Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 274: next

So precise?

Xiao Lang looked at the white-haired old man on the registration desk in surprise.

Really accurate!

As soon as the voice fell, the battle on the eighteenth ring was just over. This shows that while the surroundings are noisy, the white-haired old man has been paying attention to everything that happened on the ring, and even the changes in the fighting situation are beyond With ordinary understanding, the sound and battle will be settled almost at the same time.

This is a strong one!

Xiao Lang did not rashly explore the martial arts cultivation of the white-haired old man.

This approach is a bit abrupt.

In addition, when Xiao Lang came here and saw so many Era Realm Venerables, he realized that the Venerable's control of his own breath had almost reached a perfect level. If they didn't take action, it would be hard to guess what level they were in the Era Realm.

This is the same for him.

Even if Li Xueya had been a peak powerhouse in the late era, he was only half a step away from the era of Xiaowan who controlled the avenue, but even if it was him, when he saw Xiao Lang, he still couldn't recognize him as the venerable.

Huh huh!

One died on the 18th ring, and the surviving person was uncomfortable. His arm was broken. Although the blood had been stopped, it was also bloody, shocking, and he was gasping for breath.

This is a tragic battle!

But for the Demon Blood Proving Ground...

But so.

Xiao Lang could see this from the changes in the expressions on the faces of many venerables in the guest seats.

"In the Devil Blood Trial Ground, the dead are so casual?"

This is Venerable!

Putting it outside is enough to guard the existence of a family, but here, once it is dead, it is like a pile of rotten meat, no one will take a second look, and no one will care who he was when he was alive.

Seeing the calm and indifference in the eyes of everyone around him, Xiao Lang's perception of the Demon Blood Proving Ground became a bit deeper.


The survivors of the 18th ring stepped off the ring, and immediately a servant-like person went up to clean the ring, and the pile of minced meat was directly burned by the flames, showing coldness.

After the slave got off the ring, Xiao Lang decisively left, his figure flashed, and he landed on the ring. Suddenly, a strong and fresh smell of blood surged and penetrated into his nostrils, causing his stomach to roll, almost vomiting.

If it is really a young child who has never experienced a life-and-death battle, no matter how high his martial arts cultivation is, he will be shocked when encountering life and death, and it is difficult to maintain a stable mood. But who is Xiao Lang?

Life and death battle?

He has experienced too much!

Xiao Lang's figure was not moving like a bell, standing firmly on one end of the ring, not even changing his face.

The target of Xiao Lang's first battle had already been selected. Naturally, everyone believed that he would not survive. Since the opportunity of a thousand years of happiness did not fall on him, naturally there were not so many people paying attention to Xiao Lang, and his human indifference was fully manifested.

But some people are still paying attention to Xiao Lang.

For example, Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, Li Xueya and others are mostly out of curiosity. When seeing Xiao Lang standing in place without changing his face, these people couldn't help but constrict their eyes:

"Heh, this chick really has a bit of courage."

"If he is allowed to grow up in this trial field, he may also become a character. But it's a pity..."

Boldness proves nothing.

The struggle between life and death is not enough to be bold.

Xiao Lang's calm performance allowed them to give him a higher evaluation, but it was definitely unable to subvert their expectations and results of this battle.

In their hearts, Xiao Lang was still a dead person.

On the other end of the ring, Guo Lei also came up. He was walking up the stairs, and he was about to climb the ring. It was only three to five feet away from the ring, and Xiao Lang stared at him, still motionless.

Seeing this scene, Li Xueya was anxious, and countless people shook their heads.

"Heh, Hina is Hina. She really has no combat experience at all."

The battle of the Demon Blood Proving Ground is cruel!

Stepping onto the ring is the beginning of life and death.

Therefore, the moment the two sides stepped onto the ring was the most vicious. Fortunately, on the fourth floor of the trial field, most of them are masters who have experienced many battles, knowing the key to the first time, the main attacker is prepared, and the defender is also prepared. The two sides are often afraid of each other.

But this is not the case for novices on the second floor of the Proving Grounds.

See life and death in an instant!

This is nothing more normal.

Guo Lei looked at Xiao Lang motionless hundreds of feet away in front of him, seemingly unprepared, his eyes were blood red, his killing intent was restrained, and he could hardly contain it.

"It's stupid!"

Guo Lei's power of the Great Dao has already been ready to go, and I will explode the moment I step onto the ring. Similarly, in his heart, he is already a dead person.

At this moment, Guo Lei seemed to have returned to the past. He was only in the realm of true gods. Under the leadership of Guo’s parents, he entered the second level of the Demon Blood Trial Ground for the first time. In the first battle, he was confronted with an equally blank casual cultivator. .

He has family guidance, and naturally knows the essence of the ring battle. He launched a surprise attack the moment he stepped onto the ring. The first battle ended smoothly. To this day, Guo Lei can still remember the blankness, astonishment, and right of the person before his death. The fear of life and death.

Today, he seems to be seeing Xiao Lang's face again.

This feeling made his whole person excited.


It's also abused after playing!

"Quickly kill!"

The moment Guo Lei’s feet landed on the ring, the power of the avenue accumulated in his whole body immediately exploded, his clothes pulsed, the strong wind was blowing, and they shrank instantly. Just between the bulging and closing, one of his arms turned into silver, like metal. Perfusion, extremely rigid!


The air vibrated and was directly torn apart, leaving a white mark!



What Guo Lei enlightened was the Great Avenue of Power. After breaking through the Era Realm, he was given a full hundred years of rest time. This was his first battle after being promoted to the Venerable. The accumulation of a hundred years was revealed in this moment!

One finger instant kill was originally fingering, but Guo Lei was far from reaching that level. He couldn't infuse his whole body power between one finger and could only act on one arm.

But this is ferocious enough.

Especially after Guo Lei rushed out of one hundred feet, and only one hundred feet away from Xiao Lang, it seemed that it was because he was too concentrated and too excited. At this moment, Guo Lei was like a chicken blood, suddenly—


The bells and drums on the arms rang together, and the silver light flashed suddenly, and the silver light that had stretched the entire arm shrank again, and finally stopped at Guo Lei's elbow.



Guo Lei laughed wildly, "The ancestors sincerely don't deceive me and fight for life and death. They should be able to stimulate my greater potential!"

"The **** is small! When I end this battle and get a thousand years of rest, I will definitely be able to practice this **** to the fullest... No, I may be perfect! At that time, I will no longer be afraid of anyone at this level. !"

Guo Lei was very excited.


This battle is really important, enough to give him enough time to grow up and get the respect of the family!

After all, the strong alive is the real strong. Compared with other venerables, five hundred years will have to go through a life and death catastrophe, and he has a full thousand years to grow, even a fool knows who should be cultivated.

Take off!


At this moment, Guo Lei seemed to see his bright prospects and future, and at the same time, the killing intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

For their own bright future, the other party must die!

Guo Lei looked forward and suddenly discovered that Xiao Lang was still standing still, motionless, as if...

"Hahahaha, scare you stupid!"

"A life-and-death battle, how can you afford it?"

"Die me!"


Guo Lei fisted more fiercely, rolling the wind and clouds, and the momentum was surging.

I have to say that Guo Lei is really strong. Of course, this was said among the newly promoted venerables who stepped into the fourth-tier arena battle for the first time. He may be weak before, but after the breakthrough, he was able to rank in the upper middle.

"This kid from the Guo family is not bad?"

Guo Lei's performance on the 18th ring immediately attracted the attention of many people. This is not because Guo Lei is really good, but because his punch is the most dazzling.

Guo Lei’s newly promoted venerable, he still doesn’t know how to control his power, and he can’t maximize his power.

But this is not important.

With the precipitation of time and martial arts cultivation, Guo Lei will improve.

"Hehe, this wild wolf is really going to die."

Some people sneered and looked calm, as if none of this was beyond their expectations. As for Li Xueya, Li Qingshan, and Zhao Feng, they frowned deeply.

Xiao Lang couldn't even dodge Guo Lei's blow?

Is this too stupid?

Motionless, is this shocking the soul?

"Requiem! Eat it!"

Li Xueya was very anxious. In his opinion, if Xiao Lang swallowed the Requiem Pill, there might be hope of survival. But is there enough time?


Fifty feet!

Thirty feet!

Guo Lei's iron fist got closer and closer to Xiao Lang, and Li Xueya finally gave up completely.

It's over, even if Xiao Lang swallows the Requiem Pill now, he can't escape Guo Lei's punch.

"The tragic death of another talent?"

Li Xueya closed her eyes and didn't want to look anymore, Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng also looked away, their faces calm.

There is nothing good about it.

The two of them stayed on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Trial Ground for a long time, and had long been accustomed to the blood on the ring, and of course they would not be upset by Xiao Lang's death. After all, they were just strangers. If it wasn't for Li Xueya, they wouldn't even look at Xiao Lang more.

To die is to die.

However, just when they wanted to say goodbye to Li Xueya and return to the box, suddenly, a cold and indifferent voice, with a low tone, but exceptionally calm, suddenly sounded completely different from the crazy breath of the fourth floor of the proving ground. The ring on the 18th ring sounded--

"So weak!"


Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng were shocked, and Li Xueya's eyes trembled and opened immediately. They recognized it, this was Xiao Lang's voice!

Really weak?

Is he talking about Guo Lei?

When death is approaching, where does he have so much confidence?

Finally, their eyes fell on the 18th ring again, and they happened to see that Xiao Lang, who was about to be wrapped in silver light, straightened his chest and pulled his back, and finally moved——


It was just a simple punch and the face of the fist, but although it was not magnificent, but people could not ignore it, the purple light flashed away, and it slammed into Guo Lei's silver punch!


Lei Zhen burst into a masterpiece in an instant, almost overturning the entire arena. Under everyone's incredible gaze, Guo Lei's silver-lighted arm broke instantly and turned into fly ash.

At first, it was just one of his arms, but then, the purple light spread, spread to his limbs, and the whole person turned into fly ash!

Guo Lei is dead!

Was killed by a punch by Xiao Lang!

Yes, there was only one move and only one punch. This was the same as they had expected before, but what they never expected was that it was not Xiao Lang who died, but Guo Lei!

"How can this be!"

Everyone was shocked and lost their color in shock. They wanted to find out what the purple light flashed on Xiao Lang's fist just now, but they didn't pay attention to this battle just now. How could they find clues afterwards?

While they were searching for themselves, they saw Xiao Lang slowly turning around on the clear ring, looking at the white-haired old man at the registration desk, slowly speaking, and the cold voice swept the audience again:


As soon as these three words came out, in an instant, the fourth floor of the entire trial field burst again!

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