Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 258: The death of Kina

"How can this be!"

Mu Ming's eyes were round, watching the wooden spear connected to his true spirit turn into ashes under Xiao Lang's iron fist, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe what he saw.

How could this kid suddenly become so strong?

And as if to tell him that what he was seeing was not an illusion, Xiao Lang blasted out another punch, and suddenly thunder light flashed, thunder fell from the sky, and a wooden spear was already punched before him. Shattered into dregs!

In an instant, the horror in Mu Ming's eyes turned into despair.

"He actually broke through!"

Mu Ming, who has experienced all kinds of battles, can tell at a glance what kind of magic has happened to Xiao Lang's body. In fact, he just used the Mu Family's secret technique, which is equivalent to a breakthrough, but unfortunately, his breakthrough is far less powerful and magical than Xiao Lang!

For Xiao Lang, this was a surprise.

For Mu Ming, this is really hopeless.

He has already used all his methods and no more remains. In other words, he has no hope of a comeback!


Mu Ming fell into a panic, his soul froze, and his mind was confused, but Xiao Lang naturally would not stop, his fists and feet were rushing, thunder and lightning surged, his whole body was like a Thor who came out from the depths of Jiuyou, his clothes fluttered. , A long fist slammed, and every time a fist blasted, a spear would shatter into flying ash, brutal and fierce!

In fact, if Mu Ming could barely maintain his original mind, he could manipulate more than twenty wooden spears, although he could not kill Xiao Lang, but he could definitely inflict heavy damage on it. After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and even if Xiao Lang makes a breakthrough, two fists cannot stop the siege of more than twenty wooden spears.

It's a pity that Mu Ming's head is full of despair, how can he continue to maintain a subtle offense?

That's the case with the master's tricks, the mentality is very important!

After more than ten breaths, when another wooden spear was knocked into the air and turned into powder, the wooden name was awakened by the tingling of the true spirit in the sea of ​​knowledge. He was shocked to see that there were only seven wooden spears surrounding Xiao Lang. !

One hundred to seven.

It is conceivable that in this process, Mu Ming's mind was hit and hit.

He finally felt the icy cold of death approaching fast.

"I should die?"

Mu Ming was panicked and unwilling to—

"Do not!"

"More than six hundred years ago, I was attacked and killed by Lord Mu Rong and I didn't die. How could I die here today!"

Before life and death, Mu Ming finally abandoned the pursuit of the Eight Treasure Land Lotus, focusing on life and death, watching another wooden spear turn into ashes under Xiao Lang's fist, and finally reacted with a stern spirit.

"Thousands of trees are growing!"


The remaining six wooden spears exploded in an instant, the true spirit and divine power dissipated, and a real illusion formed in the void. Xiao Lang, who was smashing the wooden spears vigorously, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted quickly.

"Huh, you still want to escape?"

Xiao Lang sneered.

He saw through Mu Ming's plan!

After the battle, how could he let Wooden name escape like this? This time, although it was exactly the same illusion as the last time, Xiao Lang's reaction was completely different from before. He twisted his waist and stepped on the thunder light, and immediately flew behind him.

Xiao Lang found the wooden name?

of course not.

Mu Ming's attainments in the illusion are extremely deep, far exceeding his combat power in a head-on fight, Xiao Lang can't see through it, but this doesn't mean he can't catch up!


Xiao Lang didn't even think about it, but he hit the front with a punch, and immediately -

"how is this possible!"

"How can you find me!"

Mu Ming's exclamation sounded, and at the same time, the illusion of thousands of trees connected with his true spirit suddenly shattered, and Mu Ming appeared in front of Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang wouldn't explain his enemies kindly, sneered, swinging his fists and attacking.



In horror, Mu Ming's Dao Heart was greatly shaken, and it was not until Xiao Lang approached him that he hurriedly condensed a wooden spear to resist, but how could this stop Xiao Lang's fist?

In fact, he was blocked.

Because when Mu Ming wanted to block Xiao Lang's punch with a mortal heart, he wanted to use the force of a counter shock to flee, waiting for an opportunity, suddenly, he only felt a flower in front of him, where is the shadow of Xiao Lang in front of him? I just feel a strong wind whistling from behind!


"He knows space secret technique?"

This was the last consciousness of Kana.


The iron fist settled, the thunder light roared, Mu Ming's head resembled a rotten watermelon, bursting open, red and white slurry splashed and scattered on the ground.

Mu Ming, dead!

In the end, Xiao Lang finally realized his previous plan, his love teleported and he wiped out the enemy with one punch!


The flesh body lost the control of the soul, and Mu Ming's body crashed to the ground and fell into meat sauce. Xiao Lang watched this scene, feeling Mu Ming's life aura quickly falling, and finally disappeared completely. He finally breathed a sigh of relief from mid-air. Falling down, his face was as pale as paper, he was bent over his knees with his hands on his knees, his eyes were dull, and he stared at the shapeless corpse of Kana for a long time, finally showing a smile on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Xiao Lang laughed frantically, his voice getting louder and louder, and the sound repeated in the empty abandoned mining area. Fortunately, there is no one here. If anyone saw Xiao Lang in this state, covered in blood and ragged, he would definitely think it was a corpse.

Of course Xiao Lang was not crazy.

He was just too excited.

Escape from the dead!

This battle can definitely be considered a deadly escape. In the process of fighting Mu Ming, Xiao Lang felt that he was going to die more than once, but fortunately, he finally survived and lived toward death, moving forward, and even realized that he was going to thunder twice!

Fruitful results!

The mere killing of Mu Ming was already significant to Xiao Lang.

Strictly speaking, this is his true battle with the Lord. In Magnolia City, although he also killed Ninghuo, he was really just a coincidence at that time. It was not like this battle. The victory was made by him!

Even though this battle was fierce, the impact it brought to Xiao Lang was more than just what you saw on the surface. Xiao Lang became more confident.

"What about the Lord?"

"According to the killer!"

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Lang was truly sure that he had indeed already possessed the power of the venerable rank.

This battle made Xiao Lang leap by one step, it was himself!

It also made him better understand how the future road should be taken.

"The road under my feet is like this battle. There is no need to be melancholy, no need to be afraid. You should live to death and move forward! If there are concerns everywhere, how can I overcome the crisis of the path?"

Xiao Lang raised his head, his eyes flickered, full of determination.

"If I want to become a master and accomplish what others can't do, I must do this, especially in the chaotic West Desert and Star Sea. Killing is the right way to stop killing! Cut all the thorns and get the right result! The previous me, He really hesitated too much."

Thinking of running away when he was fighting with Mu Ming, Xiao Lang couldn't help but laughed at himself, then converged, clenching his fists:

"I will not do it again!"

"Those who block my martial arts will die!"

Xiao Lang renewed his Dao heart. This battle finally made him understand the key to Taoism. If it were not for the change of mood, he would definitely not be able to comprehend the double run of thunder.

"This time, I am also very lucky."

Xiao Lang looked down at his fist and finally showed a relaxed smile on his face. After that, he did not hesitate to pull Mu Ming's storage ring, disposing of the latter's bones, found a clearing, and took out the Mu Jing Po and Mojing sat on the ground and began to rest.

His current state is really bad.

The battle just now almost wiped out his state!

Fortunately, there are smoky crystals and wood spirits.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Lang had already plunged into cultivation. Even with the wood essence and the smoky crystal, he would need at least a whole day to reply.

With the law formation to isolate the outside world, Xiao Lang devoted himself to cultivation, without leaving any other thoughts outside. And when his mind had just been absorbed into his body, Xiao Lang had never seen that on the storage ring belonging to the wooden name he had just obtained, a black mist suddenly rose, and a roar came out:

"Unwilling! I'm not willing!"

"How can I die here!"

"No! I want to kill you! I want to take you away!"

Mu Ming is not dead yet!

His remnant soul was attached to the storage ring connected to his true spirit, and he wanted to take this opportunity to seize Xiao Lang!


The black mist evaporates, directly piercing Xiao Lang's eyebrows. If it were pierced, Xiao Lang would really feel uncomfortable, and it could even be said to be quite dangerous. Because Xiao Lang's true spirit is almost exhausted now, it really may not be able to withstand Mu Ming's invasion.

But at this moment, suddenly—


A thunder light suddenly manifested around Xiao Lang's body, like a long whip, hitting Mu Ming's remnant soul fiercely!

"Do not!"

Only half of Mu Ming's wailing spread, and in an instant, under the thunderous thunder, his remnant soul was completely vanished and purified!

Xiao Lang is still awake?

of course not.

Xiao Lang was exhausted, sank into rest and recuperation, where could he wake up. This ray of thunder falling from the sky suddenly originated from the smoky crystal in his hand...

This is not Xiao Lang's unexplored prophet, it is really just a coincidence.

On weekdays, when Xiao Lang gripped Mo Jing to practice, he often had thunder around him. It can only be said that Mu Ming is really unlucky. He didn't judge the situation and observe the situation, but at this time he rushed to seize the house and died before he was born.

Xiao Lang didn't know that a threat that was fatal to him just disappeared. What he also didn’t know was that at the moment Mu Ming died, on a planet not knowing how far away from Longyang Star, a quiet room, such as a mourning hall, was engraved with a spiritual card on the central wooden table. The soul lamp burns.

At the moment when Mu Ming's remnant soul was annihilated, one of the soul lamps suddenly went out, and the spirit plate under the lamp shattered, alarming the guards outside.

"what sound?"

The watcher walked in suspiciously and swept away at will. When his eyes fell on the extinguished soul lamp and the broken token, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen a ghost in the day, his knees weakened, and he almost sat on his ass. on the ground.

After a while, a stern roar erupted from the mourning hall——

"problem occurs!"

"The Seventh Elder is dead!"


For a time, the entire mansion was in chaos.

The Seventh Elder, who had been practicing outside for hundreds of years, died like this?

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