Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 371: war


Huang's answer was straightforward, and even surprised Xiao Lang, and couldn't help asking:

"Then why don't you tell me?"

Huang looked at Xiao Lang in surprise:

"Master was refining and breaking the blade just now."

Xiao Lang was speechless...

Well, what you said makes sense.

Xiao Lang did not spend too much time on this issue, and continued to ask: "What martial arts cultivation is? How far is it from us?"

Wild Road:

"It's that the two epoch realms are small perfect, they are about 1,500 miles away, they are still getting closer, and they can arrive in about... a quarter of an hour."

"One of them is Venerable Wood, and the other one cannot be seen."

Fifteen hundred miles!

Xiao Lang's pupils suddenly shrank upon hearing this.

This distance is already quite close for Xiao Perfection in the Era Realm!

Or those two?

Xiao Lang's brows instantly frowned deeply, feeling strange.

It shouldn't be!

Huang actually told him about the existence of these two epoch realms, but at that time, Huang said that the distance between them was more than 7,000 miles. Although the two teams were moving in very similar directions, they changed over time. , It is possible to meet, but it is only possible.

Xiao Lang urged Li Xueya to speed up.

And after discovering the broken blade, it also shifted from the previous route.

No matter which of these two reasons, it is impossible for them to meet. However, this kind of thing did happen, and they caught up from behind, and among them there was a Wood Venerable.

This made Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of a possibility that he had worried about before, and has not been able to completely feel relieved until now.


"I was discovered by the Mu family?"


And the possibility is great!

Xiao Lang took a deep breath, his eyes flickering, full of wise light, constantly making judgments, and cold sound transmission came to Huang's ears:

"Come on, give me their trajectory, the kind from the beginning."

Xiao Lang already had a guess, and what he had to do now was to prove his guess!

Huang immediately passed on to him what Xiao Lang wanted, and when he saw the trajectory of those two epoch realm Little Perfect Venerables, and then corresponded to him and the others, Xiao Lang's expression instantly became extremely difficult to look.

Xiao Lang's eyes trembled suddenly, and he was almost about to deflect, but in the end he was pulled back alive.


There are spies in the team!

Because the trajectories of those two Era Realm Little Perfect Venerables and himself and the others are exactly the same! Even the position where the route shifted after the broken blade was discovered is exactly the same!

What does this prove?

They are tracking themselves and others!

But Xiao Lang is 100% sure that in the ice and snow world they are now in, let alone the Era Realm Little Perfect Venerable, even the top Dzogchen Venerable, it’s impossible to track themselves and others so long distances. !

The wind and ice are enough to destroy and cover up all clues.

But the fact is, they did catch up like this.

"Someone is showing them the way! Just hide in our team!"

When Xiao Lang confirmed this and he had doubts in his heart, he had actually confirmed one, and he was also the only suspect—

Guo Yunchao!

There is no doubt that it is him!

Xiao Lang suddenly realized why Guo Yunchao's face looked so abnormal after he had refined the broken blade.

It's because of nervousness!

He knows what he did!

Especially now, after Zhao Feng said that there might be danger to him, Guo Yunchao's complexion has obviously become more abnormal, and the body around the body is tightly fitted, which is much richer than before.

He is protecting himself!

He knew that his identity would definitely be exposed after the arrival of those two Era Realm Little Perfect Venerables, so he tried his best to protect himself, hoping to gain more vitality for himself.

He only needs to block Li Xueya's blow.

At that time, as long as those two epoch realm Little Perfect Venerables wanted him to live and act for him, he would definitely survive, and the chances were high.

Indeed, according to Guo Yunchao's previous plan, his chances of surviving are indeed very high. That is because when the truth is revealed to everyone, no one cares about him, and the war will break out immediately.

As for why Guo Yunchao has not escaped now, one is because he knows that he can't escape, and rashly absconding will only be exposed, and second, he confirms that Li Xueya has not found Wood Leopard and his helper yet.

Here, Li Xueya's spiritual thoughts were also suppressed within a hundred miles, and naturally people who were thousands of miles away could not be detected.

But now, Xiao Lang has discovered it!

Before Li Xueya could find it, he had already discovered it!

Li Xueya frowned and looked in the direction Zhao Feng pointed:


It just so happened that he saw the change in expression and his brow trembled slightly.

"Little friend Xiao Lang, what did you find?"

Xiao Lang shook his head: "No."

Li Xueya nodded, and was about to investigate more carefully. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he received a sound transmission from Xiao Lang...

"No one."

"It should be your probe wrong."

"Don't worry, I am here, and you won't have any trouble."

With a smile on Li Xueya's face, she raised her hand, as if it were about to fall on Zhao Feng's shoulder, and said comfortingly. Hearing his words, Zhao Feng nodded thoughtfully, and Guo Yunchao's eyes immediately burst into ecstasy.

No one finds himself!


The plan is more likely to succeed!

Guo Yun was very excited and excited, but at this moment, he saw Li Xueya about to fall on Zhao Feng's hand, and the blood evil surged suddenly, instantly turning into a blood knife, and it was in front of him in an instant!


Li Xueya's shot was so fast that no one in the room could react to it, even if Xiao Lang was prepared for this scene, he was still surprised.


The blood knife fell, the flesh and blood flew!

Guo Yunchao's body guard was broken instantly, and at the same time, his body was broken. To his death, his face was still full of puzzlement and consternation, and he didn't seem to believe that Li Xueya would do something to him so suddenly!

Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng were also taken aback, especially Zhao Feng. Li Xueya's knife passed him by, and he even smelled death in it! =


"Second Grandpa!"

Zhao Feng and Li Qingshan exclaimed, bewildered, Li Xueya responded to their unspoken doubts in one sentence.

"He is a spy!"


Zhao Feng was startled when he heard the words, and immediately looked behind everyone, dumbfounded.

Doesn't that mean...

Xiao Lang finally stepped forward at this time and told the information that had been transmitted to Li Xueya just now:

"Someone is following us. It should be the Mu family. There are two of them, both of whom are at the pinnacle of Era Realm Small Perfection, a thousand miles away behind us. They are very close, and they will be there in about a quarter of an hour..."

Xiao Lang spoke quickly and explained everything in the shortest possible words. Now, Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others understood why Li Xueya suddenly exceeded Guo Yun's hand.

"This beast!"

"We still want to help him! I didn't expect him to do such a thing behind our backs. Damn it!"

Li Qingshan looked ugly, jealous of evil.

Li Xueya waved her hand, her face solemn, and said:

"Don't talk about this now, he is dead anyway, we should find a way to deal with the next danger."

"It's impossible to escape. Our speed is not as fast as them. We will definitely be caught up. Even if we change our direction, it is not realistic.

Everyone looked solemn.

These words of Li Xueya are all conveying a message--

There is no way back, there is only one battle!

But the question is, can Li Xueya really block the siege of two eras of the same level?

In this process, the lives of everyone must be protected.

Li Xueya, a lot of pressure!

"I try my best, you guys..."

Li Xueya took a deep look at the people and made arrangements. In these times of crisis, it is useless to say that everyone has to play a role, at least to save their lives, not to pull his hind legs.

If one of them can be killed, there may be hope of a reversal!

But before Li Xueya could finish saying a word, his face suddenly changed and he looked back, almost at the same time—

"Hahahaha, catch up with you!"


The wind and snow broke open, and everyone clearly saw the two figures whizzing towards the rainbow light, and the wind and snow avoided wherever they passed, extremely fierce.

It's Wood Leopard!

It really is the Mu family!

Xiao Lang recognized Wood Leopard's identity at a glance, because he had seen him from the memory fragments of Mu Ming. However, in Mu Ming's memory, the Wood Leopard was only a mid-Era Realm Venerable, but he did not expect that after these years, he would also be promoted to the Era Realm Xiaozhu.

But there was no change in his appearance, Xiao Lang recognized it all at once.


In the crowd, a crisp blast suddenly sounded, eardrums trembled, and a **** light burst into the sky, with a surging aura. Even if the aura was not aimed at them, it still made Xiao Lang, Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others frightened.

It's Li Xueya!

He shot!

Since the identity of the opponent and the purpose of coming have been clear, it must be a battle of life and death, Li Xueya will naturally not have the slightest tenderness, and act decisively, like thunder!


The waves of blood rolled and filled the sky.

Zhao Feng's face suddenly paled.

He thought he could help Li Xueya by relying on his unpredictable ability, but now it looks like—

Can't do it at all!

There is more than enough energy but not enough energy.

When the dazzling blood flooded the world, Zhao Feng suddenly discovered that he couldn't even penetrate the power of the avenue, how could he detect the bad luck?

"Ha ha."

Li Xueya directly shot with all his strength, obviously not unexpected to the Wooden Leopard's, the latter snorted coldly, and a wooden stick appeared in his hand, the whole body was green, the brilliance flowed, and it was also split out by a stick——


With the full blow of the pinnacle powerhouse of Xiao Perfect in the Two Epochs, the collision came so fast, Xiao Lang and others could not even react, the aftermath of the surging waves had been bombarded, and quickly blocked, even if the distance between the collision center is dozens of miles. , I still feel dull in my chest and hard to breathe.

"Era Realm Xiao Perfection peak powerhouse's full battle, is it so strong?"

Xiao Lang and the others were stunned. Even if they had watched the battle of Xiao Wan peak powerhouse in the Era Realm from close range in the Demon Blood Heaven layer, they could only see the appearance at that time. With the isolation of Sumitsu, they could not perceive it. The power contained therein.

But it's different now.

They are experiencing it up close!

Who's winning?

Ignoring the discomfort from their bodies, Xiao Lang and others looked intently and saw that during the storm, the wooden leopard retreated again and again, his face was pale, his long stick trembled violently, and his face looked surprised at Li Xueya who drew his sword and was shocked. .

He was suppressed just by a meeting?

What a strong knife repair!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang and others were naturally overjoyed, but before they waited for their joy to show on their faces, suddenly, they saw the wooden leopard staring at the black figure floating outside the battle circle, and roared:

"Bone, I didn't bring you to the theatre!"

"Hurry up! Otherwise I'll die and you won't survive!"

Wood Leopard is not alone, he still has helpers!

The pupils of Xiao Lang and the others condensed, and saw the person shrouded in a piece of black robe suddenly move. While the sleeves were rolling, a large white hand with no flesh and blood but withered bones fell from the sky and shrouded towards Li Xueya.

"Bone cage!"

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