Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 297: Have you ever felt despair


For the seat of the Demon Flame Palace Demon Cultivation, Venerable Evil Eye scolded. Of course, the person he scolded was the blood sacrifice to himself just now, and he died tragically on the spot, but he failed to touch Xiao Lang's half-centred Bai Jingshan.

A great opportunity was wasted for nothing!

"If you are still like this in this battle, I will hit you directly!"

"Your family, don't even want to run away!"

Venerable Evil Eye was quite angry, and the voice was transmitted by the spirit, and the anger sounded in the ears of the Venerables of the Demon Flame Palace, making their faces pale again and their hearts trembling.

In the eyes of Venerable Evil Eye, these chess pieces sent out by him would definitely be more powerful after he made a threat. But what he never expected was that in the second battle, the performance of the people he sent was even worse than in the first battle!

The name of the Venerable Demon Flame Palace who appeared in the second battle was Luo Xing.

Like the wooden names that Xiao Lang had killed, they were all wood attribute venerables, but they were completely different in what they were good at. What Mu Ming is good at is wood fantasy, and what Luo Xing is good at is wood trapping, killing, siege and suppression.


For a time, on the third ring, dozens of scarlet vines whizzed out with Luo Xing as the center, forming a cage, to encircle Xiao Lang and then annihilate it.

Scarlet vines.

Under the blessing of the blood evil spirit, even the wood of the five elements has undergone an abnormal change, full of evil energy and blood, wanting to choose people to eat. Xiao Lang could feel the danger and brutality of Luo Xing's tactics, and of course he would not let himself be trapped in such a cage, bombarded with two fists, thunderous and violent, thunder flickering, and agile, the two of them were separated like this. Most of the ring blasted out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Venerable Evil Eye's nails were pinched directly into the palm of his hand.

"Are you kidding me?"

Everyone can see that Luo Xing will undoubtedly lose in this battle, because the blood-colored vines are shattered by the thunder, and Luo Xing's loss is not only the divine power, but also the power of the great road!

"Desperately! What are you doing!"

Venerable Evil Eye stood outside the ring, making no secret of the murderous intent of Xiao Lang from the bottom of his heart. He roared loudly and passed it to Luo Xing's ears, but the latter turned pale, his arms trembled, and dozens of **** colors he controlled. The vines also flicked, and suddenly, there was a gap between the vines that was enough for one person to walk through.


This is a flaw, not a trap!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, and immediately afterwards, the whole person thundered in a masterpiece, like the Thunder God who descended from nine days, a flash, the afterimage flashed, and under the eyes of everyone, Xiao Lang had appeared behind Luo Xing and punched out!


There is nothing then.

Luo Xing died tragically on the spot, and in the end he couldn't even make a scream.


"It's miserable."

On the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground, Wan Lai was silent, and all the Venerables who paid attention to this battle sighed silently.

Luo Xing hadn't exerted the strength of being a super powerhouse in the early stage of Era Realm at all, let alone a trick, he could not even exert his usual strength.

The intimidation of Venerable Evil Eye?

Do not.

He was shocked by the previous battle between Xiao Lang and Bai Jingshan.

He didn't know how to fight anymore.

Fight to the death?

He was afraid that he would be like Bai Jingshan, the attack would fail and he would die in vain.

Normal attack?

He knew that he was definitely not Xiao Lang's opponent. Once the opponent seized the opportunity, he would definitely die on the spot in an instant.

Luo Xing had too much hesitation in his heart.

If he fights Xiao Lang for a while, he might change his state, but he doesn't have this chance. Venerable Evil Eye was intimidated, and under internal and external troubles, Xiao Lang seized the opportunity and really died in vain.


Venerable Evil Eye was about to be angry, and the soul hissed and roared:

"Be serious and cheer up! Or, are you really ready to abandon everything? From now on, if you can't pose a threat to him, I swear that his family won't be able to survive!"

The venerables of the Demon Flame Palace trembled, looking at each other, the fear in their hearts became deeper. But there was a sentence called bottoming out. After truly desperate, their eyes finally aroused a strong desire to kill and a desire to survive.

no solution anymore.

Must give up everything and fight to the death.

Before Xiao Lang died, it was useless to think about anything. Only by killing him can his family, relatives and friends have the hope of surviving!

As their mentality changed, Xiao Lang, who had easily ended a battle, also began to choose his next opponent. The three names on the light curtain before, belonging to Luo Xing had dimmed and disappeared, leaving only two.

"Just come!"

The light curtain finally selected one.

Guo Di!

Guo Di took a deep breath, walked out slowly, and constantly adjusted his mentality. While he walked out, the other venerables of the Demon Flame Palace breathed a sigh of relief while also sending out his own blessings.

They really hope that Guo Di can threaten Xiao Lang and even kill him directly.

Because in this way, they don't need to go up and fight for life.

With a solemn expression, Guo Di walked up the ring one step at a time. At the moment he stepped onto the ring, both his aura and aura, including his mentality, had risen to an unprecedented peak, his steps settled and he shot without hesitation--



With dozens of sword light and phantom shadows engulfing his body, Guo Di's heart moved, and the sword light swept away, turning into a sword formation halfway through, sharp and mysterious, besieging Xiao Lang!

Five Elements of Gold!

Guo Di is impressively a swordsman!

Holding the magic weapon, the power of the great road is poured on the magic weapon, the offensive is even fiercer!

"The sword formation traps the enemy, then use the strongest means to attack and kill in one fell swoop?"

Under the ring, many of the venerables' eyes lit up and they realized Guo Di's plan. This is indeed a good method, combining the specialties of Luo Xing and Bai Jingshan, and abandoning what they have overlooked.

Just when the venerables were astonished, Xiao Lang was trapped by the sword light in the sky, and Guo Di sacrificed the power of blood and true spirit, condensed into a long knife, held it in his hand, and forced it close!


Guo Di didn't completely sacrifice himself in an instant, he just poured out the power of the true spirit and the great way, and continued to fight, without pouring the possibility of killing Xiao Lang on one blow.

Long stream of water.

Water droplets go through!

Of course, his fine water was not calm, but rather violent. Every time he swiped it, Xiao Lang's brow would be raised, or he would dodge, or thunder and thunderstorms would bloom, trying to stop him.

This is the level of normal super power!

Although Xiao Lang could have some advantages, the advantage was definitely not big. The two shots one after another, and they fought hundreds of times in an instant. Guo Di's state dropped rapidly, he had already vomited blood, his face was pale, the true spirit and the power of the road were exhausted, and the oil lamp was almost exhausted.

Xiao Lang didn't get much better either, his clothes were damaged, his expression turned pale, and his urging to the power of the Great Dao was not as agile as before, but people with a discerning eye could see that it was Xiao Lang who could survive to the end!

However, Guo Di was not discouraged.

Because when he stepped onto the ring, he had already put his life and death out of consideration.

He has only one goal--

The greatest possible consumption of Xiao Lang's state!

Even if he chooses to rest for an hour, he will not be able to adjust his state to perfection. If this continues, Xiao Lang's state and combat power will get worse and worse. There will always be a battle, and Xiao Lang will die!


Guo Lei slashed out again, banging on Xiao Lang's fist. The two of them broke apart at the touch of a touch. Guo Lei vomited blood and his breath was wilted. Xiao Lang also became paler, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. Seeing this scene, Guo Lei Laughed.

He knew that his own battle was over.

However, he does not regret it!

He did everything he could!

At this moment, he suddenly put down the long knife in his hand, looked at the venerables of the Demon Flame Palace outside the ring, grinned, and revealed a miserable smile:

"Brothers, go one step ahead, brother, then, it's up to you!"

The hero is late!

Yes, Guo Di at this time really feels this way, at least in the eyes of everyone in the Demon Flame Palace. The venerables could not help but feel tremors when they heard the words. Excitement and excitement steamed up, rippling in their hearts. From this moment, they finally saw a glimmer of hope.

Hope to survive!

"Brother Guo, don't worry!"

"Today, we will definitely send him down to see you!"

All of a sudden, the remaining eleven people were united, their wills became one piece, firmer, their eyes bright, bursting with unprecedented momentum, where was the slightest depression before?



Xiao Lang, must die!


The momentum trembles, causing void vibrations. The venerables in the Demon Blood Proving Ground saw this scene and couldn't help their spirits.


Xiao Lang is in big trouble!

If these super-powerful venerables in the Demon Flame Palace are in a bad state, they are definitely not Xiao Lang's opponents, and Xiao Lang can even kill them directly!

But now, they rekindled their fighting spirit.

Even the mood has changed and the combat power is stronger!

Can Xiao Lang be able to hold it?

"Wild wolf, trouble!"

Inside and outside the box, Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and Chi Lian who just came out of the box, the three of them also looked at this scene with heavy expressions. They wanted to help Xiao Lang, but they were powerless.

The battle of the Devil Blood Proving Grounds, but even no one can intervene.

However, just as everyone present at the scene believed that Xiao Lang would be in great trouble today, suddenly—

"Hahahaha, do you think too much? Do you really think that I will die in your hands?"

Xiao Lang laughed wildly.

On the arena, Guo Di immediately changed color, gloomy as water, and deadly, and said coldly:

"Stubborn mouth when you die?"

"I want to see how you can recover to your peak state in one hour! We have a dozen of brothers, and even grinding can kill you!"


Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked down at the mess on his body, finally understood Guo Di's plan and smiled.

"Hehe, it turns out that your confidence comes from this."

"So what if so?"

While talking, I saw a flash of green light on Xiao Lang's body, and then, under the horrified gaze of Guo Di and others, I saw that the deep and movable bone wounds on Xiao Lang's body were recovering quickly, just for a moment. His work has been restored to his level, leaving no scars.

This is not just a superficial restoration.

Because Xiao Lang's body is also constantly climbing, in addition to his aura, there is also the power of the great road that he exudes. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Lang has returned to his peak state, except for the torn clothes on his body to prove that he has just experienced Outside of the battle, he was no different from when he first boarded the ring!


"He actually has a treasure that recovers quickly!"

In an instant, the Venerables of the Demon Blood Proving Ground screamed and shook, and the Venerables of the Demon Flame Palace, including Guo Di on the ring, had no blood on their faces instantly, and the battle intent in their eyes collapsed. Where is the previous mighty aura?

Can Xiao Lang recover to his peak in an instant?

How to fight this!

In an instant, the hope that finally emerged in their hearts was completely shattered!

Do not!

More than that!

They seemed to see Xiao Lang, who was squinting and sneering on the ring, saying--

"Have you ever experienced despair?"


At this time, they fell into complete despair!

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