Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 430: World stone

Half a day ago.

Chiyan star, Tianyucheng.

"Why is it dark?"

With an exclamation, the entire Tianyu City shook.


Countless figures flew into the air, floating in the void, looking solemnly at the dark sky, and eyes full of fear. The instincts of the Venerable Era Realm told them--

Something happened!

as expected.

"Senior Qiu, the teleportation array is locked and cannot be activated!"

"Senior Brother Qiu, the sound transmission stone cannot be used, and even the sound transmission circle cannot capture the fluctuations and information from the headquarters!"


A series of sounds came like a wave. In the air, a dignified middle-aged man frowned slightly, becoming more aware of the seriousness of the problem.

But as the city lord of Tianyu City, and even the star lord of the entire Red Yan Star, he immediately issued the order.

"Stable mind, don't worry!"

"Is the sound transmission in Red Yan star smooth?"

A response came from the surrounding immediately:


"The same happened in other cities! Major city owners are asking Senior Brother Qiu about what to do."

Qiu Shijie looked colder when he heard this.

This is obviously a catastrophe that spreads across the entire Red Yan Star!

"Magic Way!"

Qiu Shijie, as one of the star masters of the eight major stars of the Tianfu Palace, is the strongest venerable, and also one of the high-levels of the Tianfu Palace. He knows a lot about the magic way and has rich experience. It is not difficult for him to guess this.

"Notify the major city owners that the magic gate is invading!"

"Concentrate your strength, take the city as the center, do a good job of defense, and enter the most advanced state of preparation!"

"Send an Era Realm team to try to ride a flying boat through the turbulence of space and try to get in touch with the headquarters!"


Following Qiu Shijie's decisive words, the orders were announced by him, and the firm voice spread throughout Tianyu City, which also stabilized the slightly chaotic Tianyu City.

It's just the four words "Demon Invasion" that made everyone's mind a little heavier.

"This battle is finally here!"

"I just didn't expect it to start with Scarlet Yan Xing."

Some veteran Era Realm Venerables accepted all this in the shortest time, followed Qiu Shijie's orders, began to stabilize the entire Tianyu City, and concentrated their strength.

They live long enough and know more.

A quarter of an hour later.

Qiu Shijie finally made all the arrangements.

This speed is already fast. After all, it is the operation of the entire planet, all under his control. Fortunately, Tianfu Palace has been making preparations, so it can be so fast.


Qiu Shijie lowered his head to look at Tianyu City, which has gradually recovered its stability, and the murderous and solemn breath has begun to spread, and a trace of satisfaction flashes in his eyes. But as if thinking of something, he asked Xiang Xiang's deputy behind him:

"Chen Shou, where are Tian'er and Zhan'er?"

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian are the two sons of Qiu Shijie. Both of their martial arts cultivation has reached the level of venerable epoch realm, but there are also great differences.

Qiu Zhan is the elder brother, the pinnacle of Era Realm Small Perfection, and he is only a bit short of Era Realm Dzogchen. Qiu Tian is the younger brother, and he hasn't even reached the peak in the late Era Realm, but the two are about the same age.

Chen Shou answered immediately:

"Returning to the Star Lord, the eldest son should be still cultivating in the secret room now. It has been seven years since this retreat. He shouldn't know what happened outside.

"As for the second son..."

Chen Shou obviously paused and said:

"Second Young Master is still in Elder Liu Rong's team."

Liu Rong?

Qiu Shijie frowned upon hearing this:


Chen Shou nodded after hearing this;

"Yes, it's Nymph."

"Second Young Master really likes that little girl. He has been pestering her recently... Star Master, what do you want me to do?"

Chen Shou looked like Qiu Shijie was the first to look forward. Qiu Shijie glanced at him and said helplessly:

"Old Chen, you have been with me for so many years, don't you know my temper?"

"I never care about juniors."

"As for the boss, let him continue to retreat. There is no shortage of him. If the magic door really strikes, let him go out to fight. As for the second..."

Qiu Shijie raised his forehead and sighed:

"Seeing someone who likes one, I really don't know how the old man would have such a son. Forget it, let him go. Anyway, he has never done anything extraordinary for so many years. It is said that he is still a virgin?"

"This Ning Fuer seems to have been arranged by Senior Brother Sun Wuji for Senior Sister Liu Rong, and they have a very close relationship. If the two really get married, they will be right against my Qiu family, and the fertile water will not flow to outsiders' fields."

"Send the old man's guard to protect them."


Chen Shou couldn't help but smile when he heard that Qiu Tian was still a virgin, but when he heard Qiu Shijie's last words, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Star Lord, the Guards protect you, you..."

Qiu Shijie's eyes stared:

"Why, don't you let me move?"

"That's Lao Tzu's own son! Besides, do you think that if the old man encounters a fatal danger, those little boys can really stop it? Do as I say!"

After Qiu Shijie waved his hand, Chen Shou was silent upon hearing this.

I have to admit that what Qiu Shijie said makes sense.

As the strongest Venerable, and also the strongest of the entire Red Yan Star, indeed no one can protect him.


Chen Shou said, and left.

The rest of Qiu Shijie's guards could not command it. Only he and Qiu Shijie himself had the entire authority and had to rush there in person. Seeing Chen Shou's departure, Qiu Shijie couldn't help but raised his head again, looking at the darker sky, his expression became more solemn, and no one heard.

"Is it the Celestial Demon Realm that covers the entire planet?"

"If it really is the Heavenly Demon Realm, then I am Scarlet Star..."

Qiu Shijie's mind was heavier than anyone thought. It was just that Chen Shou was present and he did not show it. There was no one around at this time, and he finally revealed his deepest worries.

But in a short while, the solemnity of the past was restored again, and the eyes were radiating brilliantly, and the killing intent was transpiring:

"Regardless of whether it is or not, as long as I dare to touch my Red Yan star..."


Qiu Shijie is ready to fight to death!


At the same time, just as Qiu Shijie looked into the sky and was determined to kill, at the end of his gaze, in the endless starry sky, someone was floating out of thin air, staring coldly at Chiyan Star.

From the distant sky, Red Yan star looked different again. Even though the black magic energy was wrapped and entangled, there was still a thick white light covering its surface, isolating the magic energy, and seemed to be entangled with it.

This is also the reason why Qiu Shijie and others are standing on the Red Yan star and looking at the starry sky is dark rather than completely dark.

This man is obviously not a human body. He has a hexagonal head and is completely black, as if attached to a layer of indestructible black armor. His eyes are golden. He just stands in the void, but echoes the demonic energy around him, just breathe, let the whole The space vibrates faintly.

Behind him, there were twelve figures standing in a row, looking at the man with endless awe, no one dared to speak.

He is the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts!

Standing behind him are his twelve apprentices, the twelve demon lord! Even the weakest one is the pinnacle of Era Realm Dzogchen, and it is the strongest one. Fighting with the weakest and strongest venerable can kill the opponent!

Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord has been standing here for a long time, seems to be carefully observing the white light covering the surface of Scarlet Yan, and suddenly smiles coldly;

"Hehe, it's the origin of the world, even I can't see through it."

"It's a pity that now you are in the realm of Heavenly Devil, isolated from the great world of Lihuo. Sooner or later you will run out of strength and become one of us. It can be as little as one year, and as long as three years!"

Origin of the world?

The people standing behind him looked at each other, completely unable to understand what the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord was saying, but now that the latter had spoken, they finally had the courage to speak.

"Master, what should we do next?"

After hearing the words, the demon lord of the beasts flashed in his eyes, and no one saw it. At this moment, a trace of awe flashed in his eyes, and his expression returned to normal for a moment, saying:


"The demon master has orders, I can't do it at will. The Scarlet Yan star is guarded by the power of heaven, and I can't do it, but you don't have the power of the Dao's origin. It will not repel you, you can enter."

"Just kill it."

"But don't send too many people, as long as it is equal to the ones on the Scarlet Yan star. This battle is not for killing, but for training. My Heavenly Demon Sect has not been out for thousands of years, and I don't understand the outside world too much. Remember. , Your mission killing this time is secondary, and gathering intelligence is the most critical."

"Remember the four words-the stone of the world! If you find information related to these four words, report it to me immediately!"

Stone of the world?


The Twelve Demon Sovereigns heard the words and immediately saluted with the armrests. When they raised their heads again, their eyes were red with blood and murderous intent. They looked at each other and fled into the void.

They are going to send their subordinates to enter the Red Yan Star to kill them, and even some of them themselves want to go in!


In an instant, there was only one person left in the void, and he did not care about the departure of the many apprentices behind him. A pair of twinkling eyes were still staring at the distant red star star, very carefully.

Looking at the whole situation, he immediately noticed that the white light was weak under the erosion of the devilish energy. Although this point was insignificant, it was only one billionth of the total amount of white light, but it still made his eyes suddenly bright, as if he found out. What happened, the heroic voice rang in the void:

"Hahaha, the old man really guessed right, he can get a huge gain from this business!"

"The mutual engulfing of the power of the world's origin must be of great insight value for the old man's fusion of the beasts! The old man's martial arts cultivation has not improved a little for millions of years, and now, there is finally hope!"

Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord was excited, with golden light shining in his eyes, but the sneer at the corner of his mouth deepened.

"Haha, those old men, who hold their own age, feel that the oil and water in this operation is too little to be mentioned. It is really stupid to force this task on me!"

"How do you know the great value of this trip?"

"At that time, wait for my martial arts cultivation to go further. Three years later, the demons will come here to worship. The first person they contact with is me! And I will also be the person who speaks to the demon sect in their hearts, except for the master of the demon. Outside...I am the strongest!"

Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord looked forward to it, and his eyes were shining brightly.

He is an aspiring person.

Although he had never thought of taking the Celestial Demon Realm as his own, he did not dare to have it, because the Celestial Demon Lord is really too strong, even with his martial arts cultivation and combat power, there is nothing in front of the Celestial Demon Lord. Resistance.

and so--

Under one person, above ten thousand!

The spokesperson of the Demon Lord!

This is his biggest goal. And now, Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord has seen hope.

When the mind is stirring, the opportunity is right in front of him. Naturally, the beast demon master will not waste time. He immediately sits cross-legged on the ground, watching the collision of white light and demon energy on the red star with the eyes of the soul, like a meteorite floating in the air, without the slightest breath. Permeating out, the entire void immediately became calm...

On the other side, the twelve disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord seemed to have already discussed the number of troops and candidates. In the void, hundreds of millions of troops suddenly appeared, like a stormy sea, and went straight to the Red Star!

Magic door, invasion!


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