Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 394: Fire of life

"There is one month left."

"The final battle."

Xiao Lang stepped down from the eleventh stage, the opponent behind him had turned into a pile of dust, his eyes shone bright and his fighting spirit was restrained.

In the past ten years, Xiao Lang has made great progress.

Fight after another.

Xiao Lang has smoky crystals and wood spirits, and there are five element life cores in his body. The recovery speed is amazing. After a battle, it can be restored to the peak state in at most a quarter of an hour. Therefore, if you count, Xiao Lang will not give up day and night. Complete more than twenty battles!

Of course, in addition to fighting, Xiao Lang occasionally retreats for enlightenment, evolves the mark of the road, and enlightenment improves, but on average, at least ten battles a day.

Nearly ten years, day after day.

Xiao Lang has completed at least 30,000 battles on the Tongtian Bridge!

This is a number that is shocking enough to be heard and frightening. Under this high-intensity fighting rhythm, if Xiao Lang didn't change at all, then it would be strange.



Extraordinary tolerance!

Even if most of the ring battles lost in these years, they not only did not have any negative impact on Xiao Lang, but made him more mature and extremely restrained.

And beneath his introverted surface is a vigorous foundation!

If Xiao Lang himself is to make a summary of these ten years, four words-


Fighting is second, and the most important thing is Xiao Lang's accumulation during these ten years. For nearly ten years, Xiao Lang has never understood any discipline except the Five Elements and the Thunder Heavenly Dao, which are all avenues and eleven-square arenas. He uses the power of these avenues to punish them in every game. Over the years, how rich he has accumulated.

Sometimes, Xiao Lang felt that he was about to be unable to support it.

It was not that the intensity of the battle made him tired, but that he was about to be unable to suppress himself, feeling that he might break through the early stage of the era at any time.


Xiao Lang cast his gaze to the twelfth pavilion in the distance, that was the twelfth pass he had to face.

"Wait until I break this level."

Xiao Lang smiled, very confident.

Is it three months short?

Not short anymore.

Even if Xiao Lang knew that every three on the Tongtian Bridge was a hurdle, just like the third, sixth, and ninth levels he encountered, the opponent’s strength would be greatly improved, and the twelfth level would definitely be the same. Breaking through this barrier, I am the core disciple of Zhan Taizong, and it must be very difficult.

But Xiao Lang is still very confident.

He has never been stranded in front of a level for more than half a month and failed to pass.

If Xiao Lang had really decided to go directly to the next level without passing one level before, I am afraid he would have reached the twelfth level long ago, and most of his time would be wasted in the subsequent battles.

It's really not easy to simply use the power of a great way to break through.

What's more, Xiao Lang also mastered six heavenly realms, each of which possessed at least six great avenues. He had to try too many times. Not to mention he was the one who broke through the barriers, even the true prince of ice and fire was tired for a long time. Did not watch Xiao Lang pass through the barrier.

But today, True Monarch Ice and Fire still appeared.

"Have confidence?"

Xiao Lang smiled at the real ice and fire star power that fell beside him:

"Of course."

True Lord Binghuo frowned: "Don't be careless, this level is much better than the eleventh level, it..."

True Lord Binghuo hesitated to speak, and waved his hand:

"Forget it, due to the rules, I can't disclose too much. Anyway, you'll know if you go in. Go, you have three months left. I hope you can successfully pass these three months."


Xiao Lang frowned upon hearing this.

He knew that True Monarch Ice and Fire often watched him fight when he was okay, and he should know his current strength, but he even said that he "hoped" that he could successfully break through within three months.

"It's really tough?"

True Monarch Ice and Fire faded away, and Xiao Lang looked at the twelfth pass with a hint of caution and excitement.

"I want to see what kind of opponent it is."


Xiao Lang walked along the Tongtian Bridge, and in a few moments he came to the twelfth pavilion and stepped directly into it without hesitation. Suddenly, the brilliance of his eyes changed drastically, and a ring that Xiao Lang had almost seen vomiting appeared before him.

But what surprised Xiao Lang was that there was no one on it!

Where is the opponent?

Xiao Lang turned to look around.

It is certainly impossible to have no opponents.

Xiao Lang searched for a while but didn't find it. He raised his brows and walked decisively to the ring.

Anyway, if you want to show up, respect it first!

Xiao Lang was quite decisive, and when the sole of his foot fell on the ring, suddenly--


At the other end of the ring opposite him, a golden misty light and shadow quietly emerged, quickly condensing into a thin young man, holding a pair of knives, sharp eyes, and before he even shot, Xiao Lang felt a powerful aura rushing toward his face.

this is……

Surprise flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest fighting spirit among all the enemies he has encountered since he boarded the Tongtian Bridge! Moreover, the ones he encountered before were some puppets, fierce beasts and the like, but this one did not seem to be a puppet.

What is he?

When Xiao Lang was surprised, suddenly, his opponent started to speak.


"If you can get here, you can be considered a bit strong. However, if you want to be the core disciple of my Zhan Taizong, you have to see whether the double swords in my hand agree or not!"

Can talk?


what is this?

Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't think it was a person. According to True Monarch Ice and Fire, this ruin has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and only the monarch of the Immortal Realm can live to this era. It is impossible for the venerable of the Era Realm. Even the top venerable has a life span of less than 100 Ten thousand years only.

But in Xiao Lang's eyes, he was indeed very similar to ordinary people.

At this moment, a glimmer of light flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes, astonished: "Is it a battle projection?"

Xiao Lang's eyes fell on the opponent's waist, and he suddenly saw a token. Xiao Lang also has such a token. It was given to him by True Lord Ice and Fire when he passed the sixth level and became a disciple of the Zhantai Sect.

The token on the opponent's waist is different from his, but the whole is similar.

"He is a core disciple!"

Xiao Lang immediately understood the difficulty of this test. His opponent is the battle projection of the former core disciple of Zhan Taizong! Although it was just a battle projection, there would be a difference in combat power from his real body, but Xiao Lang believed that with the blessing of Tongtianqiao, it was not necessarily true.

His power is bestowed by the Tongtian Bridge. It can be said to be immortal, and he can display the peak combat power with every blow. This is an advantage and characteristic that ordinary people cannot match. If you are a normal person, even if it is a projection of battle Can't do it by itself.


Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

He could see that the other party was also in the early stage of the Era Realm, and his age seemed not too old, but he was already a core disciple of Zhan Taizong. It was obvious that even in Zhan Taizong, he was a rare genius.

Fight with ancient genius?

Xiao Lang was full of interest.

After the double-knife youth yelled, he didn't directly make a move. He held the double-knife in his hand and carefully stared at Xiao Lang's every move. Xiao Lang immediately understood that this was most likely a feature of this level.

If he doesn't make a move, he will not make a move.

"give me a chance?"

"Then I'm not welcome!"


Xiao Lang's whole body was shining with thunder, and instantly, the afterimage flickered, and the hundred shadows were displayed. The power that radiated from the surrounding body was even more faintly condensed.


Xiao Lang’s Hundred Shadows became stronger, and once again evolved on the basis of his predecessors. Now it should be called——

"Go alone!"


In an instant, the afterimages melted, Xiao Lang stepped out, and a hundred photos merged into one, and merged with his body. In an instant, he straddled the ring and approached the Swordsman Youth, with a punch, thundering like a bell!

The double-knife youth reacted extremely quickly, with one knife set up, one knife hacked!


The figures of Xiao Lang and the Swordsman Youth are intertwined, whizzing indeterminately, flowing horizontally and horizontally, and I saw the thunder light movies on the ring. They are all remnants of Xiao Lang running and fighting. If there are dozens of him together to launch the Swordsman Youth The offensive is endless.

But the two-sword youth is full of resilience, holding two swords, protecting with one sword, and attacking with one sword. The sword force is like a surging river, stretching continuously. Although Xiao Lang seems to have the upper hand from the scene, in fact-

"So strong!"

The more Xiao Lang fought against him, the more frightened.

For ordinary venerables, Hundred Shadows is just a body technique, but under the changes of tens of thousands of battles in Xiao Lang, the power of killing it contains is no longer under the other moves, and it can be described as completely reborn.

But even so, it couldn't break through the double-knife youth's one-shot defense.

As for the strong offensive shown by the Dual Sword Youth with another sword, Xiao Lang was even more shocked, opening and closing, reaching the extreme of the peak of the early era!


Xiao Lang immediately made a judgment on the outcome of this battle.

The Double Sword Youth blocked his Hundred Shadows with only one sword, and he has no chance. If another sword joins the defense, he will definitely not be able to attack this battle.

"Sure enough, the avenue has special strengths and shortcomings. Just like the thunder and fast avenue, I have realized to the extreme, the body is exquisite, but the combat power has already reached the ceiling, and it is okay to deal with others. If you want to kill the top genius... …almost impossible."

"It seems that I want to borrow the experience on the Tongtian Bridge to sharpen all the powers of the Great Dao. It is almost impossible. The higher I go, the more obvious this gap becomes."

Xiao Lang sighed, somewhat helpless. But this is also something he expected, not unbearable.


When his thoughts settled, Xiao Lang blasted out with a punch, and banged against the two-knife youth, and with the help of the rebound force he swept back to the other end of the ring. And seeing this scene, the eyes of True Monarch Ice and Fire hidden in the dark shrank slightly, and the corners of his mouth chuckle:

"Finally give up?"

True Lord Binghuo thought that Xiao Lang was about to go to the ring, because he saw Xiao Lang failing to pass a certain level more than once, and he went to the ring to participate in the enlightenment and rest.

Before, True Monarch Ice and Fire admired Xiao Lang’s progress, but now--

"It's not the power of the great power that is good at conquering, and it has pushed it to the limit, even if there is any use in retreat? It's too stupid."

True Monarch Ice and Fire secretly shook his head and sighed, but there was no emotional ups and downs, until he saw that Xiao Lang did not directly retreat from the ring as he thought, but stood still and smiled at the chasing with two knives. Youth, said:

"It seems that you are worthy of my trick."


True Monarch Binghuo was astonished, seeing that Xiao Lang had converged his power for the first time ever since he stepped onto the ring, and immediately -


Xiao Lang's body no longer had the power of the mighty avenue to evaporate, but on the palm of his hand lying flat in front of him, there was a small seemingly ordinary candle lightly fluttering, the breath was peaceful, and a kind of agility filled it, far away Not as violent and calm as water as Deng Chun's way of warding off fire.

However, when Xiao Lang led out the candle flame, True Monarch Binghuo suddenly shrank his pupils, with a rare expression of surprise on his face, and couldn't help exclaiming:

"Fire of life!"

call out!

Under the unbelievable gaze of True Monarch Ice and Fire, this unremarkable flame was lightly flicked by Xiao Lang, and directly rushed towards the face of the Swordsman Youth...

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