Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 290: Treasure class box

Treasure class box!

This was the biggest temptation for Xiao Lang and one of the reasons why he joined the Demon Blood Pavilion without hesitation.

For him, points are not a problem.

Identity is the problem!

If you want to buy a box in the Jumbo Pavilion, you must be a member of the Demon Blood Pavilion with three stars or more. And now, Xiao Lang already has this qualification!


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, calming his excitement.

The box of the treasure pavilion can evolve the mark of the avenue, and the simulating chemical martial arts is simply the most needed treasure in the early era of the venerable. Especially for the current Xiao Lang, it is extremely important, and there is nothing to replace.

"Martial arts!"

"I can simulate my own martial arts!"

Xiao Lang clenched his fists, very happy. Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and Li Xueya were also quite relieved. The fragrance of plum blossoms came from the bitter cold. It can be said that they witnessed Xiao Lang step by step to this day. It was really not easy.

Samsung member.

This was also a surprise to Xiao Lang.

"Thank you senior."

Xiao Lang salutes Mr. Gong respectfully and sincerely. Because he knew that the reason why he could get the three-star membership of the Demon Blood Pavilion, Mr. Gong's own mind took a large part.

There is only one Samsung membership in ten thousand years. This thing sounds very expensive at first, and you can't buy it with points.

Mr. Gong laughed, disregarding it, and waved his hand:

"Don't thank me, this is the result of your own efforts."

"As for this quota... it's a waste to have too much. In the past few years, no one has received a three-star membership from me. Wild wolf, don't let me down."

"Actually, just relying on you to see the true self and have the potential to become a top venerable is enough to satisfy the potential of a Samsung member. But you still owe more than a hundred battles in the Demon Blood Trial Ground, which will all be over in ten days. This is the biggest problem. Boy, I don't want to be laughed at by some people. You must take it down for me for more than a hundred battles!"

Is he the only person who has received a three-star membership from Mr. Gong in these years?

Xiao Lang was shocked again when he heard this.

Other people’s jokes...

Who can laugh at Mr. Gong?

Other messengers in the Demon Blood Pavilion? Those top venerables aloft?

Xiao Lang didn't think much, nodded vigorously:

"Mr. Gong, don't worry, I will not let you down!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were full of self-confidence. Mr. Gong saw more smiles on his face, and he seemed to be more satisfied with Xiao Lang. He nodded his head again and again, just like suddenly remembering something, raising his brows and saying:

"By the way, since you have become a Samsung member of our Demon Blood Pavilion, I will introduce you to some of the benefits of our Demon Blood Pavilion."


Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and when he watched Mr. Gong flip over his wrist, a booklet appeared in his hand, the surface of which was golden, and he handed it up:

"This is the benefit of Samsung members, you see."

Xiao Lang took it, and subconsciously wanted to flip through it quickly, looking for the treasure-level box information, but thinking that Mr. Gong was present, he restrained the impulse in his heart and flipped through it from the beginning.

Many benefits!

As Li Qingshan said before, after joining the Demon Blood Pavilion, the points are quite useful, and many good things can be exchanged. Moreover, Xiao Lang is still a member of Samsung, and the exchange of things can make a crazy discount!

If Li Qingshan read this pamphlet, he would have been overjoyed, but for Xiao Lang...

That's it.

It's not that Xiao Lang is indifferent to these things. On the contrary, there are many rare treasures here, and they are even rarer treasures for Venerable Era Realm. The points required for redemption are even more amazing. It's baby.


Xiao Lang didn't know the value of these things. Of course, he couldn't judge how many benefits and discounts he had, so he was not so surprised.

He kept reading, until he finally saw the price of the high-class box, he finally had a little understanding of the benefits he enjoyed, and he was secretly surprised.

As Li Qingshan introduced earlier, buying a premium box requires a full 40,000 points. As a member of Samsung, he can get a full 30% off and directly save another 2,000 points!

This number is already quite terrifying.

"Treasure points, what price?"

Xiao Lang quickly turned a page, and his pupils immediately shrank.

found it!

However, the string of numbers behind the Zhenbaoge box made Xiao Lang feel dizzy.

"Five hundred thousand... it turned out to be five hundred thousand points! This is too scary!"

The value of the Jumbo Pavilion box is more than ten times the value of the premium box! Even if Xiao Lang had already predicted in his mind, his mind was shaken at this time.

This value is far beyond his imagination!

The change in Xiao Lang's expression also attracted the attention of Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, and Zhao Feng, who immediately surrounded them. When they saw the price of the treasure-class box, the three of them couldn't help their expressions change drastically.


Really expensive!

Five hundred thousand points, and Samsung members are not eligible for discounts!

Of course, no one said in his heart that the Devil Blood Pavilion was heartbroken. Although the price is expensive, they dare to say that as long as they have the money, they will definitely buy it for a Venerable in the early era.

After all, having a treasure-class box meant that as long as he was not too stupid, one day he would be promoted to the middle of the Era Realm. It was only a matter of time.

Mr. Gong also noticed that Xiao Lang's expression was wrong, so he took a look and smiled:

"It turns out that Little Wolf Friend wanted to redeem this."

"Yes, for the Venerable Early Age Realm, the Treasure Box is the best training aid, but it's really expensive."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Isn't this nonsense!

can not afford!

Five hundred thousand points is too much. Even if he doesn't kill in every next battle and let his opponent buy his life, I am afraid he will not save enough points, or when he buys it, he should be invincible with the fourth floor. The masters of the matchup, it was too late.

How to do?


Just as Xiao Lang's heart was extremely tangled, suddenly--

"Five hundred thousand points? Damn it, so cheap! Buy, buy, buy, Brother Wild Wolf, you must buy it!"

Zhao Feng seemed to have finally woken up, yelling, and his box was immediately filled with his voice. Everyone including Xiao Lang couldn't help but look at him, like a lunatic.

Li Qingshan is even more outspoken:

"Fengzi, are you really crazy, are you? Five hundred thousand points, you buy it with your life?"

Zhao Feng smiled triumphantly upon hearing this:

"Hahaha, that will cost you life, but only half a million points, I have!"


Zhao Feng has 500,000 points?

As soon as Zhao Feng said this, let alone Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, and Xiao Lang, even Mr. Gong, who had been calm and calm since he came in, couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

Where did Zhao Feng get his 500,000 points?

You know, in the Demon Blood Trial Ground, even those in the late era of the sixth floor, can be called the invincible powerhouses of the sixth floor. They can get 500 points for victory in a battle, 1,000 points for killing opponents, and 5 There are not many with 100,000 points, but Zhao Feng has it?

Zhao Feng proudly took out his trial field token and slapped it with his hand:

"Come on, one million points, you have a share! Senior Li, this is your 300,000 yuan. After all, you just gave me the capital. Qingshan, if you kid doesn't believe me, just leave you 100,000 yuan. As for The 500,000 yuan will be given to the wild wolf. I will buy the treasure-class box. I've long been bored with this ordinary box in Qingshan."

"Hahaha, treasure-class box! We can also enjoy it! Brother Wild Wolf, I support you with 500,000 points, don't turn your face and deny you! I also want to create my own martial arts! "


When they saw the number of points displayed on Zhao Feng's token, everyone was shocked again.

Not half a million, but a million!

Zhao Feng actually has so many!

Li Qingshan was dumbfounded. It took a long time before suddenly remembering something, and said in surprise:

"This is your bet?"

Zhao Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Ahem, there is no way, someone is giving money, don't do it for nothing... Little friend Wild Wolf, these 500,000 don't count as I borrowed from you... It's your hard work!"

As soon as Li Qingshan's words were uttered, everyone present basically understood where Zhao Feng's million points came from.

The ultimate reason was the battle between Xiao Lang and Chi Lian.

Life and death in the ring, many gamblers under the ring were just like crazy, betting wildly, but in the end Zhao Feng was cheaper, and he even won a whole million points with 20,000 points!


Xiao Lang got the status of a Samsung member, just short of points to buy a treasure-class box, and Zhao Feng sent enough points. Isn't this destiny?

However, what touched Mr. Gong the most was not the million points, but Zhao Feng's attitude towards these million points.

He only kept one hundred thousand.

All the others were sent out.

Even Zhao Qingshan got one hundred thousand!

One hundred thousand points are relative to one million, so naturally it is nothing, but on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Trial Ground, one hundred thousand points are enough for a fourth-level invincible power to die for it!

Zhao Feng didn't care at all, and all disappeared. What courage is this?

"Zhao family, there is also a talent!"

Mr. Gong looked at Zhao Feng who was laughing proudly, and a gleam of light flashed deep in his eyes. At this time, everyone finally woke up from the horror. Xiao Lang looked at the extra 500,000 points in his token, his heart was even more emotional, and said to Zhao Feng:

"no problem!"

"Treasure-class box, of course I can't enjoy it alone, we all share it!"

When Xiao Lang said this, the smiles on the faces of Zhao Feng, Li Qingshan, and Li Xueya deepened. Having said so much, isn't this what they are doing?

Mr. Gong also recovered his previous calm, and took a look at Zhao Feng:

"Boy, interesting."

Then, he looked at Xiao Lang, locked his gaze on the token in Xiao Lang's hand, and said loudly:

"So, the little friend is going to buy a treasure-class box?"

Xiao Lang nodded without hesitation, and Mr. Gong smiled: "Okay, then I'll move in and deliver it. We will pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in the other. He will be there in about an hour."

An hour?

Xiao Lang was overjoyed when he heard this.

Of course he didn't care at all in such a short time.

Then, the atmosphere in the entire box immediately became active, especially for Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng. After all, it would be of great benefit to them that Xiao Lang's treasure-class box was in hand.

A box can be used by more than one person.

If Xiao Lang took the treasure-class box for others to use in exchange for points and start a business, he would definitely make a lot of money, and the Devil Blood Pavilion would not care.

Of course, Xiao Lang would definitely not do this.

Next, there is no business, just simple chat. As one of the three envoys of the Demon Blood Pavilion, Mr. Gong was naturally the subject of Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng’s talk. However, Mr. Gong seemed to have no interest in talking to them, but he talked a lot with Xiao Lang and asked many questions about Xiao Lang himself. For example, Xiao Lang didn't care about his family, life experience, and so on. He just made up the reasons and went in vaguely, waiting for the arrival of the treasure box box.

Finally, it was nearly an hour. Mr. Gong briefly answered Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng’s questions. He was about to ask Xiao Lang something again. Suddenly the ring flashed between his fingers. Mr. Gong seemed to be very dissatisfied with his interruption. Reluctantly, he smiled awkwardly at the excited Xiao Lang and said:

"Let's go, little wolf friend, your box is here."


For a moment, everyone's eyes in the box lit up, Li Qingshan opened the wooden door and immediately saw someone walking toward the box with eager eyes, especially Xiao Lang, excited.

He knew that he could immediately help his martial arts become stronger!

Treasure-class box, this is the key to his insight into martial arts and achieving four-tier invincibility!

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