Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 358: All chances


Xiao Lang was dumbfounded, looked at Huang in disbelief, and was stunned.

Dragons exist only in legends.

Speaking of it, Xiao Lang really confirmed the existence of the Dragon Race only a few days ago, through Li Xueya's description of the ancient times.

Dragon Race, the top race in the Eternal Continent!

How could there be such a thing in Chiguoguo's body?


Xiao Lang's mouth was dry, and he couldn't say a complete sentence for a while. Li Xueya and the others were no better than him, dumbfounded, with a look of astonishment, and couldn't believe their ears.

It took a long time for Xiao Lang to react and swallowed.

"Huang, is this true?"

The expression on Huang's face was surprised, as if he was surprised that Xiao Lang would question his words, Xiao Lang quickly explained when he saw this:

"It's not that we don't believe you, it's just things like dragons..."

Huang Zhanyan smiled, his eyes flashed with admiration and admiration:

"Unbelievable, right?"

"If someone tells me such a thing, I can't believe it, but there is no way. You just heard it. I have seen it with my own eyes.

A trace of remembrance flashed in Huang's eyes, as if he was recalling the historic moment:

"Back then, the old master was incomparable, young and promising. He was hailed as the peerless genius most likely to enter the king's realm. This is the hope of the entire family. Although it is only a corner, the old master's name has already become famous."

"The old master's luck has always been good. I remember that day, the old master's heart moved slightly, and he took me out to the outskirts of the most dangerous forbidden area. Even if the old master is already Fenghou, that place It's also quite dangerous. Fortunately, we didn't have any trouble that time. The owner was so lucky that he found a young dragon that was about to fall."

Going out and found a dragon?

What kind of luck is this?

Xiao Lang and the others were dumbfounded as if they were listening to a story. Hearing Huang's words continued to be heard:

"But the dragon is very miserable. When the old master and I arrived, it was already going to die, and the old master couldn't save it. In desperation, I had to take out its soul, and hope it will be sent there one day. Dragon Clan. It's a pity that this time... Sigh."

Halfway through the ridiculous talk, he suddenly stopped.

Xiao Lang's spirits stunned, and he realized that what Huang hadn't finished speaking was probably the real reason for listening to Chaohou's appearance in the Great World of Lihuo, and it was probably the real reason for his death!

"he died?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help asking.

Huang Shen took a deep look at Xiao Lang, shook his head and said:

"The old master is not that easy to die, even if the enemy is too much stronger than him. The old master is the son of fate, and finally made him think of a way to escape here, and you should know everything after that. The old master wanders around the world. In the short period of time, the Devil Blood World was created, leaving you with a legacy."

"As for that dragon... the souls of the dragons are different from the souls of other creatures. They are the strongest creatures in the world. But no one knows that the reason why their bodies are so strong is actually not the result of their deliberate cultivation. Because their souls are too strong. They must be strong enough to carry them. After the dragons die, they can't even seize the house."

"For this reason, even if the old master created the world of demon blood, it could not help it stabilize the true spirit that collapsed. The old master once said that the dragon could hardly be saved. After he died, the dragon would die because I can’t save him, nor can Ah Fu. It’s just that I didn’t expect that after so many years, it hadn’t died yet, it would have ran into this little girl’s body and became her companion."

"It's probably because this little girl has the same innate attributes as the dragon. That dragon is also a bright attribute."

Companion spirit!

Like a familiar existence?

Xiao Lang and the others were listening to Huang telling all of this, only feeling like they were telling a story in the clouds and mist, but there was another voice in their hearts constantly shouting——

This is all true!


Xiao Lang clearly heard the voice of Li Xueya and others around him gulping. Like him, he couldn't hide the horror and shock in his heart.

"It... it won't hurt Guoguo, right?"

Chi Lian thought about Guoguo's safety, and plucked up the courage to ask.

Like Li Xueya and others, from Huang's description just now, he had almost guessed the origin of Huang.

Follow the existence by the founder of Moxue Tiandi, the ancient existence! More importantly, he is still alive!

Could it be that he is a higher existence than the Venerable Era Realm?


Is wasteland immortal?

Xiao Lang knew it was not, because Huang had already denied it. As for why Huang's life could last such a long time, Xiao Lang didn't know the reason, and could only attribute it to the point that Huang was a special life.

Huang Zhanyan smiled:

"of course not."

"The half-life spirit is actually a special existence, just like the knife in his hand."

Huang glanced at Li Xueya. Li Xueya didn't expect Huang to mention herself, and was taken aback.

"Neither did I expect that someone would be able to master the power of the blood evil spirit in the Demon Blood World. Your current control is still quite low. If it accumulates to a certain level, it can generate self-intellect, transform into a sword spirit, and join hands with you. In combat, the increase in combat power is not just a little bit."

"Yours is a sword spirit, and the little girl's body is a dragon spirit. You can think that the white dragon has already recognized the little girl as the master. As a slave, it certainly cannot harm its master. As for seizing a home, it is even more important. It's impossible."

Huang said that he did not dare to express the worry that Chi Lian had just said directly, Chi Lian looked embarrassed, but he was obviously relieved.

"This is good, this is good!"

Xiao Lang almost understood. Although he hadn't heard of Half-Life Spirit, he knew that such tool spirits as sword spirits and sword spirits really exist in the cultivation world. After knowing that Guoguo was in no danger, he finally relieved himself. , But immediately, he thought of another question:

"Doesn't that mean that Guoguo's cultivation speed is even faster than ours?"

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words and looked towards Huang in surprise, looking forward to his answer.

Huang shook his head slightly:

"This is not necessarily."

"Although the little girl's physique is amazing, she turned out to be an innate bright spirit body, and is also the most suitable physique for cultivating Guangming Dao, but her promotion speed should not be as good as your master."

"Transform the road, break and reshape, the effect is far more amazing than the master you imagined. You are just starting now. Coupled with the cooperation of your Dao spirit body, master, I believe that your future road will be better than the old master hoped. Smoother."

"And now, your achievements are far beyond the old master's expectations."

Huang looked at Xiao Lang with a gratified expression of seriousness. Xiao Lang was taken aback and realized that Huang might have seen through the trick he had just done.

Fusion of the Mark of the Avenue!

Even listening to Chaohou didn't expect someone to do this kind of thing?

Xiao Lang was recognized, a little excitement suddenly surged in his heart, and his Dao heart became firmer.

To be honest, although Xiao Lang had already decided to take this path, Xiao Lang had truly experienced the benefits of merging the marks of the Great Dao, but whether this path was correct and whether it could be followed, Xiao Lang really had no idea.

Until Huang's sudden admiration at this time, Xiao Lang immediately abandoned these distracting thoughts.

Avenue spirit body?

A special road to martial arts?

Li Xueya and the others also heard Huang's evaluation of Xiao Lang, and they were surprised and full of curiosity. However, it was clear that this had something to do with Xiao Lang's inheritance, and even his biggest secret. Li Xueya and others did not rush to ask.

But what Xiao Lang and they didn't expect was that after Huang finished praising Xiao Lang, he turned his head and looked at Li Xueya and others.

"Master, your luck is also good. These people have considerable potential. In the future of martial arts, the climbing speed may not be much slower than the little girl."

"The weapon repair is really strong. It's a team of its own. The combat power is amazing, far surpassing the same level. They don't need to understand the world, as long as the magic weapon in their hands is firm. fast."

Huang is recognizing us?

Li Qingshan and Li Xueya glanced at each other, seeing the surprise and excitement in each other's eyes.


Even Li Xueya couldn't help getting excited at this time.


But Huang's voice changed, and they caught their attention again. Seeing Huang's eyes settle on Zhao Feng's body, there was a rare ray of confusion in his eyes.

"The one who surprised me the most was this one."

What surprised Huang the most was Zhao Feng?

Just now Huang Yi commented, but he didn't mention himself. Zhao Fengzheng was depressed. He didn't expect Huang's gaze to fall on him suddenly. He also used these words, and he was immediately shocked.

"The way of heaven he enlightened is the way of heaven that I have never seen before, but I have a hunch that the power of the great path he holds should be the strongest among you, but now, his martial arts cultivation base is too low. It can’t be fully revealed."

"But just in case, you still don't often show your avenue in front of outsiders, it may lead to killing."

So strong?

Xiao Lang and the others were surprised. They had heard the meaning hidden in Huang's words.

Zhao Feng's talent is very strong!

To the extent that it will even cause the strong to covet it!

Zhao Feng was a little confused.

In fact, he has been trying to cultivate for the past few days, but what makes him helpless is that he has clearly been promoted to the middle of the Era Realm, but the power of the Great Dao cannot operate freely.

At the beginning, he was promoted to Venerable, and he was an entry to the water system avenue, but now it is better, he can't even control the power of the water system avenue. Zhao Feng once thought that something went wrong in his cultivation, but now listening to Huang's comments, it seems that this is not the case at all.

He had no intention of comprehending another kind of avenue, suppressing the control of the power of the water system avenue!

"But how can I practice?"

Zhao Feng smiled bitterly.

Huang shook his head: "I can't help you then."

Zhao Feng was even more helpless when he heard this, and at this moment, Li Xueya's eyes suddenly flashed, saying:

"I don't think you need to worry about this. What you did before, do it now. I think that since this road recognizes you, it will definitely come out, no need to worry."

Zhao Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Makes sense!

"Okay! As long as the ancient proverb star ruins are opened, don't you think I'm dragging my feet!"

Zhao Feng finally let go of his worries and returned to his natural cheerfulness.

Seeing this, Huang Jinguang flashed in his eyes, but didn't say anything. Just when everyone thought that his comment was over, they turned their heads to look at the boy who stood aside and didn't know what to do.

"Master, your servant can also be trained well. The bloodline in his body should be very strong. Even if I accompany the old master, I have never seen such a strong bloodline. After you help him inspire, you may have extra surprises."

The blood in the child's body!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

He Tong has now been promoted to the middle stage of the world realm. When he was in the early stage of the world realm, he could attract the power of the earth system. Xiao Lang knew that his bloodline was extraordinary. Now that he has been confirmed by Huang, Xiao Lang has no psychological burden. .

"it is good."

"When I look back, I will give him the resources to let him practice quickly. I want to see how much surprise he can bring me."

An evil light flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes, and the originally euphoric child suddenly felt a chill in his heart, with an ominous feeling...

"I won't be tortured to death by my master?"

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