Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 317: Desperate


Even when the Venerable Ice and Snow appeared, the Venerables had already expected it, but when the Venerable Ice and Snow threw his token at the registration desk and said that he wanted to challenge Xiao Lang, the entire Demon Blood Trial Ground Everyone on the fourth floor exploded immediately!

Including Li Qingshan and others, everyone's attention was focused on the token thrown by Venerable Ice and Snow, and saw the white-haired old man taking the token in his hand and inserting it into the deep groove on the wooden table in front of him.

Can it be done?

Venerable Ice and Snow, as a four-layer invincible high-level expert, is he within the range that can challenge Xiao Lang?

This has become the biggest suspense at this time.

And the answer to this suspense also represents Xiao Lang's destiny in a certain way...

"The wild wolf has been very strong recently, winning 136 games in a row, and even defeating more than 20 four-layer invincible mid-level powerhouses, but it is enough to prove his strength. If you give him enough At the time, the fourth-tier invincible high stage was not a dream, and even against the Venerable Ice and Snow, it might not be a disadvantage."

"But now..."

Thinking of these people, the current Xiao Lang is definitely not an opponent of Venerable Ice and Snow.

Not only do they think so, but Li Qingshan also has this concern in his heart.

Xiao Lang has huge potential!

This can be seen by everyone, and the mere fact of seeing the true self is enough to show that he has the possibility of hitting the top sage. However, it takes time to grow.

And Venerable Ice and Snow, obviously didn't want to give him this time.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone in the Demon Blood Trial Ground, the brilliance flashed on the wooden table, and suddenly, a magnificent and majestic voice came:

"Wild wolf, challenge!"

"You have an hour to rest."

It's done!

Venerable Ice and Snow is actually within the scope of challenging Xiao Lang!

When the voice that belonged to the will of the Demon Blood Proving Ground sounded, the many venerables on the fourth floor couldn't help but trembled, and looked helplessly and compassionately at Xiao Lang on the ring.

At the moment when Venerable Ice and Snow appeared on the stage, many of them had already thought that Xiao Lang had been calculated!

Because normally speaking, under 150 battles on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Trial Ground, it is almost impossible to meet the strong of the fourth floor invincible, I am afraid it will take two hundred battles.

Xiao Lang happened to meet him, which of course was not a coincidence.


"Venerable Ice and Snow is so sinister!"

Some people couldn’t understand, and even spoke out what was in their heart. Of course Venerable Bingxue could hear him, but he didn’t care at all, just staring at Xiao Lang on the ring with his cold eyes, and said coldly:

"Congratulations, you still have the right to choose when to die!"

Xiao Lang looked cold.

He had already regarded Venerable Ice and Snow as the initiator of this conspiracy, and he was not surprised that Venerable Ice and Snow could successfully challenge himself. If it were not perfect, Venerable Ice and Snow would not stand up at this time.

Xiao Lang had no distractions.

It can even be said that he is the purest one of everyone in the Demon Blood Trial Ground at this moment, and there is not so many random thoughts in his heart at all, only one thought——


"kill him!"

"Win this ring battle!"

As for whether to start after an hour of rest, or to start immediately...

"Come on!"

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank, and under the astonished gaze of all the venerables on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground, he suddenly roared and took the lead in the invitation to fight, even Venerable Ice and Snow was a little dazed for a while.

Did Xiao Lang not rest?

Even if he is a treasure of heaven and earth, he is now in a state of fullness, but doesn't he need to digest fluctuating emotions?

Venerable Ice and Snow raised his head, but happened to see Xiao Lang's incomparable clarity, and only endless killing thoughts were evaporating with the purple thunder.

Regarding Xiao Lang's choice, Li Qingshan was shocked at first, his face changed drastically, but when he wanted to make Xiao Lang think about it before making a decision, he suddenly stopped, his face was relieved, and his eyes showed admiration. Look.

"Brother Wild Wolf is bold enough!"

"In this case, there is no self-conflict."

"It is true that he should not rest. He is at the peak of his state, seeing his true self, and abandoning all distracting thoughts in his heart. It can be said that his state is at the peak at any time and does not need any rest at all. Say, rest or rest is exactly the same."

"But this is not the case for Bingxue. Compared with the wolf brothers, he is even the one who needs rest and adjustment the most. One hour is enough for him to accumulate enough momentum. The moment he stepped onto the ring, all battles broke out. Li, at that time, the wolf brothers absolutely couldn't stop him!"

"And now, the direct confrontation of the Wild Wolf brothers obviously broke his plan and made his momentum no longer at its peak."

Zhao Qingshan recognized Xiao Lang's actions at this time, but his expression was always solemn and serious.

Because this is just a strategy.

If there are two people with similar strengths, in this case, the one who is challenged will definitely have the advantage. It is very likely that this slight difference will change the final victory of this ring.

However, the disparity in strength between Venerable Ice and Snow and Xiao Lang is really too great!

How can this little cleverness make up for it?

"it is good!"

"Since you want to die now, I will fulfill you!"


Venerable Ice and Snow screamed loudly, and then, without seeing how he moved, his waist turned, and the soles of his feet had already stepped on the edge of the ring, and immediately—


Spreading ice and snow!

Centered on the sole of the foot where the Venerable Ice and Snow landed on the ring, a layer of ankle-high frost spread quickly. Above the ring, the temperature dropped sharply, causing people to chill and feel the blood in the body. Frozen!

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

"Venerable Ice and Snow's famous move! In the past, he used this move to prove to the world that he has four levels of invincible strength!"

"This is a martial arts level move!"


Venerable Ice and Snow moves so fast, stepping into the ring to seize the opportunity, and when he moves, he is a move that can only be mastered by the fourth layer of invincibility, rude and domineering!


Xiao Lang was standing on the ring. When the frost hit the ground in front of him, he immediately felt cold like the others under the ring. As if falling into an ice cave, he was immediately covered in thunder. Stand up to avoid the frost.

Xiao Lang's reaction was already quite fast. The scars of the Avenue of Thunder Shadow and the Avenue of Lei Ying merged into one in an instant. Sixty-four afterimages appeared in the void, and the thunderbolt turned into a thunderbolt.

But this time, let alone Xiao Lang's physique surpassed the limit that Venerable Ice and Snow could capture, even the many Venerables under the ring could clearly see his movements.

Slow body shape and slow movements!

As soon as Xiao Lang moved, he found something wrong with his actions——

"It's the influence of Binghan!"

As the frost spreads under the feet, the temperature on the entire arena is continuing to drop. The closer the ground is to the arena, the greater the impact.

"Then what if I culled from a height?"

Xiao Lang immediately found the slightest possibility again. However, Xiao Lang's thoughts were quick, and Venerable Ice and Snow moved faster:


"Thousands of miles snowfall!"

It is said to be thousands of miles, but in fact, it is only between the square inches on the ring. The snow falls. Each strand of snow is the size of a palm and crystal clear. If it is placed outside, it must be a wonderful spectacle, but when the snow covers itself Around him, Xiao Lang felt his hair horrified.


A wisp of white snow fell on the sea of ​​thunder around him. Suddenly, it roared loudly, the power of the avenue exploded and roared, and Xiao Lang's small face immediately turned white and suffered a violent impact.

The power of the avenue in this wisp of white snow is so terrifying, no less than the full blow of the other four Invincible Venerables!

Obviously, this is also a martial arts level move!

Two tricks!

In order to kill Xiao Lang in the shortest time, Venerable Ice and Snow actually performed two martial arts moves at the same time at the same time!

Do not!

Not two tricks!

Three tricks!

Seeing Xiao Lang stopped running, shaking his fists, shattering all the snow around him, Venerable Ice and Snow's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. I didn't expect Xiao Lang to have such a strong fighting spirit, even if he fell into such a disadvantage, he still resisted.

"Hehe, quite tough."

"I want to see how long you can hold on!"

"The cold wind is like a knife!"


Following the cold drink of Venerable Ice and Snow, Xiao Lang suddenly felt that a huge power of the Great Dao swept across his body, and what made him shocked was that the sacrifice of Venerable Ice and Snow at this time was actually It is no longer the power of the ice system, but the power of the wind system!

Venerable Ice and Snow has realized two completely different ways of heaven at the same time——

Ice, and wind!

When the venerables under the ring saw this scene, they were shocked. This is the first time they know. The only ones who remained unchanged were Li Qingshan and others, both of whom were four-tier invincible high-end powerhouses, and they naturally understood each other's combat power and expertise.

Li Qingshan had long known that Venerable Ice and Snow was the strongest fellow practitioner of the two lines, but this was the first time he had seen him. Venerable Ice and Snow had also realized the martial arts level of a wind system.

The wind is the heaven, and the sharp road!

The wind is sharp and invincible. When this third martial arts level moves into the battlefield, Xiao Lang's face finally changed, and he was shocked.


Gang Feng was invisible, rubbing Xiao Lang's arm, and immediately left a blood trough with bones visible!

If it's just the blood tank and it doesn't matter, with the Wood Spirit Soul, Xiao Lang can recover instantly. But this time, when Xiao Lang urged Mu Jingpo's life force to repair himself, he was surprised to find that the recovery speed was more than three times slower than before!

On the **** wound, a layer of frost was attached to the **** wound, it was they were restraining the vitality of Wood Spirit.


For an instant, Xiao Lang felt the tremendous pressure, his face pale.

This pressure is not only because of the unrecoverable injuries on the body, but also because of the crazy consumption of true spirit, blood, and divine power! Even if Xiao Lang had already drawn frantically from the Smoky Crystals and increased his speed to the peak, he still couldn't meet the consumption.

Too much consumption!

The ice cold is like a cage, affecting movements, such as yoke, and resisting it requires a lot of power of the great power and the power of the true spirit. The power contained in the snowflakes should never be underestimated. Even if Xiao Lang merges the traces of the avenue of thunder and thunderstorms, it can only hurt both sides. This is another huge consumption!

And the most important thing is the cold wind that Venerable Ice and Snow finally displayed.

Venerable Ice and Snow is not a Daoist, and cannot blend the marks of the Dao. However, the simultaneous use of the Dao of the Wind System and the Road of the Ice System still produced a tremendous chemical reaction.

The scars on Xiao Lang's arm that have not yet recovered are a great proof.

Every time a violent wind swept through the ice and cold, Xiao Lang would feel that his great power and true spirit were destroyed by a large amount, just a few breaths, even with the support of the wood spirit and the smoky crystal, Xiao Lang still felt it, The strength in the body was consumed at once a full 20%!

If this continues, he will not be able to hold it!


Looking at the square inch of space in front of him covered by ice, snow and wind and frost, Xiao Lang only felt his pores stand up, not because of the cold, but because—

He felt that he was being targeted by death!

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