Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 346: Top Avenue

Thunder robbery!

If Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, Li Xueya, and others saw this scene here, they would be surprised.

Xiao Lang was just a venerable in the early era of the realm.

This is unreasonable!

There is indeed a thunder robbery in the world.

For example, some people who are fierce and evil do too many things that hurt the heavens and reason, and they may suffer thunder catastrophe, but that is a kind of natural punishment.

In addition, how can there be thunder robbery in martial arts promotion?

Huang didn't know this, he had never seen Lei Jie. However, when he saw the black cloud pressing down on the city and thunder surging, he immediately fulfilled his duty as a protector of the Taoist, and shouted a warning to Xiao Lang:

"Master, be careful! There is a thunder penalty!"

With that, Huang was about to make a move, and slammed his hand out, facing the thunder roaring in the sky, as if to show his peculiar talent and supernatural power again, and put this thunder tribulation into one palm.

But at this moment--

"Let go, let me come!"

"It's just a mere thunder robbery!"

With a sneer, Xiao Lang rose from the sky, and his slender figure jumped out of the broken colorful cocoon. Seeing Xiao Lang again, a hint of light flashed across Huang's eyes, and his mouth grew wide in surprise.

He could feel that although Xiao Lang's retreat was very short this time, Xiao Lang was surprisingly different from before.

If Huang is asked to say what is different about Xiao Lang, Huang really can't tell, only one feeling haunts his heart——



Xiao Lang seemed more complete.

The previous Xiao Lang always felt that he was missing something, but now, some of that missing seems to have been recovered by Xiao Lang.

What did Xiao Lang do?

Huang's heart couldn't help but feel a trace of curiosity. Without waiting for him to ask further, above the sky, the thunder light has already whizzed down!


A thunder light with the thickness of an adult's arm pierced through the sky and settled in an instant. It seemed to have passed through the space and was firmly locked on Xiao Lang's body, unable to avoid it.

But is it really impossible to avoid it?

Seeing thunder light coming, Xiao Lang laughed, and suddenly stepped out in the air.


The light of thunder settled, and it smashed on Xiao Lang's body, at least in the eyes of outsiders. Immediately, Xiao Lang disappeared, and the light of thunder fell directly to the ground as if through a layer of light and shadow!


Xiao Lang's figure appeared in another place.


What was caught by Lei Guang just now was the afterimage of Xiao Lang!

"Haha, is it just a thunder penalty at this level? It's really weak, even my hundred shadows can't be beaten."

Xiao Lang shook his head, expressing disappointment.

Yes, it's Hundred Shadows!

The blessing of the unity of man and nature allowed Xiao Lang to successfully elevate Leiying Avenue to the peak of the early era of the era! Of course, it was not only the road of Raiking that was promoted to the peak of the early era.

It is all the Thunder Avenue except the Thunder Sacred Referee!

"This Thunder Tribulation is only as powerful as a blow in the middle of the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground."

Xiao Lang silently estimated in his heart that the next moment, he suddenly dispelled the power of the surrounding Thunder Avenue, stood still in the void, with his hands behind his back, his chest pulled out, facing Thunder Tribulation, his eyes were bright.

"Come on, I'll stand here to make you bang, see if you can hurt me."

Perhaps it was irritated by Xiao Lang's disapproving tone, and immediately——


Thunder roared, thunderbolt descended violently, like a storm crashing crazily. In an instant, Xiao Lang was submerged, and there were thunder movies everywhere around the void. Where is Xiao Lang's shadow?

But Huang watched this scene without the slightest worry on his face, but his pupils were getting brighter and brighter, seeming to see through the thunder.

The thunder fell violently and lasted for more than ten breaths.

You know, this is more than ten breaths of continuous bombardment. In terms of power, it is much stronger than the instant shots of a four-layer invincible high-level strong. However, when the thunder light dissipated, Xiao Lang's figure reappeared, but he still Standing in place, his clothes were damaged, it was normal, but he didn't leave a trace of scar on his body!

The skin is like jade, the brilliance flows and does not stain dust.


Xiao Lang looked down at his undamaged arm and laughed.

Dao Spirit Body, it is finished!

I finally reshaped Daoling to perfection!

The offensives of the same order are all waste, and there is no need to fear at all. This is the tyrannical power of the Dao Body!

"These 50,000 square meters of heaven and earth treasures, no white flowers!"

Xiao Lang was satisfied.

However, his body was not damaged. Xiao Lang still consumed a lot of strength against Thunder Tribulation. His small face was slightly pale, and Huang was surprised to see this scene when he stood on the ground. He immediately waved his hand, and the five elements ore remaining on the ground The power within was immediately swayed by him, to wave towards Xiao Lang.

"Master, restore strength!"

But this time, Xiao Lang grinned again and even refused again.

"No need to!"

Before he finished his words, Xiao Lang did not see any movements. Suddenly, the power of the whole body was violent, and hurricanes were drawn. There was also an endless five-element divine power, like a divine initiation, all rushed into Xiao Lang's body. For a time, Xiao The colorful brilliance on the surface of Lang's body flashed continuously. When the brilliance was gone, where was the slightest paleness on his face?

Instant recovery!

Huang was taken aback.

If Xiao Lang could resist thunder and calamity with his physical strength, he could still accept it, but how did Xiao Lang recover suddenly and instantly?

Xiao Lang looked at himself, his gaze fell on a small multicolored core in his dantian, with a conceited smile on his face.

This is his confidence--

The origin of the five elements of life!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of the moment when he tried one after another before trying to resonate with the multicolored lotus mark on the true spirit. He tried a full twenty times, and to the last time, as long as he failed, it was equivalent to the time when this effort was in vain, Xiao Lang suddenly remembered four words——

The five elements grow together!

Why will the Five Acts become the core of the Dao Scroll?

Because of this!

The five elements grow together and live endlessly, which is the eternal immortal kingly way! Ever since, Xiao Lang decisively changed his strategy and made the last attempt.

Wood Life Avenue, Fire System Xinhuo Avenue, Water System Extension Avenue, Soil System Multiplication Avenue, and Metal System Tempering Avenue.

Everything has life and death, and the five elements have two sides.

The five elements also have life and death.

And these five avenues are the continuation and prosperity of the five elements at the level of life. Xiao Lang tried them with them, and as a result, he really succeeded.

The multicolored lotus imprint perfectly fits these five avenues. At the same time as the masterpiece of the multicolored lotus imprint brilliance, the remodeling of the avenue's spirit body is also declared successful. The five elements are all over the body, and a seed is left in the depths of the Dantian——

The Five Elements Life Seed!

Just like the thunder mark on Xiao Lang's true spirit, the five-element life seed is the core of the great spirit body. The five elements flow and echo each other. As long as it still exists, Xiao Lang can draw the five-element divine power from the void endlessly!

The physical body, the great spiritual body, the five elements are rooted!

Supernatural power, five elements supernatural power!

The most important thing is the soul and the true spirit. When the power of the five great avenues he chose finally matched the multicolored lotus mark on the true spirit, Xiao Lang discovered that his true spirit was immediately stabilized!

This is the most important.

"Hua Dao is contained!"

This was indeed an unexpected joy, but it was enough to make Xiao Lang ecstatic.

Because the true spirit's escape in the early stage of the disaster is not obvious. One smoky crystal a day, Xiao Lang can fully afford hundreds of thousands of smoky crystals, but in the middle and late stages, whether these smoky crystals are enough, Xiao Lang thought No bottom.

Now Xiao Lang had no idea, but he was much better than before.

More importantly, he can control the closing and opening of the multicolored lotus mark!

"Turn it off when practicing in retreat, so I can get to the Dao faster. Turn it on when fighting to control the speed of the true spirit's escape..."

"Simply perfect!"


The revival of the Dao Spirit Body, the condensation of the life core of the Five Elements, and the suppression of the disaster of the Dao, this is a triple surprise!

Do not.

There is a fourth one!


Lei Jie finally ended. It wasn't that it rained loudly and soundly, but because Xiao Lang's progress was so great, he was truly invincible in the early stage of Era Realm, and this level of thunder tribulation naturally couldn't help him.

When the thunder tribulation was over, Xiao Lang suddenly realized that he finally understood where the thunder tribulation came from.

"Top Avenue?"

"The avenue contained in the five-element lotus imprint is actually a top avenue?"

Xiao Lang opened his eyes suddenly, revealing endless ecstasy.

Avenues are also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

The top avenue is quite rare, and Xiao Lang also knew it from A Fu. for example--

Time Avenue, Space Avenue, Destruction of Heaven...

These are the top avenues. If you want to master them, it is absolutely not enough to work hard. You need an excellent talent to get started. If you want to master a top avenue, you need a lot of harsh opportunities, say yes. Difficulties and risks are not excessive.

The Five Elements Heaven is also one of the top ones!

Naturally, the Five Elements Avenue of Life is one of the top avenues.

In the world, there are no more than fifteen top heavenly paths.

The number of top avenues will definitely not exceed three hundred.

Unexpectedly, I actually mastered one of them today!


Xiao Lang was shocked by this sudden surprise. Today's harvest is too great, it can be called four happy moments!

"So cool!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang couldn't help but let go of himself. He looked up to the sky and laughed, before finally stopping after a long time, his face was full of smiles, and his brows were no longer sad.

It was also at this moment that the shadow of Magnolia City's battle that remained in Xiao Lang's heart was finally completely erased.

What about Huadao?

I can also be extraordinary!

For more than a month, the Early Era Realm was absolutely invincible, and he realized the six heavenly realms, dozens of avenues, and the six thunder avenues to achieve the peak of the Early Era realm, and also mastered a top road!

Who can achieve such results?

Only me, Xiao Lang!

The haze was gone, and his spirit was refreshed. At this moment, Xiao Lang even had the urge to pass on these joys to Ning Fuer and Venerable Wuji, but it was finally contained.

"No hurry, this is just the beginning."

"It's not too late to go back and tell them personally when I become the top venerable, and completely end the disaster of the Taoist disaster!

Xiao Lang suppressed his excitement and fell from a high altitude, just to see Huang Zheng looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations Master."

Xiao Lang smiled, took the storage ring that Huang handed him, inserted his finger, and smiled.

My goal in Longyang Star was achieved.

Do not.

It should be said that it was overcompleted!

Who would have thought that he would have such a big gain today?

The inheritance of Ting Chao Hou played a very important role in it, but the most important thing is that his Dao heart has always been firm.

"Now, I can finally go to the West Desert Star Sea to take a good break."

Xiao Lang is full of confidence.

Of course, the most important thing to do is to bring Li Qingshan and others out of the Shura Field. It has been a long time since the agreed date.

"They won't slander me for breaching the contract in their hearts?"

Xiao Lang laughed at himself, and then took out the scarlet token from the Asura Field, and wanted to communicate with the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Blood World and fulfill the promise, but at this moment, what Xiao Lang didn't know was that he was separated from him by tens of thousands at Longyang Star. At the other end of the inside, there is a void, and the space suddenly resembles a lake blown by the spring breeze. The ripples bloom and shatter suddenly. A full five silhouettes jumped out, but they suddenly separated at the moment of settlement, seeming to be both to each other. There is fear.

If the children see their clothes and dresses here, they will definitely find--

This is the original owner of the five major mining areas!

The five forces have finally come!


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