Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 267: See the real me

Multicolored lotus.

The Five Elements!

When he saw the budding lotus flower in the center of the avenue scroll, Xiao Lang suddenly came up with a sentence--

"Five elements, everything is fundamental!"

This is indeed the case. There is nothing in the whole body that is not related to the five elements. Even the things that are not the door are inextricably related to the five elements.

Xiao Lang is now on the enlightened Dao scroll, depicting all this more clearly.

At the second glance, Xiao Lang saw Thunder Avenue near the edge of the road map scroll. Between Five Elements Avenue and Thunder Avenue, Xiao Lang suddenly saw two looming lines, one in green and the other in blue.

"Mizuki is thunder!"

When these two looming silk threads came into view, Xiao Lang immediately thought of this ancient proverb.

Not only Thunder Avenue, but also the many surrounding avenues, all have an inexplicable relationship with this colorful lotus flower, which is vaguely connected.


"It turns out that this colorful lotus flower is the real core, or foundation, of this avenue scroll, no wonder it can be in such an important position."

For a time, Xiao Lang's eyes no longer had the colorfulness of those avenues scrolled on the road map. In his eyes, there was only the countless number of threads, and suddenly, there was something new in his heart. Ming Wu-

"This... really seems to be a painting!"


Xiao Lang had previously called this miraculous scene in front of him a picture of heaven, but at that time, he only described it like this, and did not learn anything from it.

But at this moment, Xiao Lang seemed to see a tall figure, supported by the ground under his feet, standing tall and standing between the sky and the earth, holding a paintbrush, using the sky as a canvas and all things in the world as paint. , Blessed by the power of the great avenue, between gestures, pen and ink, with colorful lotus as the center, a thick and colorful picture scroll is completed in one go!

This is how the road map rolls into shape!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help but shake his mind, and his whole body was moved.

What kind of power can do such a thing and draw such a wonderful picture?

Are you listening to Chaohou?

What kind of martial art is he?

While Xiao Lang was greatly shocked, his enlightenment never ended. The purple glow in his eyes was quite dazzling. Feeling the true meaning of the Great Dao Scroll, he suddenly thought of himself.

Everything in the world is based on five acts.

What about yourself?

"My Dao Spirit Body!"

Xiao Lang suddenly thought of his broken spirit body, and suddenly knew the sea aura, and a thought that shocked the world came to mind——

"What is Dao Spirit Body?"

"Only the Dadao can be called the Dao Spirit Body!"

"If I use the avenue to make up for myself..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help being shocked by his own thoughts, it was unbelievable, but just for an instant, his eyes became firm again, as firm as a rock.


"The divine body is broken, not broken or standing, it is a good opportunity to reshape the body. If I use the great way to make up for myself, this is the real great spirit body!"

Suddenly, Xiao Lang seemed to be initiating, and suddenly thought of the many benefits of the Dao to replenish himself.

"The main road is added, I no longer have to worry about the collapse of the true spirit, as long as the origin is stable, the true spirit is as stable as it is!"

Xiao Lang determined this based on the changes in his current state. When his spiritual thoughts were completely concentrated on the multicolored lotus flower in the center, Xiao Lang discovered that his true spirit had become extremely stable, like the circulation of the five elements, self-contained. Reincarnation.

However, new directions were set, and new problems came again.

"What is my origin?"

"The Five Elements?"

Xiao Lang shook his head lightly.

It's not.

It's definitely not the five elements.

"If it is really the five elements, what is the difference between me and this avenue scroll? Even if I really lead the way into the body, the final result will still be the Tao, it's just another avenue scroll."

Xiao Lang decisively crossed a misunderstanding. At this moment, he suddenly thought of what Ning Fuer had said when introducing him to Venerable Age Realm——

More than one!

Tao, is it the avenue, or the heaven?

If Xiao Lang hadn't seen the picture scroll of the avenue hanging above his head, he would definitely think it was a avenue, a heavenly way. But at this moment, he thought of the city lord of White Dragon City he had seen before. Although he didn't know what kind of method the latter practiced, Xiao Lang thought of it. At that time, the latter bluntly said that he would protect the people of White Dragon City with his life and resist the evil way. At that moment, Xiao Lang suddenly understood the mysterious aura exuding from his body.

Do not!


It’s not any avenue, nor is it a heaven, but—


"I am the source!"

"Whether it is the great road or the heavenly path, it is all power, the power of heaven and earth!"

"What I want to comprehend is not them, but myself!"

"The Dao is in harmony with the body, and then I am a venerable one. If I am obsessed with the Dao and Heavenly Dao, I will eventually become a part of it. I am not cultivating the Dao, nor the Heavenly Dao, but myself!"

"Based on the true self, integrating the power of the great road, the right way is the right way!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang realized.

In fact, ever since he touched the mark of the Great Dao, Xiao Lang had been groping for the direction of the Venerable's practice. He has no experience, so he can only comprehend others and learn from the ancestors in the classics. However, whether he is learning from others or ancestors, his perspective is always his own, focusing on power, so what he sees is also the power of the Venerable, but he never thought about the cultivation of the Venerable.

Enlightenment Avenue?

Do not.

It's for yourself to understand the Dao!

Focus on the former, not the latter!

In an instant, Xiao Lang felt that his true spirit began to boil. It was not a collapse, but a turbulent transformation. At this moment, Xiao Lang was like an old monk who had been sitting for ten thousand years. Once he had an epiphany, he saw most of the true spirit collapsed in his body, and then he saw the scroll of the road above his head. The dazzling purple light smiled slightly and said;

"You are a part of my body. If you don't return now, when will you stay?"


As soon as Xiao Lang said this, he seemed to follow the law. He just listened to the sudden thunder and lightning flashing all over his body, blasting crazily. There was no special change in the scroll of the highway hanging above his head, but endless purple thunders swept out of the void. In an instant, Xiao Lang felt his true spirit soaring rapidly, reversing and disintegrating, and frantically recovering.

Xiao Lang smiled.

This is the real mastery!


Xiao Lang's body roared with thunder, just like the sea of ​​thunder he saw in the smoky crystal. Although it is not that big, it is quite eye-catching. It floats within tens of feet of his body and is steaming. There is a phantom manifestation, which is exactly what he looks like, punching or flying or yelling, which is exactly the four moves he had learned before, but now, with his control of Thunder Avenue, the four moves It is also growing rapidly.


In one rush of thunder, behind Xiao Lang's fist, a full eight nodes appeared!


There are more than six afterimages!


Feeling his own changes, Xiao Lang was very happy and laughed. And these all fell in the eyes of the old man beside him. Just when Xiao Lang's whole body suddenly manifested Thunder Ocean, the old man noticed it, and seemed to be surprised by his experience, and his face was full.

"This is an epiphany?"

"So fast!"

"He was the first one to enter the master's mansion, right? How long is this, a quarter of an hour?"


Xiao Lang only realized it for a quarter of an hour before he succeeded.

Thunder like a sea, see yourself!

"Does he really have a relationship with the master?"

The old man's eyes lit up, looking at Xiao Lang who was so happy, his eyes brighter and brighter, he didn't know what he was thinking, and a look of hope appeared in his eyes, looking at Xiao Lang full of expectation.

Finally, Xiao Lang's body Zhou Thunder and the ocean faded, and there were faint signs of dissipating.

This is normal.

Because Xiao Lang's true spirit was almost consumed again.

Seeing self does not mean that he has already broken the catastrophe of the Dao of Transformation. In fact, the true spirit of the Dao will still collapse if he uses the power of the Dao, but the speed of the collapse is more than half that before!

This is simply great news for Xiao Lang.

Especially when Xiao Lang was in a special state at this time. When he merged with the power of Thunder Avenue, he was still evolving his moves. Naturally, the escape of true spirit became more serious. After only ten breaths of time, Xiao Lang’s true spirit was To the limit.

And this time, he didn't need to sacrifice the smoky crystal to complement the true spirit. He just moved his mind away from the road map scroll, and the suction that came out of the road map scroll before seemed to no longer be there.

indeed so.

Seeing his true self, Xiao Lang no longer obsessed with the Dao and the Dao of Heaven. In addition, he is now the power of thunder, and it is naturally simple to get rid of the scroll of the Dao.

In order to prevent the true spirit from continuing to disperse and causing a bad influence on himself, Xiao Lang converged his body into the thunder ocean at the moment of regaining his senses, but at the moment when the thunder's power was exhausted into his body, suddenly, the colorful lotus on the scroll of the road Suddenly, the light shines directly on Xiao Lang's true spirit. Xiao Lang's spirit is shocked. He is surprised to find that on his true spirit, there is a lotus mark, exactly like the colorful lotus, beside it. , There is a mark of thunder.

What's happening here?

The Thunder Mark Xiao Lang is easy to understand, representing that he has reached a level of control over the power of Thunder.

But what the **** is the colorful lotus flower on the Five Elements Avenue?

"I didn't comprehend the Five Elements?"

Xiao Lang was puzzled, but he was also happy to see this scene, because just now he thought about it, and he wanted to restore the spirit body of the Dao with the Five Elements Avenue as the core. This time, he enjoyed it.

"Could it be because I was thinking about it just now?"

"Is this road map scroll still spiritual?"

Xiao Lang was surprised, but before he waited for him to think carefully, he suddenly heard a voice full of joy in his ear:

"Congratulations to the new master, you have taken the first step to overcome the calamity of the real self. Then, master, as long as you perceive the great road and practice unswervingly, the master will soon reach the level of seeing the world. !"

See the real me?

See the world?

What is this division?

Xiao Lang was surprised, and what made him even more puzzled was the title in these words.

the host?

When did I become the master of Ting Chaohou Mansion?

Xiao Lang opened his eyes, and saw that he had just seen him smiling, without any other expressions, and his attitude was neither lukewarm nor cold. He was looking at him smiling, and he knew it was from the heart and full of joy.

Xiao Lang realized that this time, the old man did not lie to him.

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