Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 432: Demon Way

Magic repair!

They met as soon as they landed!

So unlucky?

The hearts of Xiao Lang and others trembled suddenly, just like instinct, ready to fight in an instant, the power of the great power gathered in the body, rushing violently, and they only waited for the opponent to show up to launch a fierce killing!

Righteous way and magic door, no need to say more, just kill!


Li Xueya broke out all his aura in an instant, and the aura of Dzogchen in the Era Realm was like billowing smoke, rushing straight into the bullfight, flipping his hands, and starting with "burning blood", the aura became even more violent.

"Be careful!"

"Two Era Realm Great Perfection, Two Era Realm Small Perfection! At least seven people in the late Era Realm!"

Li Xueya's solemn voice rang in everyone's ears, and Xiao Lang and others suddenly changed their expressions.

What a strong strength!

It seems that today is bound to be a **** battle!

At this time, it was obviously too late to use Linglong Flying Boat again. Fortunately, Xiao Lang was at ease with Huang by his side. Otherwise, he had long ordered Huang to escape with them.

The reason for staying is to know what the situation is on Red Yan.

It now appears that the situation is not good.

If you can meet such a magic door team in the wilderness, could it be that the entire Red Yan star has completely fallen?

Distracted thoughts flashed in Xiao Lang's heart, and he immediately concentrated and prepared for a battle. But at this moment, suddenly--


"My demon brother?"

A sharp, piercing voice sounded, and on the top of the mountain a hundred meters away in front of Xiao Lang, dozens of figures stopped and appeared with a strange appearance.

Obviously, they are all human.

But unlike ordinary people, and even different from the Venerable Demon Sect that Xiao Lang had encountered, they looked strange. For example, the two people in the lead, with surging aura, full of devilish energy, lingering around the body, thick and open, it is surprisingly the two era realms that Li Xueya said are perfect.

I saw that the hair color on one of them was brown and yellow, sharp teeth, thunder's face, and dense brown hair on the exposed skin. His stature was rickety and very short. It doesn't feel like seeing a person, but like seeing a mouse.

The other person looks different from this person, but also quite peculiar, with bones and wings on the back, and the same short stature, similar to the first person, not a mouse, but like a bat!


Xiao Lang's gaze flicked over everyone on the opposite side, and saw that they were all with the appearance of sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, and their aura was a little bit more animalistic. He couldn't help but think of the immortal monarch who appeared first in the Sky Demon Sect——

Ten Thousand Beasts!


"Are these people all the disciples of Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord?"

Xiao Lang was really shocked when he saw the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect for the first time. And at this moment--

"Wait, don't make a move!"

Li Xueya's voice rang in everyone's ears again, everyone suppressed their strength, and indeed did not rush to attack. In fact, without Li Xueya's reminder, Xiao Lang and others also discovered that the situation seemed to have changed.

"Did they mistake Li Xueya for being a member of the Demon Sect?"

I have to say that Li Xueya does look a lot like that, the power of blood evil is surging, haunting the whole body, from the outside, he is even more like a monster than some magic repairs!


"If you can't fight, that's better."

Xiao Lang and the others looked alert, did not make a move, and Li Xueya did not say anything, just staring at the two men with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks on the mountain, their eyes alert, and did not hide.

The other person's eyes flashed with the same brilliance, but when he saw Xiao Lang and others behind Li Xueya, his eyes lit up.

"Hey, brother, who is the sub-rudder, report it!"


This seems to be the division within the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, Li Xueya guessed it, but of course he dared not answer. If the answer is wrong, that is the real trouble.

Li Xueya continued to remain silent.

The magic repair on the top of the mountain obviously does not have the patience, and his brows frowned slightly:

"Boy, our two brothers are under the command of the 10th Demon Lord. Heishan has separate rudders, the rudder master and the deputy rudder master, the gopher master, the godwing master, the quick report of knowledge is here, and the other family does not know the family. The flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, that would be unpleasant!"

With the words, Li Xueya immediately knew that if he didn't sign up, the other party might really have to do it.

The devil's deeds are unpredictable.

Of course Li Xueya wouldn't be lucky.

His face sank:

"The rudder and deputy rudder are not qualified to know the name of the old man!"


When Li Xueya said this, even Xiao Lang and others were shocked.

So arrogant?

What if the other party makes a move?

However, in the next scene, Xiao Lang had to admire Li Xueya's wisdom and experience. As soon as he said this, the expressions of the two claiming to be Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing condensed. Suddenly they hesitated a bit, looked at Li Xueya suspiciously, their eyes flashing with fear.


They were indeed frightened.

Do normal people dare to talk to them like this?

Of course not!

But the other party dared to speak in such a tone and attitude, which shows that the other party does have this confidence. After all, the strength of the two sides is very different!

Thinking of this, Venerable Gopher was more cautious in his eyes. He took a closer look at Li Xueya and then at Xiao Lang and the others behind him, as if thinking of something, his eyes suddenly shrink.

"Is the brother an envoy under the eighth demon?"

"I heard that the Eighth Demon Sovereign likes young girls. Could this be..."

The eighth demon?

Li Xueya certainly didn't know what the Eighth Demon Sovereign was, but seeing that the other party seemed to be in a set, his eyes flashed sharply, and the whole person immediately became more imposing.

"So what, so what?"

"Get away quickly, don't delay me doing things for adults!"

Li Xueya was really in the play. As soon as he said this, let alone Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing, even Xiao Lang and others almost believed it, and had to secretly admire:

"Sure enough, **** is still hot!"

This time, Li Xueya still did not recognize his identity, but it was precisely because of this ambiguous statement that the many demons on the opposite mountain were more disturbed and uneasy.

Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing even crossed their eyes. Seeing the fear and anxiety in each other's eyes, they seemed to have made a certain decision. Venerable Divine Wing took the lead to take a step back and clasped his fists:

"I don't know that it is the envoy of the devil who is doing the work. If you offend, I hope that the adults will not take it seriously, and the villain will retire."


Xiao Lang and others were startled when they saw this.

Li Xueya is a good method!

It was just a scam, and the other party really wanted to retreat!


Xiao Lang admired.

I have to admit that things like experience are quite useful. Xiao Lang admitted that if he were in Li Xueya's position, he would definitely not be as perfect as the latter. A dangerous battle would be completely wiped out with Li Xueya's words.

Li Xueya also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of Venerable Divine Wing and Venerable Gopher were about to retreat.

He is not good at acting.

It is very difficult for him to be able to do this.

Fortunately, the result is good.

Li Xueya still didn't speak, and wanted to watch Lord God Wing and Lord Gopher really leave.


The Venerable Divine Wing really seemed to be leaving, the bones and wings spread out behind him, and the power of the wind system was lingering. It seemed that the next moment he was flying high, he would leave here.

Li Xueya's attention was immediately focused on him, just in case, but at this moment, suddenly--

"Jie Jie!"

"Want to let our brother go empty? Impossible!"

"Even if you are an envoy of the demon lord? As long as you kill you, no one knows! As for your spoils...Hahaha, Little Beauty, you are mine!"

Suddenly, a sharp voice cut through the sky. Before Li Xueya could react, he saw Venerable Gopher, who had been somewhat ignored by him, suddenly laughed, and then his figure flashed, and suddenly disappeared from the place!

Do not!

They didn't want to leave!

Never thought about it from the beginning!

Nor was it scared by Li Xueya!

In fact, as early as the moment they discovered Li Xueya and others, they were ready to do it! Even, they don't even care if Li Xueya is a member of the magic door like them!


This is the true magical way.

Like the high position in the right way, it is self-evident and does not exist. In their eyes, there is no power, only interest! As long as you can get benefits, who are you? !

As Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing did at this time, they did regard Li Xueya as a great enemy. Only then was one fluttering his wings to attract Li Xueya’s attention, and the other directly directed towards Xiao Lang behind Li Xueya, etc. People started.

In their opinion, Xiao Lang and others are Li Xueya’s "extreme goods" prepared for the Eighth Demon Venerable. Whether it is the value of these goods or the ownership of these goods, Li Xueya will definitely be jealous, and Li Xueya will turn around to save him. Extremely human is the best opportunity for Venerable Divine Wing!

Plan, perfect!

See the poor picture.

Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing are obviously not the first time to do this. They cooperate with unparalleled tacit understanding. Venerable Gopher chose to attack and kill Chi Guoguo, who seems to be the weakest among Xiao Lang and others. In order to contain Li Xueya to the greatest extent.

Their plan succeeded.

In other words, more than half of it has been successful.

Suddenly, Venerable Gopher took advantage of Li Xueya’s attention mostly on Venerable Divine Wing, and successfully dived into the ground. He passed Li Xueya’s feet and half of his body jumped out of the ground. Sharp, pointing directly to Chiguoguo.

He didn't care about Chi Guoguo, which seemed harmless to humans and animals, even if the aura on Chi Guoguo was about the peak of the late Era realm, but he was at the peak of the Great Perfection in the Era realm, how would he care about the late Era realm?

Venerable Gopher focused most of his attention on Li Xueya, preventing Li Xueya from suddenly turning around and making trouble.

He must escape the blow.

As long as he dodges, Li Xueya will die, because behind him, Venerable Divine Wing is already eyeing, ready to launch a thunderous blow!

No doubt Li Xueya will die if he suffers from the enemy!


Venerable Gopher watched and saw that Li Xueya had already drawn his sword, and his body pressed down, as if he was about to turn around in the next moment. Seeing this scene, Venerable Gopher was so excited that he even shouted in his heart:

"Come on, come on!"

"Come and chop me!"

But at this moment, suddenly, before he saw Li Xueya make a move, he heard a thunderous shout suddenly sounded from before him:

"Guoguo, shoot!"


Venerable Gopher was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that everyone in front of him would dare to take action against Venerable of the late Dzogchen stage of his era. When he was surprised, he suddenly saw that the girl who was locked by his claws had no eyes. A little bit afraid and timid?

Even... even a bit excited...

Turning his hand, a transparent scepter appeared in the little girl's hand. The scepter is very large, even higher than that of the girl, but in her hands, there is an inexplicable fit and appropriateness. When Venerable Rat was surprised by the courage of the people waiting before him, suddenly--


A group of pure white light suddenly bloomed in front of him, like a small sun. When this pure power fell on Venerable Gopher, he immediately felt the devilish energy in his body dissolve, and there was a stinging pain. Without checking, he was actually This group of light flew out directly, and the blood in the body surged like a natural enemy.

"this is……"

Venerable Gopher flew away, instantly stunned, his eyes widened, as if seeing something unbelievable, he exclaimed:

"The power of light?!"

However, this was not what horrified him the most. After passing through the white light, he was shocked to see that Venerable Divine Wing had indeed followed their previous agreement and plan and launched a surprise attack on Li Xueya, and the result-


Li Xueya didn't even mean to turn around to deal with him, holding a blood knife, and swiping it down at the surviving Supreme Divine Wing.


The bone wings behind Venerable Divine Wing were suddenly cut off by life!

One move, lose!


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