Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 381: War begins

"I choose to leave!"

"I leave!"

At the last moment, the venerables of Taiyi Sect and the late Era realm in the Ming Dynasty stood up one after another and chose to leave. Among them, there were many casual cultivators, and even the little perfect venerable of the era realm chose to leave, looking helpless.

no way.

If only Taiyimen, Daming Dynasty and Tianfu Palace were the only ones who entered the third floor of the Ice and Fire Temple, they would really dare to enter. The three top powers eat meat, do they have soup?

As for some big opportunities, they adhere to the rule of not grabbing or grabbing, and the three major forces will definitely not attack them. After all, the three top powers also have face.

However, when the Hidden Demon Gate appeared, the situation was not right.

The third layer must be a shocking battle!

They were probably injured by mistake when they entered the Era Realm Little Perfection, and there was no place to reason in their deaths.

Helpless, can only choose to leave.

Lost into a dog!

A strong three-star relic, they went out dingy without catching anything, which really made them very unwilling. But in the face of life and death, they can only compromise.

If you stay here, it's not an adventure, it's going to die!


Whenever a person tells his choice, there will be a ray of light falling from the sky, covering the person, and a flower in front of him disappears directly from the place.

Soon, people are almost gone.

In the end, fewer than fifty people remained in the entire spacious hall.

Too one and five people!

Deng Chun and Lin Hao stayed behind, besides them, there are three Era Realm Small Perfection Powers. Taiyimen came to the ancient proverb star ruins this time, and a total of four epoch realm Little Perfect Venerables came, and one of them just left.

As for the reason for his departure, Xiao Lang could also guess that it must have given away those innate spirit treasures.

The ones that are sent out are called resources.

If you die here, it would be a waste.

There are nine people left in Tianfu Palace, and like Taiyi, Tianfu Palace has also gone through an era of small perfection. However, Xiao Lang felt that even if there were nine people in Tianfu Palace, it was not necessarily the opponent of Taiyi and Five. After all, Taiyi had Deng Chun.

Top Venerable, killing the top Demon Venerable of the same rank, is enough to prove Deng Chun's sturdy combat power. Yang Guang and Shi Qian in Tianfu Palace have never had a glorious history of killing powerful people of the same rank, and their combat power is estimated to be about the same as Lin Hao.

The Ming Dynasty also left only five people.

The largest number is the Dark Star Demon Venerable, with five top demon Venerables, and the peak of the fifteen epochs!

"Major Demon War?"

Looking at the two sides who seemed to be evenly matched on the surface, Xiao Lang raised his brows and was surprised, only when his eyes fell on Yue Shan and the others, his pupils shrank.

Do not!

It doesn't have to be a battle between right and evil.

The position of the Ming Dynasty may not necessarily fall on either side. Xiao Lang had heard from Peng Hua that the five great dynasties including the Ming Dynasty were quite fierce in fighting in their nests, but for the battle between the right and the demons, they obviously did not catch a cold.

According to historical records, the five dynasties rarely participated in the battles between the demon and the demon over the years, unless the demon cultivation really harmed their interests.

This time, how will the Ming Dynasty choose?

If he joins the Tianfu Palace and Taiyi Sect, then the right way will prevail, but if the Ming Dynasty sits idly by, the evil way is rampant. The most feared is--

Ming Dynasty will join forces with the Hidden Demon Gate!

"I hope he won't be so stupid."

Xiao Lang looked at Yue Shan, whose expression was uncertain, took a deep breath, and waited for the voice of True Lord Binghuo to sound again.

at last.

"It seems that you are all warriors who chose to stay."

True Monarch Ice and Fire did not directly open the door to the third floor. The illusory figure was suspended in the void, and laughter sounded:

"Presumably you are all very curious, what have we left you on the third floor? Don't worry, we will explain it to you."

"The things on the third layer are of course better than those on the second layer, but there are..."

True Monarch Ice and Fire sold a big deal, but obviously, everyone on the scene was adjusting their state and making the final preparations for reaching the third floor. No one paid him any attention. The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, but he didn't seem to feel it, but rather complacent. , Said:

"Have a complete road of Hongmeng Lingbao!"

"Hahaha, are you scared?"

Hongmeng Lingbao?

Contains a complete road?

Xiao Lang was really taken aback. It was indeed the first time he had heard of such a powerful magic soldier.

Can the complete avenue be melted into the magic weapon?

Deng Chun and others were obviously taken aback, even though they had a hunch when they heard True Lord Ice and Fire said that the magical soldiers on the third floor were better than those on the second floor.

After all, there is only Hongmeng Lingbao that is better than the best innate Lingbao!

However, when this fact came out of True Monarch Ice and Fire, they were still shocked, their eyes shrank, and they couldn't help looking at True Monarch Ice and Fire.

True Monarch Ice and Fire seemed to be quite satisfied with everyone's reaction, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, but a little hazy and illusory:

"I know you are very tempted. However, it is not that simple to get the Hongmeng Lingbao."

"Hongmeng Lingbao is also divided into four grades, with different amplification capabilities. Moreover, the Hongmeng Lingbao created by my ice and fire line contains the existence of magical and evil things. If you want to get them, you can surrender yourself. Kill the murderous thing, the magic soldier will automatically recognize the master!

"You must be careful, Hongmeng Lingbao can appear by your side at any time, which means that you may face their attack at any time."

"Well, we have already warned you anyway. As for life or death, it depends on your good fortune. Now, please warriors on the third floor!"


As the words of True Monarch Ice and Fire settled, and the roar suddenly rose, Xiao Lang saw that the weapon rack in the depths of the second floor disappeared, and a space portal appeared like the first floor.

Entrance to the third floor!


For a time, Xiao Lang immediately issued an order to Huang.

It must be the first time this time!

Fighting can break out on the third floor. For everyone, it is unclear what the third floor of the Ice and Fire Temple looks like. In this way, those who go first can take the lead, which is naturally very important.


If there is a top veteran to take the lead, he may even stand directly outside the space portal. As long as someone crosses, he directly shoots, everyone will be blocked by him, break through forcibly, and he will definitely be seriously injured!

Xiao Lang certainly didn't want to be the target of being blocked, so the moment the space portal opened, Xiao Lang greeted Huang.

Immediately after--


Li Xueya and others felt that they were flying directly.

No, it's teleport!

After a while of dizziness, Huang stood still in the void, and Xiao Lang suddenly realized that he and others had come to a brand new space.

Yes, it was not the hall, but a spacious space, with no end in sight, intertwined with ice and fire, or the style of quenching and smelting. In the void, Xiao Lang could even see that spatial cracks were frequently born and quickly disappeared.

"This is the third floor of the Ice and Fire Temple?"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

If it were not for certain that True Lord Ice and Fire had not lied from the beginning, Xiao Lang even thought that at this moment they had returned to the junction of the quenching state and the melting state.

In surprise, Xiao Lang's heart suddenly moved.

"Since it is such a polar environment, doesn't it mean..."

Xiao Lang was about to test his conjecture, suddenly--


Hundreds of miles away, a group of fiery flames suddenly lit up, and during the roaring sound, Xiao Lang clearly saw that a thin figure was pushed away by the fire, and it took a few miles to stabilize his figure, and burst into bursts:

"it is good!"

"It is said that Chunyangzi’s red sun magical power is strong enough to reach Yang. It is not trivial at first sight today. The old man can be regarded as knowledgeable. But you also try the old man’s unique knowledge——"

"Magic swallows the world!"


For a time, the sky shook and the earth moved, and the devilish energy was vertical and horizontal, turning into a giant in the void, swinging his claws, and directly slapped at the flame, as if playing with a fireball, extremely arrogant.

It is Dark Star Demon Lord, he and Deng Chun have fought!

Obviously, in the fight for the third-tier space portal, Dark Star Demon Lord took the place and broke in immediately after Xiao Lang. He did have the idea of ​​banning the space portal, but he hadn't waited for him to be fully prepared, Deng Chun broke in, and the two of them fought directly. The power of the Great Dao was unmatched. Even Xiao Lang, who was a hundred miles away, felt a great pressure, and his mind trembled.

"Back again!"

Xiao Lang issued the order, and Huang immediately led them straight for nine days. When he was three hundred miles away from the battlefield, Xiao Lang's chest tightness disappeared, and he was frightened.

The top veteran of the Era Realm is indeed powerful, not at all comparable to the Era Realm Xiaozhu!


In the beginning, it was only Dark Star Demon Venerable who was fighting Deng Chun, but as more and more powerful men emerged from the space portal, the battle became more intense.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals, catch and fight against each other!

I saw that Deng Chun and the Dark Star Demon Venerable were entangled together. The two shooting styles were completely different. Deng Chun opened up and closed, and the Dark Star Demon Venerable was both feminine and gentle. Although from the surface, Deng Chun had the absolute upper hand, but For a while, he couldn't get rid of the entanglement of Dark Star Demon Venerable.

The same goes for other battlefields.

Lin Hao, Yang Guang, and Shi Qian joined forces to defeat the four top demons of the demons and demons. It stands to reason that the three of them are definitely at a disadvantage, but in fact-

"Let's entangle one!"

Yue Shan unexpectedly took the initiative, and together with Yuan Qian, he forcibly trapped a top demon, and disintegrated the big array composed of the four great demon lords. The four demon lords were immediately divided, and their combat power dropped sharply. Lin Hao, Yang Guang, and Shi Only then did the three people finally feel relaxed, and looked at each other with surprise.

When was the Ming Dynasty so kind?

Has Yueshan turned?

Xiao Lang was also quite surprised when he saw this scene.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Did Yueshan hide other purposes, or did Taiyimen, Tianfu Palace and the Ming Dynasty secretly make some deal, so they joined forces temporarily?

Xiao Lang was too far away from the battlefield. He couldn't see the changes on the faces of Lin Hao, Yang Guang, and Shi Qian, otherwise he would definitely find something. The facts before us seem to be so.

Not only the top venerables, but also the more than thirty epoch-level small perfect venerables also fought. It was quite tragic, but compared with the top veteran's battle circle, naturally it was far less intense, and Xiao Lang didn't even bother to watch it.

"It's fierce!"

Xiao Lang's mind trembled as he watched from a distance. And just as he was shocked by the fierceness of the battlefield of the top nobles, suddenly--


On the sky above his head, a thunder light suddenly fell, and Xiao Lang vaguely saw the thing that seemed to be wrapped in the thunder light, causing his true spirit to tremble.

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank immediately.

Hongmeng Lingbao!

The Hongmeng Lingbao mentioned by True Monarch Ice and Fire appeared!

Unexpectedly, the first handle turned out to be the Thunder System Hongmeng Lingbao matching his major avenue!


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