wooden name returns, you will definitely make you die!"


The middle-aged man violently used his force, and the two waste mines he held tightly in his hands were suddenly crushed into dregs by him. This shows how raging in his heart is.

He is a wooden name.


It is the Mu family, the master behind this Hungu mine.

Jun Mu Rong, this name is very famous in the Mu family, because it is well known that he was the first to discover this vein in Longyang Star and reported it to the family, which brought unprecedented great benefits to the family.

But what no one knows is that there was another person who came to Longyang Star with him back then, and that was Mu Ming!

As for what happened that day, it was simple.

With such massive resources and honors in the Hungu mining area, brothers' cannibalism happened. Mu Ming was only in the early stage of the Era Realm, and at that time, Lord Mu Rong was already in the middle of the Era Realm. The battle between them must have been a crush.

Jun Mu Rong thought that Mu Ming was dead, and returned to Mu's family to welcome his glory, but in fact, Mu Ming is not dead, he is still alive!

"I hate!"

Every time Mu Ming recalled that day, he couldn't help but tremble all over, dying of anger.

Those glory originally belonged to him!

But now, he only had hatred and a lingering body. When he thought of the time he was struggling underground and trying to survive, Mu Ming's anger became more intense, and he almost burned the earth.

"Fortunately, I found this eight-treasure land lotus. As long as it matures completely and I swallow it, the true spirit will be able to recover to its peak and even go further!"

"I want to go back!"

"I want to expose his ugly behavior in front of the entire family!"

"I want to—let him die!"

Mu Ming roared in his heart, slamming the waste ore around him crazily, but he did not dare to touch the eight-treasure lotus in the emerald green puddle, because that was his last hope!

Mu Ming's body was surrounded by a magic circle, and the heartbreaking roar did not come out, isolating everything from the outside world. And similarly, he did not find that a young man was jumping between the abandoned mines tens of thousands of miles away. Every time he paused, he had dozens of pitch-black spars and he smiled.

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