Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 399: Pointing

True Monarch Ice and Fire has changed his mind?

Xiao Lang looked at True Monarch Binghuo in surprise.


"Senior Ice and Fire."

Li Xueya and others clasped fists and saluteed one by one. Although True Monarch Ice and Fire rarely appeared, they all knew that Xiao Lang's contribution to the reason why he was able to practice here could not be ignored, but the permission of True Monarch Ice and Fire was also very important. Therefore, they were all quite equal to True Monarch Ice and Fire. respect.

Li Xueya and others also looked at Zhao Feng curiously.

In just one year, Zhao Feng had been promoted from the mid-Era realm to the mid-Era realm peak, which was indeed a bit fast.

True Lord Ice and Fire secretly gave him a small stove?

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng also looked surprised and confused. He stared at True Monarch Ice and Fire carefully for a while before looking at the boss before exclaiming:

"It's you?"

"Senior Ice and Fire, you are the one who often appears in my dreams..."


Unexpectedly, before Zhao Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by True Monarch Ice and Fire. He glanced at Xiao Lang and said:

"Boy, don't look at me like that."

"If you bring in mediocrities, of course the old man will not bother to take a look. But these guys..."

True Monarch Binghuo swept across the faces of Li Xueya and others, saying:

"not bad."

This is the reason?

Xiao Lang was speechless.

He thought that True Monarch Ice and Fire was rather old-fashioned and an uncivilized old man, but now it seems that he is also somewhat human.

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and said:

"I just don't know, how do my friends and seniors feel good?"

Upon hearing the words, True Monarch Binghuo smiled and squinted at Xiao Lang several times before saying:

"This radical method is really low-level."

"Don't think I can't tell the old man, you want me to give them a few more words. However, the old man has always done things from his heart, and I am not afraid of you being agitated. For you, I can really give some pointers, as to whether I can listen , It depends on your good fortune."

True Monarch Ice and Fire held his head high, with a conceited expression on his face.

But in Xiao Lang's view...

"Hehe, what a proud little old man."

But since True Monarch Ice and Fire was happy to give instructions, Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't interrupt and didn't interrupt. Seeing True Monarch Ice and Fire first turned to look at Li Xueya, and fell on the blood knife in the latter's hands.

"Your foundation is very solid."

"Perhaps your previous martial arts journey was quite unsuccessful, and you held your breath in your heart. Therefore, your sword technique is in its own line. At your level, it is already top-notch. For you, the old man can only say that it goes according to your heart. Because you are good at killing one, don’t be merciful when you shoot. If you can let go of your heart knot, you will naturally become one alone, and it will not be expected soon."

Xiao Lang and others were ignorant when they heard the words, but Li Xueya trembled with the blood knife in his hand, and seemed to be touched in his heart. The blood in his eyes flashed through, and he held the knife and bowed deeply:

"Thank you, senior, for your guidance."

True Monarch Binghuo just nodded, then looked at Chi Guoguo:

"The power of your body should be acquired. The power of light is the purest power in the world. It is in line with your temperament. For you, the old man has nothing to point out. Maybe it doesn't take many days before you can become an old man. A level of existence. Your inheritance is already top-notch."

Top inheritance?


According to what Huang said, there is a dragon in Chi Guoguo, and this inheritance is absolutely rare in the world.

However, listening to True Lord Binghuo said that it would not take long for Chi Guoguo to become the lord of the immortal realm, which still shocked Xiao Lang and others.

Suddenly, Xiao Lang's spirits froze. Thinking of something, he asked:

"I don't know how long the predecessors said, but how long?"

True Monarch Binghuo glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, and when he saw that he was not joking, he thought a little and said:

"If it goes well, it will be about a thousand years. This speed is already very fast."


Li Xueya and others were surprised after hearing this.

Indeed, the millennium time is already very short for Venerable Era Realm. Xiao Lang heaved a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be so long, it scared me..."


True Monarch Binghuo stared when he heard the words, as if to say that Xiao Lang had low eyes and low hands, but suddenly he thought that a thousand years was indeed a long time for Xiao Lang.

You know, he has been a Venerable in the Early Era Realm, and now he is the peak of the Mid Era Realm. It took him less than sixteen years...This is faster than the advancement of the World Realm.

True Monarch Binghuo was speechless and glared at Xiao Lang:

"Don't talk!"

Xiao Lang hurriedly shrank his neck when he heard the words, Li Xueya and others smiled when they saw it, but Li Qingshan's expression became anxious, because True Monarch Ice and Fire had already fallen on him.

"As for are not small."

True Lord Binghuo affirmed: "Dare to use everything as a sword. This courage is rarely seen in our time. I hope you can go further on this road and don't give up."

"But a sword is a limitation for you. If you can, consider the sword formation, it should be more suitable for you."

Sword formation?

Li Qingshan heard this and immediately fell into thinking. In fact, he has recently sensed the restrictions mentioned by True Lord Ice and Fire.

"Sword formation, can it really make me go further on this sword?"

Li Qingshan fell into his own spiritual world, True Monarch Binghuo didn't care, looked towards Chi Lian:

"As for you, the natural body of darkness, is more proficient in assassination. I think this is the best for you."

Assassin, assassin!

Chi Lian heard the words and the spirit was settled.

This is indeed his most compliant choice.

Then, True Monarch Binghuo glanced at Huang, frowned slightly, but did not speak, he passed directly, and landed directly on Zhao Feng, finally showing a smile on his face, said;

"But if you want to talk about you, who is the most unexpected to me, it is naturally you."

"Unexpectedly, it is a great blessing for the old man to see one of the legendary four great heavenly paths in his lifetime!"

The four great heavens?

Xiao Lang and others were shocked when they heard this.

Supreme heaven?

What kind of heaven can be called such a title?

Xiao Lang and others looked surprised and even more confused, even Zhao Feng. When True Monarch Ice and Fire saw this, he was also surprised:

"You don't even know the four heavenly realms?"

Xiao Lang and the others looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Not pretending, but they really don't know.

Needless to say, Xiao Lang has only been a Venerable for more than ten years, and he has spent most of his time here. He knows the least about the level of Venerable Era Realm.

As for the Li family where Li Xueya and others were located, although it was the top family of Demon Blood Xiaotiandi, it was lacking in information, and Xin Mi didn't even know about them, let alone them.

"do not know."

Xiao Lang answered honestly.

True Monarch Ice and Fire was speechless, with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and was about to explain, suddenly--

"I know."

"Four top heavenly ways, life, death, time, and destiny. What Zhao Feng masters is the destiny heavenly way, that is, the legendary Son of Destiny."

A series of steady voices came, and everyone including True Monarch Ice and Fire was startled. Xiao Lang was even more so, astonished to look at Huang standing on the side.

Not bad.

It was him who spoke just now!

Huang actually knew?

Xiao Lang was surprised, but when he thought that Huang had followed Ting Chaohou, he was suddenly less surprised.

This is normal.

True Monarch Binghuo raised his eyebrows, took a deep look at Huang, and smiled:

"It turns out that I still know."

"But, since you know, why don't you point him?"

True Monarch Binghuo asked Huang, but Huang's actions made people speechless. He just glanced at Xiao Lang and remained silent again, frozen there like a stone, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang couldn't help but help:

"Senior, don't ask, my servant is a metal being. You must have noticed that besides his amazing speed, he doesn't know any martial arts, so he certainly can't give any guidance to Brother Zhao.

True Monarch Binghuo raised his eyebrows, took a deep look at Xiao Lang, and smiled:

"You can have this kind of metal life nearby, it seems, boy, you have another inheritance."

True Monarch Ice and Fire can see this?

Xiao Lang's heart trembled when he heard the words, and suddenly became nervous, afraid that True Lord Binghuo would ask him everything about listening to Chaohou, but when his face moved slightly, True Monarch Binghuo seemed to see what he was thinking, waved his hand gently, and laughed. Road:

"Never mind."

"The old man still understands the truth very well. He has long known that you have other inheritance in your body. Otherwise, where did you come from so many treasures that complement the true spirit?"

"If this is the last era, you, as the core disciple of the Zhan Tai Sect, but you have other traditions, this is naturally not allowed. But now, the times have changed, and I Zhan Tai Sect is gone, although in name, you are I’m the core disciple of the Zhan Taizong, but in fact, I can give you very little from the Zhan Taizong, just a few inheritance and resources. We old men who are about to enter the soil don’t care about this anymore, so you don’t have to explain anything to me."

"As long as you remember, satisfy the old man's wishes, pass on my Zhan Taizong inheritance, and don't extinct it."

When Xiao Lang heard this, he was quite surprised and naturally moved. He bowed deeply to True Monarch Ice and Fire and promised:

"Senior don't worry, the younger ones will definitely live up to their expectations!"

True Monarch Binghuo nodded slightly, seemingly satisfied with Xiao Lang's answer, then turned to look at Zhao Feng, and said:

"Yes, the way of heaven you accidentally understood is the destiny way of the four top heavenly ways. The four top heavenly ways are the most mysterious. In the last era, I have never seen one person master this way of heaven. The blessing."

"As for instructing you to practice... Haha, the old man is not that capable. The old man only uses some legendary reminders to cultivate your ability to seek good and avoid evil, and to foresee bad luck. This is only part of the destiny."

"As for how to practice, it depends on your good fortune. However, you are the Son of Destiny, so your luck will certainly not be too bad. Fortunate people have their own natural phenomena."

"The old man gave you only one sentence--"


So vague?

Xiao Lang and others listened in the clouds and mist...

What are these? I almost didn't say it.

But Zhao Feng looked like he had benefited a lot, learning from Li Xueya and saluting respectfully. When he saw True Monarch Binghuo turn his gaze towards him, Xiao Lang immediately stunned and looked forward.

But what he never expected was...

"Well, the old man just gave these instructions. As for how much you can digest, it depends on your own efforts."

With that, True Monarch Binghuo turned around and his figure disappeared... Xiao Lang was stunned.

what's the situation?

Am I not a human?

I am not just a human being, but also a nominal core disciple of Tsem Taizong!

You pointed them, but didn't you point me? What does it mean!

kidding me?

At this moment, Xiao Lang was really frustrated. But what he didn't know was that although True Monarch Binghuo had gone, he did not go far. He was still hiding in the void, watching Xiao Lang whose face was red and white, and was secretly wiping the cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead. I am reading a word.

"Fortunately, running fast... This little freak is really a headache... In just over a year, more than 70 avenues have been elevated to the peak of the mid-era realm... How can the old man give pointers..."

"Hey, I'm so sad!"


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