Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 355: Available

Xiao Lang didn't intend to use Wood Spirit Spirit as a bargaining chip.

This of course was not because he was unwilling to accept Mu Jingpo. In fact, as far as Xiao Lang is concerned, the effect of Wood Spirit Soul is no longer great. With the five element life core, the recovery speed of Xiao Lang's divine power has reached an astonishing level, even the middle-age martial artist cannot match him.

Mujingpo is of little significance.

Besides, Xiao Lang has so many Wood Spirit Souls in his hands, and it's not a big deal at all to just use such a small amount. You know, he used more than so much Wood Essence in the Demon Blood Proving Ground, and Xiao Lang hadn't seen this wealth.

Xiao Lang was worried about the five big families!

Wood Spirit Soul doesn't matter to him, but for ordinary Venerables, even the Era Realm Small Perfect Peak Venerable is definitely a good thing, very precious.

If others knew that he had taken out so many Wood Spirits at once, he would definitely be suspected.

If it reaches the Mu family's ears, it will be even more troublesome.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Xiao Lang planned to exchange the Saint Quartz from the Treasure Pavilion, and then purchase the quota. But this requirement of the Guo family undoubtedly runs counter to his original intention.

Peng Liang was surprised to see the embarrassment on Xiao Lang's face.

He knew that Xiao Lang had so many Wood Spirit Souls, and he didn't care at all when he took them out in the morning, he didn't care at all, why he hesitated now?

"Senior, do you have concerns?"

Xiao Lang nodded directly without answering questions

"Is the Guo family trustworthy? Or, can you guarantee that this transaction does not exist for outsiders?"

As soon as Xiao Lang spoke out, Peng Liang understood what he meant, and immediately nodded and said:

"Seniors can rest assured that this transaction is known to everyone, you know and I know, I can guarantee that no one will know about it except the Guo family."

"In fact, the predecessors don’t need to worry about this at all. In Niujiaocheng, the transaction for the quota of the ancient proverb star remains quite mature, and no one will know your identity. Of course, the Guo family knows, but for their family’s reputation, they They will never pass on your identities, otherwise, they won’t want to sell the quota anymore."

Peng Liang patted his chest and said confidently:

"Besides, they dare not offend our Treasure Pavilion!"


Xiao Lang nodded softly when he heard the words. Of course, even if Peng Liang had already assured him quite thoroughly, Xiao Lang still could not guarantee 100% trust in his words.

Because in this world, nothing is 100%.

Xiao Lang hesitated for a long time, but finally nodded:

"Okay, let's trade."

"where shall we meet?"

Seeing Xiao Lang finally agreed, Peng Liang was also very happy. After all, this is a big business he directly contributed to, and there will be many benefits. He immediately answered:

"Guo Yunchao said, it's better to trade as soon as possible. As for the location, the villain is the master, right in the quiet room of our Treasure Pavilion, the blockade is perfect, even the Era Realm Dzogchen Pinnacle Venerable can't easily penetrate and eavesdrop."

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he felt that there were no major mistakes, and nodded gently.

"it is good."

"Then trade at night."

Everything was decided, Peng Liang left contentedly, Xiao Lang closed the door again, and talked to Li Xueya and others about the night's affairs. Naturally, no one had any opinions.

In this way, there was nothing for half a day, and in the middle of the night, Peng Liang came again.

"Senior, Guo Yunchao is already waiting in the quiet room."

Xiao Lang nodded, and no longer hesitated:

"lead the way."

The quiet room of Treasure Pavilion is not far from the restaurant where Xiao Lang and others live. After all, they belong to Treasure Pavilion’s family property, and the distance is certainly not too far.

Although it was late at night, for the martial artist, the streets of Niujiaocheng were still busy day and night. The trip of Xiao Lang and others did not attract anyone's attention. After a quarter of an hour, they had followed Peng Liang to the treasure pavilion. Secret quiet room.

Sure enough, there was already a person waiting in the quiet room. He was a plainly dressed middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance. When Peng Liang opened the door, Xiao Lang clearly saw the anxiety on his face, obviously waiting very anxiously. But at the moment when Shimen opened, his indifference was restored.

"Peng manager."

Guo Yunchao glanced over Peng Liang and fell on Xiao Lang and others, smiling:

"These people, I am afraid they are the ones who want to buy my Guo family quota, right?"

Guo Yunchao was straightforward and straightforward. Xiao Lang's heart moved, and he didn't mind that Guo Yunchao stared at himself and the others like this, because now they have masks on their faces, which Xiao Lang specially asked for Peng Liang temporarily. Such masks are not necessary. It's common, even Peng Liang searched for a long time before finding it.


Peng Liang had already been instructed by Xiao Lang and hurried forward to say hello:

"Brother Guo, don't wonder, these friends don't want to see people in their true colors, so please bear with me. However, these friends agreed to Brother Guo's request."

As he said, Peng Liang flipped his wrist, and a pile of spar exuding green light filled the only table in the quiet room. The rich wood life breath came to his face. Guo Yunchao's eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes flashed. A touch of excitement.

"it is good!"

"The friend introduced by Zhenbaoge is really generous. In that case, Guo cannot be too stingy.


Guo Yunchao waved his hand, and there were also seven simple tokens in front of him, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, and wrote two seal characters that were incomprehensible.

This is the token of the ancient proverb star ruins?

A hint of surprise flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

Peng Liang knew that Xiao Lang had come to Gu Yanxing for the first time, and he must have never seen him, so he quickly confirmed by voice transmission, and then said:

"Several people, now you can step forward and leave your breath. As long as you blend with the breath on this token, you will get a place to enter the ancient proverb star ruins."

Peng Liang pointed, Xiao Lang decisively stepped forward, picked up the first token, and started with the token. It felt warm in the hand and seemed to exude peculiar heat. However, when Xiao Lang tried to get into his spiritual thoughts, he found that he had progressed at all. Don't go.

Sure enough, strange.

Xiao Lang didn't make any more attempts. He breathed in a breath of his own. Immediately, the token in his hand was like a sponge to collect the breath, and the surface of the token immediately lit up slightly and disappeared in a flash.


"it is good!"

Peng Liang's hint proved Xiao Lang's conjecture. "Now you can put away this token."

"When the ancient proverb star ruins are officially opened, you can enter directly under the guidance of this token. When you leave the ancient proverb star ruins, this token will return to the Guo family on your own."

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

So amazing?

But Xiao Lang certainly did not hesitate in his actions. Backing with the token, Li Xueya immediately followed and grabbed the second token.

Li Qingshan and others activated the token very quickly. After all, there were Xiao Lang and others as the standard. When he saw Chi Guoguo grabbing a token, the surface of the token lit up, Xiao Lang also breathed a sigh of relief.

He is most worried about Huang, Chi Guoguo and Weitong.

Huang is a metal being, different from the human race, even if he has his own aura, and Chi Guoguo and Xiaotong are not venerables, Xiao Lang is afraid that they will not be recognized by the token, then, will the quota be available? In addition, if someone can enter the ruins, but someone must stay outside, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen.

"Hahaha, then these wood spirit souls are mine!"

When Guo Yunchao saw the last token in Chi Guoguo's hand lit up, he also sighed with relief. He laughed and put the Wood Spirit Soul on the table into the storage ring, and then looked at Peng Liang.

Of course Peng Liang knew what he was thinking, and smiled:

"Okay, the transaction is over."

"Brother Guo, then I won't bother anymore. I wish Brother Guo Haoran will recover soon."

Guo Yunchao's expression was obviously better than when Xiao Lang and the others came in, and he reluctantly smiled:

"Thank you brother Peng for your good words!"

"Since the transaction is over, I will also leave first. If it is destined, we will see you in the ruins!"

With that, Guo Yunchao saluted Xiao Lang and the others one by one, and then left the quiet room. Peng Liang didn't say anything. Of course, Xiao Lang and others would not dissuade him.

After Guo Yunchao left for a while, Peng Liang said:

"Senior, we can go, too."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and immediately walked out of the quiet room and returned the same way. After going back to the restaurant suite and closing the door, Xiao Lang took out the token symbolizing the relics of the ancient proverb star from the storage ring and played with it for a while:

"This token material is quite rare, I haven't seen it."

"Can this thing be faked?"

Peng Liang smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and said: "This junior doesn't know anymore. I have never heard of anyone doing it. Congratulations to seniors, the token is in hand. Just wait for the ancient proverb star ruins to begin."

Hearing Peng Liang's congratulations, Xiao Lang smiled and felt more relaxed.


When the quota is available, even a major event has been completed. Of course, as for the final entry or not, that's a different story. If the ancient proverb star opens only the three-star relics, Xiao Lang will consider it, but in case it is really a two-star relic...

"That can only be said, time does not wait for me."

Xiao Lang's view was still relatively open. After all, it was not the first day when he came to the Star Sea in West Desert. Now the danger of Taoism is not so serious. Xiao Lang has even learned about various avenues and reshaped the avenue. Spiritual body, to be honest, Xiao Lang is no longer as looking forward to and eagerly as before to explore the ruins and seek opportunities.

If you have it, you will have it, if you don't, it will be fine.

"Laubeng is in charge."

Xiao Lang agreed with a smile, took back the token he was playing with, and said with a smile:

"However, I have one more thing to trouble Manager Peng."

Peng Liang was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously said: "Senior, please tell me. As long as the younger generation can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

Xiao Lang laughed and said, "Don't worry, don't be so nervous, you can definitely do this."


What Xiao Lang asked Peng Liang to do was really simple.

Change your residence.

Peng Liang did.

The next day, Peng Liang helped Xiao Lang and the others buy a courtyard in Niujiaocheng. Although it was not big, it was also warm. Everyone was quite satisfied. As for the most exciting thing, it was undoubtedly Chi Guoguo.

Although she is not young, she has always been protected by Chi Lian and has never been in contact with the outside world. She is a simple little girl with a lovely nature, which also brought a lot of laughter to Xiao Lang and the others.

Ever since, Xiao Lang and others settled here temporarily.

The quota is available, but the ruins have not yet been opened, and even the rank has not been finalized. Of course, Xiao Lang and others are not in a hurry. Besides, it's no use rushing.



Hanging out in Niujiaocheng every day, practicing in retreat, this has become the business of Xiao Lang and others, and the life is quite relaxed. Of course, while resting, Xiao Lang did not forget to practice.

Perhaps because of his relaxation of mind, Xiao Lang felt that his understanding of the Five Elements was constantly improving every day, and it became more and more obvious that he gradually had his own ideas about the martial arts level moves of the Lei Family Avenue.

"Before the ancient proverb star ruins are opened, can I also be promoted to the mid-Era realm?"

Before he knew it, Xiao Lang had a certain expectation for his achievements over time. He consulted with Li Xueya every day and verified martial arts with Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng. The time he spent out of the game was also shortened.

Finally, on this day, after Xiao Lang left Longyang Star, he once again encountered the opportunity for promotion...

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