Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 428: Sky Demon Sect Appears


The shadows of the figures were shrouded in the pitch-black void, like a veil covering his face, at least Xiao Lang couldn't see his appearance at all, he could only feel the endless cold and coldness rushing toward his face, sulking into the sky.

For a moment, Xiao Lang only felt uncomfortable, and there were many visions in front of him. He felt like he was trapped in a valley, surrounded by snakes, insects and beasts, roaring, endless and unstoppable.


"wake up!"

With a deep voice resounding in his ears, Xiao Lang finally woke up. He glanced at his master Sun Wuji in fear, who was the one he awakened just now.

It's just a breath, he almost got the trick?

This is the power of the Lord of the Immortal Realm?

Xiao Lang couldn't help being frightened.

Sovereign Lanyue also looked solemn, staring at the figure in the dark void, if he thought of something, the action he was about to shoot stopped suddenly, his expression gloomy, almost gritted his teeth, and a cold voice came out:

"Sky Demon Sect?!"


The figure in the dark void seemed to be quite surprised that Lord Blue Moon recognized his identity, and a voice of dissatisfaction came:

"It's really boring to be seen by you. It's interesting to say this kind of thing by myself. I remembered you and spoiled my interest."

"But... since you can see it, so be it..."

The voice stopped suddenly, and then—


Void shocks.

No, it's not just the void, but the whole world!


The void was shattered, and the turbulent space was vertical and horizontal. Xiao Lang watched the brilliance splashing in front of him, dazzling, and the endless light flickering. In the turbulent space, the endless stream of light rushed, seeming to be controlled by other forces, and turned into a match. , The power contained in it not only shocked Xiao Lang, but even the Lord Lanyue and the others couldn’t help but their eyes shrank suddenly, seeing two huge words forming in the void——


At the same time, a hoarse voice came from a deeper mist that enveloped the entire planet, but it was like the roar of a avenue, which seemed to spread across the entire world in an instant——

"I am the devil, I am the sky, I am the sky demon sect!"

"Today, my Heavenly Demon Sect takes the stars as a sacrifice, returns to the world, and controls the magic way!"

"I am the demon lord of the ten thousand beasts, by the order of the demon lord of heaven, worship the common people! The right way should be destroyed, and the demon should be prosperous. Today, my heavenly demon sect is returned to the world, and I am congratulated by the ten thousand demon!"

"Listen to all demon sects. Three years later, my Heavenly Demon Sect will open the door to welcome guests. If you don't come, you will kill you!"


The voice of Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord rushed along the mighty space turbulently, billowing like a tide, spreading through the entire Lihuo Great World!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but his pupils suddenly burst.

Magic door!

This was the first time Xiao Lang had seen the magic door in such a high-profile form. But obviously, the Heavenly Demon Sect has arrogant qualifications.

Swallowing the stars as a sacrifice, the immortal monarch personally preached!

This shows that there is definitely more than one immortal monarch in the Sky Demon Sect! The other party dared to make a high-profile announcement in front of Lord Blue Moon, proving that he had this confidence and was not afraid of the three Lord Blue Moon at all!

It is true.

The mighty and high-profile voice has not yet settled, and the monster master who has hidden his body in the dark mist seems to look here again, and smiles coldly:

"As for you...hehe, see you in three years."


Ten thousand beasts and demons mainly go?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard the words and looked at Lord Lanyue, but saw that the three of them looked cold, but there was no sign of stopping them. He even let the figure of the ten thousand beasts disappear into the void, there was no vision, only The planet in front of me was wrapped in a dark mist, and it seemed to be gradually digested and swallowed.

Xiao Lang felt anxious.

Why not stop, but let the other party leave?

Ten thousand beasts are the magic way!

Sovereign Blue Moon three people afraid?

Scared by the other person alone?

Lord Blue Moon is the top three monarchs in the entire Lihuo Great World in Qin Haikou! Could it be that he doesn't even have the confidence to take down the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts?

Xiao Lang couldn't understand what the Lord Lanyue and others were doing at this time, and what made him even more unacceptable was--

Sovereign Blue Moon has been watching the disappearance of the ten thousand beast demon lord, his eyes swept across the void, as if looking for something, he frowned slightly, and said:

"go back."

go back?

Xiao Lang was stunned, unable to believe his ears.

When he came, he didn't do anything, and watched the planet be devoured. As the master of the Tianfu Palace, Lord Blue Moon did not declare war immediately, but chose to go back?

Don't you even have the courage to fight?

not to mention--

Nymph, the knife, and the poisonous dragon are still inside!

"Do not!"

Xiao Lang's expression was sorrowful, and he didn't even care that Lord Blue Moon was an immortal power, even if he had to scream out loud and didn't want to return, but at this moment--


A strong force came suddenly, pressing on him, Xiao Lang immediately felt that he could not move, he could not even open his mouth and roar, and horror and astonishment flashed through his eyes.

If the shot was Lord Blue Moon, Xiao Lang had not been so surprised.

It was Sun Wuji who made the shot!

"I know you are in a hurry, but things are not as simple as you think. Go back and talk about it!"

Sun Wuji's cold words sounded in Xiao Lang's heart, but he couldn't accept it. However, in front of Sun Wuji's shackles, how could he have the opportunity to resist?


Xiao Lang watched as Lord Lanyue waved his big hand, the void shattered and he was moved. Just like when it came, just over ten breaths, when the void shattered again, everyone walked out of the turbulent space and returned to the Tianfu Palace.

"The level of combat readiness is upgraded to the highest level."

"For thousands of years, the monks of my generation have studied the combat readiness to the fullest extent. Whether they can block the invasion of the magic door depends on this time."

"go a head."

"Tell the martial artist, this battle is coming!"


Lord Blue Moon’s voice rang in the void, but he and the other two monarchs had disappeared suddenly, and they didn’t know where they were going. There were a few others who disappeared like them.

This battle?

Which battle?

"Magic War!"

These four words popped out of Xiao Lang's mind immediately, and he was shocked.

The legendary battle of Masamune is really here!

However, while his mind was shaking, for Xiao Lang, there were more important things--

Xiao Lang suddenly turned his head to look at his master Sun Wuji, with a little anger on his face. It was Sun Wuji who stopped him just now!


Xiao Lang's painful transmission.

The planet where Tianyu City is located has been swallowed!

Nafu'er, Xiaodao and Dulong... are they already...

Xiao Lang bit the tip of his tongue, stabbing his heart, and didn't dare to think anymore. Sun Wuji saw the pain on Xiao Lang's face and couldn't help but sighed secretly, grabbing Xiao Lang's arm:

"Go, follow me!"

Xiao Lang did not resist, and instinctively felt the sound of the wind around his body. After more than ten breaths, when the sound of the wind fell, they were already down to earth in a courtyard.

Li Xueya, Deng Chun and others were also there, but Yang Guang was gone.

"It's not that I don't want to let the master rescue, it is indeed impossible. That pitch black mist is not an ordinary means, but the special magic energy of the Nine Nether Demon Realm is condensed with the origin of the world, and the intensity is comparable to the world barrier, and the immortal monarch is impossible to break. It's open."

Sun Wuji did not look at other people, stared at Xiao Lang, and directly explained.

Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly when he heard this.

The intensity is comparable to the world barrier?

Even the immortal monarch, even the super power at the level of the blue moon monarch can do nothing?

Xiao Lang's mind was trembling, and the others looked at each other, completely unable to understand what Sun Wuji said, because they hadn't experienced everything just now, so they knew nothing.

But they did not ask.

The anxiety on Sun Wuji's face was something they had never seen before!


Xiao Lang wanted to ask, but was interrupted mercilessly by Sun Wuji.

"Can't save."

"Scarlet Star has been swallowed, and what swallowed it is the greatest reliance of the Heavenly Demon Sect against our righteous path. You are not wondering why the power of the Eastern Territory is not too strong, and why we are so afraid of the righteous demon war? That’s because the Demon Sect is difficult to clean up, and the Heaven Demon Sect is even less likely to be destroyed."

"The Heavenly Demon Realm is a large space created by the first person, the Heavenly Demon Lord. The core of the Heavenly Demon Sect is inside. Although our Tianfu Palace has only been established for more than tens of millions of years, the Heavenly Demon Sect has existed for hundreds of millions of years. , The Demon War has gone through countless times. Although every time our righteous path is blocked, the Heavenly Demon Sect hides in the Heavenly Demon Realm and it is almost impossible to defeat it."

"Historically, my righteous path immortal realm great power has also reached the demon world, but the rules in the demon world are special, our power will be greatly suppressed, it is almost impossible to exert all our strength, so that time failed."

"We have always known that the Heavenly Demon Gate will come back, and that this battle must be extremely difficult, so we have always been prepared. Now, the time has come, and it is the opening of another battle between the demon and the demon, but this time it is too unlucky. It actually swallowed Red Yan Star!"

Sun Wuji explained quickly, looking upset.

After hearing this, Xiao Lang finally understood why Lord Blue Moon and others didn't take action. Because they know that even if they shoot, they can't stop it.


Can I only admit my fate?

Xiao Lang understood that everything that happened today was simply insignificant to himself, and to the Tianfu Palace and Lihuo Great World. However, he could not accept the reality of losing Nymph, the knife, and the poisonous dragon.

"Is there really no chance?"

Xiao Lang was equally anxious:

"Could it be that no one in history has been swallowed by the Demon Realm and then escaped?"

Sun Wuji looked at the pain and ferociousness on Xiao Lang's face, and sighed inwardly. He knew that all this happening today had hit Xiao Lang too much, and if he changed to normal times, he would definitely be patient and persuade him.

Your life is dead.

Over the years, Sun Wuji had seen it through.

But Xiao Lang obviously still couldn't see through.

Sun Wuji shook his head:

"Never heard of it. Disciple, give up."


Sun Wuji seemed to have something to say, but at this moment, he suddenly looked up and looked up to the sky as if he was in a sense. He saw a person floating in the void. It was his big brother, the penalty elder of the Tianfu Palace. Looking at him solemnly.

Sun Wuji sighed helplessly, and stood up:

"Xiao Lang, there is still work to be done for the teacher. You will stay here these days and wait until everything is done for the teacher before coming to you."

"Remember, don't run around, wait until you come back for the teacher to talk about anything!"


Immediately afterwards, Sun Wuji left.

Xiao Lang looked at the empty void and stood for a long time, his face dull. Those words that Sun Wuji said just now were undoubtedly like a sharp blade, deeply inserted into his heart, making it difficult for him to calm down.

"Can't save..."

At this moment, Xiao Lang had never hated his weakness so much, even in the eyes of others that he was already very strong, but...

not enough!

But what is enough?

Sun Wuji has said that the barriers of the Heavenly Demon Realm are comparable to the barriers of the world, and even the immortal monarch can't break it. What can he count as a small Era Realm Venerable who is not even the Immortal Realm?


For a time, unprecedented despair filled Xiao Lang's heart, immersing him in it, unable to extricate himself, and reluctant to wake up for a long time.

Until three familiar auras came from behind, Xiao Lang was awakened suddenly, an incredible glow appeared in his eyes, and he turned around...

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