Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 334: Death of the Balrog


"Your brain is broken, right?"

Xiao Lang's cold words sounded through the audience, making the expressions on everyone's faces froze.

Was stunned.

And Xiao Lang was obviously attacking everyone!


Some people can't stand it anymore.

I have to say that there are still a lot of warriors around, and someone immediately stood up and questioned Xiao Lang's approach:

"Although the Flame Demon Lord wants to kill you, it is also for freedom! Why can't we do this for freedom?!"

Xiao Lang turned his head to look and found that it was not a warrior who said this, but a magic repairman. His eyes were red with blood. While roaring, his eyes trembled, and he was full of fear that could not be contained. But even so, he still said what was in his heart. come out.

Someone takes the lead.

Immediately, the noise under the ring continued:

"Yes, we are just for freedom!"

"If you do this, aren't you afraid of being cast aside!"

"You said we are a demon, then, what is the difference between your current behavior and us? You are also a demon!"

The threats continued.

At this moment, they seemed to completely ignore life and death, roaring loudly, bursting out the last brilliance of their lives, and all their speech seemed to be expressing to Xiao Lang——

They would rather stand to die than kneel to live!

Xiao Lang smiled coldly, but did not respond to them. Instead, he turned to look at the ancestors of the Li family and the others, with no sadness or joy on his face, and asked:

"what do y'all think?"

"Do you think I want to keep him alive?"

The ancestor of the Li family and others never expected that Xiao Lang would throw this question to himself and others. The ancestor of the Li family frowned and hesitated. Before he could speak, someone had already made a statement:

"I think it's okay to spare him."

The speaker was also a top venerable, standing behind the ancestors of the Li family. Just now, he was fighting side by side with the ancestors of the Li family. He glanced at the Lord of the Flames who was shrinking in the corner of the ring and panting violently. A light of sadness flashed through his eyes , Tell your true feelings:

"He has been abandoned, why should little friend Xiao Lang have trouble with him?"

"As long as you are in charge of this world, the little friend is our master, and the life and death of each of us is between your thoughts. In this case, the flame demon Lord will act recklessly and dare to do something against the little friend, it is indeed his No. But this is the end of the matter, the little friend is still ready to rush to kill him?"

Rush to kill?

Rabbit and fox sad?

These words undoubtedly spoke the hearts of everyone. For a time, many people nodded and looked at Xiao Lang hopefully, waiting for his decision. Some demonic cultivators even said such things from the ancestors of the Righteous Path, seeming to have finally found a suitable reason and a chance to survive, saying:

"Yeah! We are just for freedom!"


Can't wait for the sound to rise again-



On the ring, Xiao Lang roared, looking directly at the top ancestor who spoke just now, and said mercilessly:

"I think you are not too young anymore. You have lived on a dog all these years, right? Demon cultivating survival, using freedom as an excuse to kill me, dare you say that?"


The top ancestor of the right way changed his face after hearing this.

As a top Venerable, when has he been treated like this?

But Xiao Lang didn't listen to his sophistry at all, his eyes were cold, and he swept through the many magic repairs who were also stunned, and his cold voice sounded again:

"In that case, when I end this ring battle and take charge of this world, in order to worry about my own life, I must kill you all?"

"If you can kill for freedom, then it doesn't matter if I kill for my own life, right?"

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, everyone present couldn't help but froze, and for a while, they couldn't find any reason to refute. Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang showed contempt and never looked at them again. Instead, he stared at the corner of the ring, who seemed to have completely lost the power to fight back, with a deeper sneer on his face:

"The Flame Demon Lord, a good method."

"But you don't want to act anymore, I have seen through your tricks."

When the Flame Demon Lord heard the words, his body trembled suddenly, and everyone in the ring was even more surprised, not understanding what Xiao Lang was talking about. Xiao Lang saw that the Flame Demon Lord's body trembled and no longer had any reaction, and continued to sneer:

"Want to persist?"

"Hehe, knowing that you have a lot of tricks, I didn't expect you to use yourself as a bait today, specializing in heart attack, and what is more unexpected is that there are so many fools who really believe it."

"Selling miserables to survive? You have great courage, but it's a pity that you forgot. I have already seen myself. As long as it happens in this ring, I can't escape my eyes."

"Could it be that you still want to continue to suppress your combat power, and you won't be beaten to death by me?"


The Balrog is acting?

The expressions of everyone under the ring changed instantly, especially those who were not firm in their minds and almost hesitated about the life and death decision of the Flame Demon Lord just now.

Sell ​​miserably, survive?

At this moment, when Xiao Lang's words came into his ears, if they didn't understand it, they would be really stupid.


From the very beginning of this ring battle, it was the heart of the Flame Demon Lord!

He deliberately sold miserables, and received sympathy from everyone and Xiao Lang in the name of freedom!

Because he knew that if Xiao Lang defeated others to win this arena, as the instigator of this war and had shot against Xiao Lang, he would definitely not be able to survive. After Xiao Lang took control of the Devil Blood World, he would be the first He was the one who killed!

He doesn't want to die.

That's why he did this deliberately, borrowing public opinion to put pressure on Xiao Lang and successfully survived!

What if the origin of martial arts is damaged?

As long as you are alive, there is hope!

But now, Xiao Lang has directly broken his mind, and hope has become despair!

In the corner of the ring, upon hearing these words from Xiao Lang, the Flame Demon Master seemed to finally know that he could no longer hide himself. He raised his head silently, his eyes were red and bloody, and his murderous intent was transpiring. Where was the least bit of the previous embarrassment?

"How did you see it?"

The Balrog asked coldly.

See the real me?

The Flame Demon Lord would not believe Xiao Lang's rhetoric. It was fine to deceive others, but it was impossible to deceive him. For scheming research, the Flame Demon Lord is definitely the first person in the Demon Blood World!

"Ha ha."

Xiao Lang smiled coldly, "Since you want to know, then I will let you die clearly."

Xiao Lang calmly walked towards the Flame Demon Lord step by step, holding his chest and back, as if the situation was already under control, he was not afraid of the Flame Demon Lord at all, and said:

"First, you..."

At this moment, not only the Flame Demon Lord on the ring, but also the ancestors of the Li family under the ring could not help but listen to Xiao Lang’s explanation. They were also very curious how Xiao Lang realized that all of this was the Flame Demon Lord. ’S conspiracy, but at this moment, suddenly—


A thunderstorm suddenly sounded on the ring. Under everyone’s astonished gaze, Xiao Lang stepped on the ground, and nearly a hundred shadows suddenly appeared behind him, like an arrow from the string flying towards the Flame Demon Lord, with a big hand, a flower The exquisite and true purple lotus appeared in the palm of the hand and threw it directly at the Flame Lord!


Explain a fart!

Xiao Lang was not so kind. What's more, in his heart, the Flame Demon Lord was already a dead person. How could there be any reason to explain to a dead person?


Xiao Lang shot suddenly, scaring everyone, including the Flame Demon Lord.

Is the Flame Demon Lord going to die like this?

When everyone was shocked, they saw a masterpiece of blood in the body of the Flame Demon Lord, and the demon energy that was many times stronger than before was surging out. The figure escaped into the darkness and disappeared. The speed of the body was shocked again. To everyone.

The Flame Demon Lord had already prepared!

Even when Xiao Lang decided to attack him, he was holding the same idea in his heart, but Xiao Lang moved faster and seized the opportunity!

"He is really acting!"

In this scene, Xiao Lang didn't need any explanation at all. If at this time they couldn't see that the Flame Demon Lord was ill-intentioned, it would be too stupid.

Heart attack!

Xiao Lang has the upper hand!

However, can he successfully turn this upward trend into a victory?

No one thought, but in the next moment, they had already found the answer to this question in their hearts——


Rage Leilian, burst!

Everyone only saw layers of thunder light gushing out violently from the corner of the ring. The power was shocked. Under the constant impact of thunder light, the flame demon Lord had just sacrificed all the power hidden in the body, and the black mist and demon energy were instantly torn apart. The black mist and demonic energy were quickly annihilated in the thunder bombardment of the first sun, and there was even the unwilling roar of the Balrog Lord:

"I'm not convinced!"

"I should be the master of Devil Blood World!"

Not satisfied?

It's useless to refuse!

Under the horrified gaze of everyone under the ring, they saw a blood-colored figure rushing forward, trying to escape from the violent sea of ​​thunder.

It's the Flame Demon Lord!

He was really about to succeed, and he almost sacrificed all his strength to escape the thunder cage, but at this moment—


Another violent Thunder Lotus appeared in Xiao Lang's palm. It was exactly the same as the previous one, except that it was a bit smaller, and Xiao Lang's face turned pale, even with the support of Smoky Crystal and Wood Spirit, he was faint. It felt like an overdraft, but his wrist was still steady, and he threw Lei Lian out of his hand at the Balrog Lord who was about to escape!


There was another thunderous roar no less than just now. The power of the previous violent Thunder Lotus has not completely dissipated. Coupled with the eruption of this Thunder Lotus, a violent chemical reaction suddenly occurred.

"Do not!"

The Flame Demon Lord burst out a heart-piercing roar, but he drooped in an instant, and disappeared at the same time, and there was his figure struggling in the thunder light!

Flame Demon Lord, dead!

After dying under Xiao Lang's two violent Thunder Lotus, his deity was destroyed, and the one who died could no longer die. In the world, there was no trace of him left!

Is this the end?

Under the ring, everyone looked at the thunder light in front of them and roared, dumbfounded. They never expected that this ring battle would end so quickly and suddenly.

From Xiao Lang waiting for an opportunity, tossing two violent Thunder Lotus, to the disappearance of the flames of the Flame Demon Lord, in fact, it happened in a flash, and they almost doubted their eyes.



Above the perennially silent sky, a rumbling and roaring masterpiece awakened all of them in an instant. They couldn’t help but raised their heads to look at the sky, and saw the **** dust and fog rippling in the sky, and a beam of light fell and fell on Xiao Lang. On the arena, the mysterious power contained in it makes their hearts tremble.

"This is... a legacy?"

"The Flame Demon Lord died and the ring battle was over. He finally completed the test. Is he going to be recognized and inherited by this world?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and shocked. While on the arena, Xiao Lang saw a scene completely different from them. He saw that the sky was shattered, a figure slowly condensed, and fell, and a smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to be a wonderful thing in the world, kind The voice of "comes into the ear:

"well done."

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